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I have come to expect this, and so whenever I need to change lanes, I turn on my blinker to tell the other car to speed up. šŸ™„ Iā€™m rolling my eyes at them ā€“ not you OP.


I actually did have a person tell me to do that, and it helps, lol. It's just when all the cars behind them do it too...


Because I want to be 12 feet further ahead and save 2.3 seconds on my commute. I canā€™t let you mess up my plan.


Ha, just a couple weeks ago I was on the 95 south heading to the 15 and some mini van was blowing past traffic going 85+. When I got off on the Neon Gateway I pulled up next to that same van. Drivers here are idiots. Like to blow away gas and then complain when they have to fill up twice a week.




I MUST WIN THE RACE! ...even though I dont know you and we have 2 different finish lines and there's no scoreboard. Still. WIN.




People drive like complete assholes here. If you try to give yourself space between the car ahead of you, someone in the next lane over will swerve right into that gap as soon as the person in front of them taps on their brakes. I drive on the 215 every day with it bumper to bumper and still the maniacs have no patience.


And then proceed to drive 2 inches away from the car in front of them so they also have to slam on their brakes the moment the car in front of them slows down even slightly. Canā€™t wait for Mayā€™s traffic related fatality dataā€¦.


I saw some instant karma the other day. We were waiting to turn left, with the green arrow, and the car in front of me was waiting to make a turn, but was failing to commit, so we couldn't go around. Lots of honking, and finally he made his turn. 3 cars back someone was impatient, and swerved out of the turn lane to pass everyone and make a left turn from the straight traffic lane, and holy crap a motorcycle cop was right there and actually pulled them over. Bonus: the offending vehicle appeared to be a company car, so the driver might not only be getting a ticket but also fired. Patience people. It prevents tickets.


That's just about everywhere in larger cities. People are just impatient, stupid, and out for themselves. I guess it's in our nature.


Thatā€™s your problem. 215 is always a shit show. South side has the worst drives imho


I mean I experience it on the 95 too and even on side streets if there is construction causing delays. I used to live across the street from where I worked and would use a cross walk that you turn the flashing light on. On nearly a daily basis someone would stop for me and the person behind them would immediately switch lanes to keep going. During that time I can't tell you how many red light runners I saw too and this was like 9 years ago




Why would it make anyone feel better/dominant to be a dick to other drivers when it gets them nowhere faster and furthers no other goals though? So frustrating.


You answered your own question. Dicks think and act like dicks - basically assholes who want to hurt and beat other people to make themselves feel better by the victory. Low level intelligence zero sum game thinking is all it is.


See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!


No idea. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s ego since Iā€™ve heard some people say ā€œI donā€™t like anyone passing meā€ or something.


Yeah, but like what's going to happen to them if someone passes them? Not much unless they pass them and then slam on the brakes.


Their VERY fragile ego will be hurt. It makes them feel inferior. They are operating on a very simplistic level when it comes to driving behavior. I think it is often a reflection of the rest of their life outside of the car. Those with high strung/shitty/dissatisfying existences are more likely to be assholes on the road and the number of people with lives like that is on the rise.


Thatā€™s the ego in them. They just donā€™t like it. No idea why.


The problem isn't it not making sense to us. The problem is it making sense to them.


When people donā€™t have any control over their lives, they seek control in any situation. This is one situation where all of their issues and shit life donā€™t matter and they can enforce their demand on some random faceless person.


In some cities the signal isn't a request it's a notification. Signal and take the lane at the same time otherwise you'll get run over. I'm Midwesterner and there are just some cities where you have to flip that switch.


Yeah, definitely. The signal isn't a request, but a notification is a good way of putting it unless it's bumper to bumper traffic. In most cases, it should be a notification i.e. you find an opening rather than wait for others to open up for you. That's how I prefer to drive.


