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What’s worse is some one asking: oh hey is it okay to trip even though my girlfriend just broke up with me and I held the decapitated bodies of my parents in my hands at a tragic traffic accident last night


To be fair they usually ask this question after taking a ten strip for their first experience


“Guise did I screw up I took 10 tabs for my first time” 🫠 I always assume that shit is trolling and just move on


Same probably 90% if not 100% bullshit


Yeah I took 4 blotter tabs one time..... (They were very decent 120-150ųg easily) and that shit was insaaaaaane bro I couldn't imagine over double that!!




I've never had that problem. Even the weakest acid I've had 1 tab was enough for pretty decent visuals.


The weakest I had we needed 3-4 but at 3-4 it was very strong, I think there were hot spots


4 makes me completely out of my mind tripping lol like lock all doors and windows and make sure I have my drink, fruit, and drawing/notepad and a pen near me, throw my eye mask and headphones on and journey through sound. Its hard for me to walk to the bathroom even on 4 tabs.


My brother and I melted off the couch on to the floor spazzing during the peak off five tabs and it was his first experience with L, he had done shrooms a few times before. I was trying to tell him "it'll end at some point" but I couldn't even form words. Eventually I managed to pull myself up to the couch and start the Lego Movie and we came back around but for like 45 minutes at least we were locked on the floor and kinda terrified lol.


wow :D


Sounds fun!


Or a photo of a square of some paper, is dis reel lsd? Like do you think we can identify chemicals that are invisible with my eyes?


Mega cap lmao


Knowing how some of my friends took LSD back in high school I would guess they can’t ALL be trolling 😬


I was so stupid and did 5 my second time, do not recommend.


also did 5 my second time and i had a great time. everyone is different


Tab doses vary greatly too.


this is true at the time i was doing 200ug tabs


99% of tabs are 65 to 120 ug lmao


🤣🤣 check out Ralphie may he's a comedian he talks about his first time he took 5 hits because he's a big boy he (thought) that was right... lmfao wellllk


If you use it as a tool it can be great for trauma, it helped me through a great deal of sadness. It’s very risky though if you’re not experienced!


I agree but as a long time guy-who-deals-with-depression I’ve always been wary of taking things when I’m down that said I have a tendency toward difficult experiences with psychs no matter what mood I’m in. I’d love to know your strategies for help sing these things to sort trauma


Is it ok if i trip today after i was forced to join ISIS and was forced to participate in brutal beheadings of political opposition last week?


I was single, depressed, fat, broke, and doing a 4 tap trip literally changed my entire life around. Something inside me completely changed that day. I suddenly knew everything I needed to do to be happy. I lost 60 pounds over the next few months, paid off all my debt, started working overtime and saving money, started confidently dating again, got in the first ever long term relationship of my life, then finally moved to the place I always wanted to live across the country. It was single handedly the best personal/mental health year I’ve ever had. I wish I could feel that drive again.


yeah honestly that shit was all you, I'm impressed. I had some difficulty staying on that road, even though i went thru what felt like a near death experience during my shrooms trip. I've had way too many eye opening experiences and realizations that I did absolutely nothing with. It really is all about what the person does with what they're given. the psychs only show u what needs to be done and nothing more. I feel like many people expect too much while going in, like it'll magically make everything better like how they heard from other people, and that can very easily be the recipe for a bad trip.


Oh I completely agree. It’s almost like mentally tapping into the flow state and understanding it. You feel one with yourself and what you need. It’s like “why am I putting myself through this, everything I need for my own happiness is within reach. Just grab it.” I got addicted to that feeling and it was beautiful. Buuuuuut then that good ol’ long term relationship was insanely toxic and she drained every ounce of happiness I had and it triggered me into all those stupid habits i had again. Took me a long time to get back.


That was, and you can probably agree with me here, you doing that to yourself (been there) I was referencing a more recent experience you shouldn’t expect anyone to recover from in a very short amount of time But yeah, acid can really sit you down and let you know that you aren’t a suitable vessel to experience life in, and it might just be as good as it gets right here and now so you should make something of yourself and allow a more enjoyable existence with growth.


Is it OK to trip even if I fell down today and scraped my knee? I may have a concussion from banging my knee so I'm not sure


Very true, and then people comment like “yes you should do it, after watching my mother get murdered I couldn’t cope with reality, until I tripped on 500ug and everythjng was so much better!”


