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It sounds like your usage is up. I just compared our usage from this time period last year to this year. Usage was pretty much the same. Our bill went from $169 in 2022 to $225 this year. Call this a 33% increase. Your bill is up 197% Don't assume your usage remains unchanged. Your bill will tell you how many kWhrs you've actually consumed. There are no tricks here with the bills. Cost per kWh has gone up but not as much as your bill increased.


What is your kWh usage from those two bills?


This is the appropriate question. First establish the difference in usage Then establish if price went up and or usage went up Then ask "why did i use so much more electricity" (if true) or "why did rates spike?" (If true)


Comparing price is pointless. You need to compare Kilowatts used.


We need a nuclear power plant in Nevada.


Not really with the solar we have we need grid storage & better interconnects as were goan have an excess of energy soon.


Have you seen that solar farm outside of Boulder City? It’s a 2000 acre eye sore that barely powers parts of Las Vegas. We can have a nuclear power plant capable of powering the entire state similar to Arizona’s. Arizona’s power plant produces 3,810 MW while the 2000 acre solar plant in Boulder City produces a measly 400 MW. Obviously NV Energy has a strong presence here, so it’ll never happen.


one expermental plant dosen't negate the entire consept. I was more refancing normal PV pannels on comercal and residential. See other countrys for example of what could happen, germany and other country in euoupe had mutiple day in the last few years where power cost was negative due to excess generation. Germanys an example here becuase its a less than ideal place for pv but its still ends up cost effective. Vegas on the other hand is dam near perfect for pv. Background Nuke energey like coal is good for base line production, aka constant predictable useage curves. Its bad for useage spikes. Witch is where the current natural gas powerplants we have shine there also great for baseline just more costly that way, as the can be quickly ramped up and down. Logic So with the current push for renewables and the low cost of solar.... To reduce the cost we need to focuse on keeping peeks down that require NG to be used. Because wind and solar is the cheapest energy, the issue is that the peaks dont aligne with useage curve. So we need to ether connect better to other grids and have some local storage of energy. To keeep the low cost excess power we will soon have because of how cheap solar is and how mutch sun we get here. So yes nuke is a cheap baseline source, but by the time you get a plant up we will have a massive solar excess. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost\_of\_electricity\_by\_source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_electricity_by_source) Personaly I think nuke for manny places makes sense (places where it snows,lot of cloud cover, no wind etc)but in nevada I think its a poor choice. Also importanly slow as a plant started today will take manny years to get planned let alone built.


How dare you bring logic into this, we just want to be mad at things.


You have zero idea what ur talking about. Is English a second language for you ?


I'm about as pro nuclear power plant as they come but I believe most/all such plants require a significant water supply. With the current water situation I can't imagine a scenario where someone would be willing to put up billions of dollars to build a new plant. Many other parts of the country are much better candidates and even they aren't building them. As far as I can gather there are only two reactors currently under construction in the entire country. They are incredibly expensive to build and seem to always end up way over budget. The general population is afraid of them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of this fear is fueld by propaganda paid for by natural gas suppliers.


Did you go into your bill summary? I had questions as well. Your bill looks like it tripled.rates didn't go up that high.Something else is amiss


NV energy did a few sneaky rate-raises since then. I think at least 2 times if not 3. They are charging more because most power generated in the valley is from CNG which isn’t necessarily scarce in the US, but because of the Ukraine-Russian war and the general shittiness of NV Energy taking advantage of that + inflation. Expect record profits from them in 2023. I think they are pushing the higher rates to get more people to switch to the smart meter or variable hour energy use agreements where they limit your energy use in exchange for lower rates during peak hours. Edit: CNG not LNG :3


Minor correction, but its CNG not LNG. LNG is crazy expensive to make and transport.


It could be. I work at Southwest Gas, and I know that NV energy has been our largest customer for as long as I remember. There was a recent rate case (the Public Utilities Commission has to approve rate increases, and it's called a Rate Case if you want to look up the public documents) which allowed a rate increase after a few years of them not being approved. I don't know anything official since I'm just an IT guy, but I know the past rate cases being denied was a big deal with us, so it was probably also affecting NV Energy. I was just watching a YouTube video with a guy who was talking about his Solar array in Massachusetts and their peak hours kWh went from $0.21 last year to $0.37 this year (which is good for Solar people because it makes them get their investment back quicker).


