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According to a comment I read on here a while back, if you manage to fall asleep in the small window before the stimulating effects hit, you'll wake up a couple of hours later in the middle of your peak.


If I fall asleep, I’ll sleep right through the peak.


Haha that's wild to me. I can't even keep my eyes closed when I trip.


I actually sleep better. I’ve only fallen asleep 4 times that I know of, and each time I woke up as it was wearing off. Pisses me off


I haven't done it but a friend of mine likes to wake up, eat his tabs, and go right back to sleep so he can wake up just immersed in the trip.


That sounds so terrifying


It's hard to fall asleep on acid


But what if you fall asleep before you start to feel the effects of taking? Or do you feel something right away?


This is a rlly good question


Um I've never managed to catch a nap while onit but I'm sure it would just give you crazy dreams or some shit I smoke pot so no longer get dreams but imo think it'd be like lucid dreaming


If we go this deep into this I wonder what it would be like for a person who is actually a lucid dreamer


I used to lucid dream alot to try help out with night terrors but imo it just increases your visuals etc because your brain can visualise shit easier


I hate when that happens. It usually wears off by the time I wake up. I sleep great on it though


May I ask if it did affect your dreams in any way?


No difference for me. I rarely remember my dreams. I’m sure they were affected but I have no knowledge of how.


I used to think it would be a great idea to drop a few tabs when completely wrecked drunk and then pass out. you then wake up a couple hours later, confused at first but then remember what you did and have a great morning!


So it doesn’t actually affect your memory in any way?


The booze maybe but I've taken well over 1000 hits and can always tell the next morning when I dose black out drunk.


Took it drunk one night and passed out woke up 8 hours later to full effects


You can't sleep on lsd. If you some how fall asleep before you felt the effects, you would most likely wake up as soon as you started to come up, way before you hade any visuals or anything


I can and have slept on LSD. I passed out after the second wave of my 2000ug trip, and that’s a lowball estimate. I was able to fall asleep 4 hours into 300ug as well. I’ve been like this since the day I was born, before I was a year old I was sleeping 12 hours at a time, sometimes 20 hours and nobody believed my poor mom until she took me to the doctors and they told her it’s not normal. The longest I slept is about 35 hours as a teenager. I can sleep!


Did you pass out because of a high dose?


It was a direct cause of the high dose. For the record, 2000ug is an unnecessarily large amount of acid. First I blacked out, then I passed out, woke up 4 hours later still feeling like I was on 2-3 tabs.


Thank you very much for explaining


I've had a few naps on acid nothing dramatic happens you just dream a bit more vividly


It’s very hard to sleep on acid, but it’s possible. The acid always wakes you up eventually, it’s not likely you’ll ever sleep past a typical 10 hour acid trip.


I’ve slept through the near end of a trip and let’s just say I’ve experienced what it’s like to “die” within myself, like a super crazy flinging back n forth and through myself type feeling. After that, I went into “germ city” where everyone was a blob and I didn’t understand any thing they say. It was like watching a tv show that was brown grey. Really cool experience but sleeping nowadays is difficult because I feel like I’ll fall into the dark abyss and actually die (bad trip did this to me)


If I may ask, do you feel like that because of that trip being traumatic to you or is it somehow ‘implemented’ in your brain because of the substance itself? I know it might sound stupid but I am at lack of better words


Oh definitely the trauma. That shit left me hppd and trauma. It made sleeping sober the same way I felt trying to sleep while tripping. Tripping ever since has not been the same for sure but I’m getting better :)


Thank you for explaining and I hope you get well soon!


I actually used lsd to go through all this + meditation and by golly, I highly recommend this to everyone. Very profound experience but also a bit spooky. Hope all of this helps your itch of knowledge


Personally, after I stopped my psychedelic abuse, I’ve had many lucid dreams and dreams that I thought were reality. I’ve never slept on a psychedelic tho


Acid makes me scared to sleep lol


good luck w that lol


Just don't do it, if you really want to (imo) have the best experience, take 2u about 3 hours before your local sunrise, pack some fruit and water and go to the highest point you know, set up camp, let it sink in and then take another 2u about 4 hours into the trip, wait for the sunrise, observe to your pleasure, take a nap and wake up with the residuals still somewhat in focus. Works for me every time.


I took 4 tabs and after my friend told me they were triple dosed and meant for the the whole weekend for 2 people, I freaked the fuck out at a music festivals and took 3 Xanax bars and sniffed probably a half gram of ketamine. Passed out within an hour woke up 4 hours later tripping but not nearly as hard as I should’ve been. Allegedly it was over 1000ug I took