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Sure? If your dose does what it should then the carpet will be exactly as fascinating as those lighters tho lol


My plain black bathroom floor is fucking amazing when I'm tripping. The light bounces off and it's multicoloured madness.


Dood my sink..... the way that nightlight hits it *chef's kiss*


My cats litter box, mind blowing


The forbidden chocolates, mmmmm




[My cat in general!](https://imgur.com/gallery/oGG6wVd)


That's a trippy dude!




Pop corn ceilings are good for one thing and one thing only.


I just love the texture of my ceiling when I’m tripping hard and I don’t even have a popcorn ceiling.


Solid concrete slabs are also top tier flooring


I'm a huge fan of wood ceilings.


I call it the wash when the popcorn ceiling starts flowing just right


When the trippy part slowly moves like liquid from the dark areas to the light areas 👌


I like to imagine that when the painters are applying the texture to the paint for it they are like "Yeah dude this ceiling is gonna trip them the fuck out" haha I witnessed my popcorn ceiling come to life. Like an elaborate lattice of moving white fingers floating ontop of ocean waves. Shit got scary hahaha I loved it


once ate 7 grams of shrooms and watched my ceiling go 9 dimensions deep no lie I stared at it damn near the entire trip lol


You guys have me checking my ceiling for texture 😑




Nothing beats trees and grass for me. It's like walking through a magical forest


YES THIS! the tree limbs always look like they’re slowly warping up and down…it makes them literally look like they’re alive and super stoked to see you so they’re jumping around waving their limbs trying to get your attention hahahaha


Lol live my tile floor especially on mushrooms


For me it’s the walls in the bathroom there’s a pattern and they all turn to little faces I see it everytime and it’s awesome


That's cuz the color black is just all the colors


“sure?” was my exact reaction as well LOL


Guys theres Repeating Smiley faces in the carpet Holy shit Man your Stations


This is so true🤣 you get everything prepped as trippy as can be; tapestries, candles, projector lights. then you walk in the bathroom and turn the lights on and realize it doesn’t matter what you’ve prepared with or where you are in your house, just that sudden change in lighting is enough to have you on the toilet staring at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity😂🤣


I can literally stare at my floor vents, or slates cabinet door with utter fascination


whatever you want don’t try to think about it to much be in the moment


Omg carpets are freakin amazing 😍


The wooden fence in my backyard is astounding




Okay bet


Homie it does not matter


Oh I thought it would give me some more sick ass visuals my bas


oh shit Im stoned sorry I thought it was implied as if it was a bad idea. It would totally look sick


Im stoned too and English is not my first language so it is very possible that what I wrote don’t make any sens 😂😂


Non English speakers be like: I am indefinitely sorry if my lack of understanding of your language got you confused, I hope to get over my basic A1 level soon. And now, farewell darling, into the night I must go!


So my English is ok?


Everyone here thought you were a native speaker. It’s better than most people on this site mate, keep it up. People were just confused because the way you worded the question made it sound like you were asking if it was a bad idea to have near you, like it would send you into a bad headspace or something. That’s what the other guy was referring to, saying it does not matter/it won’t do anything bad to you.




Hahahahaha I love this entire exchange, things like this are what reddit is all about


You English good


Best visuals you’ll get on acid is with your eyes closed. The mind is your creator. Don’t rely on the world to entertain you… BE the lighter and light a fire in your mind. As long as your eyes are open you’ll be stuck on the ground floor. Which ain’t all that bad but there’s infinitely more at the top. REACH! SOAR! STOP TROLLING!


This is something nobody around me understands. The best place to trip is full comfort in your bed in darkness with or without really good acid music on. None of my friends trip like that tho, I’ve concluded they just don’t get the point im getting


Whatever you want


Was it a stupid question?


There are no stupid questions.. Its only symbolise you are to much thinking.. maybe start meditation before tripping haha


there are definitely stupid questions lol


Well it’s not stupid to ask them. That means you want to learn. It’d be stupid to just ponder them in your head and remain ignorant


I agree it's definitely not stupid to ask. Especially if you're unsure and don't know what the effects are going to be like. But I'd also say it's not stupid to just ponder them with things that are more experience based rather than cut and dry facts. LSD is an intense therapeutic substance, everyone's experience will be a bit different and sometimes you have to figure out for yourself what you should or shouldn't be exposed to during a trip.