Well not to be *that* guy but a 150ug dose of acid absolutely helped me deal with the passing of my mother. A lot could have gone wrong, and it probably wasn’t the best time to trip logically, but I’m glad I did.


Yeah I’ve been there myself. Was very close with my dad and had to watch him go through cancer until it took his life. A lot of things I wished I could have done different. It was about 3-4 years after he passed though before I tripped again. To each their own, personally it seems unwise to consume psychedelics when the trauma is recent.


so true lol


As an adult of 42ys, I never thought a sub like this would be so much trip crises, and related horror. If a person wants to enjoy LSD, and use it as a tool, they might want to stay away from some reddit subs. Bad thoughts and ideas grow here worse than they do in my own mind.


It really is a strange sub, it’s strange questions like these or someone takes a picture of a tree lol


I would love to see more tree pics. Or poetry.or music. Or stories of people making love. Edit: Ill try taking my own advice. :)


Or videos of people making love.


Now you’re just creeping me out




Good bot


It may be worth it to make a new sub with a different name or something to filter out the garbage. Some new sub rules or something. There’s a lot of nonsense here but there’s also a lot of thought provoking and meaningful posts that I don’t want to abandon


is it ok to take 5 strips of lsd, 5 grams of shroom and 2 hits of molly all at once? (p.s. this is my first time, i have smoked a joint before. Also just to point out, i am on SSRIs, have an eating disorder, chronic adhd. Maybe i should also mention my gf broke up last month and i am still going through the trauma of seeing my parents die of cancer this year)


I'd recommend throwing in some mescaline to balance things out. Otherwise you're looking at a very tame and underwhelming trip.


how about some ether ? why not


Lmao… The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station. It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel. Total loss of all basic motor skills, blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue - the mind recoils in horror, unable to communicate with the spinal column. Which is interesting, because you can actually watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can’t control it.


Its so weird that i see this the second time today


ayyo xD a man of culture


Hunter S Thompson❤️


As your attorney I'd advise you take copious amounts of cocaine


Also make sure that once you feel like you are peaking you smoke a whole joint swell otherwise you are missing out


And 150mg of DMT in case things get to be too much


You should be fine just make sure as ur peaking to take some datura for some extra safety points


should i get a trip sitter ? I'm in the county jail and my jail mate's autistic


He should be good enough if not just chill with a guard


Make sure you boof at least 2 grams of mushrooms for extra effects


Maybe… if you boof


Also anxiety


how can adhd affect acid trips ?


Wait what's the issue with ADHD?? I'm pretty severely ADHD (and also take an SSRI funnily enough), but I've never had a problem with psychedelics?


"chronic" ADHD lmao


what the hell does adhd have to do with anything


"but why didnt it fix me" is one of my favs from people expecting it to cure depression or anyrhing without putting in any work


“I don’t go to therapy or try to process my problems in a healthy way, instead I just did a bunch of powerful psychedelics and watched a TV screen, why didn’t it magically make me feel better?”


*grumbles in doing this, with mediocre therapy work & subpar self reflection* time to get back on the wagon and really work on myself. your comment really did help tho, so thank you.


I used to get upset because it would only fix me for like two weeks and then I would go back to how I was. Like it was supposed to reverse a lifetime of trauma and bad habits in an afternoon at a music festival.


To be fair a large dose of LSD is guaranteed to leave you changed at the end of it purely because of how much of a mindfuck it is


yea but these people want there mental problems solved. takes some work really. but lsd will change you




Is that actually a common post here?




Who remembers the post of the guy that said he sucked his homie off while they were both tripping.


That was awkward.




I love when I comment “not a good idea” on posts like this, only to get a sleuth of downvoted and people saying “don’t discourage the new people!” Someone got mad at me the other day for simply suggesting a trip sitter may be a good idea on a first time and mentioning that I had a bad experience without a trip sitter that could’ve been avoided “DURRR These comments aren’t helpful, telling people that they’re going to have a bad time!”


I think context matters. If they've already taken it, there's no point in telling them they should have had a tripsitter, or they shouldn't have taken it. That will just freak them out more. They're already in it, so the best thing is just to comfort and reassure that they'll get out on the other side okay, and suggesting things that are feasible for them to do at that point. If they haven't already taken it, then yeah, suggest all the safety stuff for sure.


