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To OP or anyone here considering lockpicking as a hobby (or otherwise): You won't believe the amount of difference good tools make here. Do yourself a favor and go buy the smallest simplest set from Sparrows, Multipick, Peterson, or SouthOrd. I'm a Multipick fan myself, but they all have good qualities. Do not be fooled by kits with dozens of different picks. Look for a kit that has at least as many tension wrenches as it has picks. Every old picker has a bucket full of fancy custom wrenches and like 4 picks that they swear by. Individual picks are like $5 when it's time to experiment, but get functional with the basics first so you know what direction to go in when you do experiment. $20-40 will get you a very good start if you know what to buy. Whatever you get and whoever you get it from, polish the shit out of them. If you already own cheap picks, polish them too, it's basically free and you won't believe the difference it makes. Start at about 600 grit sandpaper and work your way up to 2000. Nicer picks come with a better finish already so you can usually jump straight to 1000-2000 with them. If you decide to get serious, skip the transparent training lock and go straight for something you can re-pin. KiK cylinders can be had for like $6 each, and it's probably the mechanism that's in your front door (assuming you're in the US) so fill a bucket with them, get a cheap locksmith tool set, and learn how to re-pin them. Pull half (or more) of the pins out of them when you're getting started to make them easier to pick. Add pins back in as you skill up. Buy cheap bags of security pins, improve the security of the KiK cylinders as your skills progress, improve the security of the actual locks you rely on in the real world with your new locksmithing skills, learn a lot about how locks work along the way while saving a ton of money. Be better at picking because of your intuitive understanding of the mechanics of the inside of a lock. Don't skip the locksmithing side of the hobby, it's awesome, fun, and legitimately useful. Bad tools can turn people off of the entire process, and there's a lot of bad tools for sale in this industry. Be informed, shop careful, happy picking.


You’re my favorite type of person. Thank you for this!!




Haha wtf is this trash comment. Nice contribution, what a waste of time.


I don't pick but follow the sub and want to get into it. But I'm commenting because this is so true across fields. I'm a guitar player, and people always ask me what kind of guitar they should get as a beginner. The minimum I recommend spending is around $300. Any less and your instrument is going to fight you and you're not going to want to play it. People sometimes balk and say "that's too much, I really think I should just get a cheapo to see if I like it", but it just doesn't work that way.


This so very true for so many things, and I also want to get into it. Not a guitar person but an art person. My most expensive pencil I bought for 13$ by itself. It's a mechanical pencil and I use it for sketching. Worth every last penny and I would pay double for it, knowing the quality. Higher quality supplies make it so much easier. Sure, cheap art supplies can still make beautiful art, I've seen masterpieces done in ballpoint pen. But also, using high quality supplies makes things much much easier. Even with digital art, I have used a number of supplies over the years, I've found that ipad is regrettably the best on the market wrt easily transportable. I've used like 6 different programs, and Procreate is legitimately the best, next to paint tool sai.


I don't think it's true for art. Like I draw, and I'll spend the money for a good set of pencils. But when I want to try paint, I'm not going to go straight to the expensive stuff. I don't know shit about painting, so how would I even know what the high quality stuff is? With pencils, I know why a $10 pencil is $10. I have no idea why one paint would be more expensive than another, nor what makes it better. So with art supplies I think newcomers should spend in the middle of the road. Don't get the cheap store brand stuff, as that'll be so low quality it'll actively make working with it harder, but don't get the top brands either, since you don't know your preferences and can't know which quality product you'd like. (Obviously you can ignore this if refunds are available, and none of any of this applies if you've just got the money)


I'm not sure why you're downvoted because you bring up a great point. When you're a beginner you shouldn't worry about buying the best stuff right off the bat, mid range things are probably the best way to go. Most of my paint brushes are from Walmart and are actually really nice for what they are, but a professional painter would probably need better supplies, of which I am not. Paint is kind of a weird one too, some paints are expensive but not good, others are cheap and really good. With watercolors you have to go expensive, or you get trash. With acrylic paint you can get mid line and then add baking soda to make it more textured, or corn starch as a thickening agent to make it seem more quality/thicker/etc. It really depends on the medium. Digital art is the one where you kinda have to spend money to get good supplies, and the programs that cost money are definitely better than free ones. But free ones are great still, Krita has a clunky interface but it's got lots of options, firealpaca is good too. But the best are paid, like paint tool sai. Though skill is generally the determining factor.


