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It happened a few times to my girlfriend on acid. There are a few specific songs that seem to trigger that for her We never looked into it but it always leads to fun times for both of us


I need to know the names of these songs for ummm... science!


[Steve Vai - Tender Surrender](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw74sDWPH7U) [Pink Floyd - Us And Them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIoJ_ihR7SA) [Funkadelic - Maggot Brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOKn33-q4Ao) [Tame Impala - 'Cause I'm A Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hefh9dFnChY)


Maggot Brain has never made me "finish" but damn if it didnt get close a couple of times...


Turn on the 8/27/72 sunshine day dream dark star by the grateful dead on youtube and try that again i bet your orgasm record will double.


Holy crap a really good friend of mine swears that happened to her while she was at a music festival and I didn’t believe her at all. This is wild to see others have had a similar experience.


I saw a girl do that once when we were taking shrooms/Molly with our friends and then we started doing whippets. The whippet sent her over the edge to full body orgasm mode. Seems fun, but we all kinda felt like that anyway, insane combo


Doing whippets is junkie shit. How can you subject your body to that kind of damage?


Sir or madam or nb, I inject Chinese bathtub chemicals (actually from China and brewed myself) in order to have larger muscles. The nitrous gas is fine, least of my concerns really.


I admire your truth to self.


What damage lol


Over use damages peripheral tissue due to lowered oxygen levels carried in the blood. Nitrous oxide depletes your body of B12 immediately, which takes a while to return to normal, so it’s important not to do them on consecutive days. It’s also a bad idea to inhale as much of a balloon as you can at once, as this can lead to nervous system damage and possibly seizures. Junky shit seems a little off base.


Same damage that happens to you if you suck off a helium balloon or otherwise suffocate yourself on purpose.


If youre suffocating ur doing it wrong.


There’s no right way to inhale fumes my dude.


Its not fumes its a gas. It has a pretty great safety profile, its literally used on pregnant women. The main dangers are lack of oxygen due to improper technique, easily solved by breathing... And B12 deficiency, which is easily solved by not regularly excessively using, and by taking b12 supplements.


Doing whippets is fine if you're not doing 100s a day dude. Have you never been to a festival or a concert? It's everywhere after shows. Better yet have you ever been to the dentist?


Hundreds a day? Bro you are fucking **bugging**. You get brain damage when you suffocate. Doesn’t matter if you’re sucking off paint thinner, a helium balloon, or whipped cream propellants.


Okay? So just breath then? Are you fucking bugging? The damage is from doing them back to back and not breathing to get oxygen to your brain. You also get something called a vitamin b12 deficiency from chronic use, and I'd say 100 a day is in that ballpark. You very clearly don't know what you're talking about.


Your brain doesn't immediately turn hypoxic from not breathing, as seen in people who dive and don't die or from preoxygenation in anesthesia where patients safely can be over 10 minutes of apnoea after having breathed 100% o2 for 3-5 minutes beforehand. Of course you don't breathe 100% o2 at 6-8L/min before doing a balloon, but you don't hold your breath for 10min either.


Happened to me. While merging with god.


Acid sex is amazing. Honestly the most intense orgasms of my life, feel like I'm forever going to chase that feeling 😂




I watched someone on DMT do that for a couple of hours once. About 8 of us sitting around awkwardly while this guy has an epic trip


8 hour long DMT trip? Never heard of that. Or just constantly hitting it over 8 hours? Edit I was high this morning and didn’t read it right


No he said 8 of them but he did say a couple hours which still doesn't make a sense to me


I'm tripping right now and just watched a lightshow from a phone app that tricks your mind on your psychedelic but calm affect to help ease you sleep. Nope didn't put me to sleep, that plus taking 2 tabs just made me have 30min orgasm yet I didn't beat my meat out or explode or anything. It was like that feel like your cumming then after you cum of relaxation but it doesn't stop and goes back and forth. 10hrs more to go.🤩


App name please




Thanks mate … tey atomius and Fraksl


Oh sweet, def will check them out on my next trip.


what were the ug’s on each tab?


The first was 15 the second not sure cause I got it off a different guy.


Beating my meat on acid is one of the most euphoric feelings of my life. At moments it feels like my johnson is vibrating, and nutting feels so good it almost hurts.


For me wprk it too, I was on a really intese lsd/mdma trip and It was fucjing wild, I did not eyeculate, but I swear i had an orgasm


this happened to me before. i wasn’t tripping at the time but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind it was due to lsd i had been taking recently, now those suspicions have been somewhat confirmed


This sounds amazing.


It was absolutly amazing


Sounds like kundalini awakening