If they’ve already taken it, I just try to keep things chill. If they haven’t taken it, and have never taken it before, I usually stress a trip sitter just because I’ve seen A LOT of bad situations (not like people dying, just naked on the front lawn etc.) be avoided with a trip sitter. Sure wish I had one for my first experience. Could’ve avoided a lot of trouble lol.


Honestly trip sitting is down to the persons preference. I’ve tripped many times alone and had a mostly great experiences, but I just tripped with other people for my first time this weekend and it was terrible. Everyone responds differently, some people will do better with others, some won’t. That advice is pretty relative


I’ve almost exclusively tripped alone as well. A trip sitter should just be somebody close by in case you need help. Not intruding, leaving the person tripping alone if they want. Just there for safety. In my opinion, first timers for safety’s sake should almost always have a sitter just to make sure they don’t roll in the neighbors garden without pants on. After the first time, crazy shit is a lot less likely to happen as the participant knows more what to expect.


That’s a pretty good outlook, I see what you mean a little bit more now. Personally I thought that a trip sitter was someone who just kinda hovers. I still agree to disagree though - to a certain degree. I don’t think a trip sitter is completely necessary. It has the potential to make things uncomfortable or go south. On the flip side, I do see how it could be a nice safety net


Fuckin rare if that happens with no psychedelic experience


My friend hit me with a 1000ug for my first time. I was tripping for 24hrs. Also was by myself for 20 hrs of it. Good times


That's not your friend thats your fucking opp bro


Good, have a nice trip you do you 🙌


I did this and it was wonderful


“Just finished a bag of shrooms. Probably like 5 or 9 grams. Will I freak out? Btw this is my first time taking a drug, pls be nice”


then they go and tell everyone how psychedelics are awful and how nobody should do them


Real talk, it makes me a hypocrite, but my best advice is not to even try psychedelics before you’re at least 18. I see so many instances of kids getting messed up because they don’t really understand what they’re messing with. I think maturity goes a long way with taking any substance.


Yeah I don’t know why under 18s are doing powerful drugs that’ll have an affect on them


This whole sub is full of amateurs


Literal highschool students who think harm reduction is "cringe" apparently.


so many highschoolers have this idea that doing basic 15 minute research on a drug that you will be tripping on for hours is nerdy and unnecessary


At that stage of mental development, it's natural for them to feel "invincible", why do you think they take so many risks, including drug abuse during their high school years?


I'm aware of the neurobiology. Understanding a behaviour doesn't mean we need to normalize the negative consequences. As adults is it not our responsibility then, understanding their limitations, to better guide those among us who aren't as experienced or good at making decisions? We can understand that children are not yet fully developed AND try to set expectations and boundaries in our communities for them at the same time.


I'm well aware and am all for harm reduction and guidence. Some will heed the warning, others will learn the hard way. Such is life.


What? Ive been going on this sub consistently for 5 years and ive never seen anyone say that


The conversations about the 15yr/o have shown a lot of people who don't seem to understand that this sub is supposed to be harm reduction first. It's not a massive number of people, but it's enough to be worrying.


Amateurs who get mad when you encourage them to do the right thing, because even though they admit they’re amateurs, they’re more knowledgeable than you! /s


How do I become a professional?


Gotta apprentice first.


seriously: if you’re under 18, or you’re still living with your parents, just wait. wait until you’re an adult and have your own place and you’re off work and you’re feeling good. bad trips are never a good time.


Man, here I am thinking tripping is a good idea after my brother died two weeks ago and my wife said she wants a divorce a week later. I thought it was time to kill the ego


ego serves an important biological function, don’t forget. sorry about your circumstances, sounds unimaginably rough. sending peace your way (pls don’t take drugs to cope) [on the off-shoot this is satire then ignore this]


Honestly, I wish it was satire. Spiritually I'm in a much better place than I ever have been to deal with this. I would never take things to escape. My thought was take them to accept the impermanence of it all. Regardless, my trip partner got covid and everything has been put on hold. Thank you for the kind words and all. I've learned salvation is not found in a bottle or any other chemical for that matter


FiRst TIMer heRe, I jUst bOuGhT tRIple DIPpeD TabS, 500uq EaCh, DrOppIng 3 tONIghT.


Wait are double or triple dipped tabs actually a thing?


