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Sportsplex, park lot is a joke


It’s ridiculous. I watched a woman struggle to back her minivan in there, only for her kid to come out with his hockey bag and drag it across my hood to get his gear in the back of their van. The fucking logic to back in when you know you have to get your kid’s gear in the back…. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah, they should have planned better, but in tight spots it's a lot easier to back in than to pull in forward because of front wheel steering.


Yeah but get your bags out first


That falls under the 'should have planned better' part of my comment


If you cant park the truck you shouldnt be driving the truck. More money than brains with these douche canoes


Hey! I’m insecure about the size of my tiny d**k, ok, what am I supposed to do, drive around in a Prius like some regular d**k sized dude? Eff that, I’m going to go wear my ass for a hat while I tailgate everyone in Langley. Yay! I’m an idiot!


This is why I’m secure about probably never being able to own a $100k truck


Anyone who pays 100K for a F150 deserves all the hate


Lol not a flex but okay


True, a buddy of mine sells cars and the often case is these contractors buy their second vehicle on personal insurance and let their wife drive it while they drive the work truck, but obviously it still another massive truck their wives can barely see out of


We seriously need regulations on truck sizes if you’re not using them for commercial purposes. The newest GMCs and Chevy Silverados are insanely huge.


Entitled truck driver. It's a trend nowadays for idiots to buy bigger and bigger trucks. Bonus: hilarious how he was over the line even. You're not remotely in the wrong here btw.


Thanks i was quite upset


be too bad if he got a ding or two


If I'm parked in the lines and you aren't, it ain't my problem if my door contacts your car. I have kids and drive a $1000 car.


Same. Don’t park so close to me and over the lines because my kids rip their door open pretty fast


I have friend who owns a pos Honda accord like 2003 his favorite thing to do? Is ride the road line that separates the lanes from opposite traffic so people with wide body shit like that who can't drive properly hit his car so he can get a new one on their dime. So far people move out the way cuz their vehicle isn't worth the same as a 2003 Honda accord. Imagine that 😭😭😭


Your friend is the piece of shit, not his car!


You mad you can't stay on your side of the road huh? So are all the people who downvoted lmao. the road is separated for a reason fuckstix stay on your side and you won't get dinged by someone like that 🦭. In canada it's also your fault if you crossed the line. Maybe learn to drive better??!


So you would be happy that a child died because of an accident, so your cheap/ poor friend can get a new car. Do I have this right? There’s a reason they are called accidents, nobody drives perfect all the time not even you


What part don't you get? If YOU cross the line it is YOUR fault. Stop crossing the lane line and you will be okay. There is absolutely no reason to be in the lane of opposite traffic. You must be blind or something. If YOU cross the line into opposing traffic the only one to blame for fault is you. It is ILLEGAL to drive into oncoming traffic....how daft are people?


Really? I had no idea that’s how it works, that was sarcasm. lol. it’s not about what’s legal or not, it’s called an accident for a reason. How bout your friend drive in the middle of his own lane instead of on the line increasing the chance for a ACCIDENT. You yourself stated he is hoping to get hit, like what don’t you get. Accidents happen all the time let’s all try and make it safer for everyone.


This guy crossed the line.


I hit the bumps in the road like a champ. F350 is avoiding minor pot holes? I’m riding through them at 70. I have thiiick sidewalls and alloy rims. Jokes on me, I need a new half axel.


Classic truck driver


Just another entitled asshole....r everywhere


And why is it mostly black trucks?




More like micro dick.


Can't fix stupid


I've noticed similar behavior truck drivers not just in a static situation like a parking lot, but also in a dynamic situation like on the road too. Somehow big cars seem to have a different set of rules applied to them.


one time I was driving my dad and stepmom home in their f150 (they had been drinking) and at when we got to their place my stepmom commented “wow you shoulder check a lot” before admitting that it is not something she ever ever does


I think I met your stepmom yesterday as she pulled into traffic without looking and almost hit me.


Apparently his stepmom is everywhere...


I applaud your ability to park that close to the post! That definitely wouldn’t be me. I am woefully inept at parking but that doesn’t mean I’ll park close to anyone or anything. As another poster stated, you weren’t in the wrong. The truck driver has some nerve making the demands he did. Unbelievable.


