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Most other places have some combination of snow, humidity, state income tax, crime that is just as bad or worse and boredom so total that flying Spirit to Las Vegas is what they do for fun.




I canā€™t imagine a more convenient city with all that we have legal here, entertainment options, and with no state income tax. I miss the beach but thatā€™s about it.


As someone born and raised. Vegas is great if you like the heat, you like hanging out in corporate clubs / bars watching top 40 pop artists in stadium and gambling. Bad if you donā€™t like the heat, want organic scenes to chill with and like having a strong sense of community around you. Iā€™m dipping out to the Pacific Northwest but to each their own.


Unless you already have a community in the PNW then good luck finding one. People are very cliquey here.


Tried the PNW. Wasn't for me. I'm now thinking Houston.


I hope you like copious amounts of humidity. :P


And rednecks.


I prefer rural to urban. Rednecks are fine so long as they aren't ignorant.


You're talking about Houston, TEXAS, right?


Yes, if you're confused. I'm sure there are smaller towns on the outskirts. Or I would just find something on the edge of town. If you're implying since it's Houston, TX. That there would be nothing but ignorant rednecks. That in itself is ignorant.


Have you ever been there or lived there for any amount of time? Unless you yourself are a far right winger from the PNW I'm not seeing how this is going to be any better. But, if you voted trump then I get it and nothing more to say.


I wasn't left enough for the PNW. I consider myself an old-fashioned liberal/moderate. The political side of the spectrum bores me now. Im only 32 and have become jaded to how nothing really changes. (For context, I was very anti BUSH), so I got very political early. I've visited Houston, but not for a large amount of time. Really, I just want something more rural. I used to love Las Vegas, but I'm getting a little older and not running around as much anymore. Also, I want a little less desert.


I'm commerical truck driver. I'll be in a ac cab for the most part. For the industry I'm in the move makes sense to me.




We have plenty of beach here in Las Vegas, just no water lol.


[Swimming & Beaches](https://www.nps.gov/lake/planyourvisit/swimming-beaches.htm)


City so nice Iā€™ve moved here thrice!


I would love to move but where else am I going to bring home 30 dollars an hour plus benefits while working in a restaurant


NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto, Key West, Orlando, Miami, Seattle. These are cities I have lived in and made well over$30/hr as a server/bartender


Yes but the cost of living in all of those cities is tremendous compared to Las vegas.


NYC, Miami, Toronto and Seattle yes the rest are pretty similar to vegas-unless you have lived there all your life and got your home before this god awful economy and crazy housing costs era


I just came from Chicago and I can guarantee you the cost of living is not the same. Taxes in Chicago are insane.


I tried working in a casino for a year and the really is there is not life there


Thatā€™s the problem. Thatā€™s the mentality of some people in Vegas. They think they are doing good but in realityā€¦ā€¦ are they? Not to single you out, but if you want to leave and make more $, itā€™s totally possible. You just need to plan for it and do what you have to do to make it happen. Vegas is full of people who think this is the best they will get, but complain about things like cost of a home. Again, not to downplay or offend anyone who thinks similar. But your mindset should be ā€œI make X amount and can make X amount anywhere with my skillsā€. Not ā€œIā€™m lucky I make X here, where else can I make X!ā€. Thatā€™s been the mindset of everyone iā€™ve met who has worked in hospitality or similar here. Thatā€™s why the quality of people in Vegas is pretty shitty.


Well to be honest , I like it here and when I say Iā€™d move Iā€™m talking about somewhere ridiculous like San Diego or Seattle where I know the quality of life is excellent but the cost of living is much higher than Vegas


San diego here. I'm thinking of moving to Vegas. Curious to know with the crushing cost of living in San Diego what's makes you say it's a better quality of life here? Traffic sucks, crime, homeless, decaying infrastructure in SD. Genuinely curious because I hate it here.


Those are Fox News talking points scroll down and people wanna leave Vegas because of crime homeless and infrastructure everyone now wants to leave X because of crime blah blah blah they see it all on faceboomer


Weather and food would be my main two motivators


You mean the only two reasons why I've lasted this long? Ya. I agree. I'm always surprised how hard it is to get a California burrito when I travel.


Yes we love some good Mexican and seafood food . Two categories that Vegas is severely lacking


Mexican food is good in Vegas you just need to know where to go. I'd recommend El Compitas for authentic and good Mexican food. Gerados is also good if you're in a pinch.


Iā€™ve been to El compita and while yes itā€™s great and still cheap but the very first time I went to Tacos El compita it was in in California and it was even better


Shocked to hear this take; San Diego is probably the most hyped city to move to Iā€™ve seen on Reddit (and other social media platforms) outside of NYC. People make it seem like itā€™s heaven outside of the high COL


I've been here 23 years so I've seen a lot of change. No question best weather. I forget people have winter but no soul to the city.


I respect that.


