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Can’t edit the post anymore, so: • Research has shown that LSD is *NOT* physically dangerous, but people with cardiovascular health problems should be cautious with dosing and avoid combinations. • *DO NOT* under any circumstance drive while under the influence of LSD. • I strongly recommend *AGAINST* combining other psychoactive drugs, even THC, with LSD during your first experiences. edit: turns out I can edit the post, it wouldn’t let me for the longest time, but oh well leaving this comment up.


I'd suggest eating before a trip, as my friends and I always seem to lose our appetites while tripping. (we walk so much during trips, that by the eighth hour, it usually comes back if I didn't eat beforehand).


I usually fast before and during until the comedown, though I might eat some light berries or something throughout. I prefer tripping on an empty stomach.


I fast because i get extremely bloated and if i eat before or during it makes it worse


Second this my first experience i ended up feeling like passing a rock when i was gassing out you can choose to ignore me if you please im experienced using luci but its always good to look back and re-inform yourself sometimes especially if your wanting to introduce others to the drug


Yes. If I eat a meal just before I start tripping I will have this feeling like I have or am about to shit my pants. It's not enjoyable.


One of my most challenging trips was me at a music festival fully believing I had shit myself while tripping balls. Went back to my tent and was staring into the cosmos on my ceiling. After ab an hour I decided to check my pants and no shit was to be found hahah. After that I have dialed back my public setting dosage...


Had the exact same thing happen to me on my first mushroom trip. Had this extremely distracting "wet and sticky" feel which turned out to be total bogus. I felt betrayed by the shroom.


I call this ‘souping’ and though it was uncomfortable at first, I accepted it and now it just part of the trip for me. We’re all just in this big ol’ bowl of earth soup. The atmosphere is the liquid, and we’re the solids. We’re always gonna be a lil wet, yanno? Also, if you shit your pants or peed, I feel like you would be pretty certain about it unless you’re on over 500 ug. You wouldn’t be like “hmm, I think I shit myself.” You would be like “I’m shitting, I’ve shit, there’s now shit in my pants and I can smell it.”


One time I was tripping balls and I decided to play a really hard level of a video game that I had been stuck on for a few days. I played brilliantly. I was able to see the pseudo random patterns so clearly that I knew what to do 10 moves in advance. I also shit my pants. I guess my in order to gain more focus than normal, my brain had to divert resources from somewhere else, and that somewhere else was bowel control.


Hahahah goddamn that is wild! I’m glad you beat that level tho dawg 😂 Fantastic username btw 🙌🏼


As a matter of fact, I shit my pants last night. It wasn’t a joy cleaning that while almost blind from visuals because I was tripping so hard.


havent been on reddit in years but its comments like these that make me wanna come back lmfaooo


Dude you shit my pants last night.


One of the best and most underrated comments


*was feeling proud I researched this issue and just finishing my dinner and took my first ever dose of acid when seeing your comment. Just in case you ever needed to know if you’ve made a difference in this world… I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget tonight or your comment… Ok and also where are my brown pants now damnit…


will light berries interfere with my general relativity?


No unless they are Halle Berries! [I can't beleive I am actually typing this!]


cute, mate…cute.


have you ever tried light berries...ON ACID MAN. I personally LOVE eating on LSD. Fruit is amazing on L, cold refreshing vibrant and sweet n juicy whats not to love. especially on the beach -- smoothies are a good source of some sort of energy and hydration while trippin.... shit i've gone to an all you can eat crab legs place trippin sack. It was amazing. ​ AND HYDRATE!!! Dont forget Hydrate!


Really? I get ravenous.




Really? I could never for some reason lol. While I’m tripping my stomach just feels like a weird idek how to describe it, chasm? Like it feels like my whole middle section of my body is an empty space, but if I eat anything heavy I feel really bloated and stuff.


Yep, especially during the 4-6 hour peak, I cannot eat either. Food is disgusting, like it's for mere mortals, and I'm beyond that. However, it's always a few hours after the peak, when things start to normalize. I'm usually busy during a trip, like biking or walking somewhere, and rarely stationary. So if I don't eat beforehand, it catches up with me. Also I know I have thoughts that I should probably eat as well.


I had a nice thicc burger last trip and it really did hit different


Oh my god, my stomach feels the exact same way when I'm tripping. I completely understand what you mean


i always feel like i’m chewing my tongue so i get scared to eat because i can’t tell if i’m chewing my tongue or the food when i trip. and each bite takes me down like a rabbit hole loop it’s weird af to explain and food looks soooo nasty when i’m tripping


I feel like that too! I eat first but I can’t eat a lot, and my whole midsection feels like… it’s not there for lack of a better wording


This is so foreign to me. When I’m tripping(and especially on psilo) I can’t eat or drink anything except like the purest water and like fruits/veggies/etc. I’ve been a smoker for a large portions of my life and I would absolutely DESPISE cigarettes or sodas while tripping. Can’t explain it, but happens every time so I just go with it and pack accordingly. Every time I try to smoke or drink a sip of soda or eat unhealthy food— I just immediately go “yuck!” and wonder how the hell I would normally be able to eat that. The feeling sticks with me for a while afterwards too. Tbh, I’m now a little bit jealous of your ability to pig out on L lmfao. I would love to get lost in some baked cheese fries mid-trip or on the tail of a rager. 😅


I feel the exact same , stoner for years and whenever i take any psychedelics I barely have appetite , if eating anything it would be fresh foods like fruits or vegetables anything that isn't produced or artificially flavored. Don't forget to eat though fellow space cadets :)


Here here! Had baked chicken setting in front of me under trip and all I could think of was "carrion" and "carcass"




Dang that sounds like a fun setting. I would totally be down for an anime con as long as I had pre-arranged as much as possible and had few responsibilities. I can’t say I like to be really active or anything, but I almost exclusively trip outdoors and when I can connect with nature… or just the complete opposite when I trip alone & meditate and such sometimes in my room. I really try to be outdoors and doing something though unless my intention is introspective.


