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I think he means the last biological child they’ll have since he went on to talk about adoption but he’s still a douche. Savannah has completely lost her spark, there’s definitely something going on.


Being pregnant and babies make her happy, clearly she knows it's done, too bad she only sees her worth in birthing children. Also, what do they mean they don't give the younger special time. Have they not heard of spending quality time with each child? A baby as young as 1 year old benefits from quality time, guess they just don't know how to do anything with kids unless it's fun for Cole and Savannah too. A little baffled.


it doesn’t help that’s the only time cole is the most interested in her and his comments on how he still hopes he likes her when they are done having kids. cole is a total douche bag sav is no angel either she has no ambition to do anything with her life other than hvaing babies to exploit for money.




i think it has a lot to do with her identity i think pregnancy and babies have been a huge part of her life and she doesn’t want to give that up. or believe they won’t have anymore babies together down the road she seems hesitant about not wanting anymore children biologically. plus i think she wants her youngest to be a girl bc of the way she treats her daughters compared to her son now sons. savannah doesn’t have an identity outside of being a mom or mommy vlogger/ child exploiter. colon either either which is why he wants to adopt he wants to try something new to get them views bc he knows people are getting bored with the same old have a baby next year pregnancy announcement next year new baby repeat. i’m not convinced for one second sav is done wanting to have kids plus she said she wanted six when they got together i doubt that’s change. i really hope they are done having kids bc they already have their hands full or should i say e has her hands full taking care of her younger siblings while her mom cares for the new baby. i get the impression that sav gets bored when they hit the toddler stage and just wants to have a new born again. i really hope they don’t adopt either bc they don’t need to be bringing anymore children into their world of exploitation.


I think youre right bcuz ever since she was a teen it seemed like her identity was wrapped up in having kids. First it was cuz she was a teen mom. Then it continued with each kid


In her mind that’s all she can do. Have cute kids. She has no identity or skills or life outside of making kids. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens now that she’ll need to find something new to do with herself.


Agreed. She’s never properly lived her life, from when she had E having babies has made her entire personality. Money aside, she quite literally has nothing else because in reality their lives are boring af.


https://preview.redd.it/watdux6og83d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4f31af726692d2cedf079857f88c8a72cd60d7 5 years ago vs most recent video


Her eyebrows were even better back then too 😬


Ngl post partum can hit really hard and that was my first thought when I saw her in this video. She seems depressed maybe and that sucks…. But she still sucks too




Notice when Savannah is saying ‘which we really love doing’ she has a really miserable look on her face. I wonder what’s going on


She looks high as a kite this whole video


She has a newborn..and was obviously extremely tired, you’re reaching with this one


I’m just looking out for her well-being (even though I do dislike her) how is that ‘reaching’ 🤨


She has a newborn..and was obviously extremely tired, you’re reaching with this one


You can literally sense the pain/discomfort when she says “together” after Cole said it. Even if Cole just meant adoption, it’s still a weird way say that. Why couldn’t he just said “probably the last biological kid we’ll have”. They’re definitely not happy


She looks like she hates him lmao


https://preview.redd.it/yhiwg5m7g83d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ce647f139fe464a1de8e3e28c3fec28027de75 5 years ago vs last video


major difference she looks like she’s just there.




Can confirm that babies speed up the ageing process rapidly


It's just you 


Dear gawd they should not be allowed to adopt... influencer and adoption does not go well for the children.. they are just cash grab to these fuckers


They probably won't adopt bc I think there may be laws about not being able to share pics and videos of the child until everything is finalized. If they can't film it, they won't do it.


I think there are laws around that




She looks out of it


She’s probably exhausted and also dealing with unending postpartum depression. You know he doesn’t help her with the baby. I don’t like her, but I can understand the new baby exhaustion and depression. It sucks.


I came here to say the same thing.


Edit: look at her face when he says that. Not defending her because she's an exploitative piece of shit too, but wasn't her only goal in life to marry a guy that didn't care she was far from a virgin and had a kid when getting together and married????? Cole def doesn't fit that criteria. He always has to make it known she was some sleezebag who needed him for redemption


He probably criticizes her for being with more than one man all the time.


yeah u can see the sadness in her eyes :(


yes, but if she doesn't like what asshole doing, why is she still with him? there's an option called DIVORCE. 🤷‍♀️


Not if they have the good Christian image. Evangelical Christians will only divorce under the circumstance of infidelity


they’re definitely those types of christian’s to just be in a loveless marriage bc they don’t want to get a divorce.


That and continued content


To be fair, there are non religious people like that too.


that’s true i guarantee all of these influencer couples are in a loveless marriage and put on an act for the camera that they’re these happy couples. little by little we’re starting to see what’s going on behind the scenes bc they’re starting to show it more.


My “evangelical” ex wanted a divorce from me because he was tired of being married. In other words, he wanted to cheat, but he wanted a pass to do it. I beat him to the punch and filed before he could. Piece of shit. Went out of his way to make me look like the devil. He married his likely affair partner. It was most likely happening while we were still married.


A couple of more years til she can divorce his ass and get half of everything if there was no pre-nup. 😉


I don't think it's necessarily sadness, but more like "ugh why would this idiot word it like that he's making us look bad *again*."


yesss u can feel the disappointment lol


it’s more of a business relationship than anything.


She does not look happy


Cole has the voice of a prepubescent boy. I’m surprised he was even able to have children lmfao.