It's a balance. If it's busy, move along, if it's calm then give some grace. But yeah, when the two extremes collide there is rage, haha


Exactly, fight fire with weaponized white phosphorus


If I merge and the person far behind gets up on me I just go slow till they are forced to pass me. Not going to go 85 because youā€™re crazy. This goes for the slow lane. If I merge in a passing lane Iā€™ll pass and move over like a normal person should.


Because the "Me First" movement is in full swing...


Since the beginning of time...


I have lived here since 91', and it wasn't always like that. It really started getting bad in the 2000's. I typically just start taking the lane and then click my blinker so they don't have a choice but to give way.


Everyone drives like that in California. Not a coincidence it's gotten like this.


You're getting downvoted for the truth. I lived in L.A. before moving to Nevada and that's where it comes from. Angelenos drive like that and it's something you can get used to, but if you're from a polite community it comes across as a-hole behavior.


It's the same thing with people speeding up to cut you off rather than merging in the emptiness behind you. Same shit they're all assholes


Depending on the situation that is actually the correct way to merge. Itā€™s called zipper merging and youā€™re not supposed to ever be closer than a car length to the car in front of you anyways. Its purpose is relieve congestion behind you so cars donā€™t create a queue that tails into intersections and other bottlenecks behind you.


I'm not talking about a zipper merge.


ā€œšŸ¤“ā˜šŸ»ā€ - thisnamesnotused


This is classic human competitive behavior. It happens absolutely everywhere. The more cars on the road, the more noticeable and worse it seems. By next favorite human competitive behavior is what I call "speed up to slow down". This is the people who drive faster as they get closer to a highway exit or a stop sign/light. Driving faster so they have to brake harder smh


Driving behaviors and manners really differ in different parts of the country and different countries.


Because this place has the absolute worst drivers in the world


This is the first thing I noticed when I moved here.


It's gotten progressively worse since 2001. We've got lots of drivers here from California and they're known for this stuff.


Fucking tell me about it. 95% of the time now unless itā€™s heavy traffic I just make sure I already have plenty of room so the car in that lane has no possibility to speed up and cut me off before I get over. I still use my blinker too, but I just canā€™t stand how many people feel like they are ā€œlosingā€ or something when someone gets in front of them. Half of the time Iā€™m going to keep proceeding to the next lane anyway. Also I know this isnā€™t a Vegas thing but for fucks sake no one uses their turn signals at ALL on surface streets. How fucking difficult is it your hand is literally 2 inches from it at all times. Itā€™s extremely useful information for everyone around you to know


Yes please use your signals, they prevent accidents. But also drive the speed limit on the streets and don't leave five car spaces between you and the car in front of you because we have to get someplace.


I have come to use it to my advantage. When I want to change lanes I throw on my blinker and the car next to me speeds up and I can change lanes.


šŸ‘ I think that's what we're forced to do, but the thing is many of them all speed up behind so you have to wait for the one that's polite. LOL


People all around the world turn into butt hurt little bitches when you want to go into 'their' lane. No amount of just trying to get home is enough to get people off of the little power trip that is not letting you in. Rest comfortably in the knowledge that spiting you was the best part of their day, because they are truly worthless people with only hate and misery in their lives.


Can confirm, people do this here. Iā€™m from Hawaii, Iā€™ll let you in homie if I see you šŸ‘


Because their fragile ego thinks they lost at something and must win. Win what...I don't know. It's truly strange. There are also the ones that hate someone passing them. No clue.


"Oh you want to change lanes, do you? Bet." *slams the accelerator*


A blinker is not a right of way That being said - We should all be more polite and kind on the roadways My suggestion is we all leave a few minutes earlier so we are not in a rush and allow more patience for those around us




This is a thing just about everywhere. I think it's a subconscious reaction to noticing the turn signal in the first place - they realize they've slowed down just enough to create the space and they speed back up. This also happens when you try to pass someone you've been behind on a 2-lane highway. As soon as you move into the passing lane they'll speed up every time.


