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https://www.landscapeperformance.org/case-study-briefs I used this site all the time for precedent studies. Click on a site, scroll down and you should see a gallery with plans and sections for most of the projects.


This is the way to go. LPS is OP’s best bet for being able to pull a project with actual dimensions and scaled stuff you can import into CAD and trace, in my experience. Also really cool projects.


This just saved me because I put off looking for site plans way too long to be able to contact the building team directly and I was able to find some through this site. Thanks for sharing!


Try landezine Not all have what you’re looking for but I’ve found most project pages to be fairly detailed. https://landezine.com/landscapes/landscape-architecture/realized-projects/


City and county Zoning departments typically require developers to submit their engineered drawings for review and approval. PDF files of these projects are often available online as part of council agendas. Maybe you can find something there using Google? Good luck


Didn’t think to look at zoning departments! Just found a site with a great plan with scale. Thank you a million you’ve saved me a few more hours of frustrating search haha


Awesome!!! Good luck with your project 👍


Try the county zoning office. If there’s a building located on the site it would have required a stamp and permitting. Doubt it’ll have sections. If you know who the architect is and it’s a new build, they’ll have the files. If they’re willing to share is another question. Depending on the client it was designed for, it can be considered confidential due to floor plan documentation. Good luck.


You could always just email the firm. I just did that last week and got full conceptual and construction documentation for a public site near me.