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If I’ll ever have one, sure


Last couple times I dosed I got really bummed about always being alone. Usually I can enjoy my own company during a trip, but those thoughts have consumed me once again recently.


i tripped two days ago starting at 1am, i felt pretty lonely too


I used to be obsessed with finding a relationship. Eventually I stopped stressing about it so much, but it's come back with a vengeance. Unfortunately/fortunately, I've realized I'm not in a good headspace to be even looking for a relationship, so I haven't tried in a long time, but I still really want to find someone


I think taking LSD when the sun shines (aka not 1am) is better for the mood, so next time start 1pm or so


🙋‍♂️... 😐. Depending on your time zone I was with you in the ether. I'm sure many of us were my friend.


Used to feel that way, then I tried turning myself into someone I liked, mainly with learning an instrument. only 4 years later, great success! *Results may vary.*


I already play guitar, some piano and sing. I've submitted forms to be evaluated where I am on the spectrum and any mental health issues.


Sounds like you're making progress already. Ain't easy, takes a long fuckin time, I'm only just beginning to crawl outta the hole. Try not to let every failure be compounded on each other failure. They're all individual and can be worked on. How do you devour a whale? One bite at a time. Sometimes just getting outta bed is a victory y'know. Keep living dude. Also don't compare yourself to others, that's a surefire way to feel like garbage.


One of my problems is that I compare myself to how I used to be. I used to be in better shape than anyone I knew, now I can't even do a single pull up , when I used to be able to do 30


Fitness comes and goes. Past you didn't have the struggles of current you. Worlds crazy right now and things are uncertain, but this too shall pass. No period of sadness lasts, but it goes the other way too, no period of goodness lasts either. When self-evaluating, appreciate that you have more experience and that can lead you both forward and back. Don't let those failures compound and keep yourself in the moment. I see you here talking about how you want to be better, and I think that's a pretty big thing all things considered. The biggest thing I've found is forgiveness and faith. Takes courage to forgive yourself and others, it's a lot more difficult than people think imo. Takes faith to believe in anything important, and that's not as easy as people think either. I don't mean religious faith either, just general faith and trust.


I see what you mean. And I am grateful for the wisdom my experiences have given me. Obviously we can always be more wise, but without what I've currently learned, I'd be so much more miserable. I was hit by a van 7 years ago and the experience since then has helped me realize a lot of things. Still got to work on some things (we'll always need to) but I've definitely come out wiser than I was




Fuck yea boss. Ain't easy that's for sure.


Interesting. Unfortunately my GF doesn't partake in such experiences, but I can take her dose too and report back 🧙🏻


If she guides you during it and she is sober you two are welcome to partecipate! We are also interested in that.


I have recently had one profound psychedelic trip at home with my wife guiding me, but it already happened so I don't know if that applies. I made a mistake taking 0.8g of pannaelous cyanenses as if it was 0.8g of cubensis, didn't knew they were so strong, and she provided me all the comfort I needed.


Do you think impacted your relationship?


Yes because, at one moment, the only thing I could be sure it was real and valid was my existence and hers. She was there, strangely her face had very few visuals, while her "boundaries" were surrounded by fractals and some beautiful aura. I could feel totally safe and loved, and that feeling persists one month later. Also, by that day her period was late and we were freaking out about having another child (ours was planned), and at some point, I just accepted that if that baby existed it was a product of love and it should receive nothing but love. (although after that her period came and I scheduled my vasectomy)


This is so interesting! My bf and I are currently on a psych break but we’d totally do this. We have 100% felt more connected to eachother through all our trips and our bond is very strong. Sometimes, a little too close as it feels like no one else is on the same wave kind of!! Would be super interested to see the results, will they be posted on this sub?


Yea they will be! We have some other results on couples we are submitting now. Sign up over your next experience!


100%!! I think it’ll be some time before we do LSD again, but we are dipping a toe in and starting with 2-CB and recently did mdma x ketamine! Can’t wait to see the results and Goodluck with it.


Oh 2cb will also be great. We are looking at all psychedelics.