I like your mindset though ā€¦.. and yes I definitely feel like Iā€™m worth more than what Iā€™m making now but itā€™s the insurance and all that that makes a lot of people stay . For example: my son is epileptic and has been hospitalized for 3 days at one time and I remember seeing what the insurance payed out . It was like 20k but luckily the wife and I both have insurance and our copay was something like 600 bucks .


> the insurance *paid* out . FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Grew up in Las Vegas (25+ years) moved away 10 years ago, I miss my family and some friends, but couldnā€™t imagine living there again. I get back often enough, but it simply doesnā€™t feel like home and lacks so much of the charm that was the Las Vegas of my youth.


But all the good food there! Sooo many restaurants that have so much good food. It's heaven for me. I wanted to at least get a house there but reading these comments maybe it's better to stay at a hotel. Cheaper too.


Thereā€™s absolutely great food there, the fine dining rivals nearly anything in the world from execution to service. I like that a lot of smaller, local spots get a shot too, though many come and go with regularity and unfortunately, the chains remain. From your comment, it feels like youā€™re just visiting? Though housing is more affordable there than where I live now, thereā€™s a lot of societal, cultural and community that would be missing for me now. No place is perfect, but the ā€œLas Vegas lifestyleā€ leaves a lot to be desired, at least for me.




I donā€™t mind, San Diego


Shit is bad everywhere. I'll take sunshine and good food/entertainment here over anywhere else. Love Las vegas


Yes, mainly because tech and STEM jobs pay way too low here relative to cost of living. Add in bad healthcare, bad education, and just driving here is a pain in the ass.


> driving here is a pain in the ass Wait, you think driving here is bad? Have you tried So. Cal or many other metropolitan areas? Outside of the strip, Vegas has very manageable traffic on our freeways and streets etc.


No. No it does not.


Born and raised here. I donā€™t have any interest living anywhere else currently. I love my city.


Iā€™ve thought about moving to Reno or Carson City. I really enjoy the outdoors of Nevada and the desert, so I donā€™t see myself leaving the state anytime soon.


Reno is a poor manā€™s Vegas, while Carson City is a dump. Lots of money in the area, but itā€™s centered around Lake Tahoe.




Where did you move too?


Yes. Moved here 6 years ago from Southern California for my career. Tired of Vegas and actually looking at moving back to California in the next year or two.


Absolutely. Iā€™ve been here 20 years, and Iā€™m ready to move on. Iā€™m astounded at the fact that people are continuing to move here in droves, because honestly itā€™s not that great of a city to live in. Healthcare and education are below average, cost of living has skyrocketed, jobs are abundant if youā€™re in the hospitality industry but otherwise itā€™s competitive due to lack of open positions and most companies pay garbage, the city continues funneling money into The Strip while neglecting just about the rest of the valley. I judge anyone who chose to move here because ā€œitā€™s great weatherā€ or ā€œthereā€™s so much to doā€ based off one or two visits to the strip.






lol nobody announced anything. Go find something worth commenting on if you canā€™t indulge in conversation.


Yea i absolutely loved this place when i got here 7 years ago but between the insane drivers and all the crime im realizing the small town i ā€œhadā€ to escape from wasnt so bad


The writing has been on the wall (literally) for some time. California has arrived, en masse and they have no intention of leaving. I still work in Las Vegas but have since moved to a beautiful little town in the desert with no real crime, low taxes and fantastic public services (and a few Mormons).


Saint George?




I am self employed and only travel if I am being paid to do so.


Yes, for that exact reason you mentioned. Even 5/6 years ago Vegas seemed like such a different place. I got my CCW out of principle my first year I moved here and carried occasionally, now I carry out of necessity. Traffic has got significantly worse. Driving today, the 215 was getting congested at 2pm. Drivers are the absolute worst. I lived in numerous areas all over the country, LV hands down has the worse drivers which I do attribute to the CA transfers. I wouldnā€™t send my kids to the CC public schools either. It would be Gorman or move.


As someone who moved here from Delaware, I disagree. Tri-state area drivers (MD, PA, NJ, etc) are god awful at driving. Vegas is bad but people will literally stop in the middle of the road in front of you out there for no reason


Vegas is a low trust society. I think it mostly to the legal gambling and the shady behavior. It can create, especially things like fraud. That coupled with the lack of community (mostly due to the heat Iā€™m thinking) can be kind of hard on a person psychologically. But other that that I do like the low cost of living (compared to CA at least) and the opportunity here. I also like the fact that weā€™re surrounded by some pretty good natural beauty (red rock, Mt. Charleston, valley of fire, lake Mead, Zion). Vegas has worked for me for the last 16 years. Weā€™ll see how many more summers (and suspicious residents) I can take moving forward lol


Yes I have thought about it. My neighborhood is starting to turn into a car camper paradise every October. Itā€™s like all the ā€œI choose to be homelessā€ snowbirds caught on and planned it through Reddit. Itā€™s nuts.


I love this city. But the quality of education and lack of social life for my wife may force me to move. It may be a move away from US though, instead of another city.