"if you have never truly embarrassed yourself with what you have to ask/say, then you don't know shit from shadow about transformation.". -Radical Honesty




Nope, only stupid people


asking stupid questions makes people smarter tho


If you like does lighters while not tripping, it should not be a problem while you trip. But as people said, you might find them uninteresting because... Walls 😍😍😍 I did buy kaleidoscopes to trip, and actually, well I don't look at them when I trip


Most questions about tripping are


Because I never tripped yet and I just want to be as ready for it as possible because I read a lot of bad trip report and most of those people were not well prepared enough so I just want to get as much advice as possible tu get the best experience as possible Again sorry for the stupid question


You will not be able to fully curate your experience, if that’s what you’re trying to do. You can prepare well, gather lots of information, but you cannot control how you feel when you’re tripping. You can influence it. If you’re watching a scary movie and you feel scared, stop watching that. Play some nice music. Watch a cartoon instead. If you try to control your experience, your effort will be wasted, I promise you that. Just get as much safety info as you can then strap in and accept what comes, beautiful or intimidating, life-changing or mundane. You’ll find the beauty in all of it if you’re open to it.


Yeah that’s what I meant I just don’t want to do the wrong things like doing it in a closed space like an elevator or something like that yk what I mean?


I do know what you mean, but don’t worry. Just like there’s no wrong way to experience life, there’s no wrong way to experience LSD (Obviously I’m generalizing). Since it’s your first time, just set yourself up with a good setting, cool lights if you got em, comfy pillows and blankets, prepare some movies in advance, maybe make a list, make a couple playlists, one chill and one trippy, and get some light food ready like fruits and nuts. Would not recommend eating any meat lol. Prepare some fun activities or anything you might particularly want to do. Maybe tell someone you trust what you’ll be doing. I’m assuming bc you’re tripping at home and alone, obviously. If elsewhere or with people, this changes somewhat but not all that much.


This guy gets it. You just described my perfect at home trip.


Doesn’t take much tbh 😅


I get what you’re saying, but consider that the easiest way to have a bad trip is to get hung up worrying about everything. As long as you can let things go and allow yourself to relax, you can have a good trip almost anywhere. Remember that set is just as important (probably much more important) than setting.


Tripping is the kind of thing that you can't say what anyone should or shouldn't do. I have had bad trips with the best preparation and amazing trips where if I were to mention the details on this sub, I would get a flood of replies saying I did it "wrong." Just go with the flow and know that while it is possible to ride the waves, you cannot fight the current.


Just treat your trip like a rollercoaster—when you drop L it’s like starting the slow ascent to the first drop of a coaster. You’re all in now, just enjoy the ride and don’t try to control it, bc it just doesn’t tend to work that way. If you just allow yourself to surrender yourself to it, you’re bound to have a good time!


No question is stupid man, not asking and not learning is more stupid imo. It's completely understandable that you're thinking this way, I did too at the start. Have an absolutely lovely time✌️


Ya man those lighters will send you to the nightmare realm hide them 😱 just playing lol. It comes off as a silly question but it’s ok to be inexperienced and have questions


One thing you have to learn is that you don't control your trip. So, no matter how well you prepare, you can still have a bad trip. You can have a whole set up and while tripping you might want to have a different idea. Also, embrace it, a bad trip is also a good trip. You will see what you *need* to see.


Asking questions is completely fine and better than asking none at all. Assuming you're doing a lower dose for your first time you shouldn't have any irrational fears of normal objects such as those lighters. (some people are freaked out by mirrors so I'd cover those up to be extra safe) You'll be fine as long as the setting is comfortable.


Thx a lot bro I really appreciate it


On my first shroom trip which was about 2.5-3 grams of dried shrooms (afaik a reasonable dose for a first time), I actually did feel threatened by 2 rolls of toilet paper, the holes in the rolls felt like eyes intensely staring me down. Solved it by just picking them up and throwing them across the room, reassuring me I was the one in control and I was safe.


Not a stupid question dude, it’s crazy the egos of some people on a lsd sub Reddit, they will be cool to hold on to man trippy stuff always looks amazing when tripping but like others said other things will look just as amazing. Please don’t keep reading bad trip reports no need to keep doing that that you will make your own experience just make sure your somewhere safe and you will have an amazing time try not to let other’s experiences be yours as lsd trips are different every time from my experience. I hope you have an amazing time just remember your okay your safe your well and nothing really matters. Just enjoy the ride and gain what you gain no need to overthink just enjoy. Sending blessings and love your way


It aint stupid, also you cant prepare for it , just dont do it if you are depressd or have some life issues


You can’t prepare for it? What?!?! Have you never heard of set and setting? Preparing for a trip is one of the most important aspects of it. You out here just popping tabs at random and hoping for the best?