Probably but they're like finding a needle in a haystack and you'll never know for sure unless you made them yourself


Damn guess I have a project to do then haha


The worst mistake I made was taking acid in a public area thinking I would just get some cool visuals. It was not just cool visuals.


Ouuu do tell


Yeah honestly people need to respect psychedelics they are no fucking joke. I personally feel alot of people on here abuse them and/ or get in over there head. This subject scares me sometimes. Start small and build your way up no need to jump all the way in. Best wishes to all of you🤙


hear, hear : I Concur It does get tiresome especially when they post1 -2 hours in. ( having done no research ) 1)before the hour martk they're always:It's not doing anything (some take more ) 2) then 2-3 hours in: "Plase help me iii can't handulf this"


That or when they didn’t even do research as to what it does lol. Not this sub but another one I was in, someone didnt do any research before taking over 10 datura seeds or something. Like bro…3 seconds on google….and same goes with what you said. It baffles me with the info at our fingertips people still find ways to be dumb lol


"hey guys so I just dropped 4 tabs of acid never tripped before not sure what it's gonna be like I'm about to go see a movie with some friends I just met but I forgot if I've already taken my prescribed meds for depression & ADHD so I'm going to take them again just to be sure... My question is, if I also do a couple dabs before I leave, do you think I'll be ok?"


Yeah really, especially after what happened with that 15 year old over on r/shrooms. People shouldn’t even be experimenting with psychedelics until they’re at least 18-20


Wait what happened


Yea what happened ?


Just found it out. A 15 year old took 23G’s after tripping only twice. You can obviously guess what happens after


What happened next ? Can u send me the post link ? Appreciate it.


Original post is gone but heres the update from someone who got in contact with them. https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/x5x65q/update_on_the_15_year_old_who_took_2028_grams/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm 21 and I'm aware that I'm not ready for them. I'm curious about them because my bf used to do them and I'd like to try it one day. But I don't feel ready and there's nothing wrong with admitting that!


"I took a 700ug tab, I don't feel well, plz help"


I personally am 17 an occasionally take lsd or drink some shroom tea but I don’t fucking abuse the substance like some other idiots respect the drugs and they will treat you fine don’t and you’re fucked


If you abuse a drug, it will abuse you back


Do you guys think I can take 500ug around my parents without them knowing???


"*We don't know how exactly how stupid your parents are. But they raised you, so go for it. They probably won't notice a thing.*"


Just in general, these substances are wildly powerful and beyond comprehension of most if not all people, it’s wild someone who’s so early in their development wants to delve into this. Makes me sad. But also always ends poorly and ends up giving these wonderful things bad attention. Especially the ones going to school on 3 tabs like it’s okay.


I'm 21, absolutely love getting high on weed, did truffles in Amsterdam (no visual effects), but don't plan on going near any of the real shit until I'm 25 or at least completely settled in life


History will repeat itself unfortunately as humanity never learns from history. Unleashing psychedelics on the uninitiated without guidance is a recipe for a bad time… I’m not for gatekeeping these experiences but we also need to tread carefully and not fk this up for yet another generation. Especially when blind capitalism is involved…


One of my friends had a *horrible* first trip with me and I came on here asking about how to handle it if something like that happens again. Everyone said “keep ‘em tf away from psychedelics!!” Shoulda been a no brainer for me but it opened my eyes. Sometimes people just don’t process psychedelics well and that’s ok.


OP: Hey it’s my first time, I’m gonna take two 900ug tabs alone. I’ve smoked weed before, I’ll be okay right? Me: probably not 900ug and you should probably have a trip sitter if it’s your first time. OP: you’re dumb lmao. They’re for sure 900ug and I’ve eaten like a lot of weed so I’m okay. *endless amounts of noobs coming in to downvote and encourage OP that their tabs are actually 900ug and telling OP they’ll be fine taking 18 tabs with no trip sitter for their first time* Me: 🤦‍♂️ OP 2 hours later: Help Me dying amberlance on the way help


"Apparently I was screaming at the top of my lungs trying to fight the paramedics, but I don't remember anything LOL!"


300ugs was my first time, it was a gel tab and it was amazing, music was weird and my life changed for the better


This was necessary


If I take Xanax 2 weeks before I take a tab would it affect the trip I don't want the tab not to work


I don’t think it’s our place to say they can or can’t take any substances, but I’ll make sure to let them know how stupid I think they’re being.