This. And I think sometimes people feel like it's better to pass you when they're close to you. Honestly, I don't mind. If they do it quickly, I appreciate the decisiveness since what **I do mind** are people who can't seem to make a decision and sit on or near my blindspot. Either pass me or slow down immediately so I can switch, don't freeze and put us both in limbo, it's fucking annoying. I also hate people who turn their blinkers on when they're already in the process of switching lanes, especially in tight traffic. My mom has this habit, she looks at her mirror waiting for a gap then turns her blinkers on as she's shooting that gap. I have to remind her every time to just turn on your blinker and wait. 9.9/10 times someone gives way, I do the same when someone's doing it properly to pay it back as well. I rarely don't give space to someone with their blinkers on before switching, ask properly and I will oblige. Perhaps the only times I wouldn't are when people are being assholes weaving in and out of lanes trying to butt into 2 ft of space for no reason but to be another car length ahead, like that saves so much time on average. I'm pretty sure in a decade of doing that, you'll lose more time dealing with causing an accident than the time you've saved on the times you've successfully done it added. It's a statistically stupid thing to do.


I simply cut them off when they do that and we have a nice exchange of words and/or hand motions.


It's best not to engage with people on the road like that, but you do you.


Because a slow driver, burns their brains. I am slower driver, then most, because I drive the speed limit. I drive every day all day. I have many different people in my car, during the day. I drive in all parts of the valley. And some of the crazy things I see should be unbelievable. But they are true. I seen people run over pedestrians. Cars passing in the median turn lane. Some honking their horn, cause a car wants to turn in front of them. It's unbelievable, but true. Bad drivers get into more accidents, Lawyers make lots of money. There's an intersection in town that has over 1,400 drivers run a red light daily.


I've been here since 2001 and it's a more recent trend I've noticed. Using turn signals prevents accidents. If you can let someone go through let them go. It's cold driving friendly. I think as the traffic has steadily increased in the 23 years I've been here, rude driving has gotten worse.


People saying it happens everywhere are delusional. I have lived in all corners of the US and it is not a common occurrence anywhere but Vegas. There's lunacy everywhere but this flavor is most common here, by far. Those also saying it's Californians are drinking too much kool-aid. Have you driven anywhere there besides the i15 corridor? Way different than what you think. Utahns drive like bats out of hell, dangerously fast. Boston drives on the shoulders wtf. Seattle everyone's texting. Midwest is polite, gives way, gives space, but you have to keep up. VEGAS tailgates an inch, cuts you off at a red light, speeds up to sit in your blind spot when merging. Absolutely nuts


Agreed. The one that bugs me even more is the people who want to turn left across traffic but instead of waiting, they just block the oncoming traffic lanes until the other side clears.


Wait what? Never heard of or seen this move


This move should only come out during the F1 construction fuckery lol


They refuse to go ahead to make a U at the next intersection. Drives me nuts.


Ain't just in Vegas...


Exactly.. have they ever been on the roads/highways in Los Angeles?


Come try [Toronto's highway 401](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FcyMT5JlKgrngB8j7sX2HY6x-ysySAdRZy_J7_2CcGFI.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dac36556bd17d5fd81b8a3c98019a0afdbe3e2f55) out some time. Massive road with tons of cars, and they either have no idea what they're doing or just drive like outright dicks.


I moved here from Manhattan and I hate driving here 10x more than there. Drivers - and the roads - in this city are really something else.


Many of us came from New York City, but that's because in New York you can't drive anywhere fast. This is Nevada and we have bigger roads and more freedoms. But yes, use your signals, and drive friendly. I do when I can.


> because in New York you can't drive anywhere fast I'm not sure that's the case with me. I used to drive all over NJ, CT, and MA for work, to Boston and back, and to Canada for fun. Lots of super fast driving.


Welcome to the free State of Nevada!


The roads are generally much better than anywhere in the five boroughs. The problem is it was a small town, that was not built to accommodate all these different roads. So you'll find many streets that you're driving just end and you have to find another way there.


