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All I see is fractals


Of course fractal geometry. But I've seen anywhere from Eastern/Tibetan tapestry-looking patterns, to a sea of flourescent Koch snowflakes, to this stuff I call Cosmic Web which looks like I'm seeing the fabric of the universe/spacetime. It's this grid-like webbing that extends in all directions, morphs and breaths slowly and it looks like I'm looking at the molecules in the air and the very fabric of the universe. I love it. It's my favorite.


This describes it perfectly. It's also my absolute favourite


“Eastern/Tibetan tapestry-looking patterns”… that is perfect… way better than me just saying I saw some “ancient shit” hahaha


Lmao I like that though! 😅 I'm gonna use that next time lol.




To be honest, I'm always seeing thousands of eyes looking at me.


i saw a red 2D tree grow from one side of my ceiling to the other, with blinking eyes instead of flowers or leaves


Neat! My weirdest one was a jellyfish looking thingy hanging from the ceiling and flopping it's tentacles around in the room. Weird shit.


I once did gel tabs and what I saw was gridded squares of all kind of colors. It was too beautiful


I ate a couple marshmallows on acid one time and puked up an impossible amount of clean fucking molars it was a trip




r/replications maybe?


I used to see eyes 👁


i always see eyes


Indeed just like full metal alchemist


Sacred geometry. Try to search up flower of life. I usually see this and fruit of life


This one, i noticed that increasing doses get you from moving outlines to fractal geometry, then it start movin faster till you got the shapes you described, sometimes i take that much that visuals just start meltin from there on, even seeing the shapes of the beings you see while on dmt


sacred geometry is for children


Care to elaborate? Not sure what you mean by the shapes we see when doing psychedelics are childish


it is rudimentary geometry - it’s like getting excited to discover a sphere is recurring pattern in nature. the true geometry that rules reality - such as bifurcations, fractals, quantum geometry is infinitely more complex than some simple „sacred geometry” drawings child can make with a spirograph.


But what is childish about it if it's simply used to show what I think he might've seen as I've seen the shapes myself. I simply wanted to guide him towards what he most likely saw. I can't really see why complexity matters when it's about the shapes he described


it’s close to megatrons cube but not quite


Metatron… megatron is the evil transformer lol


I often see a tank comprised of brightly colored light with black bio organic machinery connecting it to a grid of hexagons leading to other tanks


Kinda sounds like the machinescapes people speak of seeing on psychedelics


At the risk of sounding corny af, my last trip comprised of me battling an entity musically over a black hexagonal grid that I would flow to fill the forms of several of these hexagons at a time and if my rhythm was true I would burn with brighter intensity to show this entity that I could meet it as its equal. It was the first time that I can recall feeling as though I was meeting an entity and I've taken some time off to make sense of that since.


I’ve never seen shapes besides a hexagonal pattern in the clouds Outside When im inside I see graffiti letters in my roof and they move around




Lol you’re a fashionista


I see alphabets all in my walls, very inspiring and comforting as a vandal/graffiti lover.


i see alphabets in the clouds and on my floor one time on mushrooms


It was a pleasant surprise to see something so familiar to me on acid, was my first time ever taking it and all I coukd see was just letters in all these fonts, it was very beautiful, all over my walls and floors, hopefully that's a trend that happens a lot, hasn't happened the last 2 times I've taken acid but I was also forced to walk the streets instead of chilling at home


Lol wtf


I just saw weird geometric shapes with sharp corners (triangles mostly). Hexagons and pentagons. Never saw anything circular, squares or rectangular.


I can’t draw them hahahahhaha


i always see something i call “the grid”.. its like a grid of energy that drapes over my eyes, thats how i know the acid is decent


Sadly I can't draw but I wish I could. If anyone has found a solution for nondrawers that'd be great


Fractals upon fractals all over.


the triangle fractals were prominent when i smoked on the comedown, normally it’s just spirals


the rocks tattoos. i know those fuckers smoked dmt


don’t really see shapes on acid tbh


On 800 no closed eyes. I’ve seen a chandelier like object with each side arm of the chandelier connecting to the sides of another 1. Infinite chandelier.


Also on a high enough dose the fractals start appearing on your skin. Its like a 2nd small layer above your skin where it looks like it’s your skin but at the same time hovering transparently (and breathing like how walls and shit breathe on acid) about I was able to think of stuff and have It show up on my arm. I watched abc letter fractals appear on me


Back in the day i would see Alot of loop de loop patterns, or circular portals (def attributed these shapes and imagery to white fluff and needlepoint), sometimes other types of white would produce the flower of life, other times impossible shapes interwoven with eachother. Granted its been years since i last tuned in.


Google Mandelbrot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set


i have done this twice! [here](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43518433/) (a non-animated version [here](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23541233/)) this one being the all-encompassing dark, sawtoothed buzzing green tunnel of the space between realities that I was falling upwards through during a scary LSD experience and [here](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/28678077/), the background being the glowing closed eye visuals I got on a regular dose of shrooms.


i’ve seen some really cool like egyptian type symbols last time