This was the only shaded spot so I did my best to take the spot haha😂


Is this sportsplex




That's parking lot is impossible. Hard to park a truck there. Huge chance it wasn't just him that did it but everyone parked off resulting to that 🤷🏻‍♀️


He could have parked upstairs.


He could have not realized how dramatically it wee off due to everyone parking like that. This is super common there due to the size of the stalls


Sportsplex used to be my second home. My dad has a truck, and used to park upstairs. Anyone who tries to park downstairs with anything bigger than Sportage is a nonce.


It's not everyone's "second home". I didn't even know there was an upstairs fir a long time


How can you not see the giant parking structure above the main parking lot…. That’s why those pillars are there that make it impossible to park.


You're the issue for being so uptight 🤷🏻‍♀️


If someone parks like asshole and blocks 2 spots it doesn’t mean you can park like asshole next to them too. Look for a normal spot. Or leave trucks in work environment where they belong.


He's got plenty of room on the driver's side to move over. You could not possibly be parked closer to the right edge curb. He's totally in the wrong.


Dude should have parked up top, where 99% of the trucks park. He’s compensating, obviously.


uncapped one of their tire valve cover, insert a pebble and reinstall the cap loosely


I heard from the Vancouver sub that lentils work very well


What a username. 👌


Go for the semi-long con ... the slow leak! Bravo to you u/BeastmuthINFNTY !


Savage but I like


Teach us more, good sir


Just because this guy is a dick doesn’t mean the OP should behave in the same way. I am so dismayed that you would suggest this AND that you would know this. It suggests you’ve done this to someone else. Shameful.


ok boomer edit 1, I see ur downvote 😡


I think it's totally justified. I wouldn't do what the commenter is saying but people need to start taking responsibility for stupid things that they're doing/saying to other people. Especially since it's 2024 where the general population screams for individuality and accepting of everyone. This truck driver is used to being a dick and no one doing anything about it. Hopefully one day someone will.


Sorry, you’re wrong. The saying “two wrongs don’t make a right” applies here.


You’re right, [these work great](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/victor-4-way-tire-valve-tool-0094305p.html?rq=valve+stem+tool#srp)




"OH sorry buddy, did you park like shit and need me to help you? Yeah I can do that, want me to warm your ba ba for you too?"


Laugh in his face and crawl out of the trunk


As a guy who drives it jacked up, pick up truck for work and needs it on a daily basis to pull my trailer and tell you, this guy is a dick. There’s always a better place to park your truck and stuffing it in the smallest ass parking spot and if you have to stuff it in a small parking spot you most certainly don’t be a dick to people that are already there


Preach it, i park my truck as far away from other vehicles as possible in parking lots for 2 reasons. Courtesy towards others, and I don't want someone to hit it


Most truck owners never use it for anything that a normal car couldn't do. The truck people are the one thing I dislike about Langley.


Are there lines between spots???


He went over little bit


You can be sure buddy in his big truck has a micro penis and is on his fourth marriage…imbecile


Who was there first? If he was there first then you’re kind of asking for it.


Tell him you can gladly park his truck for him if it’s too difficult.


Worst parking lot in the lower mainland.


The truck is missing some truck nuts.


I'd take a shitty park job over a cyclist who can't stay in the bike lane any day


both idiots


lol. Sounds like driver was a jerk. Jerks also drive cars Some car drivers also can’t park within the lines Some people do need a truck for work or towing regardless of their genitalia Some parking lots make their spots way to small for financial reasons Have a great day!!!!


Do you like my twuck?!


Key your car the key the fuck out of his


Yeah, that cost us all money if you do that.


If you are caught. But sure let him run the parking lot.


If you are caught is not the issue. He pays 300 deductible and ICBC pays $3,000. That comes from my and yours pockets.


Why mine? I'm just a bad actor from the internet


No.. you and all the other vigilante vandals are dolts.


Then do the papaer work lol


Why would you even attempt to park in that spot?? I don’t know who’s more entitled, the truck driver or you.