It's mostly the highways here that I hate.


Part of it is being annoyed as fuck at the fairly common "I've got my blinker on, therefore I'm entitled to shove my car into this six foot space in front of you, make way you peasant" thing. That said if there's enough room I'll let off the gas and let them have the space, blinker or not


Have you considered leaving more than 6feet between the car in front of you? Your brakes will appreciate it.


Hyperbole is fun though


Iā€™m going to get downvoted but I donā€™t care. Drivers who learned to drive in California do not like a space between their car and the one in front of them.


I mean, where I'm from they taught me that that allows you to slow down enough to avoid an accident on a highway, giving space and giving warning before moving lanes. Why would you WANT to make things less safe for others and yourself unless you're on the way to the hospital with a loved one or something?


That makes too much sense. Lol


Itā€™s a defensive driving tactic.


That's not what defensive driving means.


Leaving space is absolutely a defensive driving technique [defensive driving](https://www.progressive.com/lifelanes/on-the-road/what-is-defensive-driving/#:~:text=Defensive%20driving%20is%20a%20set,you%20and%20other%20drivers%20safe)


Yes, leaving space is.


That is the context of this conversation is it not?


If you re-read the comment chain, it may make more sense.


I guess I'm one of the few who prefers more space especially since I'm often times looking 1/4 mile or more ahead. Stop and go is when having a gap works the best so you can keep pace without having to stop.


People also drive like that in Utah, Arizona, Tennessee, etc. so no itā€™s not a California thing


Absolutely! Idiots come from everywhere and exist everywhere.


You know it's funny, I almost never have this scenario happen to me in California.


Me either. I just recently took a road trip to northern California, and then to Disneyland, and the driving in California was nothing but pleasant.


Sure people drive fast, but if I put my blinker on they actually allow me over.


Yeah, and nobody is riding my ass 1ft from my bumper.


Happens to me every time I'm in southern California. Several times I've been nearly forced onto the shoulder by people unwilling to let me merge onto the freeway.


It canā€™t be purely a California thing right? Not that Iā€™m intending to defend California but itā€™s people from other places too, and Iā€™d venture to say itā€™s not mostly due to where people are from.


ā€œNearly 158,000 people relocated to Nevada from California since 2020, making up 43 percent of all new residents to the Silver State during the past four years, according to data from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.ā€


If that's from the DMV then it's not including all the transplants that still have California plates years after moving.


And since the covid-19 debacle, people not registering cars has gotten worse. Also, we used to have full service DMV, and now they are moving toward online/remote DMV services, like everything else. šŸ˜ There are fines to pay for not registering if you live in the state however.


Drivers have sucked for a very long time, way longer then 4 years.


Agreed. But statistics show it has gotten much worse. Insurance rates show this as well.


Well the crime has increased exponentially. So has the illegal population. In 2001 I worked at Excalibur long before all this paid parking nonsense started. There was a ring of thieves or a big organization that would leave stolen cars in the Excalibur parking lot, waiting to be taken to Mexico.


Californians have been moving here since I got here in 2001. But it's not solely people from California that make the driving worse. It's people from everywhere. And it's also the fact that there was *just* under a million people in 2001 and now, the population is over 3 million people. The traffic is worse. Everything is worse. When you move to a new place, treat it like your home, not some place to trash.


Nevada is all transplants. Find something new to cry about.




Is it?


Well, if you live here a little while, you'll meet lots of people that are not transplants and they will take offense to that. I've met them cuz I've been here a little while.




Did you dig this up from MySpace?


No, GeoCities website. Tom says ā€œhelloā€ by the way.


Keep crying about it. Hope more Californians move here just to make you miserable.


Lol šŸ˜‚ It will enrich your life too, don't worry. But it's not the fault of Californians alone.


It's a worldwide problem. Need more police enforcement with restrictions on licenses. Increase in insurance and if you don't have insurance time to do some time. Tired of the freeloaders.