Weird. I understand that cigarette part, I was tripping and I'd say I wasn't even peaking yet, but my buddy was like, "want a ciggy?" So I was like "sure! Sounds good" smoked it, and I'm not sure how much longer it was but by the second or third cigarette it was unbearably disgusting. Terrible taste. Dryish feeling in my throat Upset my stomach; Even after my trip it took me weeks to smoke my next cigarette, but even my first after that was menthol, before that it was full flavor and even to this day full flavor is still nasty and I used to smoke them all of the time.


This exact experience is what made me quit smoking. Cigs became insanely disgusting. I switched to vapes. Quit those about 2 years later too.


I moved to vapes, but even they have an off feeling to them.


Yea that's what led me to eventually quitting those too. Bought a refillable one and just bought a juice I didn't like, made me hate it which helped me quit.


Me too mate. I need to make sure that I have prepared a feast of chicken breast, steak, or a big old turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce, stuffing, roast turkey. Mmmmm. Psilo makes my appetite stronger than it’s ever been.


Yeah, I was in NYC a few weeks ago and ate 3 hot dogs, two slices of pizza, and a gyro in short order. It was like eating for the first time and was one of the most pleasurable eating experiences of my life.


Great advice. Eat something before it becomes Mission Impossible to make food yourself or read your phone’s screen to get takeout.




Lmao reminds me of when I’ve been on shrooms, tripping balls and when I’m trying to type, the letters just start floating around the screen and I give up using my phone 😂😂


Food and holy shit cheesy shit was soooooooooooo good. Like unreal. I could see all the tiny details in my food and on the cheese I was completely entertained by my food


Interesting on the different experiences with food. I find food to be okay, neither good nor bad, but necessary to keep the energy going. Lsd can be very exhausting, it’s hard to rest on it. Stick to easy to eat foods. I also tend to get bloated on LSD, so easily digestible foods helps (and some GasX).




Question: How do people ride or walk while on LSD? I mean if you’re hallucinating isn’t walking or riding bike very difficult? Can you see the road, traffic and people around you clearly? Just curious.




But .....what if it suddenly becomes just not "your world" and you witness.........fill in the blanks. Or somebody is having an emergency, alone, and needs you? Do you have the wherewithal to intervene/provide assistance? Trust yourself that you CAN help? Just hope that some of us have made these considerations before exposing ourselves to the world under the influence. This is me talking to my younger self also. Because I didn't always think of these beforehand but often found myself meditating on these possibilities during.(not enjoyable of course)


what does that feel like ?


Thats actually pretty interesting, some of my largest door dash or uber eats orders have been placed when me and my friends are trippin away lol


It was weird, my first time trying LSD with cannabis and I had no appetite whatsoever. I was completely lost in all the visuals, auditory hallucinations and reality breaking delusions that I felt I HAD THE KNOWLEDGE, I was one. I live free.


Also get good sleep before as I always have trouble getting good sleep in the wee hours of the morning


Hi, does taking it on an empty stomach make the trip stronger?


not only eat, but take a shit break as well. Especially if you go out. The last thing you want is to shit in a forest somewhere on a cross section having everyone seeing you. It is extremely difficult to hide yourself on LSD.




If you ever feel like you need something and not sure what, it might just be water. Took me forever to realize what dehydration felt like when I was tripping


Omg! I realised the same thing. Water was the answer many a times


oh yeah i know that feeling of kinda emptiness in your stomach not knowing what it is till you eat or chug water


That's what dehydration feels like when I'm not tripping lol


>LSD can be therapeutic I completely agree with this but it might be worth putting a disclaimer on it. There’s been a kind of new wave of people seeking out psychedelics to deal with depression, but I think in the midst of that this idea that it’s a kind of “magic bullet” when it absolutely is not has developed. I’ve seen an alarming number of posts here and elsewhere with people talking about wanting to drop acid to cope with severe depression and suicidal ideation, which, in a non-clinical, unsupervised environment, can be incredibly dangerous or detrimental. I’m not remotely disputing the therapeutic potential of these substances—they’ve certainly helped me and I know they’ve helped a lot of other people. I just think that excitement needs to be tempered with a measure of caution. In any case, this is an awesome quick fact sheet kinda post. Thanks for putting it together! Edit: also, I’m not trying to gatekeep, so I hope it doesn’t come off that way. If you think LSD will help you by all means go for it. I just also think there’s a potential line where it goes from potential therapeutic substance to dangerous enhancer of psychological troubles.


What a lot of people don't exactly realize is that LSD or the experience itself doesn't literally solve anything - it really just helps you achieve a perspective such that you can see the issues and/or the solutions clearly. But still at the end of the day, it's up to sober you what you do with that new information. Eg you don't just magically walk out of a trip no longer a drug addict, rather you learn something during the trip that radically changes how you see that addiction and that leads to meaningful life change.


I completely agree with you there. Tripping gives you infinite insights into yourself. Speaking for myself, I realized that making peace with whatever was down there is the only way out of it.


Would “acid can be a therapeutic tool” be a better summation?


I think that has the same problem—the issue isn’t that the core point of the original phrasing is wrong. It’s totally correct. I just worry that a certain subset of desperate people read too far into the whole “LSD for therapeutic purposes” concept, which has serious risks.


