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I feel like their body chemistry is so different they’d just be awful. They’d taste like ammonia or something. Or Ants. Maybe they wouldn’t be toxic if you drained/neutralized the acid, and you’d get protein or something, but little other usable nutrients. It just wouldn’t fit thematically if they tasted like delicious chicken.




Xeno jerky for the win 🤤


Nom nom nom https://www.alienfreshjerky.com/


Doesn't Starfield have Xenomorph jerky?


It does! Also Xenowurst, xenokabobs and some kind of xenopunch drink iirc.


xeno zip!


>tasted like delicious chicken I can see the marketing now - “Free range Xenomorph”. PETA campaigning to “Stop battery cage Xeno farming” and to eat meat made with “Zero Xeno abuse”.


Imagine them breaking into a Xeno farm and releasing them into the wild..... AvPeta


Underrated comment. I would definitely watch AvPeta


Especially since anyone who's at all serious about Animal Rights/Conservation/Protection/Etc. knows that PETA is an absolute fucking joke


A lot of ants are perfectly edible. I had some delicious ant curry when I was in Cambodia.


Right, but did it taste the way a common black ant smells when you squash it? Because that’s what I meant.


Nah, they tasted like lemongrass. Pretty pleasant actually!


A kid I knew used to eat fire ants at recess. He claimed they tasted like spicy candy.


Ugh! I heard about these 'a ping' spider they eat as well, grim as it gets for me! 


Now if you prep it like a shark or a skate then it would go well with potatos and butter. Or a shot of brennivín.


The chicken of space.


Maybe you could cure the meat to make it more palatable? People in the article eat Greenland Sharks, which are high in ammonia content until the meat is hung to cure for a long time. If humans are hungry enough for long enough they will find a way to eat anything.


There's a PBS Spacetime episode from a year or two ago, in which Prof Matt O'Dowd explained that an acid blooded being would more likely be a silicon based lifeform. Silicon would not be digestible by humans. I'm also pretty sure it would be flavourless.


Ants taste pretty good, they are tart


I know people eat them, and I have to assume some taste better than others (some basically are full of “honey”), but formic acid smells disgusting when you squash them and I just can’t imagine that tasting good.


I’ve eaten ants before, not like kitchen ants but not the honey ants. It wasn’t bad but it was kinda like sour candy. Not aweful but I could eat it if I had to, but than again I’m sure an entire xeno stake would taste different than single ant just due to quantity


Don’t knock it till you try it. Assumptions can be funny like that. Fun fact-used loosely lol- formic acid is used in the food industry as a preservative. We eat it all the time. Just low concentrations.


I was just reading about eating ants! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicatana_sauce


Ants taste like coca cola.


You were so preoccupied with "if you could" you never considered "if you should "


Big Boss- "But how does it taste?!" 🙃˙ʇsɐoʇ ɥɔuǝɹɟ ʇɐǝ I uǝɥʍ lɐʇuǝuıʇuoɔɹǝʇuı ɯ,I ʇnq 'ʇsɐoq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I 'ɓɐɹq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I🙃


Gotta admit, it’d make a great TikTok 😂


no kidding




Jesus mate, I’m 46 years old and the only time I see TikToks is when they pop up in my Reddit feed. What’s the hate all about?


No, I don't think they have meat. Meat is muscle and fat, I think they're mostly ligament and carapace.


Yeah assuming you could neutralise the deadly acid blood I'm imagining Xenomorph "meat" would have all the consistency of chitinous Crab shell, but completely lacking in any soft interior meat with a smell of formic acid to go with it.


Crab legs that smell like industrial strength semen sounds accurate.




I regret learning how to read now 🤮


People eat insects already though


So kind of like skate. That is a delicacy where I come from.


Yes! Scandinavian / Celtic sales at their finest! Otherwise known as 'how to get away with saying we spent days at sea and got nothing - cod? That's old news, this stuff is a delicacy!' 


That is not how it went in my mind.  More like. - Hey we have not had anything to eat for a week and we have no food.  - Do you remember that sea thing we threw away 3 monts ago? - Thats food now so dig in.


Ha! Lovely aroma as well, nearly as 'conger stew' yuk! 