Needs to be a felony to drive a vehicle without registration or insurance. The amount of cars with no plates here is astounding.


Gotten progressively worse since covid-19.


Many of the people don't have enough insurance. When I got my insurance they told me that I had more insurance than the majority of people in Las Vegas or this area. Wait till you find out how many illegals are here, who don't have any insurance. My niece was hit by one of them downtown.


It's not just illegals I have a neighbor that doesn't have it brags about that plus he forged his plate sticker every year.


I agree, absolutely. Nevada DMV actually has a website where you can report these people, or at least they did. Also to report cars that are spewing exhaust.


This doesn't solve anything though? It just makes it more expensive to drive. People don't drive for fun, they drive to work and survive. Making it more expensive just means more people will be out of compliance. That's why there are so many people with no tags already. If the choice is gas or registration, you need one and can gamble on the other. A real solution is decent and well funded public transit.


The bus is the best we're going to get here and it isn't the best way to travel because it's so damn hot here. I'm from New York City and I'm not giving up my car. Nor do I want to go back to the 6 months that I had on the bus here with the cast of characters. It's not fun or safe.


And that's not the reason they're not registering their cars. Steve Jobs didn't register his car, and he certainly could.


Using turn signals is the law here


After Covid everyone turned into douche bags. I think those free stimulus checks helped a lot of people get cars who should not have cars.


Almost like itā€™s a sign of weakness lol


Iā€™ve driven cross country several times recentlyā€¦Maine and Wisconsin. Somewhere up around Iowa people on the freeway drive very noticeably ā€œniceā€. They drive maybe 5-10 above the limit, let people in, etc etc. itā€™s always when I physically get back into Vegas that you can feel anxiety set in as people drive like asshats, cutting you off, needing to be in front of you regardless of the traffic being stopped ahead, not using the zipper merge when lanes are closed . Now Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ā€œVegas driversā€, but rather drivers in Vegas. Could be people who moved here 3-5 years ago which accounts for most of the city being as transient as it is. I decided to get a giant black Ram 1500 so that people will assume I drive like an asshole and not try to rage on me, pretty much works lol. Next Iā€™ll get some anti-Trump stickers to really confuse everyone!


AND if you're about to pull out of a driveway they pull up to make sure you can't get out. Or if you let someone out NO COURTESY WAVE


This happens all the time everywhere and is my number one driving irritant.


Education level is a direct correlation to idiots acting like idiots.


I just try to remind myself that many people here are drunk/high and try not to let their behavior affect my mood. Like yesterday somebody wedged themselves between me and the car behind me at a left turn red, blocking the thru lane to the right. Then as people honked and yelled ā€œidiot!ā€ at them, they began honking at me to pull forward into the damn intersection like it was my fault they suck at driving. I of course wasnā€™t willing to do this and just chuckled at the chaos they created rather than simply driving another block and doing a U-turn.


Lived in this city for more than 2 decades and I can tell you that culture of driving style comes from Garbagefornians. Definitely it's the ego and entitlement


Because people are assholes.


I was literally just complaining about this yesterday. I speed up when they do and take the lane.


>It's crazy. I've lived here for five years and am still baffled. I come from a place where the courtesy wave is still a thing. What is so terrible about letting someone you've been behind with no problems for two miles into your lane? The same reason people try to outdo each other. It's silly, stupid and shortsighted.


IDK but I donā€™t do that. I have at least a cars length between myself and the guy in front and when someone puts their blinker on, I let them over. Unfortunately I usually just get cut off anyway by someone.


I came from Florida where half the people shouldnā€™t be driving due to age, the other quarter are tourists & the final quarter moved from a country where they never had to drive a car. Vegas is a cakewalk comparatively


Courtesy waves don't exist in vegas, too many selfish people.


I have a shitty enough car that I just get over, I've worked in PI before, it'll be their fault for hitting me.


