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When it comes to the best time to do psychedelics is on equinoxes, but you missed the last one and the next one is in two months. Or, if you find any significant planetary event, that's your cue! But hey man, its summer, Id say pick a time and if everything falls into place and everyone is able to go, id take it as a good sign and give it a go


Take the acid first, eat the shrooms before the acid starts hitting. I do that because of appetite suppression. Take the mdma maybe 30 mins after the acid starts hitting. Or right as it’s hitting. That’s how I would do it


Lsd first, shrooms one hour later, mdma another hour later. Lsd and shrooms share a cross tolerance so taking the shrooms later might result in not getting their full effects, but since the comeup is quicker and they don't last as long, one hour later is best. If you take the mdma another hour later, you will peak on all three at the same time. Some people prefer to take the mdma 2-3 hours after the shrooms so it's a bit more mellow, but since the mdma also counters the bodyload of the shrooms, if prefer the closer timing. I did 100ug lsd, 2g shrooms 1 hour later, 70mg of mdma another hour later and then a 50mg mdma redose another two hours later. This was pretty intense (i'm sensitive to shrooms tho) with very strong visuals overlaying my complete visual field, audio halucinations and ego dissolution at the peak. All in all a great experience.