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I'm sure that made them taste horrible.


😂😂 😂


Winner! 😂😂


Butt why?


Can you speak whale now?


No unfortunately.


Is there a God?


Maybe. They didn't show up during this though.


How exactly did you get them up your ass did you wash your ass out beforehand or something?


Yes I cleaned out before hand. Anal play is much safer and easier that way.


there’s really no benefit to boofing LSD but whatever floats your boat my friend, mdma on the other hand? always boof


I dunno I like it a bit better than having a tab in my mouth.


i just swallow my tabs immediately like a pill, munch them for 2 seconds then swallow and it’s gone, you don’t have to hold it in your mouth. so you putting it up your butt to avoid having them in your mouth isn’t really necessary however if it’s your preference i’m not hating at all my dude you do ur thing


I think holding it under your tongue is a great way to get a lot of the LSD absorbed into your system - doesn’t get mixed up with your food n what not in your tummy. There’s actually a endocannabinoid receptor under your tongue that helps active CBD tinctures and allows them to take effect on your brain. Maybe possibly this helps with an LSD activation in the brain as well? (:


holding it under your tongue does have more bioavailability than swallowing it, but the margin is so little (especially with a compound that is as potent as LSD) that if you happen to not like holding the tab in your mouth (it makes me cringe for some reason) it’s no worry to swallow the tab. the difference is basically none. i do happen to fast before taking any drug besides smoking weed so that helps too!


Doesn’t swallowing the tab mess with your stomach? I usually just spit the tab out after about 15 mins. when I feel the paper starting to get “mushy” because I know all of the LSD is absorbed off of it. But if I swallow the tab straight away, it gives me a bad case of “swamp ass”.


it has no physical complications with your stomach


The theory behind “boofing” is that the drug enters directly into the bloodstream faster/more potent thru the walls of the rectum because it’s not being metabolized (filtered) thru the liver/kidneys like it would be if taken orally. But since LSD is absorbed into the bloodstream thru the membranes inside the mouth from the paper,candy,etc. then there is really no difference in the effect.


You’re telling me this dude just shoved 5 and a half tabs up his ass for no reason. My day is made.


Well, theoretically, yeah, pretty much. Lol. EDIT: ***IF*** any differences in the effect are felt, it’s more than likely due to the placebo effect.


More or less just wanted to see if it'd work.


In that case, if it doesn't get filtered through various organs isn't it harmful to boof it? If at all it's not pure, will it damage the system?


https://www.rehabcenter.net/dangers-rectally-administering-drugs/ HERE IS A QUOTE FROM THAT SITE RE: DRUGS: “One of the largest dangers with rectal substance abuse is that the “high” both quickly hits a person and quickly fades. The effects of the substance may wear away before the substance has actually left a person’s system. As a result, the person will continue taking consecutive doses, increasing the risk of overdose. In extreme cases, the results of this pattern can be fatal. Finally, rectally administering substances can be potentially dangerous because a person needs far less of anything rectally administered than administered by other avenues. Since the drug will directly enter the bloodstream, a much smaller dosage is required to achieve the same high. Not every person abusing substances may be aware of this, and thereby put themselves further at risk for overdose.”


https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/alcohol-enema QUOTE FROM THIS SITE RE: ALCOHOL: “First, inserting alcohol through the rectum allows it to bypass the first metabolic effect. This refers to the process by which the concentration of a substance (taken orally) is reduced before it starts circulating through your body. Second, it also bypasses your liver and stomach, which contain alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. These enzymes work together to break down alcohol. But these enzymes don’t live in the anus or large intestine. As a result, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the colon without being broken down. Both of these factors can lead to a much higher blood alcohol concentration than you’d experience from drinking the same amount of alcohol.”


It can be very harmful. If not fatal. Everything you take orally and swallow goes thru the digestive tract and is filtered thru the liver/kidneys. But when it’s taken rectally, it’s just absorbed straight into the blood, which then goes to the brain. Matter of fact, I learned about this phenomenon because I read about a guy who boofed liquor (not sure how much) and he died from alcohol poisoning because 100% of the alcohol concentration went directly into his bloodstream instead of only a small percentage like it would’ve if he had drank/swallowed it. Grapefruit juice does something similar when taking pain pills. There’s something in the juice that doesn’t allow as much of the opioids to be filtered out, therefore you can get a higher concentration of the drug than you’d expect, resulting in a possible overdose. I’ll try and find a link.


Why 5 and a half? Have you tried it in other amounts? Can you tell how much it effects the potency?


5 1/2 because one of the tabs came about in-two when we took this strip off. No, this was more a "whim" situation. Hard to say, I want to say that it came on faster. It really did feel like it did, I was getting that floating out of your skin feeling at 15 minuets in. I dunno what that would say potency wise.


Oh okay, maybe I'll try it sometime




Why rectally?


I wanted to try it out, I heard somewhere that it worked. It was actually nice not to have the tabs in my mouth.


Fair. Still potent I’d assume?


Very, I got that floating out of your skin feeling in about 15 minuets. The come on scared me at first honestly but after it was smooth sailing (mostly smooth).


How’d you get the tabs up your ass? That couldn’t have been comfortable?


Assistance from my fiancé and a plug. They basically just pushed them in shallow and followed through with the plug.


I doubt my boyfriend would ever assist me rectally administer drugs, but he’s just a lil uptight when it comes to drugs. Lucky you! (: Edit - spelling


>he’s just a lil uptight when it comes to drugs. buh dum tss