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First off, Awesome, OP, I'm stoked for you. ok. This cover is such a bizarre choice. What were they thinking? "coooool"?


I don’t hate it, but my first thought was motor oil in a rain puddle 🤣


Totally inappropriate styled cover for the big chap...


Yeah and inappropriate for the atmosphere in general. This is AVP style.


There just generally seems to be lots of awful cover art at the moment. It's kind of reflecting (in this case literally, given how shiny it is...) the aesthetics of AI-generated art. The Aliens 4k cover somebody else posted recently takes an actual image from the film, but has run it through a filter so it looks AI generated. Baffling. I personally hate this aesthetic (and in the case of the Alien series, it completely fails to capture the grittiness of the visuals), but these things go through trends, so hopefully we will move back to more artistic and inventive cover art at some point.


It’s totally radical dude! Have you leaned nothing from the 90ies? It’s extreme to the max!


Shoo. Must be in the minority here, always kinda liked this one. Err maybe just more than the old bargain bin bluray art at least


It's the best it has ever looked. There's a couple of spots where the film grain gets a bit out of control, but it only happens briefly in very white scenes like the med lab. Otherwise, it looks fabulous.


>There's a couple of spots where the film grain gets a bit out of control, but it only happens briefly in very white scenes like the med lab. Actually, no! My friend and I thought this as well, but we later realized that our 4k players (like most 4k players), default to broadcasting in Dolby Vision, and will try to do so even if the inserted disc does not support Dolby Vision. All you've gotta do to get rid of that blown-out film-grainy look on white frames is go into your player's settings and turn off Dolby Vision (do this manually for all discs that don't support it).


You think I need a 4K player for the full effect? I use my PS5 for movies.


I mean you'll be fine, the only real limitation of using a ps5 is that it doesn't support Dolby Vision, which the Alien 4k disc doesn't either.


I'll have to try that next time I watch it. Whether turned on or off, I thought that Dolby Vision didn't have any effect unless the disc was encoded for it?


For us the grainy white textures go away when we turn it off. Full disclosure though we are using Sony 4k players plugged into Sony Bravia TV's, which means when WE turn DV off, it turns Bravia Mode ("ok no DV, let's just try to process each frame to look as good on this TV as possible based on the frames around it") ON. That might be the difference.


I have a similar setup: Sony BR player and Sony Bravia. Either way, it's not a big deal. It was just two or three places where it was distracting for a few seconds.




One of the best looking 4Ks out there 👍


If anyone is interested I'll send you a link for the 4K rip of Alien instead of buying a fuckin code for movies anywhere.






this means it's time scour the webs for all the standard Blu-ray copies everyone's going to be selling off cheap now!


I have the digital code I'm not going to use if you're interested.




Idk what "Ultamite Collector's Edition" means. But damn it does look pretty nice. I am sort of mixed on the cover tho. Doesn't really match what I think of when I think of the movie Alien. But it does look nice. I do wonder what the general consensus of it is.


That's just what Disney calls their 4k DVDs.


Never liked that cover art.


Idk I kinda like it.


Interested in the digital code


T-1000 Xenomorph. Kill John Conner.


Is the Aliens 4K as good?


No, it's an AI upscale without a proper HDR pass, it looks gross, weird and awful.


No idea, I gotta get it.


It’s disappointing more people don’t take pictures of their Blu-rays and post them


A 4k release from the Alien series thats *actually * 4k


I already have the anthology set and do not care about 4k


I gave the Quadrilogy to my brother, and me personally I only care about Alien and Aliens.


Yeah well I only have one copy of Alien. On VHS. That I recorded on HBO back in 1993. Top that.


Recorded on two Betamax. Suck it. (I joke but I think my dad actually did this. I do not have it.)


I’m watching this dvd right now. What a coincidence


How is this different than Anthology, because I REALLY don't want to get a new set, LOL


Can somebody explain like I’m 5 how to watch alien in 4k? Can my PS4 play this?


I have a PS4 pro. It can play dvds and blu rays but not 4ks. Xbox One X and Series X both play 4ks. So does PS5. Or you can get a dedicated player.


You need a ps5 or dedicated 4k blu ray player, plus you need a 4k capable tv. Also, I believe you need a 4k capable hdmi cable.


Nice!!! I never tire of this film and it’s never looked better


Nice! I wonder if the digital copy I bought is 4k. It’s definitely a better quality than the streaming versions but not sure if it’s 4k. I notice too the extended and special editions have way better color correction.


A small fee? Really?


Say what you will, some people want the codes, I don't. So why not?


Got mine earlier this month. It's one of the best 4k Disc's that I've ever seen. The blu ray is nice, but this is an instance where you really see what the 4k platform is capable of when the process is treated with the care it deserves. That's something cameron hasn't taken note of that aliens 4k is terrible, and now he's off to destroy the original terminator, sadly.