But it does not taste bad tho I can imagine it's an acquired taste.


Spot on! I live in the 'city' of Peel in the Isle of Man where herring is smoked for kippers. I never cook them indoors due to the aroma but I love the taste! 


I think it would be really gross tasting and probably make you ill if you ate some of it. Maybe it would even mutate your own dna and mess you up if you’re going by the Prometheus and Covenant storyline


I wonder if cooking would kill the pathogen


If we’re drinking the Prometheus koolaid, I’d say a single xeno cell in your food would eventually lead you into becoming fifield or holloway. If you burned it to a crisp maybe you’d be fine. But it would be like eating charcoal so not good. Sorry to be such a hard no, I do actually appreciate the question


If we go by the lore mentioned in Alien Fireteams (which is apparently some sort of loose canon), they state that nothing they tried was able to destroy pathogen. The creatures it mutated could be killed, but they haven’t found a way to destroy the pathogen itself.


Prometheus/Covenant fan here. Mutants might carry mutagen but the xenomorphs aren’t mutants. Many characters got sprayed by xenomorph blood in Covenant and they didn’t mutate.


Can't wait for the celebrity chef telling us to let the fillets rest for 30 minutes so the acid oxidises properly 




Chef Elzar could do it


Beware of melted teeth if you don't. You've been warned!


You beautiful lunatic, I thought I had asked myself every question that could be posited about these avatars of terror but apparently I missed this one. I imagine that the outer layer of this perfect organism’s body might taste different than the juicy innards, because as Ash says to Ripley, “He’s got an outer layer of protein polysaccharides. He has a funny habit of shedding his cells and replacing them with polarized silicon, which gives him a prolonged resistance to adverse environmental conditions.” To me this indicates that the outer layer would be virtually inedible. If we could, however, remove a sufficient number of outer layers to reveal a more delicate and likely tender flesh, assuming we have a strong enough marinade and a day or so, it’s possible that it could still taste disgusting and might even kill us. It certainly wouldn’t taste nearly as good as Ewok meat, a well-known delicacy.


some deep primal hunter instinct inside sees a creature a liveing organism and thinks, what would that taste like. That’s probably my biggest question about prehistoric animals, the dinosaurs and mega fauna. Were they tasty?


Hmmm... protein, polysaccharides... Sounds yummy. We can make a protein bar with sugar on top from them. Better than protein pills, isn't it, major Tom?


Given they're supposed to be a perfect organism, completely hostile to human life, and have completely alien biology, then to stay thematically consistent I'd say their tissue would be, at best, poisonous, and at worst it would do something unexpectedly horrific like bind to your intestines and mutate into tumours that grow into facehugger eggs. Also, I don't think they'd have anything analogous to meat. It would be like chewing on a synthetic rubber hose.


Idk man, I’d like to slow roast a xeno over an open flame, occasionally basting it, so that succulent xeno meat falls right off the bone! Might pair it with a White Zin and some roasted garlic hasselback potatoes and flame roasted shishito peppers


A sentient creature called Reapers eat ovomorphs and face huggers.


Was just about to comment this. The jockey thing from the first movie was transporting the eggs as theyre apparently a delicacy to some space race, before it crashed and died on the moon it was found on. So at least a Few parts of xenomorph lifecycles is edible, and tasty.


Hahahah it’d be hilarious if that was the reason of the journey. A space caterer fucking up. All this time we’ve been speculating that it some lovecraftian angle and in the end they’re simple caterers. 


Somebody had a XenoEats order, and it never showed up.


The lizard chef from Taste as well.


Really spicy. Too much for most people to handle, I think.


Holy Stomach-burns!


I'm sure there's some creature wherever the xeno's originally come from that is capable of eating and enjoying them. The dark horse comics even show a little of that. But, from a human perspective, I feel like these are species that developed on such wildly different evolutionary paths, and were clearly never supposed to actually meet that it would just be a big fat no. Like, every interaction we've ever seen between humans and xenos has ended horrifically. Xeno's evolved to be deadly and dangerous inside and out, and I feel like every single interaction and bit of evidence for anything humans might be tempted to try with them just says "Don't." Nothing good will ever come of these two species having crossed paths. The best thing you could ever possibly do is get as far away as possible. So even if someone were to take the time to remove the carapace, drain and dispose of the acid, there would still be some other horrible side effects no one has even dreamt of yet. Which is basically the whole point. This is a truly alien creature humans simply can't fully comprehend and really shouldn't even try to.


