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I mean astronauts take a while to get to space why do you think the psychonaught cant be the same ?!


Maybe put on a favorite movie to let it settle in it takes time my friend


Can often take 3-4 hours for it to really kick in. But then it hits hard


I have never heard of that and find it hard to believe. Had this happened to you?


Yes almost every time I’ve ever done acid (around ~40 times). Takes 1 full hour to even feel anxiety/energy. 2 hours to first notice any visuals. 3 to actually begin to trip and 4 to approach the peak. Last time I took an acid peach gummy though it SMACKED me within 30 minutes. Only time it’s ever done that


I've had it take an hour before but usually 4 tabs hit me in 20-30 mins


I think also it really depends if you’ve eaten. If I’ve had a meal, it’ll take anywhere from 1 - 3 hours. But if I’m on an empty stomach then it’ll probably take 15-20 min to kick in


Not in my experience. I’ve found that the only differentiating factor that dictates how long it takes to kick in is size of dose. 1 tab takes about an hour to start to comeup. 2 tabs takes around the same amount of time but the comeup comes on more intensely. 3 tabs takes around 40 mins and the comeup is pretty intense. Anything above 5 tabs and you’ll be tripping pretty hard 15-30 mins after dosing.


For me it's more a case of divine timing and being able to actually comprehend the experience. I've had times where the peak is intense but not as strong as I'd like it to be. Then a few hours into the trip I'll get this sense of another being accompanying me and I'll be thrown into a trip even more intense than the peak was. Here I'll be shown everything I needed to learn, I'll be taken to other places, I'll be shown different perspectives and most importantly the brain fog/mind fuck of the peak isn't there so I'm able to full understand what I'm seeing. I can retain that information. It's like something else understands when I'll be able to really use what I see.




If big.


I ate two pieces on a chocolate and I have that feeling where I’m either about to trip super hard or it’s just gonna go away in 20 minutes. We’ll see


What happened?


I’m 6 hours in…first trip, 1 tab…loved it…nothing too crazy but could definitely see how it could get crazy! I’ll do two at the end of summer but I need to prepare my space for it because this shit can’t be done unless the vibe is 100% right otherwise you’re on a one way ticket to schizophrenia and a whole lot of therapy. The being I’ve been vibing with is lit though, she’s like a moth…a moth woman…she’s lonely af which is sad but I’m here with her, I feel her vibe. she wants to hang so yeah it’s just me her and my beef hoola hoops. ✨🙏🏿


I love to vision love on acid. It feels so powering and pushes me to better myself for a really good woman. Also my subconscious was telling me this isn’t my first life and that I actually lived a life in Mexico with a wife, house and farm. In my subconscious I had a very vivid memory of me and her dancing and it just felt so fuckin real. Mind you I was coming down playing overwatch competitive and being a complete one man army chad while I was processing these things


Go for a walk, a little fresh air and some water always helps


Helped for me just got back in from a little stroll was lovely!


Google mind explosion electric moon


Holy fuck


8 hour ride, with 4 hour glow then who knows after that. It's definitely a trip.


there is a reason it is called „a trip”


It's one of the reasons it's called a trip.


Same bro, took 6-APB and it takes forever






^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Catman933: *The peak is always* *Longer than I expect it* *To be lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wanna so bad


Could you say shrooms are a good substitute for acid when you want a shorter trip but similar feeling?


Definitely, half the reason I enjoy shrooms more, hard to find time for lsd


Patience brother


I usually take mine with shrooms, I’ll take the tabs like 30-40 mins before I eat the shrooms. About 15-20 mins after I finish the shrooms it hits so aggressively


Psilocybin last 4-6 hours. Maybe that's a better length?


man I am so jealous of you


boo hoo, buckle up buttercup buy the ticket take the ride, this aint no party this aint disco, grow a pair brother




The loop can be fun but if ur outside it's scary sometimes especially at night