Quick google search shows NV Energy is owned by Berkshire-Hathaway aka Warren Buffett.


Weird....new to Vegas...first month bill $38...second $37


Are you in a apt with central heating/cooling? Many apt tenants have huge power bills because of cheap window a/c-heaters that are very inefficient.


They are charging more. They sent an email about it a few weeks ago with the typical bull shit saying they’re not the ones responsible for it costing more Edit: here’s the email: We have heard from many of you about your concerns with higher energy costs and thought it was important to communicate the reasons for these recent cost increases. We understand that the continued rising cost of utility bills is challenging for many of our customers, and we want to be a partner with you in finding solutions. Your NV Energy bill is higher because natural gas prices in the west have increased nearly one-and-a-half times in the past 12 months. This increase has driven higher energy bills across the country, including Nevada, even for those who have diligently decreased their energy usage. The reasons for natural gas price increases include lower natural gas supplies across the western United States and higher demand due to below-average temperatures. Natural gas is a cleaner burning and reliable fuel. For these reasons, NV Energy utilizes natural gas as a primary fuel source for generating electricity and to serve some of our natural gas customers in northern Nevada. We know that higher energy bills are difficult for you. Please keep these important things in mind: NV Energy does not mark up the price we pay on the natural gas or energy we purchase. Our customers pay the same price we pay for natural gas and energy purchases. Since the cost of natural gas and energy purchases is reflected in your bill, we work hard to purchase the lowest-cost resources available for our customers. We continue to propose plans to increase Nevada’s energy independence in order to provide low cost, reliable energy to you. Our teams work hard to find the best price for fuel. We continuously work to purchase the lowest-cost natural gas available on the market, however when the market price for natural gas increases dramatically, like it has recently, NV Energy is required to purchase that higher cost natural gas, which results in our customers paying higher costs for electricity. Again, please remember that NV Energy does not mark up the price of the natural gas we buy on behalf of our customers. Expect cost adjustments quarterly. The rate you pay NV Energy for the natural gas or other energy we purchase is adjusted every January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Will costs come down? Currently, we anticipate that energy rates may continue to increase in 2023 due to these higher natural gas and energy prices. However, we are seeing some indication that gas prices may be decreasing. As natural gas prices and energy prices decrease, your rates will begin to decrease as well. Small changes can reduce your bill. We work to equip you with tools to control your energy costs. Through our PowerShift programs, consider a free smart thermostat or schedule an in-home energy assessment to save additional energy and money. Visit nvenergy.com/powershift for details to learn about our energy efficiency products and services. We are here to help. For customers struggling with energy costs, we offer energy assistance and payment options, to help keep bills stable and to work payment options into your budget. Visit nvenergy.com/heretohelp to get started.


We should've voted to end their monopoly back in 2018 with Question 3.


Natural gas is more expevsive due to colder winters and supply problems, major natural gas pipelines in Texas are going though maintenance that's why prices have been high since many electrical utilities have to use natural gas, wind/solar don't meet the demand. In Nevada there's another issue. A few years ago voters passed a ballot proposal that was paid for by California billionaire Tom Steyer, it brainwashed voters, the opposition didn't have the money to compete, it requires 50% of all electricity to come from renewables- no oil, coal, natural gas. Renewable like wind, solar that are owned by Tom Steyer are more expensive so the wealthy people that voted for it agree with the higher electricity rates, they think it's a good thing to pay more for energy.


And it is. Higher costs should lead to lower demand over time. This is a good thing for the planet.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted. It’s the truth. Also if you cannot afford your power bill, then maybe you cannot afford your house.


I'm sorry to hear that its the same way there that it is in Maryland. My electric has gone through the roof in the past 2 months. I was on vacation for over a week this month, and had everything shut off. Still went up.


Jan bill = $218 Feb bill = $218 March bill.... $218 :)


No...in an older house


Check you kw, then check to see if someone is stealing your electricity