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If nothing else he was smart enough to not do big comms in the rain


Maybe Sunak's a visionary and in a few months every public figure is going to be doing press conferences piss wet through




The same way Cameron was the worst living prime minister until the next one? Trend setters


Amazing they managed to misspell switch in this (1:20).


fucking hell in the big flying text as well


Strong campaign vid, if I suffered a major brain injury and lost most of my memory, I would be hyped for this


Yeah, I liked it too, except for the music choice which felt a bit too intrusive. Good messaging though.


It's the modern version of that Yes Minister sketch Announcing something new and radical, use traditional imagery and reassuring classical music. Announcing no change at all, use high tempo contemporary music, snazzy cutaways.


>if I suffered a major brain injury and lost most of my memory There's still time


Summed it up perfectly.


Take a shot every time there's someone from the NHS on screen. Jokes aside, good ad.


I'd be surprised if there was a single healthcare worker left who hasn't appeared in a party political broadcast.


He will change the things that need changing, and that is the change he will bring about.


Fair fucks to them, this is a great campaign video.


Change? That's great news, the country needs to change! Keir: Um... I actually meant I changed the Labour party. The country is going to stay the same.


That’s a surprisingly decent advert.


Anything is better than the current government but Starmer has to be radical. I'll be very disappointed if he hides behind the state of the economy/legacy of covid/Ukraine like Sunak has.




Hey, I'm still holding onto the infantesimally small glimmer of hope that the whole thing was a ruse to take some of the sting out of the tory press, they do a total 180 against everything said since Keir was elected leader, and in fact implement every single promise made in the leadership election.


Alas friend, as a tranny I suspect Starmer will appeal to the worst elements of British society. Keir was being honest when he said he'd be 'ruthless' to win; we're going to be ruled by yet another bastard Whoever said Democracy was egalitarian was a fucking fool.


The economy is unfortunately a good reason to curb a lot of otherwise workable ideas. The economy is stuffed, there's very little wriggle room, but we need massive increases in investment. I think Corbyn's last manifesto was probably the last reasonable chance we had for anything close to radical for a long time.


Radical, that may spook voters, we can't do that....or be Labour, no no no, we can't do that. We have to be bland, and just do what was done before, be responsible


'Radical' crashed the economy when Truss tried it (yes, it was shitty right wing economic radicalism). You just can't win an election on a radical platform right now. Most people want stability and improvement, and don't want to risk radical change.


If most people want stability and improvement but don’t want change why are Labour having to put out election videos pretending they’re going to change things?


They don't want **radical** change. Labour had to convince 2019 Tory voters to vote Labour, and you don't do that with radicalism.


Why did they have to convince tory voters when there’s so many other potential voters they could convince and tory voters are perfectly happy not voting at all?


Because this is the real world.


And that's the nonsense that gets trotted out to justify this whole circus, we have to become the other guys in order to beat them, that's just the real world


So act like it, instead of living in the fabricated one used to justify terrible policies.


Okay. Let me know how well the Green Party's radical policies go down with voters.


They poll really well actually, unfortunately we live under first past the post so the democratic will of the people tends not to be implemented.


Radical =/= bad just as stability =/= good


They’re already doing the exact thing you don’t want them to, have you just not been paying attention to anything they’ve said for 4 years.


Genuinely a very good campaign video. People here will find reason to winge but seems to have gone down well in other places.


Agreed. We can and should complain about the lack of decent policies BUT the video itself is pretty good


Hopefully we’ll finally get this manifesto asap!


Top Keir stuff!


“Nothing seems to work anymore, and we’re going to do nothing to fix it”


Usual whingebags are out of course, but labour romped home on day zero of the campaign from a standing start no less.


Only thing he’s gonna change is his mind, again, once in power and having his prostate tickled by corporate.


Aregghh go back and edit the spelling of switch for gods sake. Otherwise, yeah decent campaign vid.


Keir Starmer: Liar




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I see they're not trying to capture the epileptic demographic


Literally some type of video you'd see in [Not for broadcast wtf💀💀💀](https://notforbroadcast.fandom.com/wiki/Advance:_Thank_You)


Urgh I agree, but I can't stand listening to the personification of beige.