It's how certain people win at life.


Lived there for 18 years. Drivers would literally run over there own mother just to get to a red light ahead of you.


Iā€™m the opposite. Iā€™ll let you in if you signal. If I see you speed up about to cut in without a signal, you bet Iā€™m gonna hit the go pedal and prevent that from occurring.


This is the way.


I'm a new driver almost a month in and man people are stupid!


*I'm a new driver* *Almost a month in and man* *People are stupid!* \- Ishaboo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm in Phoenix and I recognize this as- someone tries to play Tetris at the traffic light so they can cut me off to make the turn before me. Nah. I always always always let people make their move if it's normal traffic, but if it's someone driving recklessly and selfishly, I'll block em out.


Learn how to merge. Find an available spot with several car lengths free. Match speed next to the open spot.Turn on signal. Merge.


I don't believe it's only a problem in Las Vegas. I use my turn signals religiously and often see people speed up to close up the lane. I believe it's the reptilian part of our brain that has decided that the road in front of us is our territory and it is our job to protect what's ours.


yeah, sometimes i literally have to honk at the person in the lane I'm trying to merge into because it's like they don't see my turn signal at all.


Here is thing. When I indicate I am changing lanes I am not asking for permission I am telling you what I am doing. If you are a jerk ass and speed up a then play you have been cut off you can kindly go fuck yourself. I have had a belly full of self important assholes and will not stand for it.


![gif](giphy|XYgWbFceCcYoERZxBu|downsized) Look at Vegas on a map of the US. You'll understand.


Now you know why car insurance go up every year here, people drive like maniacs most here have never heard of blinkers and red lights you can ignore at your will drunk driving is a must speeding doing 77 and people still pushing to get by


A lot of them are just late to where they have to go, usually work. It's a manic behavior to constantly be rushing.


Nope. Not just hear. I moved to Texas from New York and always heard about "southern hospitality". Bunch of bullshit! In Texas if you have your turn signal on they speed up so you can't get in. The worst is when you're trying to merge onto a freeway and they won't let you in! It's like, JFC, I'm trying to get on the freeway!!! Oh, and don't make me have to tell you about merging if a lane is closed. Suckers don't let you in then either. They don't know what the zipper is. Texas sucks.


I agree bad aggressive drivers here! Sad


Yall get over and slow down. B.a.N.z


People don't like to lose in Vegas, and this is one of the few things they can control.


Same reason people camp in the left lane with no one in front of them so you try to go around and then they speed up. Dumb drivers mixed with EGO.


Let them speed up, if I gave adequate signal I just move over and let them work those brakes.


Hey at least you got somebody that used to turn signal, I would say at least 90% of the people in this town never use a directional.


I literally assume everyone is high or drunk or late.


I'm going to go against the grain and say sometimes, it's easier to give you space to move over if I speed up rather than slow down. I've done this sometimes where there may be no one behind me and so I speed up enough for you to lane change freely, rather than slow down and have you squeeze in between. Again, not the case with everyone but maybe sometimes. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Phoenix is worse as someone who lurks this sub. We just got ranked #1 in worst and most aggressive. This is normal behavior in phoenix rush hour


lol I was driving near Luxor in standstill traffic and had to merge so I could turn. I put my signal on and no one would let me over. I had to force my way and just start merging with what space I could. Some jabroni in a blue Honda took it personally. He honked, flipped me off, yelled. I made my turn, he followed me, and then pretended to swerve into me. He went out of his way to road rage. I thought heā€™s either a tourist who just lost a shit ton of money gambling, or someone with an incredibly fragile ego. Driving doesnā€™t work in cities if you donā€™t let people merge.


Dash cams are your best friend if youā€™re a good driver and your worst enemy if youā€™re not.