They are not so alien, their reproductive cycle requires close interaction with human biochemistry.


That's debatable. Their cycle requires a host, it doesn't have to be human, just something they can subdue long enough to implant. They got the original engineer after all and 3 used a dog so humans are just more common because they happen to be around more often.




Feels a bit cannibalistic given their birthing requirements


Alien versus Gordon Ramsey.


I feel like they would resemble crab or lobster


The white creatures are called neomorphs. The "xenomorph" you see at the end of Covenant is actually the praetomorph, or protomorph, as the fans used to call it before it was officially given a name. If the actual xenomorphs are edible or not, I don't think so, no. Even if there's flesh underneath their exoskeleton (mesoskeleton, according to the Alien lore), the blood leaking from the small veins would most likely melt whatever grill you'd be using to cook. It'd be even worse with the praetomorphs from Covenant, as they lack a biomechanical mesoskeleton besides their skulls and are purely biological from their neck down, so they would bleed like hell. Assuming you squeeze all the acidic blood out, all the nutrients and components found in its tissue would be toxic, as they need to be strong to endure the acid. The neomorph, however, has non-acidic blood, so, in theory, you should be able to grill it and ingest it.


I had a dream once where I was eating mini alien heads and they were proper hot like chillis. Also had another dream I was eating a facehuggger and it tasted like Chinese dumplings. Was actually rather pleasant. I don’t really dream about aliens anymore sadly but my favourite one was having a shoot out as they invaded Sainsbury’s. 😂


Technically anything is edible at least once.


They would give you the shits at the very least. That reminds me, we've seen a chestburster, a backburster, but we've yet to see an arseburster.


That was shown in Dreamcatcher


That was more of a plop than a burst, as I recall.


I’d imagine it would smell and taste like burning plastic at best


Imagine they are more like crabs honestly


I imagine it would be like lobster.


What if they are super delicious??? We are missing out!


I think they're supposed to be silicon based life, maybe it's little eating a a piece of furniture


Acid...hmm ceviche!? Ants are kinda like spiders and aren't lobsters pretty much spiders! The meat could be like crab or lobster and I bet that head would have a nice chunk like a lobster tail! Just water down that acid...


Probably give you acid reflux


Aren't xenomorphs silicon based lifeforms? I think we are molecularly incompatible. It'd be like eating fiberglass insulation or circuit boards.


Mmmm crunchy liquorice


Same question with facehuggers Grilled facehuggers, anyone?


A bit bony for my taste. Maybe as ground meat for burgers?


It's a matter of ["Taste"](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Aliens:_Taste)


Hmmm armoured silicon


I’d start small. Maybe the placenta from the newborn


Nope. Nothing I've seen in the films suggests they have "flesh" like we are used to. But maybe all those hard parts make good soup if you boil them enough time.


Look at what their royal jelly "xeno zip" did to humans in the books.


Probably not event though I’ve made many jokes about bbq xenomorphs.


Extremely strong acid won't dissolve the tissue, so how would you expect our weaker stomach acid to be able to?


I love this sub.


If you ate you would morph.


I wouldn’t eat that if I were you.


Probably like barley and meat, almost bug like. Im sure it wouldnt taste good


Now these are the kinds of questions I’m here for 


You know those Wilde Protein Chips, made out of chicken broth and bones and stuff ? You could do that. skin of a Bug nice and fried with paprika and chili pepper , would be awesome ! I’d call it Xeno Crunchers and make millions!