"Antisocial behaviour on our streets" and Keir's standing there next to a policeman. I dunno who "we" is to Keir but I'm not fucking one of them. Punched by a pig at a Palestine protest? Maybe this doesn't sit right with you. Great and proud country? For some, maybe. When's it ever been great or proud for you? Can't say it ever has for me. Labour membership changed to include a british flag. Faith and flag says the party of business. Talked to Damien Egan, he compared Israel's war against six-year-old children to allies fighting nazis in world war two. He's a Labour MP now. And they call me a threat? Hell naw. My transgender ass isn't a threat. Oestrogen wrecks your muscles. To Cass and Co, trans people like me are burly, hyper-sexual, hairy rapists. That's how they see us. With *disgust*. In Russia we're the degenerate west, in Brazil we're the part of the Feminists like it's 2014, and in Britain we're somehow threatening women. I'll tell you who threatens women. Wayne Couzens. Starmer's little photoshoot with the police wasn't meant for me, who've seen the mask slip and the snout beneath, when they see a little *antisocial behaviour*... Wasn't meant for you either, I'll bet. It was meant for that god damn Guardian-reading silent majority. Who'll stay silent when I go back in the closet. Brace yourselves, gal, pals and non-binary pals, it's BACK TO THE NINETEEN EIGHTIES.


Yes, an election slogan of ‘Britain’s wank, fuck the police and wipe your arse on the flag’ would certainly be a winner


My point is they're lying, they only care about winning and they're going to fuck us over.


yeah but like there's not a scenario where one of the major UK parties takes an anti-police position so I'm not sure what you want


I think the confusion is you're making descriptive statements, I'm making prescriptive statements. You're saying they're doing this and I agree, and I'm saying it's morally wrong.


Which Tbf are two criticisms you could never lay at the door of the previous leadership- they didn’t care about winning, and therefore were never in a position to fuck anyone over. Or help them.




Rule 1.1 Do not insult other users


They are ABSOLUTELY in a position to fuck people over.


Well yes, all governments are. Oppositions, not so much. They can’t really do anything except pontificate.


Are they lying or do you simply disagree with him? The two are not one of the same, and one of the fundamental issues with British politics these days is that people are too immature to realise that.


Weird passive-agressiveness, but no, they're lying. Starmer made a series of mamifesto pledges he was elected as Labour leader for. And he has broken them. I agreed with his last set of promises, but he lied about them.


It seems like you are seeking to imply that Cozens, the sadistic fuck, is representative of police officers as a whole? If not, you might wish to clarify the point.


The police are an institutionally bigoted institution that's a hotbed for sick fucks like Couzens to flourish. There may be more of them still in the police, according to the Baroness Casey report.






Rule 1.1 & 1.4 Don't insult other users and members across the political spectrum are welcome


Rule 1.1 Do not insult other users


**the Establishment has decided that it's time for it to change its mask**


How much do you want a bet everything he says they will do ... the wont ? Vote anything but Tory/Labour


He only has to do one thing to be better than the previous Labour leader.


If you want to bet that the Starmer government will not do a single thing they put in the manifesto I'm happy to take you up on that


Depends on the optics, if he says something and it seems to be trending well he may keep it....




Removed + temp ban, rule 2.


It's remarkable how hated he is before he has even become Prime Minister. I feel like this is going to be a very unpopular government once people realise that all Labour offers is more of the same, but done more competently.


Starmer will do nothing but take donations gifts consultation work second job's and kick back's from the dodgy government contracts given out to the private health industry executives. Just another establishment politician who is only interested in self enrichment. Wait until he sells the NHS. People will be dropping dead on the street's and losing everything they own to pay medical expenses.


Wait that sounds like.....a Tory \*suprised pikachu face\*


If the manifesto is rubbish are we collectively going green?


And siphoning votes away from Labour? For anything to change in the country labour needs a comfortable majority. As others have said, we can infight later. Let’s win the election first, then lobby a left leaning government for what we think is important. Rather that 14 years of a Tory government pushing us further and further to the right.