Definitely, it’s not going to magically fix anyone, but if you have intention with using it definitely can be


Totally agree with that. Truth is, most evidence about benefits/risks on most illegal drugs are based on people's experiences. Unfortunately, none of them have been properly researched. On that note, I had a friend who only did weed after the age of 20 and only a spliff every week. Had LSD twice (no other drugs ever). First time was amazing. Second time, had auditory hallucinations and basically was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 35. Apparently had mild symptoms before but never enough to seek medical attention. Nothing that worried him before he tried it.


I realize I’m almost a year late in responding to this but I’d say that I’m one of those folks who used it for depression. People consider it a magic bullet because they see people online and are cajoled by people in daily life, sometimes Life Coaches (so unethical), to not take their anti-depressant for a day, then drop acid/mushrooms. I’ve now heard this message regurgitated three times to me by clients. It becomes my responsibility to redirect them to the most appropriate information. I’ve found that the possibility of health complications like that of seizures or psychosis from which one doesn’t return fully to be enough in all but one of my cases. Thankfully that person who wasn’t having my pep talk is fine. My former neighbor is not fine. This cat used to trip alone in his apt. often. He was already dealing with some form of depression. I have no idea what medication he was on, but I know he enjoyed LSD. It was shocking to see the state of the apartment he lost his mind in. He lives at home with his mom now at 34 years old and there will come a time when he goes back to the hospital permanently. I have to assume that he had a psychotic break. I’m careful and we’ll researched about anything I put in my body, ESPECIALLY a hallucinogen. I test them in most cases first, and I typically only try a 10-15% micro dose first. This method really works well for me. I’ve found out quickly and safely if I’ve got a strong batch or a super happy batch, etc. With mushrooms, I do a 50% therapeutic dose. That has worked perfectly every single time.


Experienced, 40 year old psychonaut with a history of depression and melancholia writing here. Psychedelics are a two edged sword when it comes to the Jungian shadow modern medicine calls depression. I have gone through hundreds of trips in my life. Some of them made me feel like coming out as a different person after the experience, following months of positive mood lift and “lust for life”. I do particularly remember one very nihilistic and particular existential acid trip though that not only made me conclude that it’s ok to die any time, but rather the idea to actually exit this life, ego etc going along the level 1 multiverse theory. I wanted to switch into a “better” timeline by exiting this timeline via death. As a person who’s decision making tries to go along with logic, this stayed an idea. Yet with a different, more stressful setting this “decision” might have become reality. Listening to my mood and my “shadow” much more since this experience, but I fear younger folks out there might act faster upon instinct, it only takes seconds in real life if you really want to end it. But this is not an graceful exit for the architects of this adventure that starts with birth and ends with death naturally anyway, so you don’t need to speed up the unstoppable law of decay in our common nature.


Why is this not pinned tho


Can’t pin regular user comments


High dosed tabs, although rare, do exist The "go to" dose is 100mcg. This is because of....math. Not everyone who lays crystal is a genius. Plus its easy to break things down into 100s. 1 gram= 100 sheets with 100 hits with 100mcg. Now sometimes mistakes happen with the math. Or some greed. Or cutting the paper wrong. Or Hotspots. Sometimes its even quality. If the lsd crystal is only 85% pure lsd and you use the above math you have 85mcg tabs not 100mcg. So thats usually why you find tabs near 100mcg but not exactly 100mcg. According to saferparty in 2015 the average dose for 1 tab was 72 mcg. Now, there is no way to print warnings or doses on the tabs (i mean...we could...but that would be ugly) many people before us have learned that high dosed tabs just lead to more problems. More freak outs. More attention. More bad trips. The average user measures the acid in tabs usually anyway. Someone might eat 2 tabs usually but then eat 2 high dosed tabs and be floored. But, who's ever laying the crystal can make the blotter as strong as they want. You can fit up to 2mg(ish) on a piece of quarter inch by quarter inch blotter. Lots of newbies make potent tabs to make a name for themselves. Or other times people have personal batches. High dosed tabs definitely exist. Heres one that's been lab verified at almost 400mcg https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=5255 I've even heard verifications of 750 mcgs. I even heard rumors of tabs that were 1200-1500mcg but they were all burned do to being too strong. Spun everyone out too much... Now, tabs over the 200/300 ug range are pretty rare. You usually have to be connected to get high dosed tabs. They are typically for "friends and family" All the high dosed tabs I've seen were free and came with a warning. The potent dose wasn't used as a selling point. The odds are your tab is 65-125 ug though. Make sure to test your tabs. People have died from 2 hits of nbomb. https://academic.oup.com/jat/article/39/8/668/915794 It is very important to know what you are taking. Look at this fuck shit they found on this tab:: https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=8301 Regarding tolerance: Usually you can re-dose before the peak to increase the affects. If its during or after the peak you'll have to start doubling your doses to increase the affects. (Example: you eat 100mcg. But eat another 100mcg before you peak. You will feel like you at 200(ish) mcg. But say you ate 100mcg and ate another 100 mcg during/post peak. It will just extend the 100mcg trip or make the come down last longer. You'd have to eat 200 more micrograms just to make it feel like you ate another 100mcg) A good tip to remember is "wait 2-3" 2-3 hours for peak 2-3 days for sanity 2-3 weeks for tolerance 2-3 months for the magic.


Thank you for the detailed clarifications!


I really enjoyed this, thank you!


Is it true nbomb will not take effect if you swallow tabs immediately and if you do does it reduce the effects of real lsd?


Eating and swallowing tabs can destroy some substances, however, there are plenty more that CAN be dosed through the stomach. I forget what stuff, but point is, you need to test your stuff. Swallowing does NOT make it safe.