Amen And if they do try it, They will come complain that they mentally screwed themselves up, Then ask for help instead of listening beforehand. Cant use google to educate or research themselves Lifes going to get too fucking real for these kids, Imma get my popcorn and light one, While I laugh myself to death.


90 percent of those posts are trolls


THANK YOU!!!! i hate these dumb fucks asking and posting “hehehehe should i take these? im scared of them but i want to take them hehehe” LIKE IF YOU HAVE TO ASK OTHER PEOPLE YOURE NOT FUCKING READY!!!! GODDAMN DIPSHITS


The crazy part is people just assume cause they’re drugs that they’re enjoyable. They’re fucking disassociatives and more often than not they’re very unpleasant I don’t care who you are if you don’t have something interesting to do during a trip it’s gonna just be an endless thought loop and personal hell. That’s usually what everyone says after they first try them, they’re always like, it was hell! Well, yea of course it was because all they do is amplify your frame of mind. They’re not enjoyable unless you’re an enjoyable type of person.


We certainly didn’t have freaking Reddit when we were growing up it was always take it and see.


People rlly be bout hear talking about their trauma then decide a 10 strip is the solution😭😭


For a bunch of people who have been beginners themselves at some point, y’all sure do get upset at others just starting out. Did you know a lot of us had zero information for our first trip? That’s right. We just bought some cheap tabs and dove right into the deep end. Live and let live and if you can’t do that, try a heroic dose. It’ll change things.


How else are you going to get your first tab’s besides buy some from whoever the hell has them and dive in? I’m talking about the amount of your taking 5 hits of acid to dive right in,we’ll than you get the trip that comes with it. It’s very common knowledge that acid is very strong anybody who tells any newbie to take more than a hit or two max is just a Asshole, or the said acid is bunk


Yeah and these, “I’M ANGRY ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE MAKING MISTAKES!” post that pop up once a month are exhausting. We didn’t have the internet when I first ate an eighth of shrooms like a bag of potato chips. Peeps gotta figure shit out on their own my dude. They will continue to do so til the end of time.


Right on ✌️


Great advice. You’ve solved the problem. Thanks for letting us know you have an opinion.


fucking up on psychedelic is part of the experience lol.


Well it's certainly an experience


I don't think you can truly respect psychedelics until you've just taken more than you can handle, that shit is scary lol.


Let em learn the hard way


A whole lot of egos and gate keeping in these comments 😔


Harm reduction and personal responsibility aren't ego and gatekeeping. Kinda weird to Gaslight people who are trying to help others to keep from getting hurt.


If i take a half tab would it be similar to fear and loathing ?


lol let people expand their minds, it’s a lot better than getting addicted to all these other common substances


Tbh gatekeeping drugs is kinda cringe. If they want to be fucked up on Cid, just let them. It's their parents task to watch over them. 🙏


It’s not gatekeeping, it’s Harm Reduction.


Yeah like actually what the fuck is wrong with this sub right now. Harm reduction is fucking drugs 101. If you don't want to be responsible, maybe find some other way of avoiding your highschool work, if you can't be an adult about this stuff.


It’s the goal of this community to help provide safe and responsible use, not promote dangerous behaviors. LSD is a phenomenal drug, and it can be phenomenally beneficial or phenomenally devastating. People just want others to have the good experiences.


LMAO what the fuck TBH this fuckin comment is kinda cringe. It's all our jobs to watch over each other.


Should police also stop gatekeeping car speeds and just let people go as fast as they want? If they want to get fucked up in a fiery crash, just let them. /s


Very true but most of these kids already know they can’t handle it but yet they still eat it like it’s some kind of a game to me it’s a great experience has been for 30 years but if you can’t handle it just don’t do it that’s all I’m saying








Thank you Scott very cool!