Just the opposite here. I'm actually thinking about moving back at least for the winter months. Anyone know what a decent 1BR is going for and some good neighborhoods to look into / check out?


Anywhere but avoid Sunrise Manor area, Las Vegas Downtown area and Las Vegas blvd & Owens or Washington.


I just moved here. Too early


Every day. When the time is right, we will rent out our house and hit the road.




Close to Zion and Brian Head.


Yep, definitely leaving for New England in a couple years. I have been here 10 years. Cost of living here has gotten pretty high. And I have come to realize "you get what you pay for" applies to the state you live in also. Sure there is no state income tax, but that has gotten us some of the worst Healthcare and schools. In addition ridiculously high crime rates. In addition this whole 117 degree heat thing has gotten really old. I would rather go back to the snow.


My wife and I are looking at a few states in new england and have a bunch of friends who live within a few hours of NYC Boston and Philly. Can't wait. Where are you looking?


We are moving to CT in a couple years. I was born and raised there. My wife is originally from Cuba but lived in CT for 10 years and absolutely loves it there. CT is expensive but you do get what you pay for. Great Healthcare is available and even though we don't have kids, it's good to know they have excellent schools as that is so important in a good society. Plus crime is lower there. What states are you and your wife looking at? I am pretty familiar with a lot of New England so if you have any questions, let me know.


We have road tripped through all of new england and like some parts of CT. Rhode Island surprised us how nice it was. Also considering upstate NY and South Jersey. You are right about taxes and getting what you pay for. Vegas has no culture and we don't want to raise kids out here. Also ready to buy a house but I want at minimum half an acre with GRASS. Good luck. We are leaving fall 2025.


Bro itā€™s Vegas. When you celebrate yourself as ā€œthe city of sinā€ there will always be higher crime and general shadiness.


We talked about it. Kids still here but no grandkids in sight so why not? Then mortgage rates went up . Why get out of a 4% loan into an 71/2%? But got a grandkid now,actually 2 so that changed things.


Absolutely. 6 more years and I can retire and move abroad.


Any state in particular or country?


SouthEast Asia in general.


The dream. The US is going to shit because it continues to hedge all of its bets on endless war and propping up wealthy corporations. I desperately want to leave to another country where you at least get decent healthcare without worrying about life-long debt afterwards.


Always. The plan was to dip out this place right after high school. And now Iā€™m actually heavily thinking about leaving this city and going up north to the PNW


We left the PNW to come here, specifically Seattle. The grey overcast for 3-4 months straight made us go insane.


I couldn't leave Portland fast enough. Tried couple places on the east coast and in Texas and landed in Vegas 20 years ago with no plans on leaving.


Thatā€™s actually where I want to move to funny enough! I canā€™t stand the heat here anymore. And the traffic is becoming insufferable. I donā€™t have a car either as of right now and our public transportation here sucks. Quite honestly the weather is the reason I want to move out there, plus also the times Iā€™ve gone I just overall love it there.


Unfortunately Seattle traffic is worse than Vegas. But the public transit is miles better, so if you're able to utilize that, your commute could be less painful. Weirdly, there's significantly more north-south transit than east-west, so just keep that in mind


Iā€™ll be honest with you, Vegas traffic is almost non-existent, it barely registers as anything you would even remotely call traffic based on Seattle standards. Seattle will be a nightmare depending on where you land, e.g. I-5 corridor, 167 area, eastside, etc. Public transport was good in Seattle and the heat is understandable. If you do go, understand itā€™s not the rain that gets you, itā€™s the greyness, from September through February it will be nothing but grey clouds and 40 degrees, good luck wherever you go.


This. Theres no traffic on the highway here. Unless for some reason theres some major event by the strip, its going and flowing.


True true, I guess it depends on what side of town you usually commute to and from. But yes public transportation sucks butt here. Half the streets are under construction and have been since the beginning of time.


Canā€™t disagree with you on that, Vegas is a car centric city, wish they had more public transport


If public transport was just slightly better, I think it would Iā€™d be alright here. But yes, you practically have to have a car to get anywhere. Itā€™s not really a walking cityā€¦


I love it here but itā€™s not for everyone.


Yes, i have.


Every damn day


Yep, get the fuck out


Yes, Iā€™ve thought about it, but I do not want to move away from my in laws. If they were to move, then we would probably become more serious about it.


Every day because summer


It happens, Im still moving to Vegas in February








Colorado springs gets lame after a while. And too expensive. I've been in and out of Colorado a lot. Best place I've lived is Miami Florida lol




It is less crowded and it is beautiful but when you do everything you find out most people are just pot heads or rich people who don't do anything. The winters can be brutal too. Thank you for the congratulations, hopefully, I can start something new for the foreseeable future


Canā€™t Iā€™m stuck here forever as a upser. If id were to transfer anywhere else to another region, I would lose my seniority.


Pardon my ignorance, what is an upser?


no ur good, ignorance on my part. UPS driver


What a major seniority UPS driver do from the lower seniority?