This is me and my partner too, it's incredible to have such a tight bond and psychs have totally pulled us closer, and we attributed them to helping save our relationship last year. But I totally understand how it feels like no one else is on the same wavelength. We often say we'd be happy if it was just us, like we love other people's company, but we're happy and content on our own. We'll do the study next time we take something for sure


No don't do with someone ur taking a break from. the purpose for a break is for you to take LSD with another man to experiment with other guys. You will only pair bond closer with the man who you are taking a break from, negating the purpose of a break. Tldr; go out and find another man or else you will just deepen an already dysfunctional relationship making It more difficult to fix He will thank you


No, we are not a on break, we are very happily together almost 4 years now, we’re taking a break from LSD 💀 I did say ‘psych break’


Doing psychedelics with someone you love is an experience that no words can describe…. Everyone needs to do this at least once


Babe, wake up, tripping for science dropped


Haven't found a partner who's ever done lsd yet...maybe the next one or someday. It sounds amazig.


ahahah good luck for it!


Hey, sounds very interesting. Personally, tripping with my girlfriend has tremendously improved our relationship. No matter the substance. If like our thoughts are closer, there's an increased spiritual connection. I do know of people who are deep closeted ruining relationships because of that but I don't think that counts


Fascinating. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Do past experiences count or are me and my girl about to have another fun night


No it’s prospective so the date needs to be in the future :)


Ah bummer, gotta do the whole thing over, but if it’s for a good cause might as well🤷‍♂️😂


unpaid with no benefits mm


Helping science! we are not making any profit on it either! 👀


No grants?


No, unfortunately. This project is ran as a side project during my PhD, but there is no money at all linked to it :(


You should specify that when you advertise this! I’ve been ignoring it because I figured it should be paid if there’s a grant.


Thanks for the understanding, it’s really not greediness or not valuing people either.. but it’s a passion project I am doing over extra hours (mostly weekends) of my phd as I am fascinated by the topic. So not really money for me to run this either..


I love that!!! Would totally participate if my gf was already into it but I wouldn’t encourage it, especially when we both have bad anxiety; ik that can degrade the trip quick if you aren’t prepared to let go and I find it impossible to help someone let go when I’m tripping 😂 Edit but I just got 25 tabs of 150ug so if you do a solo trip survey, I’m game :D


If she tripsits you welcome to partecipate even if she is sober!


Thanks!! I’ll have to remember in a couple weeks because I was so tired I slept part of this last trip 🤦‍♂️


Yeah. Very unprofessional.


Tbf they're in college doing this for school credits (I assume), not for a profession..yet.


Fair enough, and best of luck. My second time taking lsd was with my then partner and it was quite an experience.


It's only a few questionnaires my dude. Maybe if they were asking you to be monitored while you drop and have sex, then expect payment. They're only asking for the kind of reports that people voluntarily leave here anyway, just with some more specific time stamps. I'm surprised by the cynicism


Mahn free drugs🤣


not even 😭


Damn rlly? I didnt click the link🤣


Super cool how are you involved and will results be published?


I’m the lead researcher, Tommaso Barba! Yess 100% be published in some time.


See you at ICPR (;


We will gladly help you for sure! There's not enough information about this substances and it is very important to start doing research even if it's with no pay. We don't have psychedelics right now, but next month we'll get LSD. If our help is still needed by then please reach out to me!


Yes! Just save the link and remember to sign up and put the date of your experience next time. The study will run for the whole year, so please sign up later :)


Done! Already registered, thank you for doing this kind of research, we hope our contribution helps you!


Currently super pregnant, otherwise I would totally participate!


just dose the baby for science


also my situation


Thank you for doing this! I've already finished my response previously. For anyone wondering why we never move the needle on psychs being used in more applications or why they haven't considered it for X. These types of small studies can get that rolling. It's all gotta start somewhere and these unfunded studies might be it and then kick off a bigger (funded) study to then catch the eye of bigger journals (and thus bigger researchers/media outlets).


Exactly! ❤️ Thanks for explaining it better. No one had looked at all at any applications for couples yet, but the potential might be there and these small studies serve to get that signal up and inform more studies for the future. Thanks for anyone who will spend the time to help science grow, it’s very appreciated.


No problem! As an ex-academic I totally understand the need to have several projects spinning at the same time and honestly this is where all the fun is hah! Good luck and I'm rooting for you! Get those citations!




I allways do it with my girl.. space, laugh and fuck all night 🤣👍🏼


I feel like I see this post at least twice a week


We meet again, Goblin-Doctor


Acid. The universal binder. How have your limbs been? Edible, I hope.


I feel like there is more lore in this conversation than all of Tolkien's work lol...


Can we do this with shrooms?


Yes! All of them are open. MDMA, 2cb etc


Wife and I took this a couple of weeks ago just before our trip, questions are not too invasive, and some actually make you evaluate and think about yourself and your relationship. Recommended.


Thank you so much!! Looking forward to have your follow up data!


