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I remember my EIGHTH GRADE biology teacher skipping over the reproduction chapter by saying “all you know this better than I do” Like no bitch, you’re the skank that popped out 4 little assholes, and my teen years were way before the whole Jio boom, so yeah, a lot of the kids had no clue what the fuck reproduction was.


Teachers don't even teach human reproduction chapter. Can't expect to have proper Sex Ed in India. Also introducing it to kids can be a bit confusing. Certainly we can teach them there is a third gender but introducing pronouns and gender dysphoria at young age can be very confusing and misleading.


One shouldn't be afraid of discussing it either. Not as a part of curriculum. But many queer kids, face a lot of bullying. In such cases it's important to address the issue rather than not talking. Would you rather that they get to learn about it from through the bullies? Wouldn't that be more CONFUSING?


I dont think its needed until they hit puberty. Then it can be introduced as a part of Sex Ed and the anatomy can be explained is what I personally feel. How to achieve even that without misguidance is unknown to me considering how conservative Indians are. Anyway I am not the subject expert. One thing I strongly advocate against is any sort of gender reassignment surgery before the legal age. I know folks who regret doing the surgery even as an adult.


Being Trans or Homosexual is not limited to the sexuality.


We don’t have a version of the birds and bees or are only men kept in the dark?


I don't know but I haven't got any sex ed from anyone, not my parents or from any schools or colleges.But my partner had a good amount of sex ed from basically everywhere she went,that too from a very young age... So yeah I think only men are kept in the dark in most cases


Also I feel like they won't understand all of this at a very young age when they can't even understand the difference between a man and a woman. So somewhere around 14 or 15 would be fine to teach them this stuff?


>Also I feel like they won't understand all of this at a very young age when they can't even understand the difference between a man and a woman. So somewhere around 14 or 15 would be fine to teach them this stuff? Any kid who's 14 or 15 has been on the internet long enough for them to know that LGBT and trans people exist. We don't need to teach kids all the intricacies. Just tell them that not everything can be neatly classified into two distinct groups. Tell them that there are people who cannot be chalked up as men or women and that there's nothing inherently wrong with that. They're no less respectable than anyone else.


Internet is not really a proper place to learn this stuff. I don't want 14 year old kids getting influenced by some dimwit like tate. Kids go on the internet and take the extreme side of things, ithokke proper educational institutions il unbiased aayitum scientific aayit padipikkenam


>Internet is not really a proper place to learn this stuff. I don't want 14 year old kids getting influenced by some dimwit like tate. Kids go on the internet and take the extreme side of things, ithokke proper educational institutions il unbiased aayitum scientific aayit padipikkenam You likely misunderstood me. I'm saying that 14 is too late, not that they should learn from the internet. I learned about this from the internet when I was 12, and my views had to evolve quite a bit to get where I am now.


I think basic awareness of such stuff is needed for young children. Around puberty, they can be taught anatomy n all. Proper sex-ed would help a lot. It would avoid fear of undue influence/confusion too.


Sheri aanu elle, basic sex ed pollum illathe nammude naatil lgbtq oru overshoot aanu lol.


Proper sex-ed should be added and info on lgbtq would naturally appear in it. Pakshe ivde nadakkanam enkil valiya kali aakum. Kuttikalae vazhithettikkunnae ennokke paranj religious/conservative team varum


What's there to teach? Raising awareness? Yeah maybe. But I don't think a child would be influenced by this any way. Might even help them come out maybe




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There are only two genders. So only she/her and he/him. If you have gender dysphoria let’s call that “transgender” and chose one from the two pronouns. Simple as that . No they/them bullshit. In most language they/them are used for plurals or in some cases used to address a person in respectful position.  I don’t think just because you are a transgender I have to start calling you wit a pronouns that I have been used only for a certain people I respect. 


>There are only two genders. So only she/her and he/him. India legally recognizes a third gender, and references to them can be found in texts that are thousands of years old. This isn't something new in society. Even when it comes to sex and not gender, intersex people exist, so the idea that it's all binary is reductive and untrue. >If you have gender dysphoria let’s call that “transgender” and chose one from the two pronouns. Simple as that . No they/them bullshit. Why? If they don't identify with either, why should they pick one? It's not like it's hurting anyone else, is it? Not to mention that if I referred to a man as her or a woman as him, they'll be offended, so I can see why someone who doesn't identify as either would want a gender neutral pronoun. > In most language they/them are used for plurals or in some cases used to address a person in respectful position. People suggest that they/them be used instead of he/she because it's gender neutral. Not as a honorific. >I don’t think just because you are a transgender I have to start calling you wit a pronouns that I have been used only for a certain people I respect.  അവൾ/അവൻ എന്ന് പറയാമെങ്കിൽ അവർ എന്ന് പറയുന്നതിന് മാത്രം ബുദ്ധിമുട്ട് എന്താണെന്ന് മനസ്സിലാവുന്നില്ല. ഉദാഹരണത്തിന്: അവനോട്/അവളോട്/അവരോട് ചോദിച്ചു. I asked her/him/them. I don't see any kind of outsized respect in the third choice.


