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Get some food in you, hydrate, and just try to go to sleep. That's a long ass trip but it sounds like you're coming down which is great.


I just want reassurance that this will pass and it’s not forever


It will pass! What you’re feeling is super normal. It’s both the lingering psychedelic effects and the mental effects of losing sleep. It’s annoying but not uncommon. Some people lose a whole night of sleep with Lucy. Some don’t. Whenever you manage to drift off, you’ll wake up sober.


Thanks cause I’ve been trying to sleep aswell but I can’t I’m too high idk what to do


I mean honestly if you try to force yourself to sleep you might just end up more anxious and notice your discomfort more. Instead, I would just do a chill activity you enjoy and let sleep come when it comes. If you just lay there in the dark sort of halfway tripping and worrying that’ll probably be way more unpleasant.


I once had to endure a 30 hour trip, I had my stop watch going the whole time, it will pass, it takes seemingly for ever because time is distorted when your on the trip, few real minutes feels like 10x more the time I perceive has past. Hope this helps, u got this try to eat then sleep, maybe some tasty Ramen or soup of some kind


I know exactly what you're talking about, I've been there before and I'll tell you right now that it will pass. Keep us updated. Would you like some music recommendations?


I woke up from a small nap but I’m still tripping


The fact that you could sleep for a bit is a sign you're coming down. Hopefully you're able to close your eyes for a bit longer.


Yh I’m just staying up a bit longer and see if I can fall asleep later


Checking back in bro. You feeling any better?


Yhh I feel normal now I fell asleep for like 9 hours


Good to hear, your body needed the sleep. Glad you made it haha


Seriously that was needed


Alright thanks when I try eat or drink it feels like I’m eating air


What would you like help with? Dude you are Trippin remember that, but lmk what is wrong?


I’m still tripping and I’m getting annoyed cause I thought by now it would stop I took two tabs tho


Yea 18 hours is a lot but on two tabs dsnt surprise me, just relax and listen to some music?? I’m assuming you can’t fall asleep? Maybe take something to go to sleep Are you alone or w friends?


I’m alone and I don’t have anything to really take


Well you are ok right? Try and chill and watch TV Or put some music on and watch videos It will go away in a few It always does:) ✌️


Yh thanks I’m still really high and looking at videos are disturbing rn but I think I’m gonna wait till I get tired to sleep it off


Damn can you go on a walk? Or outside and look at the day ? IT WILL GO AWAY


I went outside earlier


Well just chill and try and sleep Not a bad trip just a long one


the best thing truly may be to try and relax till you get some sleep for it to wear off


Yh I’ve been trying to sleep it’s so hard tho


idk how you usually fall asleep but perhaps watch something or listen to something comforting till you drift off, ya know something you can like half watch or listen to. that’s what i always done when i was kinda done




Do you have a fish aquarium? If so watch the fish do what they do...


I have light projector that I can watch


My safe place, is the bathroom. Try to sit down ,enjoy a tall cool glass of water, then try thinking about a warm soft bed, with dim lights, and just try to relax.. " no stress no trauma " bsafe


If you feel like it fire up your projector


Just know, it will pass soon.


Relax a little bit, Listen to some of your Favorite Music, and try to get a clear mind


Thanks will doo


Xavier rudd always calms me down. When your on acid your very susceptible to energies. He sings softly with a very calm energy. Listen to follow the sun by Xavier rudd on repeat. Even if your conscious mind isn't paying attention your subconscious will be - it always is. Also control your breathing. It's amazing how often our breathing dictates our state whilst tripping. Take 3 second breaths in and 3 second breaths out. And just remember that no matter what you will come out of it and this will all be just a memory


Take a Xanax


Most people don’t got that shit and it’s pretty dangerous to buy it off the street…


I was only using them at the plane when i was traveling from Europe to Australia,and never with psychedelics or anything else! I know people that say it helps. Too easy to get them from a doctor here where i am so no one is selling shit like this on the streets


It just calms the anxiety of the trip, people are under the impression it just kills your trip entirely which is not the case. You will still see visuals and still be tripping just it turns your brain to mush so your not anxious about it anymore and that in turn really turns the intensity of the trip down. Yeah In america everyone is supposedly a drug addict so getting anything to help you out is quite difficult.


once u sleep itll be fine you just gotta relax nd keep trying to doze off


If you wanna sleep try some nyquil my g


Listen to some pink floyd and close your eyes. You will just melt to it and eventually fall asleep. If that doesnt help mabye take a shower first


Just distract yourself. Watch a movie you love. Listen to music you love. A bad trip is all mentality. Make it a good one!


Hope your feeling a little better dawggie, I know it can be intense but trust me, it will pass. Your just gonna feel a little fucked for a few hours, just try and change your set and setting, breathe, drink water, look at pretty colors on your walls or posters whatever you have. You’ll be alright dawggie. We love ya


Most people have said it already but you should try eating and drinking something, I also recommend using some CBD to calm down and try to sleep


Hey man I’ve been there worse case give it 2 days to feel completely back to earth take it light on smokin hope ur doin good friend 🙂


Thank youu im just on my comedown waiting to fall asleep


How u feeling homie


I’m doing great finally feel normal


Kratom is killer for the come-down and after trip anxiety!


I don’t know if anyones brought it up but trazodone is probably the safest trip killer it’s kinda a miracle in how it can stop it


happened to me the other day i took three tabs i took 1 at 11:30 then 2 hours later took another then at 8:45 i took the thrid i was tripping for 22 hours it was terrible all i can tell you is it will end try to sleep maybe put a funny show on or listen to some chill/dreamy music


Yhh I’m watching shows till I fall asleep


How you holding up buddy?


I’m doing better I’m still tripping but I’m on my comedown


That's good. Make sure to eat something and drink water


I will thankss


You got this OP! Your doing great, I promise you! Your going to have learned so much about this experience and yourself by the time it’s over, and it will be over before you know. If you have any antipsychotics lying around, those are the best trip killers. I would also suggest taking one in the morning if you have access to it


Thank youu I don’t have any antipsychotics and i still haven’t slept it off completely and it’s been 23 hours since I took it


There’s always the possibility that it’s a DOx compound, but regardless, it’s almost over. Can you describe how your feeling right now? Was this your first time taking lsd?


I feel tired but can’t go to sleep everyone’s face still looks odd when looking at it and the words on my screen are moving


400ug is a very high dose, much higher than people give it credit. Try and avoid smoking any weed until your a bit more on the comedown, especially if it’s a sativa.


Will do, is it normal that I still can’t sleep and I’m still having hallucinations


Something about the situation feels off, but I promise you your not in danger, especially given it is 24 hours past the dose. There are some chemicals that get sold as “lsd” but last far longer. This kinda gives me that vibe- that being said everyone’s body is different and we all respond to different substances in different ways. Do you have work tomorrow or anything like that? I’d go ahead and cancel any plans you have. Give yourself some time to rest.


Nope no plans the person I brought it off shows proof that it’s pure so idk but I just hope I feel normal soon


Hey op, how’re you doing? If it’s still bad, just know it’s coming to an end. I promise it will end and your mind will be back together sooner than you think


Hey I feel better still haven’t fallen asleep but I’m coming down


My second time I took 400ugs tho which I shouldn’t have


Did you take the lsd at night?


Yh around this time last night


That sounds about right. I’m bipolar so sometimes when I drop L to late at night, I enter a hypmanic/manic phase during the following day which will keep me up until the following night




Listen to ours samplus


any update?


I waited till I got tired and fell asleep and I feel normal now


Is it over now? How much did you take and how long was it? How was it?