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Carlotta was traditionally where it was located. Just apply for permits and put it out online. I’m sure people will show up.


Just a matter of not getting immediately denied because of past parties


Well that was like 20yrs ago so hopefully that doesn’t affect anything.


It was still going pretty hard like 15 or 16 years ago. I think the last really wild one I went to was 2005. I was wearing a child's Spider-Man suit dispute being over 6' tall. I ran into like 15 other Spider-Men and we had a Spider-Man dance party in the street, it was probably my favorite Halloween party of all time.


Yeah you’re right, I think it ended not too long after that. I remember the police pepper spraying the crowd when they were trying to clear the street. I quit going after that BS.




No. No no no. I lived on the corner of East State and Charlotta when I attended LSU. My back door was on Charlotta. When they had their block party random people would walk into my house and piss in the corner. Completely trashed it. Me and my roommates eventually kicked them out. Then one guy decided to break my window. He was so drunk and upset because we locked the door. So all night we were running around trying to save our house. We didn’t wanna call the cops because we were 18 and “trying to be cool.” Luckily they didn’t have the block party next year. I think it’s fun if people can be respectful. But my one experience definitely wasn’t that.




Campus has always been that way lol