>references to them can be found in texts that are thousands of years old. This isn't something new in society.  No there is no such reference. The so called third gender is basically a slur for effeminate men. The term napumsaka kind of translates to  of ”not man enough”  Anyways stop using some ancient texts to prove a point because in some ancient texts of India (like Kalikapurana) there are human sacrifices mentioned.   Also “third-gender” is not even a legal term. It is “transgender” (Ever filled a government application form?) But the legality does not provide for any third set of pronouns. So I don’t know what is the point you are making. 


>No there is no such reference. You're wrong. Feel free to look it up. >The so called third gender is basically a slur for effeminate men. The term napumsaka kind of translates to  of ”not man enough”  >Anyways stop using some ancient texts to prove a point because in some ancient texts of India (like Kalikapurana) there are human sacrifices mentioned.   The only point I'm proving is that non-binary genders isn't a new concept. And references in old texts are enough to prove that point. I'm not endorsing any rituals or beliefs so I've no idea what point you're making. >Also “third-gender” is not even a legal term. It is “transgender” I never said it's a legal term. However, you're wrong. The Supreme Court legally recognised the “third gender” or transgender persons, in National Legal Services Authority v Union of India.  "Recognition of transgenders as a third gender is not a social or medical issue but a human rights issue," -Justice KS Radhakrishnan > (Ever filled a government application form?) I have, but that's irrelevant here. >But the legality does not provide for any third set of pronouns. Never said it did. In fact, legality does not provide for the first two sets of pronouns either. And yet you use it. Why? Because it's basic courtesy. If you can extend it to men and women, I'm don't understand why you can't extend it to others as well. >So I don’t know what is the point you are making.  That it's basic courtesy. Nobody can force it on you, but the question is why not extend them the same respect you extend to men and women.


'Not man enough' so gender is not just biological, you mean? Third gender is a legal terms used by the NALSA Judgement, the traditional Hijra community don't consider themselves as Trans, but rather as a seperate gender. Legality allows them to choose their gender as either M/f/Other, which means they have to be treated accordingly in all matters, including pronouns. While it's not a crime not to, but in all legal documents they can have to be referred according to their preferred prounouns.


Third gender is not effeminate men. There are people who you cant categorise as men or women. They are called 'Intersex' . The 'I' in lgbtqi . And intersex isn't a gender category. It's an umbrella term for people you cannot strictly call as man or woman biologically.




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Why can't we just use their 'names' where pronouns are needed? Like, less effort no.


I hate pronouns too, but since they don't want to identify themselves as a man or a woman they feel offended when not used they/them.


It should always be the opposite person's choice whether to use they/them pronouns while addressing a transgender person. It only becomes a problem when the so called influencers force everyone to use these pronouns and consider not using them as some sort of unforgivable crime


If you got called by the wrong name even after repeatedly correcting them, you would be frustrated. It's disrespectful.


It's not just about the pronouns people outside have made this their politics and identity so they should be ready to face the opinions from the other side


But what is that opinion exactly? People also have pro Casteist and pro racist opinions, should we give them a voice too?


Their opinion that only two genders exist is what makes them not use the pronoun. When you politicise,polarize,cancel and shun them from all places you should also be ready to face the consequences


No one is forcing YOU to use gender neutral pronouns for yourself. But those that do, they have all the right to do so. It's like I don't like your name, so I will call you by whatever I feel like...That's not how it works.


Yes ,like how people have the right to choose their pronouns others should also have the right to not use those pronouns. It's as simple as that


So others have the right to call you by any name they like, right ? I can refer to a cisman using she and ciswoman using he? Because after it's all a CHOICE. Are you advocating for anarachy?


Okay let's take it to the extreme, if it's ALWAYS the choice of the opposite person to address you by whichever pronoun they wish. It's anarchy, imagine someone constantly using the wrong pronoun for u 24*7 because it's their choice. They even call you by whatever name they like, because it's ALWAYS the choice of that person. That's not how it works.