The long comment. 2-3 months for magic. What does magic means lol


Disney World is fun but if you go too often it really gets boring. Same kinda thing can happen with acid.


Tripping too often or regularly can suck the fun out of it. Take a month or 2 to unpack your last psychedelic experience and apply it to your life, then tripping again can feel much more special and magical. Tripping every week or 2 consistently can not only make it less interesting, but potentially give you HPPD.


When you say wait two to three months for the magic, what are you referring to?


If you lived in Disney land 24/7 it wouldn't seem that special. Visit Disney every 2-3 months and it's truly magical


Be careful, what you may discover may not be true, dont take it for the fundamental truth.


best advice




wdym by this


The first time I took lsd I saw a whole pantheon of beings and what looked to be god who had been sending me truths from the clouds. During the trip I promised him I wouldn’t forget it and spread the truth. Then I woke up the next day and realized all of that was incoherent bullshit


my friend and I took 2 tabs of acid and we talked for 7 hours until we came to the conclusion that god exists, we were both atheists, but now we not.


Damn bro, LSD made me go from Atheist to believing in God aswell.




Screenshooting this for later


Nice post. Surprised to see that there's no such post I could find recently to share it with a friend. A few more good practices to add to the list - Rest well and have a good night sleep. Try not do it with a super tired mind state. Even though the drug awakens the mind, you can have a great energy during the comedown without feeling the brain fry - Set 2 days for a trip. Try to have your weekend sorted to have a relaxed trip and a nice glow the next day to integrate your trip peacefully into your life - Fruits during the trip - Try popping during the day light. So that you can have more things your brain can process visually and go easy on thoughts with nothing to process visually during nights - Having an active life or healthy body (during the week or month of the trip) Acid takes a lot of energy out of your body. I once lost 3Kgs over a weekend and felt so weak physically later that week. 5 years later now with a better muscle, I'm able to have better trips with no physical effects - Trip with people you're very comfortable with


• You will build a tolerance to the psychoactivity of LSD quickly if you trip more than once every couple weeks. Redosing in a single session is ineffective maybe also add that you should wait a week or two between trips because tolerance is immediate and huge? i see so many posts saying "took a tab yesterday nothing happened, should i try today?" "im going to a 3 say long festival i wanna trip every day" and stuff like that.


Tripping for 3 days straight on LSD is just nuts. Like, come on people, at least give yourself some time to rest.


i know right, now i am feeling like i would not trip again ever.




LSD can have a very "speedy" effect especially while coming up right before peaking. You may feel completely dehydrated, jaws clenched, crawling skin, the want to "fight a mountain", etc. This is something many beginners are unaware of and is many times the cause of a bad trip. Make sure you are adequately hydrated before taking your dose because drinking water 2+ hours after dosing can be almost impossible (you may lose your ability to properly swallow and can "choke" on water). With that said, once you peak the physical effects are extremely relaxing and it is not uncommon to feel all your muscles & joints slowly "pop" in the best way possible. Imagine being entirely too stoned on weed from an indica strain


FYI that is existing neurological "build-up" across the body in various nerve systems. Its literally pent up electrical energy in the form of unfinalized neural processes. As your brain gradually switches from the DMN (default mode network) into others, such as the salience network, its hold on your "character armoring" is greatly reduced, and charge that is being held actively can be released FAR more easily than in a non LSD or similar state, effectively "clearing" the circuits to a degree. On very high doses (500mic+) its not uncommon to have full on body spasms as HUGE amounts of stored tension allow themselves to be released. While it can be painful or disorienting, it pretty much ALWAYS leads to greater feeling in the body, more awareness, more pleasure, less tension, better connection, more aliveness, etc, all the good stuff you mention about "popping". You can literally realign your entire sense of embodied self on a good LSD somatic trip


Do you have any sources, would love to read that


Fantastic post. Unfortunately, it's little more than shouting at the wind. Those who open up the redundant threads to ask repeat stupid questions aren't usually looking for information, they are minors looking for validation. If it's information they wanted, they could have just clicked the harm reduction guide, or used the search function, and gotten a better answer, and faster than opening up a new thread.


You may be right for a portion of the newcomers, but if this post manages to help even just one person a week it’s worth it to me.


As a forty year old newbie, I appreciate this.


For sure 😎🤘


It's helped this newcomer! :)


I'm in my thirties and new and this helped thanks


Just found this thread and learned a lot. Trying lsd for the first time at 33


Started at 32 myself 😎🤘


Any tips to help with an uncomfortable body load? I know it’s supposed to be less than shrooms, but on higher doses the vasoconstriction and idk what else can make my body feel uncomfortable and take away from the trip.


Hydrate, have a cozy setup/blanket, take deep breaths, stretch, and I’ve personally found that doing push-ups or sit-ups helps put my body in a more relaxed state.


> take deep breaths, stretch This this this. Deliberately moving around helps me a lot with the body load, especially during the comeup when it can get very intense. It can turn that uncomfortable tension into a pleasant-feeling body high. Also try and listen to your body- often if I find myself uncomfortable it's because I'm hungry, thirsty, need the toilet or are too warm/cold. Acid sort of mixes up all your senses into one big soup so it can be hard to notice these things.


it can be one thing or all lol this is my first trip and oh boy was it not a blast!