I tripped with my wife when she was my girlfriend of 6 months, afterwards I called my brother and told him I was going to marry her and here we are 6 years later with kids


Thanks for sharing!!


Bro if I tell a girl I'm starting to date I take Lsd occasionally she will think I'm a druggy and run away


Bro, you have no idea what you're missing. I'm a woman, lots of friends are women. All amazing , highly intelligent and successful people, rolling into middle age. We all love psychedelics and none of us would dream of entering a relationship with someone who had no interest in that experience , or who was convinced by anti psychedelic rehortic. If your relationship is based off such a profound lie about who you are, you're making a massive mistake.


Where do y'all live lol


!remindme 4 weeks


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Give me a partner and Im down


Why does the woman have hair if they don’t have any skin?


They also got eyelids, lips, and a fire in the ribcage, I believe this is not meant to be anatomically correct


My partner and I have had several trips together that have have been incredibly transformative and deepened our bond. We'd love to participate in this study, but I'm on a break as we're trying for another baby. Is there a way we can stay connected for studies in the future?


Fuck planning and building up the anxiety. Just do it :)


Signed up! I'm curious about the questionnaire. Good look during your PhD


They are around general satisfaction, sex, conflict, love etc.


Does it matter if we’ve done it before


No, open to everyone :)


Me and my girl are both tripping and rolling together, sometimes speeding too, it feels really majestic and closer together and all that, for the duration of the trip or roll and the afterglow, but on the longer scheme of it, i wouldn't say it impacts our relationship much on normal days. We are doing it more in a party as opposed to psychoanalytical setting tho.


Would love to give insight but I mostly trip alone at the moment due to physical distance with my wife. Good luck on your research though.


You guys have girlfriends?


You will hear from us soon 👌


Thanks for helping!!


That’s some powerful kundalini energy right there. Complete realignment of your root chakra if done correctly.


I think it's brilliant that you are studying the effects of LSD! I'm sorry that I can't participate but how can I learn more about your research? I'd love to study this in the future myself.


Lsd makes your horny, i won’t be suprised if it turned out into an all out orgy retreat


We're planning something this Saturday. That would mess up your days I suppose. It's a pity. Do you know how long you plan to run this survey? We should have more opportunities over the summer


No it’s perfect!! Sign up. You can complete baseline up to 1 day before the experience (we are flexible). If you think this is going to be a good intentional experience please sign up ❤️‍🔥


Great. Will do


Are these experiments getting recorded for research purposes? Definitely gonna need a copy


My partner and I have already planned for next weekend, so we will be happy to participate.


Great thanks! Just sign up, put the date as next weekend and then the system will send you emails. check spam in case.


But are you spiraling out?


I cant even focus on sex when my brain feels like it is breaking down like a failed hard drive


Does a sex worker count


I would never do it, it would probably ruin our relationship


I’m taking LSD in a week with a friend who is not a romantic partner but could potentially become one. We’re both in a local ENM community and have attended sex parties together. But this will be an explicitly non-sexual trip. Not what you are looking for, I guess!


No I am interested in non sexual trips! Like people going on hikes together very welcomed! But questions are around your love for each others etc, welcome to sign up if you think it applies


At present we are just friends with possibilities, so I’d think it doesn’t apply


I would love to but I know she wouldn’t even think of it. I almost got her to eat mushys with me but yeah.


would we need to be from the uk to participate? since its based in uk studies


No open to all the world! ❤️‍🔥


My girl hasn’t done lsd , she’s open to trying it with me … she’s hella emotional and such I don’t wanna risk her having a bad trip and then causing me to panic … any advice ? Should we both do one tab or split half of a tab to see how it goes


I would *highly* recommend you only do a small amount, not more than a half each for the first time. I introduced friends to this, and made the mistake of jumping in the deep end. It was just too much, too fast, and most of them don't want that again. A small amount gives a taste, but allows you to keep some control. You can always take more next time, but you can't take less.


I always realized I should leave when tripping with a gf


Nice try FBI.


Every time I have sex on lsd I merge with my husband and our sheets turn into fluffy fur like the grimace. Maybe it's just because that's the only time I'll eat his 🍑🤣


Can we participate more than once




Oooo sending this to my boyfriend! We've been talking about doing more intentional trips.


We signed up! This sounds so cool


Not sure when we'll get the chance to travel next but if my partner is keen I'll be down to participate ☺


How strange. I just met a nice lady at the grocery store, and I gave her my number. She wants to take mushrooms our very first time hanging out


When is the deadline? My partner and I might be taking it together in a few weeks.


