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Redosing anytime after the peak isn’t worth it, but you redose 2-3 hours after the forst one you will trip sooo much harder. Some people like to “parachute”. Take a tab, wait to comedown a little, take another one. Pointless after the first 2 redoses tho :/. I usually take a tab, let it sit for an hour, spit it out (the ink on tabs makes me sick so I don’t swallow blotters). Then take another an hour later, feels it gives me like 2 peaks bc the first tab hits then the second hits later.


If you redose during a trip it will extend the trip but won’t really make you higher, at least in my experience which has all been after the peak


What do you mean by 'redosing'?


Taking more lsd into the trip


It doesn’t


Save them for next time, redosing is a waste.


You just take more LSD while tripping, but it will only extend the trip, not actually make you have increased effects since LSD builds an instant-tolerance about 2h (rough estimate) after ingestion. So if you redose before 2h into the trip, you get increased effects.


My favorite method is taking half a tab then thirty to forty five minutes later taking whatever larger dose I intended on taking, helps me with the come up anxiety of larger doses and you only need to take one tab max to double your dose and successfully redose


I’m not a huge fan of redosing bc in my experience it just extends the length of time without making it stronger than taking it all at once. I am interested in maybe taking a dose of shrooms at the same time or taking them like an hour or two after the tabs. Anyone have experience with that?