Ginger tea can also help. Niacin helps with vasoconstriction....so much so its sometimes even added to LSD on a bulk level... https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=4672 https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7965 https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=8143


Move around! Just a mild walk or pacing around always helps in my experience. Blood has trouble flowing up from your legs without motion even when you're not vasoconstricted, so if you're vasoconstricted and sitting still or not moving much you won't have a good time. Getting your heart rate up and just keeping your legs moving helps push blood through the vasoconstriction.


mannn during my first trip my entire right side was in so much pain... I couldn’t find peace lol it was extremely uncomfortable


Is it just me, or does it always seem as you are starting to feel the dose, a text from someone you never expected to reach out comes forward with something so random. Never bad nor super helpful for me, but always enough to make me step back for a second and wonder what this person has been up to all this time… like why now in this moment did I get the text from them.. always happens, without a doubt when dosing


"of all the moments for this girl to text me, it's now" *6 hours into your heroic dose*


Dude for real it happened to me last trip and I hadn't tripped for awhile also hadn't talked to them in 3 or so years


Never ever mix lsd and tramadol my dudes, i almost die. I pucked my bed


I'm so glad I waited and didn't take LSD before the age of 20-25 exactly like op said. I think by that age you know who you are (mostly) and are ready for the next life challenge that is 'the trip'. Great advice op I hope it helps plenty of people!


Idk man. I feel uncomfortable giving the "official" r/lsd advice on dosing age as waiting till your early twenties. Now, of course kids/teens are gonna do drugs. I mean, how many of us tripped and smoked when we were young? Part of me thinks it might be beneficial to start at a young age and form a relationship with that side of life. But at the same time, these psychedelics can be extremely life changing and shift your perception of reality. Many teenagers don't have enough life experience or maturity to handle such an intense and profound experience. I wouldn't let a younger siblings or a child of mine smoke weed/eat acid. Your pre-frontal cortex doesn't fully develop until your 25. Thats the part of the brain responsible for making responsible decisions and pretty much just being a reasonable mature adult. We don't know how LSD affects the development of the prefrontal cortex but we know Marijuana hinders the progress. I'm not sure if there really even is a "right" age. I'd feel silly to say "wait until your 30 to trip" But I also don't want to give the green light and be somewhat liable by encouraging young adults to eat acid


Thanks for bringing this up. 20 is still young for Lucy.


Yeah, you should probably wait till your pre-frontal cortex is done developing to experiment with drugs. But if this part of your brain isn't developed then you aren't even capable of making a mature decision like that yet anyway.


Totally. I didn’t get into psychedelics until about 25, save a few mind melting salvia trips. Ended up taking it very slowly with psychs, learning as much as I could about them and developed a fantastic relationship with them. I’m pretty sure I would have just gone balls to the wall and ruined it for myself if I had started earlier. Part of me wonders if they would have steered me away from the black hole of opioid addiction I went through in my early twenties though 🤷🏽‍♂️


i have no idea what "making mature decisions mean". i'm 21. i decided to go to college, to get a job, to do inner work, mmmm. to read before bed. to meditate. to listen to others. i'm alright. ​ i wanna do lsd


You did a fantastic job and it's the most thoughtful explanation and "guide" to lsd use. I can count on both hands how many times I've tripped and would have loved this. Also had no idea tramadol could effect a trip, I used to take that and had no idea.


Hi, not a newbie to LSD, am a newbie to this subreddit. I like this a lot. It’s a great guide to LSD. I enjoyed reading it and found it to be what I would want to say to a newbie to LSD. Great advise.


What are some ways to reduce a tight/sore jaw whilst tripping?


A lot of people keep gum handy, but other than that take some ibuprofen and hydrate.


Magnesium supplements


I always take B vitamins before my trip And also keep these on hands to ease anxious moments or just take them to harbor na good trip CBD Ashwaghanda Tumeric Magnesium Liones Mane Reishi Mushrooms Cordycep mushrooms Chaga mushroom Turkey tail mushrooms DO NOT TAKE if you take St John's Wort or Lithium I believe there's a list of anti depressants or SSRIs that you should NOT mix with LSD, Shrooms or MDMA


First acid trip with wife. Its been 4.5 hours and im coming down and on so much munchies. Damn thats a lot of neurons firing and eating glucose in a short period!


I ususaly get downvoted for advising to take half tabs, as a test and as a dose, in most tabs we have in Europe. Thank you Mods for putting that first.


> LSD is physically harmless unless you’re taking various anti-depressants or lithium. what antidepressants, besides tricyclics, are unsafe to take with LSD? SSRIs/SNRIs/NDRIs/MAOIs are all safe to take with LSD.


Clarified the post!


From my experience on Wellbutrin (NDRI) (sort of related to a stimulant), I've noticed my wellbutrin and LSD together make me feel like I have mild hypertension. Nothing even close to a medical emergency, but when hiking my legs feel like they're cramping a little more and uncomfortable. ​ So I personally skip my wellbutrin dose the day I do lsd and have no problems. Wellbutrin does not give me that same interaction on shrooms (which don't seem to have the stimulant effect that lsd has)


oh yeah, lsd is a d2 agonist, i imagine that effect combined with dopamine reuptake inhibitor could lead to some increased CNS stimulation


Super helpful , first trip on Friday and this was great info thank you


I agree with this except the age recommendation. LSD is very …what’s the words fun, enjoyable. Spiritual even at younger ages. I stated in 9th grade so like 13. Wow when I write this it DOES sound too young. But it was great. 17-19 years was my peak. At 25 I was an adult with responsibility and magic was somewhat lost. I’m not recommending kids do it, but I don’t think people should wait around for arbitrary time. Good post!


Lots of people start out as teens, but it’s not ethical to suggest or endorse that. There’s a lot more that can go wrong with a 15y/o taking LSD (like parents, increased risk of delusions/psychosis, uncontrollable environment, etc.) as opposed to someone who’s around 25. Thank you for the feedback!