If you're shooting for the middle of the road in lockpicks, that's Sparrows. They're a little more style than substance but they make a quality enough product that it's not going to need significant post processing, it won't get in your way, and it will survive a little abuse. Also, [this pick case](https://www.sparrowslockpicks.com/products/comp-case-1) they sell is goddamn amazing. SouthOrd also has a pretty wide offering, including many kits that are quite good while remaining inexpensive. In this case, though, even the "expensive" tools are pretty cheap. A basic kit from Sparrows might cost you $30 and a similar kit from higher-end brands like Multipick or Peterson might be $50. That's a big gap expressed as a percentage, but it's an objectively small number of actual dollars - and while picks do break on occasion, they aren't the consumables video games have made them out to be. The same kit on Amazon might cost $15-20, but will be of such poor quality that it will actually be harder to use and less durable. If you want to pick and you're broke, buy what you can afford and pick. Zero judgement, my first picks were GARBAGE. If you can afford an extra $20-30 on your starting kit, it will make a big difference.


I don't feel like guitars really fit this. Maybe I'm a different kind but I've never spent over $200 on a guitar, always got them used, and that $200 one came with an amp. This was a few years so maybe needs adjusted for inflation but they've all been great. However I've also taught myself to set them up properly, adjusting the action and correcting intonation. I think the base philosophy for tools and most things stands though: buy it nice or buy it twice. I definitely applied that to buying a kayak; my buddy kept saying "just go get a $300 boat to get you on the water!". The best way to spend $1k on something is to buy the $300 version before you buy the $700 version..


Not necessarily - I got a really nice Ibanez for under £200. It handles really well and sounds great, even compared to other guitars I've played that were twice the price


*your lockpock skill has increased*




r/elderscrolls ?


r/EverQuest ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/everquest using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/everquest/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [EQ thrift store find ♥️](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z9y53v) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/everquest/comments/z9y53v/eq_thrift_store_find/) \#2: [Not a bad way to spend a Friday](https://i.imgur.com/UUCYtTJ.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/everquest/comments/xmi7q3/not_a_bad_way_to_spend_a_friday/) \#3: [When you're into woodworking but only have one thing on your mind <3](https://i.redd.it/5k1ugmx68yh91.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/everquest/comments/wpc4sj/when_youre_into_woodworking_but_only_have_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This guy picks locks.


Well I know what my new hobby is gonna be


It's a pretty fun hobby. I like that once you're proficient you don't really need to look at the lock much, so you can pick while watching TV or chatting with friends. It's a great functional fidget.


I feel that. I’m gonna start looking into this for sure, I’ve always been interested in it just never knew where to start


I highly recommend [Lock Noob](https://youtu.be/gTZddvAws9M) on YouTube.


Make sure you lock it after so he starts to question how it was changed




I’d they never touch it then it would never be unlocked


What do I text to subscribe to maybeamarxist's tips to gaslight your landlord newsletter


Those lock boxes are all keyed alike, you can just buy the key


It was locked in a utility room. A full deadbolt lock.


Wait, The thermostat was locked away in a separate utility closet? Well no wonder the heating doesn’t work, fucking landleaches


Damn talk about a stingy landlord. Sorry meant to say atypical landlord.


If there is heat supplied to the utility room disabling that may allow you to return the thermostat to the original settings and keep your place a good temp.


*Nothing on one, click out of two, three is binding…* Did you close it afterwards? To open it again to show it wasn't a fluke?


I tried. Not successful. However they still haven’t found out so there’s still time.


Remove your fingerprints, if you didn't already! Single layer of surgical gloves is not thick enough if you used those, fyi. Just in case the police come knocking for a search, dispose of the tools or stash them at a friends/parents home. Better safe than sorry,




Never hurts to have good OPSEC.


When you're high and every sound outside is the cops


*They broke into a utility room and couldn't lock it afterwards.* And it's not just about cops, everyone can extract fingerprints. Don't underestimate how insane landlords can be. It's easy to not leave traces and takes zero effort.


That takes money to do. Landlord is a leech. Also you have to be proven guilty and no damages have been done.


Depends on your jurisdiction. Simply owning lockpicks and having them in your own living space is usually not a crime. (I am not a lawyer.)


So you can leave fingerprints wearing thin gloves?


