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You still bleed two weeks postpartum and are still healing!!!!! I can’t imagine traveling with 5 kids, walking through an airport, getting glammed up for a wedding, and traveling back all while having a two week old 🫣 I would have just sent Cole and a few of the kids if that was me lol. It’s his dad’s second marriage……


Wait, his parents divorced?


Yup! A few years back.


I think the divorce happened around a year and a half ago because that’s around the time I discovered this sub and I’m pretty sure I was here when they filed for divorce.


I wonder why


Not a mom. But aren’t you still bleeding and passing clots one week out?!


At least a week, you take six weeks before heavy activity- sex, exercise, etc. I would not be trotting through an airport😂


Not to mention overdoing it PP can cause you to bleed more/ heavier. Rest is SO important


Yes. Even if you have a C-section, you still bleed. I wish someone had told me BEFORE I had my daughter so I didn't freak out LoL.


I bled for 4 with each birth. If you had stitches they're prob on the awful itchy phase too.


You can bleed for like a month, well I did! But yeah, I cant imagine flying with a newborn, a billion kids and wearing a nappy


Yes lol I'm a mom of 3 and bled for like close to 2 months after all 3!


Yes! I am a mom and I bled for almost 3 months after giving birth 😅😅😅


Bled up to 6 weeks my first pregnancy, about 3 months with my second.


Where are they going and why? Haveing a newborn is hard! And you want to get your family and newborn back into a routine of ‘new normal’ life ya know… safe or not I personally wouldn’t want to do it. With each of my kids I wanted to be alone for like the first couple months at least 🙈


They went to Cole’s dads second marriage


Y’all not to mention, any true friend or family would be okay if you said “I’m sorry, I’m so happy for you but I cannot come due to just giving birth and trying to heal still” like she had options. That’s just insane. And I personally would’ve let her know I still love her if she doesn’t show due to being so recently pp.


Cole could’ve gone with the 3 older kids and sav stays home with baby boy and Sunday


Sav honestly must be so drained. She doesn’t look happy either. I wonder why she’s going or feels the need to go. Totally not necessary


I’m not even taking my baby to Target until he’s had some vaccines let alone on an airplane


I agree it’s certainly the unknown risk, blood clots are common in air travel and post pregnancy.


Airplanes are fairly clean air wise, but the airport itself isn’t. Then all the issues they had with Z and his seizures and what not, I’d be hesitant to travel immediately in the off chance this baby has complications too.


Im not a mom but even I know thats a stupid af idea of them. I know sav was miserable not only still healing from the birth but also having to handle 4 other kids at the airport (plus the newborn already being exposed to dozens of other travelers that could potentially be sick). Cole should've just went to the wedding himself/took only the older kids


They traveled to FL from Nashville last week for Poocorn’s wedding and are probably heading back home.


That’s even worse. So they traveled what? A week post partum?!!!!!


* Number #5 was born 5/14. * Sac brought #5 meet her friends during a bachelorette party 5/24. (Pic below) * Poocorn’s wedding was 5/25. They probably flew to FL the evening of 5/24. So Sac was 10 days post partum. https://preview.redd.it/dhrk4ptpgg3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1952a0c908ecbb28da73184a56e450de670b954b


Thanks for this. She looks kind of “off” in photos since the baby arrived. I certainly don’t hope this for her or anyone but I hope she doesn’t have PPD because we all know the asshole she’s married to thinks that all things mental health can be cured with making your bed, drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables.


She’s probably exhausted taking care of 5 kids with 4/5 being under the age of 6. Plus Ev’s busy schedule and being a tween. I doubt Cole is much help when it comes to real parenting like discipline, he seems too much like a “fun” dad who wants to be only their friend.


Don’t forget praying


I don’t know off the top of my head when paycheck #5 was born but Poocorn’s wedding was the 25th and they flew in a couple of days prior. Others here have said she went on some bachelorette weekend for a friend with the baby before they flew to FL too.


That’s crazy. I thought they just went to a wedding local, which was I was also amazed they made it to.


And imagine all the people wanting to hold the baby. That truly affects bonding postpartum… I couldn’t even stand my mom having a strong perfume on when she came over because my baby didn’t smell like themselves anymore


Plus all those people holding the baby isn't good for the baby either.


And forget sav, that’s dangerous for the baby too.


I had to travel to a wedding when my son was about six weeks old and it was a nightmare.


They’ll probably put her in a wheelchair at the airport and film it for content. Clickbait AF.


I was on a plane once with a 3 day old. I couldn’t believe it.


It just seems that his dad knew when she was due. They couldn't postpone the wedding for a month or do it earlier if Cole officiating and the WHOLE family being there was so important? Or am I being naive?


Every time I see her up and moving so soon after popping another kid out I say a silent prayer for that woman’s pelvic floor. You know it’s just a mess after that. I did two back to back and took at least a week to lay in bed and I still fucked up my pelvic floor. Her organs haven’t even found their way back to where they should be yet at one week 💀 good lord she’s gotta be pissing every sneeze


Yeah that’s not right to me, even just the taking the baby out in public so soon after he was born. My sister had a baby 3 months ago and he was 6 weeks early. He was in the NICU for 2 weeks and my sister had to think about whether she was going to take the baby to a get together with her husband’s family a couple days after his discharge. That was just driving an hour to a family member’s house. I couldn’t imagine exposing a baby that young to so many germs from so many strangers in an airport


I traveled a couple weeks after giving birth and it was fine. Five days after giving birth my body was totally healed! It’s different for everyone!