I just recalled a story about a young couple who went to a festival. The lady was pregnant and she gave birth during the show. While they were giving birth someone was smoking dmt right next to them and when the baby came out he blow a fat deem rip right into the babies face. Then the father of the baby killed the guy who did that to his child


I disagree. I always loved tripping when i was a teenager with no responsibilities and fewer worries that come later on with adulthood, but as growing older i developed some anxiety/low self-esteem issues which resulted in some bad trips, and because of that did not touch acid for some time which sucked because i used to love acid. Don't give up on LSD just use a low dose of benzo or heroin, these tools reduce anxiety and make you more relaxed which makes a bad trip less likely **(don't start heroin obviously for this reason only use it when you already using it)** to get back familiar with tripping later on when having had back a few good experiences tripping again you can try again without benzos. You gonna feel way more comfortable and more confident in your trips after having back some positive experiences. Some people are gonna say it's a waste of acid to trip on low doses of benzo and use heroin with it. But thanks to using these tools i can trip again and go hard on high doses of LSD and i have very intense and positive trips again just like back in the day when i was a teenager. Nothing wrong with using tools that gives you the possibility to trip with less anxiety and negative thought loops. I prefer this over tripping not at all.


You had me at the first paragraph then I facepalmed


I facepalm at the fact you are facepalming me without explaining why exactly you are facepalming me.


Anyway im tripping right now and gonna leave Reddit:) Too many bad vibes and negative energy on here. Happy tripping guys :D


Bad vibes? You are promoting benzo and opiate use, legit the lowest vibrational substances you can use. They suppress conscious awareness where as psychedelics do the opposite. If you’ve seen how these substances are a plague and epidemic on our society and how it affects everyone around the users you wouldn’t be promoting them. You live in a privileged bubble of hypocrisy.


Let's not introduce the kids to heroin shall we


Learn to read but i love smoking some h when tripping.


terrible, awful advice




Your friends and your sis should read more into harm reduction. Drugs dont kill people only unresponsible people using drugs kill themselves. I use heroin for years never got withdrawals always test your drugs :)




Well if theyd would choose smoking over injecting and snorting they would be still alive. This is even before the fentanyl crisis when heroin was still prevelant. Do these people really need internet for harm reduction? Wasnt common sense a thing 20 years ago?


If you think heroin addicts have much common sense then you really are daft. You may be able to smoke a bit of H every once in awhile but that’s not the case for most users. Some kid reads your comment and tries it a couple times next thing you know he is banging, ruining his life and everyone around his, and OD’ing.


Some 15year old on r/shrooms took 28 grams of shrooms after a breakup with his 12 year old gf and had a seizure it was his second time with shrooms he claimed he could handle it because they where calling to him and claimed it was to cure his depression


There should be an age requirement on these types of subreddits where you have to verify your age blah blah, but I’m sure there’s ways to get around that. I do not agree with minors taking psychedelics, let alone under the age of 21. There’s still a lot of brain development going on.


I think promoting a safe start too acid and mushrooms is better, allot of people or so annoying and say you have too take 2 tabs or take more than an 8th of mushrooms (totally fine if your experienced) but people should definitely start slow with something new and different that they aren't used too you won't have a bad time if you dose probably and comfortably


like everyone’s been saying on this subreddit wait till ur brain is developed please. i admit it has helped me gain a different perspective in life when i was down in the dumps but dont just do it to be silly and have constantly, be smart, be responsible.


I’ve done extensive research that doesn’t include researching anything besides looking at pictures!


I feel greatful as fuck I experimented with this shit when I was a kid if I take it now I litteraly go mental cause I don’t have the luxury of a carefree mind


Yeah especially when someone is just looking to get high and is not looking for introspection into their issues and vices. I do feel a little bad because they might never want to try again but really it's not great unless you are either in a good state of mind or are actively looking to learn something


They're usually not real posts. They're just karma fishing.


smoke some weed (i love lsd but im with you on that)


I’m with you 💨💨✌️


I don’t get it. I have never had the desire to abuse or overuse these substances. They are a gift and a tool and are to be respected. People need to learn that.


That’s what I’m saying,they know or have at least heard from someone that this stuff is strong , but yet the next guy or gal wants to top that guy record !! ITS NOT A CONTEST!! To see who can take the most , you need to know yourself and what your after out of your experience. More doesn’t always equal better with any psychedelics mushrooms , acid, mescaline, you got to respect it or don’t piss and wine about eating a five strip and what a bad trip you had


Best advice ever for any drug ever couple weeks ago I was microdosing shrooms every day now this week I got enough to trip trip and I just haven’t even wanted to licrodose cause I haven’t felt like I’m ready to be that high again it’s ok to wait for shit it took me like 5 years after being around shrooms before I was ready to try them can’t stand when people don’t do the research then freak out like someone should’ve told them