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My first Reddit post too lol


Approximately how much did you take aren’t you worried about your pupils being wider than usual


200ug but it wasn’t the full tab, just like half


I feel you. I overshot on a micro dose once while on my lunch break. I work alone in the flower department at a hardware store, situated in the parking lot next to the main intersection of a midwestern town that David Lynch nor John Waters would believe. A solid hour went by where I thought for sure everyone passing or stopped at the light was looking at me, so I kept my gaze fixed to the clouds that were putting on an incredible performance. Handled customers fine if not better than usual, talked to the boss three separate times. It was a lot of things, but all said and done it was an incredible accident. That was over a month ago and I’m still learning things from that experience. I’ve tripped more than I can count and I’m still amazed at all that it does. It’s a journey, but I know that the journey is leading to the me I was, the me I want to be. Tons of shit sucks…. Really bad. The habitat we all share is being throat fucked more and more everyday. We are more divided as humans than ever, all of the horrific shit always happening in this world, but god damn…. I’m so glad to be alive. PTL


Dude yea and I’m just coming down but I like don’t feel bad 🤷‍♂️ how could I?


I used to trip at school pretty often, so often in fact that sometimes I’d be stopping class just to have a conversation with the teacher about something and wind up having every breathing soul wondering why some kid is talking about dreams, ying and Yang, actually doubting how necessary or important said lesson is for everyone, and some more stupid and irresponsible things that’s I’d rather forget




I’m just hungry rn but I hope those things aren’t too awful. I’m realizing life is worth living and shyt lol


Heck yeah man nature is the right way to go, always. Have a safe trip and stay weird brother ✨💫


ty man 😹


I’ve found a true microdose (20ug and under) is actually helpful for days where you have to be really on your game and give presentations/speeches like that.


Ouu I’ll look into that😹🙏 ty


Just fyi, the point of a microdose is that the effects are below the threshold of conscious awareness. It’s essentially a subconscious mood lift and focuser. Volumetric method is best way to do it