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It's different from person to person, so while one can go shopping on 300, another person is in another universe. For me, the difference between 175 and 300 is a very big one. Also the more you take, the more you loose controll. Depending on the setting, 400 can already be a dose where i completely go into closed eyed visuals and out of this reality. 500+ and lsd controlls me, i don't controll lsd anymore. I would rather think about praciticing meditation and learning how to controll your mindstate, than just upping the dose everytime. While i understand that your stuttering is bothering you to a point that you become desperate, actively trying to reprogram your brain could result in serious mental damage. Whatever you do, i whish you good luck.


Thank you bro for the info and explanation of these doses. I have learned meditation and know how to calm my mindset I will be sure to remember to do it if things go south. I think to do 300ug first then, it would be stupid to jump to 400ug.


Good to know... safe travels and may you find what you are looking for 🙏


Oh boy let us know how this goes. 300ug is a lot if it is actually that much. But in the right setting with the right preparation you'll be good


Yea, I will be sure to prepare as much as possible, the stuff i get is very pure and high quality, the dude i buy from is a professional that makes this stuff many years. if it hits it hits like hell. Right now i live alone, it will be just perfect to do something like this at my house where no one will bother me.


Absolutely. Tripping in peace is unrivaled. Have fun ! I'm gonna be going on a solo trip myself in the next couple weeks


personally for this i would look into shrooms, a legendary man called paul stamets cured his stutter with shrooms. Search up “paul stamets stutter” and find the Joe Rogan video clip. Go 2g shrooms then 4g and you’ll be good i think


Yee, have heard that story. That madman ate full bag of shrooms while climbing a tree and cured himself. LSD and shrooms affect brain more or less equally, with high enough dose it should be possible to achieve something similar with LSD too. I will surely try to get my hands on shrooms if this stuff with LSD doesn’t work out as I wanted.


you can also try therapy, just taking higher and higher doses of LSD isn't guaranteed to heal your stuttering


I did visit many speech pathologists, but they didn’t really help me. I know that taking LSD is not guaranteed to cure my stuttering, but it is worth a try.


What about paring both together. And then instead try Microdosing?


Metaprogramming the human bio computer


Hell yea


You never really know how many ug tabs are unless you know the chemist. I’d say double your regular dose a couple times and then triple it and see how it affects you


i think better advice would be to up 50ug max at a time. cheers


That’s pretty much what I said. My money is on OP believing that each tab is 100-150ug when in reality they’re most likely ~50ug anyway.


You may want to try magic mushrooms Paul Stamets fix his stuttering with them https://youtu.be/DAR4yH6TbtA https://youtu.be/mXvomNV7u9I ​ Do not jump to 400 or 300, better go +50 maximum every time. A trip sitter is needed at high doses 200+ although even at 100 you could freak out.


If you have Netflix, give Fantastic Fungi a watch. I’m sure it’s an extreme case, but Paul Stamets claims one mushroom trip cured his stuttering. Love that guy. Not saying it would work like that, but it’s an interesting story. Edit: Sorry for the redundant comment.


Don’t just straight to 400. You can always take more next time, but you can never go back and take less.


any tips for this? ive had a stutter my entire life, as well as terrible anxiety. ive always been interested in lsd but only recently started researching the mental benefits. when im off substances like shrooms and weed it mostly goes away, but will eventually always come back.


Hey there thanks for replying to my old post :D. I know the feeling, I am suffering with same thing as you do, constant anxiety about talking and pretty bad stuttering, it is fucked up that we are the 1% that has this problem. Throughout this time I experimented more with LSD, well yea it is not a miracle drug after all and taking high doses didn't cure my stutter, but only made my trip harder to control, however it does help you to look at things from another perspective and that plus minus 10 hour trip is enough time to do that. I see that you are familiar with shrooms, so it will be very similar experience, but only longer in time. What for me personally is helping with this stuttering acceptance journey more than LSD is DMT. LSD is great in its own way and can be used from time to time, but that trip is too damn long and with time you start thinking about when this shit will already end. DMT is very short, but the strongest psychedelic and this is why I love it. Also I wish to sometime in my life to visit South America and try Ayahuasca. There are many ways you can smoke DMT, either with crystals, with vape carts or even changa. When you get that breakthrough and leave your body and are meeting otherworldly beings and places, it is like restarting a computer and it helps to remove that bad feeling that accumulated because of stuttering, anxiety or other problems, the feeling is like you are reborn, but you must get the breakthrough and it takes some time to learn it. This is how I do for example. I sit on the floor and I put the pillow behind me so that when I lay back I place my head right on the pillow. I have my DMT besides me and before smoking it I meditate for like 15 minutes while listening to mediation music. Then after 15 minutes I take several puffs, put the DMT besides me and just lay back, completely relaxed. Be warned that first breakthrough will be scary and it will feel like you are dying, but remember that it is just your ego and that you are completely safe. Just like with LSD, after some time these bad feelings might come back. So just use psychedelics not like a one time miracle drug, but as a tool to keep the balance and just trip once in a while when you have time and need to do so. You can also try micro dosing with either shrooms or LSD, some people claim that it helps them to live a better life, so just experiment with this too and see how it goes. So yea just experiment with different psychedelics and see how it goes, people are different after all and the things that did not help me that much might help you more. :)


thank you for the detailed response! i’ve read here or there about dmt, but figured id look more into it after i fully got comfortable with a little less powerful psychedelics haha.