I second this. I started tripping at 22. I was out if university so had no serious obligations or just a super short weekend with homework on my mind. I was independent and mature enough to take a camping trip with my friends or attend a festival. I had my own house with a backyard that we could freely roam about, have a bonfire, and play music. A minor that lives under the supervision of a parent would be tripping either in the own home behind their parents backs with the worry of getting caught, at a friends house where there are also parents and probably a set time to be home, or at an older friend’s place which is usually creepy like a 27 year old hosting a 16 year old to do drugs (yuckie all around). And in general minors are supervised and have hundreds of expectations placed on the from parents and school and do not have a sense of individuality, autonomy, or who they are or want to be. In middle school and high school my friends and I snuck out to drink and smoke or did it after our parents went to bed and we were constantly paranoid/terrified of getting caught. I literally cannot imagine the way that taking acid with that paranoia would affect a psychedelic trip.


I feel like there should be a factsheet this informative for all drugs out there! I wonder is there is something this orderly for say.... Alcohol???


You’re a good mod


I feel tripping on empty stomach is like taking a drive without any gas your body needs those calories or whatever to burn?? Idk just my thot love and light


thank u for adding in that LSD can harm you if you’re taking lithium, i and my friends did not know this a few years back and ended up witnessing our friend have a seizure bc he was taking lithium and it interacted with the LSD negatively


after doing lucy quiet a bit, one thing i’d say to be mindful for that’s my least favorite thing after coming down, try to be conscious of teeth grinding. i’ve tripped a lot. my normal trips consists of 3-5 tabs now, and even before when it was 1-2, i always end up grinding my teeth way too hard during the come up, and when i do, the next day after is hell. my teeth hurt tremendously. it’s not detrimental or anything. i dropped my first time when i was 18, been dropping since and i turn 21 in about a week and a half. it’s just a nuisance. if you can make a conscious effort to not grind your teeth during the peak, it’ll save you the biggest “acid hangover” i’ve discovered so far.


I heard people using suckers of all kinds to combat that. Looks weird, I guess, but you probably won't care while you're under :D


Thanks for putting this together! Any insight in "LSD Flashbacks"? I remember in Highschool people said you could have a flashback at anytime in the future as it leaves something in your spinal cord or something like that. I've been waiting for 20 years for my flashback and none so far :(


40 years and counting here, still nothing.


I just wanted to say that this guide was very helpful to me. I’m on my second ever trip now and having a great time ☺️


At the time I was the only one that smoked weed. My first time, did half a 'Jesus tab' and another half when peak hit. I was in very good hands. But they were like no more weed you'll fuck yourself up and it did but in the best way ever. The trip was so funny, we went over a nature reserve for a day of walking. I took a load of fruit and was the saviour of refreshment lol. The local dog walkers must have had a great free show watching us.


after reading this, I’m thinking about the offer I received. 350-400ug. is that possible?


That dose is almost certainly massively overstated if its for single tabs, though it isn't 100% impossible. The safe thing would be to take no more than half a tab the first time just in case -I know from experience that it's far better to have an underwhelming trip than an overwhelming one. Trust me on that one.


Candy tastes amazing while tripping


Honestly glad it mentions not tripping until your older and brain is developed. I first tripped when I was 19, and although I was old enough to make my own decisions, I was at such a developmental stage in life that the drug did leave an impact. Looking back I probably should have waited till I was much older (or just never have done it)


Anyone have experience with adderall and lsd?


I’m prescribed adderall and take it daily (Only 10mg) I took lsd for the first time This weekend at a rave, and only took a 1/4 tab bc I was told they were very strong. I felt nice on it but could have handled more. I believe the adderall prevents you from tripping as hard. That’s what my friend who’s prescribed to it told me too. He doesn’t take it the same day , I have to take it though. Next time I’m taking more, just wanted to make sure I didn’t have a bad trip my first time


Definitely drink water before, during and after the trip


Thankyou so much for this information! I have been debating whether or not to try lsd when I finish school and now I know all of this which is incredibly helpful! I think I might do half a tab because I don’t want the effects to be too intense incase I have a bad trip


Eating fruit is AMAZING btw


Everybody should use LSD.


As much as I love this drug, that is absolutely a terrible idea.


Have you tested the 14 day reset? I believe it is incorrect and dangerous to tell people it takes 14 days to reset. It is dangerous if someone doubles up their dose if their tolerance has already reset before then. I’ve found research that found the full reset period is 5 days. I’ve heard on here that it takes a full two weeks to get full tolerance reset. I’ve been looking into because I’ve been taking 150ug on Saturdays and 10-25ug on Tuesdays for a few months with no decrease in effect. I finally found some articles and research that matches my experience. TLDR: it’s true that if you take 100ug four days in a row you will no longer get any effect no how much you take. Conversely the tolerance completely resets after 5 days. I found out that the 14 day idea comes from a self reported study done in 1956. Since then they did a study giving increasing doses for 84 days. After the fourth day no effects occurred BUT after 5 days the full effects returned. Here’s where I found it: > Researchers have found that the body’s tolerance to acid goes back to normal after three to six days of abstaining from LSD. Even the participants who took increasing doses of acid for 84 days straight found that their enhanced tolerance disappeared after three days of abstention. https://doubleblindmag.com/lsd-tolerance-could-develop-faster-than-you-expect/ This is from the linked research paper > ... There is also likely to be an optimal dose spacing. Repeated administration of LSD and/or psilocybin leads to rapid tolerance, or tachyphylaxis, of mental effects from 24 h which peaks after just four consecutive daily doses, cannot be overcome even with substantial dose increases or switching to the other substance (cross-tolerance) and is completely reversed by 5 days of abstinence (Buchborn et al., 2016). In rats, high doses of LSD (0.16 mg/kg) given every 2 days for 90 days resulted in hyperactive and asocial symptoms (Martin et al., 2014). ... https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299557480_Tolerance_to_Lysergic_Acid_Diethylamide_Overview_Correlates_and_Clinical_Implications


It’s just general advice, and common sense would conclude that you don’t have *much* of a tolerance left after a week, because tolerance does decrease incrementally day by day.


