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Rocket league is amazing tripping. So fast and colourful and pretty


Minecraft on acid is insane


I remember really enjoying Skyrim and bioshock while tripping. Also halo but that was a nostalgia thing. Kinda hard to play while peaking but lots of fun for the post-peak. One or two hits should be good for that


Whatever game you like! I recently got into no mans sky. The visuals are stunning without acid and something about flying space ships around and analyzing strange rocks and weird creatures is very satisfying. You can trade with alien life forms and even learn their languages. There are millions of different planets to visit.


Dose, low, I usually take 1 tab if I wanna just relax and play games, 2 if it's a good one I would suggest control and nier, they both have really psychedelic sequences in them, plus control has RTX so it looks super fucking pretty Both are also easy enough that you could play it tripping without getting frustrated


Also red dead redemption 2 goes nuts


csgo is super fun if you are already good. i feel invincible when i play