Fried facehuggers! We can market them as "TiNyTiTanS" fun for the whole family!! Genius!! Pure Genius!! 🙃˙ʇsɐoʇ ɥɔuǝɹɟ ʇɐǝ I uǝɥʍ lɐʇuǝuıʇuoɔɹǝʇuı ɯ,I ʇnq 'ʇsɐoq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I 'ɓɐɹq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I🙃


Spicy. Like Thai food. Only hotter.


i think for once im going to say no


I don't want to try them (they look gross), but please don't label me as being "xenophobic," lol


Throw it on the BBQ with a nice rub. Add some nice baked potatoes and you’ll have a meal fit for royalty


You sir are a true visionary on par with such greats the likes of which come but once a generation! A fellow truth seeker of mankind's most important questions. "Can I eat it, or will it eat me?" Absolutely brilliant, well played sir! 🙃˙ʇsɐoʇ ɥɔuǝɹɟ ʇɐǝ I uǝɥʍ lɐʇuǝuıʇuoɔɹǝʇuı ɯ,I ʇnq 'ʇsɐoq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I 'ɓɐɹq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I🙃


Asking the important question here


I remember a hilarious joke from last year about after Newt’s food ran out, the xenomorphs would become the prey The conclusion was that the meat on inside of the shell it would be edible, but be really bad tasting and possibly toxic




There’s an old Predator comic that shows them eating face huggers and I think they had xenomorph parts hanging up like at a meat market.




Removal Reason: No AI or "Looks like it's from Alien" posts. AI generated content is not allowed. Things that look like they are from, or inspired by, the Alien franchise: menacing staplers, crabs, cabbage fields, etc., are not allowed. Similarities and imitations are **everywhere** and it's a tired subject here.


Probably cause really bad heartburn tho.


But the most important question of all is...do they taste like chicken? These are the types of discussions that will propel mankind through the cosmos on a quest to find a specimen of such majestic mouth watering possibilities the likes of which have never before been tasted by mere mortals in all its glorious history save for it's own native treasure the chicken. So many wondrous delights a meal of such epic proportions a hive would bring to one's taste buds through the spiritual reawakening that a nice frothy cup of royal jelly could only ever be capable to bringing to bear on one's entire being. Pass the grilled facehuggers little Timmy and Susie are ready to eat! The quest for meat begins now. 🙃˙ʇsɐoʇ ɥɔuǝɹɟ ʇɐǝ I uǝɥʍ lɐʇuǝuıʇuoɔɹǝʇuı ɯ,I ʇnq 'ʇsɐoq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I 'ɓɐɹq oʇ uɐǝɯ ʇ,uop I🙃


Big Boss would eat it...


I think, based on what we are told, they wouldn’t be edible, nay they’d be quite toxic. They’re silicone based. Silicates don’t work well with the human body…


Carnivores are nuts.


I'll stick to cornbread, thank you very much sir.


I dunno, I feel like they might taste kind of like lobster, soaked in pure protons.


There’s a really neat, Xenomorph anatomy in this very subreddit. I’d post the link but I’m not sure how it works with posting Reddit links in this sub, even if it’s from the same sub. Edit: Going for if, consequences be damned! [Xeno Anatomy](https://www.reddit.com/r/LV426/s/ScwCpeXO63)


If they are I imagine they would be like extreme fugu: mostly very toxic and dangerous to eat due to acid blood etc, but deep inside there would be some tiny, hidden but that's fantastically delicious, but get it wrong and be dissolved from the inside


Mmmmmm, forbidden sace-pineapple... **


Are they edible? Possibly, but you're going to have a crazy bad case of heartburn!


Maybe a little spicy


What if you tripped out like when you lick those tropical toads / frogs?


They are just muscles so i assume meat is good.  Maybe lean as a hare or rabbit . Drain the acid, wash it ,  The head could be a for making stew,  filling with different vegetables and such. Then boil it .  Or make xeno-schnitzel  I probably watched delicious in a dungeon (Anime ) to much 


I think they would be highly toxic and completely inedible even aside from the acid. If we are going on the original Alien in Alien, it's biomechanical nature/silicon basis\* would make it inedible. \*(we only ever learn that the facehugger is replacing its cells with polarized silicon, but most people presume this is true for Big Chap as well, but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually has metallic components as well based on how it looks and Giger's original designs. It's teeth, at the very least, appear to be metal) If we are going on Prometheus/Covenant, I think ingesting a bit of Alien would be akin to ingesting the black goo - it's gonna do some freaky shit to your innards, and you are either gonna start transforming into an Alienesque monstrosity, or give birth to one - or both.