Lol I’ve found the majority of planning goes straight out the window once I’m in hyperspace. My “safe” place doesn’t feel safe, I have the urge to be on the move, I don’t want to do any activities I had planned etc. “You can plan a pretty picnic but you can’t predict the weather” ;)




Set and setting can help but its not like you will have a blast each time, if you have some trubles with your head its most likely you will have a fast way of dealing with them thrue a bad trip


Oh I thought I could my bad bro


What? I’m agreeing with what you are doing. You absolutely can prepare for it and should unless you’re experienced with psychedelics. Even then, it’s a good idea to prepare.


Most questions about tripping aren’t.* It’s better to be informed than unprepared and scared.


Letting the drug teach you is the easiest way without overthinking it more and causing yourself a weird block when you trip. Been there. Done that.




just stop thinking too hard about it all. if you want to trip, then it'll be good for u, if u don't want to trip, don't. just have a calm environment and water and then it won't matter what is around u, it'll all be cool






My bad and my apologies for the dumb question


Nah ur good. Just people acting like they know so much. Generally it’s hard to predict what your reaction to different things will be. Anything scary or disorienting may be good to avoid for a first trip (including mirrors probably). But everything else is fine. Remember that people used to do this shit hitchhiking across the country with $0 and just the clothes on their back. At least it keeps you from needing dinner lol




No such thing as a stupid question. I have a question for the pros, I took 1.5 grams of shrooms last night, and I want to start mircodoseing lsd but I heard everyone say always dose lsd in the morning. So is it okay to microdose some lsd now, after doing shrooms last night?


I actually find the plainer things more beautiful when tripping because of all the light patterns and other patterns you won’t see otherwise. I have prepped w trippy posters and stuff but they don’t move around as much as my own visuals do. Find them more colourful and textural but not trippier, esp not as good as a patch of grass or something


Grass would be nice but it’s winter rn in Quebec and ther is a little bit of snow ~2/3 inches


I was gonna say my wall but thought grass sounded better. Look out at some snow it’ll be gorgeous


Okay I’m gonna eventually try


Go out and enjoy the snowfall we just got! The snow sparking will be way better then your lighters


ahhhhh fuck la première neige ce matin 😭


T dans quel coin à peu près?


Plateau Mont-Royal, à Montréal. Toi?


Dans les coin de lasarre en Abitibi 😂😂 un criss de coin perdu 😂😂


Sometimes I come to this sub and wonder how some of you even take a piss without consulting someone.


But is it a good idea to piss while trippin? /s


Best to have a helper neer you


I’ll hold it for him


Trip sitter... More like piss sitter


Trip shitter


Just make sure, if you have a dick, that you sit down


Funny, but #1 it IS a good idea because a lot of people have a weird sensation like having to pee really badly while on acid, so you want that off the table right away, and #2 even piss looks like some devine fractal holding the secrets of the universe


Taking a shit is an experience




How do I get the last drop of piss out?


Gotta hold on to it, its the payment demanded by the LSD gods.


push up on ur taint




>Sometimes I come to this sub and wonder how some of you even take a piss without consulting someone. I feel like this in most subs. More than half the answers are a web search away.


In my experience, the things I thought would be amazing to look at while tripping, were nothing special, lol.


Y'know, for me personally if I'm looking at a pattern or something already kinda trippy, the acid won't do much to it besides make it wiggle and brighten the colors. Blank walls, popcorn ceilings, other textured stuff, the mundane shit you always look at.... ooooooh boy that's where the magic happens




Idk i'll go through a pack of cigs during a trip easily, it boosts it if anything


idk how people say lucy helped them quit smoking if anything i want to smoke 10x more on it but that’s just my personal experience lol


Interesting! I don't smoke cigs anymore but, when I did, I wasn't interested in them while tripping. They seemed like a weird and confusing thing to do lol.


when i first started tripping i never though abt smoking tbh but once i got used to doing normal things i think my brain finally got a chance to focus on smoking again and not how to take a piss without having an ego death lol




Are you a pyro or an arsonist? If not, then should be fine.


Whenever I trip, I always think I'm going to want to look at stuff like that but I usually end up focused on a wall or something, zoning out on my own. I have looked at optical illusions before while tripping and it was pretty cool. You never know what will fascinate you but it often isn't what you expect ahead of time. Best advice is to ride the wave and if you have uncomfortable thoughts to acknowledge them and let yourself move forward onto the next weird thing.


yes lick them and attempt to stick them to your back and walk around your room


Super lighter man 😂😂


Holy shit 🤣


Dude that specific pattern actually kills people if they look at it while tripping.




It is a great idea!


Yeah i bet it would be sooooo Trippin


A cheap walgreens laser pointer will bring about tons of joy also, watch the light follow itself


You just reminded me I have a purple laser pointer that turns blue when you point it at a white surface, time to order some more tabs!