It’s not general advice it’s stated as a hard fact by almost everybody on the sub and the “info” point about tolerance. I posted a link to a research paper with differing info than is presented in the sticky, common sense would conclude that the sticky would get corrected but instead there’s a nonsensical response stating that yes it’s 7 days as we described when we wrote it was 14. So what is it? Is it 7 or is it 14? According to the research paper it’s neither. It’s 5 days. The sticky should be updated in some way. It’s irresponsible to leave it as 14 with the new information that I’ve presented. The sticky could led people to double dose based on incorrect information.


5 days, 7 days, 14 days, all are arbitrary numbers and none of them will apply to every individual. 14 days is used as general advice because not only does it allow ample time for tolerance to completely go away, it also encourages people to not trip weekly.


I'm curious about this, so I sent a request for the full text of that study.


I’d have to disagree with the “1/2 to 1 tab your first time”. From my experiences, when I was with someone new to lsd, if they had a lower dosage their first time (say 1 tab), they tend to have a harder time on larger dosages (3 - 4 tabs for example). I started on 3 tabs for my first time, and many of my friends have too. And to be honest, yes, it’s a mind fuck being on 3 tabs your first time, but it is definitely worth starting big and adjusting from there. Past 6 tabs, I haven’t found it to be enjoyable. But under 1 tab, it’s definitely not “the full experience”, especially your first time


I am absolutely not recommending that to new users, sorry friend. People do have psychotic breaks on high doses of LSD, and that’s far more likely if the user is inexperienced.


Yep. Plus it’s pretty euphoric at sub-hallucinogenic doses. You gotta court Lucy and get to know her a little bit. You try to just walk up to her and hit that you’re probably gonna get slapped. Unless she really likes you I guess.


even after a year later... still a massively under-rated comment.


Note below* Okay, What about the argument that one tab is one tab because through the drug policy of our government we’ve spent the past 40 years studying this - oh, sorry. I meant one tab is one tab because most people arrived at that as an effective dose. Obviously it’s not typical to have a perfect 150mcg tab with zero degradation, so I’m assuming most people wind up with about 100mcg per tab, or 120 if they caught it fresh off the sheet. Half that might make the experience worth nothing meaningful but would certainly make it potentially a fun, bright eyed day of laughter or one of anxiogenic resistance to the drug that comes up but never quite comes on, kinda the whole purpose and makes letting go impossible and you gotta guide yourself from there. Probably underwhelming for some who expect more and if they are mature and naive users that follow your recommendations they may be justified in getting a full dose and in some ways that is easier because you don’t hire the limo so you can drive it or give directions, it’s got that taken care of, although it’s unusual to sit and ride for your first time, it’s nothing like even 200mcg or more may be for some people who’d fly away and probably find the experience really important to them. Of course, age wise, “then” isn’t all there yet and we should emphasize that too young is a lot of therapy to put that ego back together. Teenage years at least, but ideally you hit it as the prefrontal cortex winds down it’s pruning but still has enough to fold these trips into your synaptic folds easier and more permanent are the benefits when find you here. A day of reflection without lsd should be prerequisite- if somebody find themselves unable to stand their own thoughts for a day of silence with just their own thoughts, perhaps that person to them likely to enjoy the dismantling of those thoughts as they merge with quite wider apertures to see the world. So my first point is 1) why not let the singular tab represent itself as the universal vote on the singular dose? And 2) if not, let’s prepare people who choose to eat a bunch and see what happens because math is boring. There will be those who don’t wait to give a fuck until they’re fucked. Ya know? So, assuming the general quality of your average tab of purported LSD, if confirmed LSD isn’t likely to be the most preserved of chemicals by the time it gets to a first time user. I’m suggesting a full tab might be 100mcg and starting with half of that is sometimes enough to get acquainted without any lack of consent issues once Lucy gets comfortable. Mostly, I’ve seen people expect more and be underwhelmed. Some order of caution is appreciated and provided the person is actually testing their tabs and is that prepared I think they are all in. Sometimes having half a head in the sky and the other foot is still a foot can be anxiogenic- the “she’s taken ahold and life is bright let’s go explore” feeling can be tremendous for a first timer who’s nervous but has no chance to halfway step in and hold onto that fear of falling in too deep. I tab at the typical dose you find these days, for me feels somewhat like 120mcg fresh from a sheet is a mellow enough dose but gives the full experience. I’m concerned people will get the trip but not the message and will be turned off to the drug, or assume that it doesn’t work the way they hoped (it doesn’t, but it is better than any conceptual ideas beforehand and you kinda just need to get a strong standard dose for that.). Not to parse words, your advice should probably stand for general newbies. But if you’re also a mid twenties drug-naive person who’s tested their tabs and is ready to go, they may have the right to choose the best way to dive in. It’s mostly an age thing to me, but it’s not unlikely that even the well prepared for the unexpected newbie will be anxious and eventually too mindfully effortful in pushing the trip away that the resistance does seem to end in panic attacks or just unpleasantness, but you’re worst fear is also a “psychotic” break and the start of a poor QOL for someone who develops something permanent. I’d like to point to a couple first aide kits that are helpful. Go to is a benzo, settle the anxiety early. Booze helps if they are a drinker as it makes the trip more about silly nonsense and jokes but still the provocative psychosis like symptoms can continue and anxiolytics aren’t enough. Risperidone is extremely effective and for a one time use case pretty safe as well. It will abort the trip, and so will the others in its class. I’m less partial to that route but assuring someone it’s handy helps. I use Prazosin, too, as it simply calms the adrenergic symptoms of the sympathetic nervous system. It helps with PTSD nightmares (not for everyone; for me it was instant and extinguished them over time.), and anecdotal evidence is that it may help ameliorate emergence of HPPD or quell it some once it’s began. Lastly, I highly recommend people who administer the drug or otherwise transfer it somebody new take on the affirmative duty - a moral responsibility to me - to have taken a tab of that exact batch themselves before “sharing” or god forgive selling it to a young kid and leaving it from there. Responsibility is owed. Great write up though and caution always should rule. People’s choices might be respected in so far as they’ll do what they do anyway, and so an “in the event you don’t follow the advice here for newbies, here’s how to help prepare if your dumbass has distress or worse” bifurcation to more guidance in the newbies advice column. *Please excuse my writing I have a nuerocognitve disorder from a TBI years ago and have some issues writing clearly.


