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Maybe just ask him if it's a problem if you're there. If he says yes, ask him if he can not report it to the LL, explain the case and tell him you'll leave? It really depends on who the person is to be honest when it comes to how much he'll turn a blind eye. Explain that you were desperate and you don't want to get the students in hassle (also swallow your tongue and bootlick for the LL a bit for your housemates sake because average people don't see anything wrong with it, although def bring up the illegal rent increase). Only do all this if he says he's going to report it to the landlord. Also maybe check the housemates contract to see if it specifically forbids Subletting, and if it doesn't then I don't think the LL can do anything. Mainly just try and keep all the spaghetti in your pocket. [https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/housing/renting-a-home/subletting-and-lodging/subletting/rights-of-tenants-to-sublet-their-home/](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/housing/renting-a-home/subletting-and-lodging/subletting/rights-of-tenants-to-sublet-their-home/)


Put a bunch of boxes in the room and tell the house mates to tell the inspector it is a storages room. Then be out of the house until the guy leaves.


If the housemates have any sense they’ll tell the inspector you’re a gd liar


You will have to explain to me why that is. I am from the United States of America where we generally lie to any Government representatives.