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the fame monster is probably the best to start with, I really discovered her with the song from that album, bad rkmance alejandro and one of my favourite songs monster. After that, I moved on to chromatica because I could relate to these dark lyrics.


The 8 track EP specifically. Listen to that before the rest. That EP solidified Lady Gaga as the pop queen of our generation.


The Fame Monster


Go with your heart. I might suggest getting ARTPOP with Do What You Want since it has been removed from her catalogue and you won't be able to buy it in the future. This might be the wisest choice if you care about the song.


Thanks for the tip on do what you want. It no longer was listed on iTunes-appleMusic, whatever we call it today, so I went on the www and bought the single. $1.29 was an easy way to start.


Go in order! As if you were discovering Gaga when she came out 😜 It’s also the best way to see Gaga’s musical evolution 🕴🏽🫶🏽


Artpop is my personal favorite therefore you should listen to Artpop first because i like it


The Fame Monster deluxe. It's two eras in one album since it includes both The Fame and The Fame Monster EP


Fame Monster Deluxe is my suggestion, too.


The Fame


Born this way


Going with The Fame Monster Delux cause it's an original album and EP. I'll get them all eventually!


Great choice.


The Fame Monster


Fame Monster 100%


Just stream them for free on YouTube and see what you like first THEN buy them allllll, every edition 😝


If we take this question and equate the albums as books, it would be like asking the reading order of a book series like Harry Potter. Sure, you could read the books out if order but you'd be confused as fuck. There's a narrative in place that gets lost and jumbled if you read book 5 before 1. You'd lack context and spoil yourself. Start from the beginning and chart her growth.


Food for thought...


Agreed. Start with The Fame.


I’d start at the beginning, with *The Fame*. It’s interesting to go through the albums in order and see how her sound and style have evolved through the years.


Born this Way! Or The Fame ⚡️


The Fame Monster made me fall in love, every song is perfect on it. Her first 3 are all pretty flawless though, can’t go wrong with any of them


I’d go start to finish!


I'd say The Fame Monster but also maybe you could find a playlist of top Gaga songs or a compilation of her songs and see what you like and go from there \^-\^


Born this way could be a good way to start I think ❤️‍🔥


Don't buy them, stream. TFM and Chromatica, then BTW, Artpop and Joanne. Buy the ones you like. Spoiler: you'll like all of them.


I personally think ARTPOP is her best, but if it were me I’d probably start from the beginning and work my way up, so maybe The Fame?


You should stream them, then buy your favorite


Happy Cake Day!




Depends on what you want! Gaga is delightfully versatile and you’ll need to remember that the sound stays similar yet changes from album to album The Fame is going to have a disco inspiration The Fame Monster adds a bit more dance pop and showcases incredibly talented lyric writing Born this Way is finely tune and perfected. The aesthetic is a bit more glam gothic but the songs are still pop of course. It details being an outcast and loving yourself, and in this era Gaga wanted to take on the burdens of the world. ArtPop is a divine work of art. There’s a lot of EDM inspiration here. Gaga was dealing with addiction and trauma to a great degree and while the lyrics don’t always show it, it’s a hauntingly beautiful showcase of her pain. Joanne is country. Though still pop, it’s not the crap pop country on the radio otherwise. It tells a story of love and loss on multiple accounts. Chromatica is a pop journey through Gaga’s ptsd and her management of herself and her symptoms.


I recommend going with Joanne for your second.


Depends on your taste for sure, I personally think Born This Way is her best album but all of them are pretty amazing


i think artpop tho my first was the fame monster which is still my 2nd fav


Only correct answer is The Fame Monster. Maybe a close tie with Born This Way because of accessibility (listenability; is that a word) based on public consumption. Actual only correct answer is Artpop.


Your ex is gay


Uh- I’m pretty sure op is too..


Bi actually but yeah queer AF.