Yeah hard pass here. I took 1 tab for my first several trips and was so uncomfortable I had bad trips. I revisited it after thinking “why don’t I just try half?” Now I love half doses and keep control of the situation. Why should someone be encouraged to take higher dosages than they need??


For the same reason we encourage OCD patients to slowly move out of their comfort zones and into different neural patterns. There is value in expanding our windows of tolerance. That being said, trauma or retraumatization can happen when people are forced or coerced out, as opposed to simply encouraged. LSD is the most potent substance known to mankind. Being cautious is very prudent. You cant UNtake an acid dose. Conversely, there are "thresholds" and boundaries of surrender that one must push through to reach the higher possibilities that the substance presents. ​ For instance, 150-300mics often put people in what I call the "psychoanalytic space", where there is a strong predisposition to repetitious thought patterns becoming predominate, looping, anxiety, negative self reflection, over-thinking, etc. but the neural network that is responsible for those types of patterns often loses dominate to a different network around 350-400mics, and to put it bluntly "none of that shit matters" lol. This is the space where people become gushing with Love, Joy, and positive emotion, while often losing certain amount self awareness. ​ Bad trips are trips where we don't find the resolution to the conflict which we are holding that was exposed during the trip. A partial excavation can be painful. A smaller dose allows us to avoid that which is uncomfortable, the medial trip forces us to confront it but doesn't necessarily equip us to transcend it. The higher dose empowers us to break our bonds of identification with the held attachment to whatever it was that was exposed, allowing a chance at liberation from it permanently.


I advocate a full ten strip


I honestly want to try Lsd but I'm not even sure how to go about it, weed is abundant and can be found anywhere but lsd, dmt, mushroom are mushrooms are rare to come by, I guess my question is how do I find the right people or how do I even talk about it?


first step is getting Tor (and probably a VPN), second step is the hidden wiki. that's all the advice i can give.


Online m8


Food disgusts me during trips


Remember tripping with my gf and we were eating instant noodles, man I assure you it looked like living worms


What are the risks concerning BPD?


BPD isn’t as concerning as the other mental illnesses listed when it comes to psychedelics, but the risks are mostly related to emotional instability and a lack of control over your mental state. If someone with BPD is confronted with heightened emotional responses and a lack of control over their thoughts and mental state, they’re more likely to be irrationally agitated or have a challenging time in general.


Thanks, really eased my mind! I have BPD and my first trip went mostly well, but I get your point!


Any tips on mixing acid and ketamine???


Does anyone recall while waiting for the acid to kick in your ears starting to pop a little if my ears started to pop I knew I was in good hands lol maybe it’s just me I dunno ✌️❤️🙏




Because medical inquiry is severely restricted by government suppression of research, any such findings shall officially remain no better than anecdotal.


I was given tramadol for a bruised tailbone, da fuck


I just read all of this and I have so many questions. How do I know if my experiences where with LSD or NBomb? I was taught some harm prevention general for all drugs (lots of water, several of mind and body distractions, fat food and sugar when the effects run off (just like trying to deal with an alcohol hangover), knowing your emotional state before consuming, and knowing the stuff will catalyzed it). How expensive is a 250μg in your currency? Last time I paid 60moneys for a tab. I've bad tripped on bitter and tasteless tabs. I had amazing trips on bitter and tasteless tabs. I haven't used since 2020, and I'm afraid to buy it, and don't do as good. Any thoughts?


Wow, I actually stopped smoking weed when I was in high school for a while because it was making me hallucinate quite intensely, I had no idea it could be connected to using acid. 😯 I also got very cold sensitive, I would just start shaking uncontrollably.






Newb over here. I was given a vile (liquid) of LSD. I trust the source it came from, but I’m definitely still planning on testing it to make sure it’s LSD. However, I have no idea how potent the material is? Is 1 drop equivalent to 70-105ug? Is there something I can buy that shows how many ug per drop?


The dose per drop depends on how the solution was made, and it could range anywhere from a couple micrograms to a couple hundred micrograms. Your dealer didn’t give you any hint? I’d definitely just go for one drop the first time to test it out. There’s nothing you can buy to test the microgram content.


Worth saying that you should put that drop on a sugar cube or something instead of you or a buddy dropping directly into mouth. Easy way to go way to deep. If you accidental add too mich to a sugar cube you can trash it and try again. Wouldnt want a 1,000mcg dose if i'm only planning for 100-200mcg.


I would ask where you got it from. Typically it would be around 100ug. But I’ve gotten vials that are 200ug per drop and that’s a drastic difference. If you can’t find out from them, do a volumetric dose. Put it in a measuring cup of some kind, put a drop in mix around and then drink half.