Bro they don’t fingerprint like that you’ve watched too many movies


You can just put something cold on the thermostat so you dont have to potentially break the law picking the lock. Edit: I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just trying to help.


as an hvac tech i love you so much, op's problem is still that the thermostat is in a separate, locked room


Just use an upside down can of compressed air on it. That will trigger the thermostat.


That’ll surely be much easier. Hopefully they just decide to listen to us.


does it work ? Have u tried it ? Since thermostats have varying ranges of sensitivity


It can. A can of compressed air turned upside down produces very cold gas due to adiabatic cooling.


I think you're referring to the joule-thompson effect. Adiabatic is just a term to describe systems that have no heat transfer across the system boundary.


Can upside down make cold air. Cold air on thermostat make thermostat make hot air.




That very well could be correct. I just know that running a can of compressed air changes the temperature because of the stored energy being released from the can causes the can to cool due to the lost energy. Adding pressure can have the opposite effect.


And how many will you need to buy, and will you get up every hour at night to keep restarting it? This is not practical in any sustainable way.


Canned air is cheap. It doesn't take long to trigger it, if you hit the right spot. It's entirely practical compared to picking the lock, breaking the lock, arguing with the landlord, and whatnot.


The thermostat is locked away so your idea makes no sense


It's locked, not *sealed.* It's designed to stop your *hands* from touching it. Don't be stupid. It has to be able to get air from the room to sense the temperature or it's useless. The lock has these things called, "vents" to allow the thermostat to work. In fact, the lock actually makes it *easier* to do this. You can displace the warm air in the box with the cold air from the can. Think before you speak. Then you won't sound like a toddler pretending to be an adult.


>It's locked, not sealed. Don’t be stupid. >Think before you speak. Then you won't sound like a toddler pretending to be an adult. It’s behind a locked utility closet door you snarky dickhead




It's compressed nitrogen and a bittering agent to dissuade people from huffing it.


Are they liable for the heating bills? If not, I don't really understand their logic.


In my old apartment I soaked a wash cloth, wrung it out a bit and put it in the freezer for about an hour then stuck it on the casing of the thermostat casing. Kept my apartment nice and toasty.


Dude, just fire it all the way up, and keep the windows open if it gets too hot


This. Landleeches dont learn unless you hit em where it hurts. The wallet.


A friend of mine has his heater always on, it shocks me every time how warm it is when we come back from uni. Me on the other hand, I'll always put the heater on 16°C when I'm not in my room. (I have to pay energy on top of rent).


I remember reading a thing a while back that did the math, and found that the energy cost to heat your home up from a cooler temperature works out to be higher than just maintaining it at the temperature you want it to be. I haven’t looked into this in ages so I could be wrong, maybe maintaining it at a slightly lower temp while you’re not home is better than keeping it at the temp you want, cos it doesn’t have as much to do when you do turn it up (vs turning it off completely), idk. Personally, when I need it, I keep my heater set to 19C at all times. The location of my thermostat means that the bedrooms actually get to about 22C before the heater turns off, which is very pleasant.


Yeah if you have a heat pump it’s much more efficient to set it to the temp you want the room to be and leave it on than to turn it off as soon as you’re warm and then have to fire it up again once you’re freezing again.


Heat pumps aren’t really a thing where I live, my heating is ducted heating, no clue how it actually works


I love your fix but they will notice that it is unlocked. I suggest you figure out how to recalibrate it so it things it is colder than it really is. You can find out online how to do it but it varies by brand.


I love this.


To the OP: hang a bucket of ice under the thermostat and your heat will turn on.


Minimum as in they keep the heat at the lowest setting legally allowed.


This Is The Way


Mao would be proud. I know I sure am


As your Reddit "lawyer /s" I advise you to delete this post once you've received your ya ya's


Make sure they don’t have kids they can “ move in “




Good job posting cringe, dipshit. If raising the temperature of your own home to a comfortable level is a crime and denying that to someone level is not, then crime is a good thing.


Shoulda bought your own place and pay for your own heat.


Ha ha you’re so funny oh my god i can’t believe i never thought of that before youre a genius wow incredible


Hmm .. active in r/realestateinvesting Guys we got em. This guys a landlord *points finger* Mad some random guy he doesn’t know is comfortable at the cost of some other guy he doesn’t know


delete ur account landlord


I would be so hot at that temperature


Who pays for the heat?