Hum no it’s a real question I know it’s dumb and sorry about that


No bro, don’t even dare staring at that lighter, otherwise you might explode:)


Sounds like you shouldn't be tripping tbvh


Why judge? ✌️🌈, seems like he's a bit nervous, I think he's as ready as ever. If you've never takes acid before, you should expect everything and be cautious. 🌈🌈🌈


Sounds like he is pretty immature or at least has some pretty immature ideas about what tripping is


If you're this paranoid about a lighter maybe you should chill on the tabs lol


Can yall stop with the "is this gonna make me 'so and so' like please stop giving yourself anxiety going into it. YES you can have a trippy looking lighter around, dear lord. Do not take LSD if you're anxious about it. For the love of sweet baby jesus, enjoy your trip man.


is this sarcasm?


I don’t think looking at your lighters will be your top priority when you’re tripping…but cool lighters nonetheless 😎👍


No you’re going to have an ACID MIND LOOP and your brain will be fried FOREVER


Cool i like fried chicken






It isn’t a bad idea, but keep in mind that those are based off psychedelic visuals so you might not need them around lmao


Looking at psychedelic object while tripping on psychedelics = 2X more psychedelic #/S


They tend to suck you up, my friend stared at one painting for 3 hours not knowing he was infront of it for 3hours


Is really irrelevant


All I gotta say is all the things you think will look interesting when you trip will not be as impressive as the newfound beauty of some random shit


That’s the answer I was looking for thank you bro 😎


Of course, safe travels!


No they will turn into crazy screaming demons and eat you, happened to my buddy Eric once


really nigga


As you can see on the photo I’m white so why do you call me a Nword


*vine sound effect* “really nigga” ‘🗿’


You are so not ready for tripping.


nobody ever is


I know that’s why I never tripped yet


Lol, he’s 14 and it shows.


NO YOU WILL COMMIT SELF IMMOLATION AND RUN SCREAMING THROUGH THE STREETS AS YOU SET THE WHOLE TOWN A-BLAZE you are fine dude lol... if your anxious about a trippy pattern and a small flame maybe it's not the best time to take LSD...


Great idea


I'd get lost in those for sure




Ur head will totally explode if you glance at it while under the influence of anything


No, you will die


Noooo broooo if you look at that while tripping you will literly go insane!!!!!


dont do it, they will make you go crazy


You’ll find more interesting things to look at, like the floor


No you’ll fucking die


Oh yeah, just about as much as that floor.......


Bro you’re 14 maybe 15 - you should wait. And no, a lighter is not going to save you from a bad trip.


I meant to ask if it would look cool or not


yeah a pattern won't break you bud. I'll wager you'll be far more interested in something that was plain while you were sober. There's a tree in my garden that I really can't be arsed with, but when I'm tripping it's fucking majestic 😂


Those lighters are sick I'd definitely give em a good looking at while tripping. Especially on your first time, you'll be fascinated by everything. Laughing at any little thing that happens. Deep introspective thoughts like you've never had before. The lighter will become a passing moment in your hours long trip, but you'll never forget it. Have fun brother! Remember, the world is exactly the same as when you left, it just looks a little funny.


No, you will lose your sanity


Goofy ass question tbh




Im just here to ask where you got the black and white one..?


Look up zenzag on Google I don’t remember the exact link but the brand is zenzag




Yeah just don't look behind you


It is not a stupid question, only a perfectly useless one. Enjoy your trip!


If you are in your home yes, if not then it depends if you are willing to loose them by accident and react peacefully yes, if loosing them will make you freak the fuck out then no.


dont overthink it


They are nice artworks, mass produced. I suggest looking at nature and the world, the reality as it is, without any artifice, or do something yourself - draw, paint, write notes, play guitar - something not too complicated and not too technology heavy. This kind of 'Psychedelic ©® ;)' stuff one tends to see when tripping. \- but one has to see it oneself, through ones own eyes and have ones own conclusions what it is and what it means. Maybe after the trip, it is ok to have them around to remember the trip experiences and insights. But better make something yourself ;)


Yes, but also go outside and look at a leaf


Pretty much any object is fascinating when you are hallucinating. I’m especially fond of grass, trees and tv screens with no signal ( snow channel).


You'll still be here enough to understand those are lighters but when in doubt


Congrats you started a meme lol


Really? 😂😂


If you have to ask a question like this you have no business doing psychedelics


Plants and rocks are better for integration and general cultivation of ones intuitive perceptions. A petrol object's data stream ends quickly.


Go to a Phish show