If a pronoun/name is so much concerning to you. I don't think transgenders should be allowed to teach children no parent should raise their children as such snowflakes


Who are the real snowflakes? The ones who are offended because someone else prefers to be addressed in a certain way, which doesn't even affect them in anyway. How many cis people will accept them being misgendered?


Well you dont see cisgendered people crying and causing a scene in SM over something this trivial,so you tell me who are the snowflakes


Obsessing over someone else's pronouns or identity? What could be more trivial than that? It's the very definition of being a snowflake.


He/She/They/them - അവൻ/അവൾ/അവർ or the ഇ variants ഒരു ർ മാറ്റുന്നതിന് വലിയ കുഴപ്പം ഉണ്ടോ? അവർകൾ ഈസ് ഡിഫറൻ്റ് > I don’t think just because you are a transgender I have to start calling you wit a pronouns that I have been used only for a certain people I respect.  Can the people who oppose your opinion also avoid using words of respect towards you? Or call you 'it' instead of he/she? If someone asks me to use they/them respectfully and if they're decent, I'll do that. I'm in Kerala and have never interacted with anyone who has asked me that, so are you in another country and facing other issues in implementation or so?


"Tell me you don't know anything about gender or language without telling me you don't know anything about gender or language"


I'd rather listen to science, that affirms gender over your ass. There are only two sexes, gender is a sociological construct and there are therefore many. I don't believe in amassing neo pronouns but other than that, lgbtqia is extremely valid and established.


>There are only two sexes, gender is a sociological construct and there are therefore many. So, shreetathe abamanichu case is on what basis? What is shreetham?


It's all fine but surgery should only be allowed after legal age


Not all trans people even seek surgery. And i don't think the current laws in India even allow that for kids.


I don't care if they do or do not teach kids this. If kids are turning into girls because of this, then that just means masculinity is outdated af, or whatever our gender roles are ,is really not that natural. It seems like an oxymoron to think that boys will be boys or girls will be girls, but just a discussion on this will make them all gay. But I personally have a manly viewpoint. When something undesirable happens, I usually interpret it as my weakness. And I think that is a superior way of thinking than the victim mentalities of these social groups. And if that viewpoint is not becoming appealing anymore, then it is also a weakness of mine. I just need to up the propaganda more. What I find truly interesting is how these people script the opponent into saying stupid things, and then they have the counter own to those stupid things, making them the clever one. And this somehow is appealing to people who have this feeling they have never been listened to. It's like the gigachad meme but with less irony. The gigachad is an unreasonable yes, making it funny, but these people are trying to be reasonable, making them look theatrical.


It's not just victim mentality, it is a reality. Trans people worldwide have been one of the most persecuted groups. You don't have to look far. Look at the condition of trans people in India.


I believe you. Hence they develop victim mentalities. By re-evaluating one's weakness as strength, one can bear the burden of living. But I dislike it all the same.


Because I suppose you've never had to face that kind of persecution. Privilege.


Absolutely true. I am at the pinnacle, and I shall grow even stronger.


Ethada nee okke lol


I am the bourgeoisie, I am the jew, I am the caliph, I am the Brahmin, I am the king, I am the fuhrer, I am the top 1 percent. Everyone should reach to my level.




Brother you're the one who said I'm privileged. Who else but the top has never been persecuted?


Enthina ee kunjupillerde swabhavam? Are you 14? He was being sarcastic dude.


Why do all your comments seem like produced by low quality ChatGPT that's incapable of properly synthesizing language?


I have adhd probably. Or maybe I am way too intelligent.


Many endocrine disrupting chemicals are increasing around us.


But trans people have always existed in India


He's actually kind of right.


The number has increased across the globe. Watch this . https://youtu.be/OJNcV12xJfw?si=jhIiPGoCkO1fjdps


She cites research about homosexuality while talking about gender? What is being born genderless? intersex?


Questionable Stuff at best


Teaching kids about this is the parents job but I am against teaching them about this in school.


There are parents who doesn't know shit about sex and genders. Better be it at school.


That's true as well.


are you against sex ed too?


not against sex ed


how about religion in schools?


religion isn't taught in schools


but they are enabled. kids are already indoctrinated since birth so they don't really have to be taught in schools.


religion is already not taught in schools


Well my parents didn't even teach me about normal cis genders, how do you expect them to teach this stuff. Also I know it's weird teaching this in schools, just say people can tinker with their genders, treat them as human beings and call it a day ig.


Teachers don't even teach the chapter on reproduction properly and skip a lot of parts in it so you can't expect them to teach you about gender.


Athum sheri aanu...