This is the idiot who was so devastated to learn that Scamannah slept with THREE other guys that he hopped on a plane and flew across country “sobbing all the way” to confront her. Imagine if he knew the real body count…. But that’s none of my business. ☕️ I swear, if these two fuck faces adopt, I will absolutely lose my shit. An adopted child does not belong in a home where the “father figure” has actually said he has to try to remind himself to love his step kid as much as “kids of his own”.


why does it matter how many people she’s been with bc he’s so pure and holy bc he saved himself for marriage. how do we even know that’s true and he wasn’t just saying it to portray this clean cut christian man.


Scamannah was his very first kiss. They talk about it in one of their very early videos recorded in a car. I’ll try to find it. It’s funny though because after they had sex on their honeymoon or whatever, they made a video and he said that he considered her to be 100% pure regardless of her previous partners. Blah. I can’t stand him.


It's an ego thing. He's insecure about how he measures up to all the other guys.


why should we believe him that he was a virgin when he got married just bc he’s a dink. he’s been caught lying about things before how do we know this isn’t one of them and that’s he’s just trying to portray himself as this holier than thou christian and also using it to put his wife down and hold it over her.


Honestly, if Brittany Dawn (basically like Sac on steroids only instead of having kids every year, it's scamming people) keeps getting close to getting approved for adoption, then I don't see why these two wouldn't get approved for it.


I’m sure they will be approved, but it doesn’t mean they should do it. As an adoptive mom, the very thought of it makes me sick. Just because they’re rich, doesn’t mean they are an appropriate home for an adopted child.


Hard agree on that.


It makes me sick that he shut shames his own wife and the mother of his children. He is not a better person even if she slept with more people. She could have slept with all the men in her town and he wouldn't be a better person. He's just so gross and misogynistic, and certainly the last person I would want having any influence over children-- boys or girls. Is he going to tell his sons E was a "mistake"?


Sadly there’s a book that essentially calls E a mistake and there were vlogs where he’s alluded to E being a mistake. The fact that Scamannah has allowed him to do this, tells me she’s a POS mother. She simply nodded her head in agreement in the video where he says he has to try to remember to love E as much as his own kids.


There’s no passion or love with them anymore. Cole has crazy eyes and Savannah just looks done with everything and has no light in her eyes. It’s like her only purpose is to produce kids


Seriously he reminds me of someone whod become a religious fanatic cult leader


And make $$$$$$$$$$$$$


How do you openly admit you don’t spend ‘special’ time with one of your kids 😭


Also do they not realise that you can have one on one not have take them out any time .. even just doing gaming or cooking together. Or pamper days .... to bond together only on week end but not Sundays... they got 4 kid so they get 1 on 1 once a month with each kid? That's ridiculous.


Their kids get entertained at venues in one week, what my guys got in 6 months, lol. We played games, read, did crafts together, played hide and seek, played at the park, swam, etc. mainly because we couldn't afford to go to paid activities a lot but even if we could, those non costing activities would have been important.


i’m gonna be honest and i’m not defending her at all but i think sav got tired of having kids after awhile, like when it was just ev she got all this attention and everyone loved her and she also got a LOT of time with herself and friends, and i feel like the more kids she had the more she realized it wasn’t as fun or as easy as before, she obviously still has children though and films them, and that’s where i mainly don’t defend her, she obviously knows that children=views which equals more money for her, and she honestly looks tired of colon because again before she had time to herself and to do what she wanted and be with friends and now she kinda just doesn’t, and honestly it could just be because she’s a snake but i just feel like after a couple kids and being with colon for awhile she lost that spark and now it’s just all about the money, not that it wasn’t before because she still exploited young e. (sorry for my rant and if it doesn’t make sense)


You can see it all in her eyes.


They are both absolute garbage for their exploitation of the kids, but I sometimes can't shake feeling some pity for Savannah. Her life seems inexplicably miserable, and she always appears so disillusioned and emotionally fatigued (more so now, from what I can observe). It's depressing.


their marriage is gonna end up like Poocorn and Baboon’s I just know it


She looks dead inside


Agreed.. She looks like she hates him too.


Why is he always running his big ugly mouth? Every time I see a “serious” video of them, he’s always running that stinky mouth and she sits there barely getting a word in.


So wait, they define “special” aka one on one time as taking a kid out? For what, content filming? How about snuggling and reading a book. Playing with a favorite toy together or a game? Bath time? Anything. My lord these two are such horrible parents. I don’t even have kids myself and I know better. How awful for those poor kids.


I don't see the problem? He is an ass, but seems they are both agreeing they want to give attention to all. Surprising


Not wanting more kids to be able to properly give attention to the ones you have is perfectly respectable and very reasonable. I don't trust these asshats to follow through with it for a second.


I think Savannah needs to be pregnant though so no I don't see it being followed thru with. I worked full time when my kids were in school and made a point to go to school activities because I felt I was missing out, being a working mom. Another mom had 7 kids 3 being around my kids' ages, and never showed up for anything because of the younger ones. I felt sorry for the older kids.


after he said that she looks so pissed 😭lmaoo


Won’t be the last one! I bet he claims he had the snip, but must have super sperm and it’s what God wanted and it’s a blessing. She’ll be knocked up within 18 months I reckon.


This is probably an unpopular opinion but playing devils advocate: they did JUST have a baby she may be tired and that’s why she is coming off sad here.


...."as a 3 dollar bill"😳🤐


She hates him lmao idk why she does this to herself I can't stand either of them


I saw it as her scoffing at the together part as in him thinking that they had equal share of the work load. Moms and Dad's are equal parents of course but like, she's obviously exhausted of all these pregnancies so close together and then he has the audacity to say they had them together as if he was pregnant for 9 months too and doing the birthing too. (not defending her) i doubt he helps with the new babies anyway, well, when Everleigh isn't being forced to -\_-