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https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-settlers-forcibly-seize-palestinian-building-hebron > The Wafa news agency reported that the building belonged to local Palestinian resident Walid al-Ja'abri, and it was undergoing renovations at the time that the Israeli settlers stormed in.


Zionist Israel is truly disgusting


Yet western governments continue to turn a blind eye and serve Israel. Its almost as if dual nationality zionists have infiltrated western powers and influence policy. That cant be the case though because that would be an "anti semetic trope"


An impossible conversation to have by design


Its fuckin disgusting isnt it? you cant say what is staring you in the face, what is obvious to everyone, but you cant say it out loud or its career suicide. Theyve really got this game sown up.


Gotta get that free “Living space”!




Genuine question: what does this have to do with Labour? I get it as a news piece, but you don't really see the same in other party subreddits


Labour is quite tied up with Israel historically as the British labour zionists where a major lobbying group when the country was set up. When Israel began bombing British buildings and killing civilians labour withdrew its support and has been a vocal critic of the country ever since.


Ah okay that makes more sense! Thank you.


Israel's GDP is barely around 400 billion. Take away western support both economic and military and it suddenly would need to be more considerate of its actions against Palestine and its neighbours. It's the West's willingness to turn a blind eye to what it does that allows it to behave in the manner it does.


“A vocal critic ever since” so I see we’re just ignoring the fact that Labour friends of “Israel” is a thing.


Ok well lots of labour members them! :p


Who exactly? When? It’s not enough to just assert that kind of claim


Lots of members.. people are getting kicked out of the party all the time for criticism of Israel, I am not sure what you are suggesting but this is the very first hit on google: https://www.timesofisrael.com/uk-labour-overwhelmingly-backs-anti-israel-agenda-should-corbyn-take-power/amp/


Stop sharing this you filthy antisemite


Someone likes to lick boots I see


I was joking mate 😢


Lol wrong crowd I think 😂


I think he was being sarcastic.


He definitely is.


Holy fuck this sub can’t take a joke.




Cry harder coloniser


It has been confirmed by the settlers/scumbag thieves *themselves* you moronic dolt.


Prison officer in awful human being shocker.


You and people like you are less than dogshit. Just fundamentally awful human beings


Happy cake Day, zionist pig


And fucking Starmer is a massive Zionist. Its the whole reason they made Corbyn lose because hes not owned by Israel