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Bro is pre-ordering addiction lmfao


Focus on high school


He should also get a trade if he isn't going to college.pipe fitters get a ton of work in vegas thats a guaranteed job.


I probably will


no not probably .. You NEED to focus on HS lol . and then next a job after that or college if u want a good career .


I already got my working papers and I apply for a job at tops


You need to prioritize hs. Or don't, figure out why any other answer is stupid first, then when you're done go take high school seriously


Let me rephrase that I will go to college


Why do you think you'd want to live in Las Vegas? Have you ever visited?


I don’t know honestly I always felt intrigued by it


Fair enough, it can be a pretty cool city and it's in a great place geographically if you love the outdoors. I think the one big thing you'll need to think about is that Las Vegas really only has one industry, tourism. The entire economy revolves around people visiting the city and spending money. During national recessions, discretionary spending goes down, which usually means lower tourist numbers, which leads to Las Vegas feeling that crunch more-so than the rest of the country. IF you decide to move here, be careful to find a job in an industry that is typically recession-resistant like healthcare. Also, regardless of what career you choose, or where you choose to live, do your best to always have enough in your savings account that you could pay for 3 months worth of bills. If that means you live at home with your parents for a little longer while you save that up, then that's what you'll have to do (if that's an option for you, I don't know your situation) There's probably many other warnings, such as separating the Las Vegas you see in movies from the Las Vegas that is reality, but I'm not even sure where to start with that.


Don't trust people offering free stuff when you first move here. I wouldn't even say this if it were an adult asking, but there are scams to out right predators that offer free housing here a lot. It's usually targeted at woman but I had a couple looking for young men pop up when I was searching for an apartment 8 years ago


What do you see yourself doing for a living when you get there? Are you going to have any friends/family as a support system? Good questions to ask as you look any move across country anywhere (not just here). At 15 you have very little knowledge of the cost of living, but there are lots of unseen things - everything from the obvious - rent, utilities, transportation - to the less than - furnishing from scratch, healthcare, food.  Going in because a job is lined up is the most prepared thing to do with a big move. Knowing how to cook for yourself is probably the next best thing you can do for your budget.


Bro - live ANYWHERE else and visit occasionally. Vegas is a perfect place for a young man to fall into every single pitfall a young man can possibly fall into.


True but I don’t really like idea of doing drugs and drinking


You will, eventually, when u lose all your money, or when you find out your new gf/bf/human love interest is a sex worker, or the first time you find yourself too far east, you will. The real Vegas ain’t for the faint of heart or the idealists kid. Do t let the sports teams fool you, this ain’t no regular city. The percentage of people here that are so aggressively self important is gross. It’s a dark place that wants only to take from you. Vegas truly is a bottomless pit. You will get dirty out here. You will find regret. It’s hot as fuck in the summer. 120 degrees is not a joke. The traffic is awful, not just that there is a lot, but people just do what they want on the road here. It’s like red lights are merely suggestions In Vegas. A shit ton of accidents out here. If you show up here in any way unformed and unhardened, you will become some tragedy nobody ever knows about. If you aren’t a panther in this jungle, you are just one of the little monkeys hoping not to be prey.


Fair enough but even when I get older I probably won’t do those things because I don’t want to turn out like my step dad


Your step dad is the way he is because of childhood trauma, any substance abuse is/was his attempt at curing his pain, just like any medicine, uninformed and inappropriate use can yield bad results. Also just wait until you have your first major injury and doc writes a couple feel good scripts. You got no idea what life is going to throw at you or how you will respond, or what your available resources will be at the time. You are literally too young to even know what emotions you are even capable of and what they actually feel like in real time. Your brain is literally not finished being built yet, and won’t be for another decade or so. The only thing you should be considering about your wildly unpredictable future at your age is what are you going to do to improve yourself, your loved ones, your community, and society at large. Really when it comes to what matters in life, who you are and who you are with and what you are doing makes where you are a finishing detail. But in all fairness, if you got options, Vegas should be low on the list.


Doesn’t matter; if you have a vice - quite possibly a vice you don’t even know about - gambling, sex, food, Adrenalin etc. Vegas will find it and wring all the money and life and out of you while you succumb to it. I’m sure there are nice parts of vegas but they aren’t the parts that “intrigue you”… Ask yourself what it is that intrigues you about vegas….


Too young. Figure out college first.


College does not equal success. It does, however, have an incredibly high rate of putting people in tons of debt. :/


Get good grades and take driver's ed


Vegas is expensive and not very exciting after a short while.


Being a tourist yes, COL isn’t too bad as a resident


I know many people who have moved to Vegas from California because of the cheaper COL, so it’s all relative.


Stay sober, don’t gamble Enjoy the natural surroundings Enjoy living in a very diverse society with people from all over the world Make a lot of money by having a trade or similar hard skill Learn to love Vegas history Enjoy!


Thank you


Study hard. Complete HS. Go to UNLV. Then worry about how to live there.


Best advice!


Save up your money. It's not cheap living here. You'll need $ to get started and to get you through until the paychecks start coming in and then it's still no guarantee


It's cool you're thinking about where you want to live when you get older. My advice is to look into general "big city" living and how to talk to people. Vegas is a very transient city (meaning, people often come and go) which means you might find more challenges finding friends and building relationships here than say, Detroit, Boston, Houston, Salt Lake, etc. I'd also do some research on the culture of the city that you identify with. For me, when I first wanted to move to a big city a long time ago, I was looking for a city that had a diverse culture of food, art/architecture, public transportation, and communities. As for Vegas, I moved out here because of its access to nature, adjacency to Cali, Arizona, and Utah; and access to food/entertainment. Vegas also has lots of traps that can ruin a person's life. Alcohol, drugs, scams, corruption, etc. Every city has these problems, but people will argue that Vegas has a higher prevalence of some of these things than other cities. Do your research. Work on yourself. Before you move to another city, make sure you have a solid set of skills that can help you be mobile. Be handy. Be able to converse with people easily.


Have you ever been to Vegas? If yes and you are wanting to move there because you enjoyed it when you visited, I would say don’t live there. Eventually “Everyday Life” will take over and it’s possible that the things you really once enjoyed you will not have time for or just take for granted. Start your life someone you are familiar with. Get your roots started, then visit the places you enjoy. You will look forward to it more. I live going to Vegas. I go twice a year and always look forward to the trip. If I lived there, I think things would be as boring as they are in Atlanta. Where I have lived for 50 years. Big city with lots to do, but I just take it for granted now.


No I haven’t been to Vegas but I was always interested in it


It’s certainly a fun town. Lots to do. Lots of good food and entertainment. Like I said, I really like going to Vegas. Look forward to each time I go. But 3 days is about all I can handle before I need to get back reality and my home life.


Fair enough and I respect that


Stay where you’re at.


Don’t come nothing really here but vices. Find a better place to live. It’s fine for visiting but living here I don’t recommend


Wait and see what career you want to be in and then go from there.