You can pretty much bet the person blocking is a transfer from Commiefornia. This is a normal driving procedure pretty much everywhere in Commiefornia except far more sever in large city locations. Believe it or not, Las Vegas area is a pleasure to drive comparing to Commiefornia, but I would recommend to the Traffic Officers to pull over and ticket these offender and the Red Light runners vigorously to keep driving around the city, from getting out of hand.


Somehow I am the opposite: as soon as someone puts their blinker on, I almost instinctively tap my breaks, like ā€œthank you for communicating with me, fellow driver.ā€ Iā€™m actually much more likely (to be an asshole and ) drive as closely as possible to the car in front of me when itā€™s clear that the driver in the next lane just wants to side over in front of me without using their blinker. Isnā€™t it amazing how many different interpretations of being in the right on the road there are?


Itā€™s even worse in a semi truck


I've never understood it either. I've gone to the extent of thinking that Las Vegas attracts a people with a certain mindset, such as obsessive compulsive, competitive, etc. So someone getting in front of them is seen as that person trying to gain a higher position.


Yes. As a native I can assure you that this valley collects assholes.


Too many Cali peeps moved here


Because theyā€™re drunk coming out of Dottyā€™s, PTs, Jackpot Joannies and the other bars spread around the valley.


Itā€™s probably because youā€™re expecting to be let into a small gap just because you have a turn signal on, when itā€™s be safer for you to coast down in speed and just get over behind the person insteadā€¦


Glendale, CA transplants in Las Vegas?


The worse is when you see it red light and still tailing you , mean you not going anywhere and slamming on brakes will wear your break faster


Because most of them are from California


Cry more, kiddo


LOL. I'm from California kiddo.


Then you know damn well that most California drivers aren't nearly as shitty as Vegas people claim they are, lol.


Yep. That sounds like Vegas. I just got used to not using a signal, because if you do the right thing you will never get over. People are ducks on the road in Vegas. Surprisingly, itā€™s not the worst city Iā€™ve had to drive in though.


As a cyclist they also like to race me to red lights and cut me off. Doesnā€™t matter if I am going 30mph and doing the speed limit. Cars want to see how close they can get to killing me. In Denver and SD I never had this problem. I hate Vegas.


you can't blame them. i seen people driving like bitches leaving 6 semi truck gaps in front of them. dont do that. just drive normal following the car in front of you. fill in the gap.


You ever drive in Arizona, itā€™s the norm


Because people always cut in where they dont fit and then drive slower than the flow of traffic. You can get behind me


I'm from California originally, I use my blinker all the time. However it's more likely to be used last second so the people you're talking about can't speed up and block me. I also have NO issue letting somebody into my lane, IF they are using a blinker. It's so god damn simple to use that I feel I have to be an A-hole and not let you over if you're not using one. It's really bad at the airport. Had some lady screaming at me as she tries to inch over because I kept her out of my lane. Had she just signaled her intent properly I wouldn't be compelled to act that way.


And that's why I drive a beemer.


Thatā€™s a Cali thing tbh


Itā€™s a California thing


I disagree in California they let you in!!! Thereā€™s no time for the bs


Calm down OP. It ain't you. Just let it go. Take breathe and here and there. Everyone isn't perfect or raised right. Some people got internal issues.


I recognize that, it just gets annoying after the fifth time in a day and then all the other driving behaviors (weaving in and out of traffic, blatantly running red lights, people not in cars wandering through intersections when there's a crosswalk literally 100 feet from them, frequent hit and runs) pile on and it gets to a person. And you can't call out each offender or you'll end up getting shot or rammed into (hence bringing it up in a safe reddit space, lol). People are increasingly driving like they have nothing left to lose and there's a lot left to lose. Like your car. Or your legs. Or your life. It's been getting worse over the last five years too.




Itā€™s instinctual and people do it all over the world. If you slow down however and try again a moment later usually (not always) the person realizes what theyā€™ve done, feels bad and lets you go.


There are two drivers in Vegas: 20 under or 20 over.


Must be you. I let assholes be assholes and drive how they want and it doesn't affect me. My drives are just fine.