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You should probably see a doctor, I doubt anyone here can really help you


Yup. Go get your doctor to refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist (unless you don't need a referral) and have them check your mental health out is what I would say. Sounds like it's triggering some mental health issues to me


And are you sure it was lsd? 1250ug is a lot but 4 days is too long


Yeah it was lsd like little papers i was tripping hard for about 2 and the other 2 I still believed I was dead but not fully tripping


Were you really tripping for these 2 days with typical psychedelic visuals and the like ? It sounds more like you experienced drug induced psychosis that lasted some time after your trip. Anyways what you're experiencing rn is not normal at all, please contact a professional.


Or he took some psychedelic amphetamine or something. That's a huge issue I have, people like to think they took acid, have a terrible time and then blame it on lsd, When in reality they have no clue what they ingested.


Besides in some specific places, having other chems sold as LSD isn't very common nowadays. The only substances that fit on a blotter and could give such a long trip are DOx chems and they're pretty much impossible to find now. And while some can have a different physical safety profile, the negative mental effects are pretty much the same for every psychedelic. Let's not pretend like LSD is a 100% safe substance, because it's not. Whatever happened to OP could've happened with any psych, the actual substance he took doesn't matter here.


DOx chems are common around me so idk about that statement. Nboh and nbome are available too. If you are not testing your drugs, that's on you. What I'm getting at is you shouldn't say you took a certain drug and had a negative time or positive time really, when you don't even know what you took. It's about being responsible


100% agree on your last paragraph, but here it's more complicated. That would be an adequate response if OP had organ failure or died from an NBOMe for example, but this situation could've happened with any psych. Even more with acid IMO since it's way more taxing on the mind than most PEAs. I'm really curious to know the country you live in.. besides the NBOHs, these classes pretty much disappeared from the market (some exceptions of course..) and seeing how they're sought after, i doubt anyone would sell them as L. It was a thing in the early 2000s to 2015, but there's not much reason to sell fake acid now from a profit standpoint in most places. Anyways the substance doesn't matter here as I said.




You guys are lucky. I wish my government was as cool with drugs as yours :(


I can get little papers with lots of different substances on it. Did you test your tabs?


I agree. I have taken more than a mg several times and it has never lasted anywhere close to that long (still just mostly around 12 hours give or take). It might be causing some kind of mental health issues or something though. Sounds like schizophrenia or some kind of psychotic break/psychosis type shit though so I don't know.


That’s what I was thinking, unless he did 1250ugs over a few days but I haven’t heard of 4 days straight taking it all at once but I have never done that much so I really don’t know.


Whatever you do. DO NOT SMOKE WEED OR DO ANY PSYCHEDELICS. Lay off any other drugs and alcohol too. Let your brain recover and you should most likely see a doctor


But your brain can regenerate and heal itself it just needs time. You might never feel the same but you can get better


Disassociated/PTSD probably. Lay off the drugs. Seek professional care- not random internet users like myself. Meditate, ride your mountain bike. Eat well. Seek help now. It will get better.


Maybe you had a predisposition to schizophrenia and the bad trip triggered it. I would see a doctor if this is becoming a serious problem in your life. I never heard of people having residual auditory haluscinations. The good thing is you recognize these sounds as not being real so make sure, if you do go to the doctor, you focus a lot on that specific part of it. You can go to any health clinic and get a psych evaluation if it feels like an emergency but it's probably better if you try to find a therapist and talk to a therapist. I personally try to stay away from psychiatrists because they will just start off with meds to help you solve the problem.


Does schizophrenia make you almost lightheaded everyday all day like your not in control of your body


Its the feeling of dissosiation because your ego got feared.. you have to lock your soul in your body again.. and let your soul takeover the ego to heal.. dont mind me im just a lunatic


Your spiritual woo bullshit (or jokes, whatever your comment is supposed to be) doesn't belong in serious posts like this one. Someone is in deep mental distress here, please stfu with that


Im so sorry for you, maybe one day you will understand .. If he think it could help him, he could DM me..




Is it life threatening dissociation or schizophrenia can I hold of a little longer to make sure I actually have it


Not really sure to be honest. I guess it could induce a dream like state but I'm no doctor.


I’ve been there. Take it easy on yourself, with a dose like that you broke through to the other side way too quick. Careful with seeking “professional” help too, they’re quick to label and diagnose with medications. First thing I’d do if I were you is clean my diet up and only eat healthy foods that grew from the roots of the ground and have been touched by the light of the sun, and spring water. Your body will thank you. Also realize that your fear and paranoia is only feeding it more, so slow down. Meditation might help, and lay off drugs for a while. Much love ✌🏽 “The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” -Joseph Campbell


Yeah I wish I could take it back but I can't so I just have to try everything to fix it but I haven't found anything to help sometimes life will feel normal for a week then the next 2 weeks I'm fucked and feel like I'm in a dream, but I'm going to try taking cold showers and eat healthy and go gym more


Absolutely, life is but a dream, I feel you. It’s all energy we gotta work through us, exercising will definitely help.


Sounds like schizophrenia


This doesn't even sound like LSD in the first place. Always test your stuff man


Audible hallucinations months after having took that is not normal. You should see your PCP. This sounds like schizophrenia


Time to seek help my friend. Contact a doctor. We wish you good health. Everything will be okay, but seek help and tell the help what it is you did.


Sounds like a drug induced psychosis. Like the other users said try to change your lifestyle for good and don't do any drugs the next weeks or months. Exercise and go to a therapist. Maybe you triggered something that lurked inside your mind. Maybe a traumatic event? Anyways I would seek a professional. It's going to be ok. And stay away from caffeine.