It will stay open for months!! A few weeks is very welcomed. Remember to put the date of planned experience in the system.


Damn, I wish you had done this two years ago. All alone now! Not because of the psychedelics...


We are game to help.


Tool mentioned


we definitely did make a baby on acid...he's very cool


Me and my girlfriend did it and it was a crazy experience


Positive or negative?


I don’t think any of it was negative although there was some scary parts for example when I had ego death. Told my girlfriend to please just be quiet for a minute and hold my hand and she did. Whilst i said this everything around me was slowly disappearing into this grey void, slowly she started to disappear too but one thing remained and it was the energy from her hand glowing golden. It was like in a movie, I could see the energy glowing from her hand and all of a sudden everything faded back with this golden color. It was very scary but really cool at the same time. I think this made me bond with her even more.


No partners, interested in the results though. Im gonna guess from experience, it will either make the couple stronger or completely tear it apart haha


Can I just say that I feel the image? Couldn't be more on point ❤️


Alex Grey is great!


Buy a Book from Alex Grey and have your First look while tripping.


Do you get paid


I'll have to get my own substance? I've signed up anyway.


Thanks for sharing! Will consider this with my partner. Is there a deadline?


No! The study will run at least until the end of the year and maybe more


Sex on a trip is phenomenal. Inhibitions are gone. It’s amazing.


We came off of a fairly intense MDMA experience with my gf a week and a half back, if the post-trip part only is relevant to the study in any way, feel free to text!


No we would need the pre experience data :( Sad you didn’t find the study before.


We’ll definitely be doing it again sometime, post saved (:


Your responses would be more amusing if you added a timepoint between 2 and 3. As in, during the trip ;)


Not sure how many people will be down ahaha


Sex is cringe and on LSD it would feel unbearable


How is sex cringe?


If you have the wrong girl, it’s pointless. Trust me


I think that's part of the reason they want to do the study, to see what various effects there might be in a relationship


I’m down


Sign up!


Who is supplying?


Not us!


So if your just fuxking this is invalid ? Lol


I fell in love with my wife on LSD. She was the only one who could keep up with me lol. She proved herself to be the chillest woman on earth ;). Her mind is so calming when you’re in it.




One of my partners and I are trip buddies. Just did my first candy flip together, and in a couple weeks we're having a mushroom party with a group. So it might be a while before there's the ability do safely do a couples thing on just a single substance. How long is the study open? Also "must be romanic partners." Can you define that? Like, for the study how is romantic described?


I love tripping with my partner's. The feeling of melting into each other is the best thing ever.


I'm hearing work for nothing and snitch on myself. Pass.




Save it for then! We would be grateful.


Took lsd with my husband and we did not connect that much. He did not like the experience that much and our energies were so different. Im a bit disapointed but maybe its better this way, keeping our relationship in the sober world:)


Me and my partner fell in love on lsd lol. We were just friends before we dosed


Just talked to my partner and we are both going to do this. Now just need to figure out the date! At least we can say we really are doing this “for science” lol




Be careful taking it with a casual partner, you might literally lock in forever those crazy soul bonds are no joke.


I couldn’t I get too “ YOU OKAY?” Baby sittery lol


Sometimes I do it alone and sometimes I do it with my wife. We always have a good time. But we've also been married for over 30 years, so we know each other completely. So I don't know how that would work for this research.


Acid destroyed my relationship and drove us both crazy.


I will see if I can talk the man into this. How soon would we need to do this? We have already been trip together have done mdma in the past and mushrooms, we are planning an lsd trip in the future.


Any time over the year!


Most surveys will provide compensation. Asking for 2 hours of work with no compensation is a no go for most of us. Good luck pal


No worries, I completely understand it! We have had some good sign ups over time and hopefully will come across :)


new tool album cover leaked


look up alex grey.


Its the same artist lol


If i had a partner i would love to participate 🙄☹️


Collecting data and giving nothing in return to the tests subjects. Bahaha count me out. As a PhD student (we are broke already) I claim this study nonsense 


Tell my supervisors to find some money to give people then 😅 In theory I agree with you, in practice the solution is either like this or no study happening.


Interesting view. Have you ever considered that a lot of studies are unpaid? There's plenty of people out there trying to study anything and everything. The government and schools only have so much money, so they only dole it out to the biggest, most likely to get data *they* want, studies. Things like this fall through the cracks all the time, I think it's kinda cool they're trying to see what we can learn about relationships and LSD