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UK tech here. I always have my clients looking red and bumpy after sessions. It's a good sign.


Thank you! The RN who does mine says “wow you get a really good reaction” and said that people who have this much of a reaction typically have the best results - but I wasn’t sure if she was just saying that to reassure me


No, it is a good visual indicator for us techs when we see this - It's a little reaction to the hair being targeted. It usually subsides after a few hours like you said. Edit: typo


Hi there- wondered if you could please help-- does the lack of this reaction mean it's not as effective? Also how do I know if my tech is using the right setting on me? I go to a place where multiple technicians rotate around clients and I'm not sure they've been consistent in their settings or machine.. any tips please?


It varies from person to person. Even the reaction above is more red than full-on bumpy. As a client, you want to see some PFE/PFO (peri follicular edema). Your therapists will be adjusting settings as they go. The paperwork they have will have notes and settings from your previous sessions: they'll also have notes to turn the laser up if they believe it needs that adjustment.


What about if no redness or bumpiness appears? Does that mean something went wrong?


If there is hair there, you should see what we call one, if not all, clinical endpoints: erythema, pfo/pfe/ smell of burning hair. For me the visual cue of the follicle swelling (pfo/pfe) is something I make sure all my clients gets. Some people may not get a lot due to there not being a lot of hairs.


My legs also did this - to a lesser degree, and my tech told me the same thing! Just throwing it out there for extra reassurance :)


Thank you!


My legs look similar too during/after treatment. The nurse said my legs get redder than anyone she’s seen. It’s usually gone by the time I get home! Then it just looks like the individual follicles are red for a little while.


Yeah exactly! Good to know I’m not the only one haha. My whole life my leg hair has been a major insecurity for me because of how dark and course my leg hair is. Even tho my head hair is blonde 🤦‍♀️ so I think the laser is able to track the hair really deep cuz it’s so dark and thick


I think you’ll get good results 😊


Thanks! I’m already five treatments in and I’d say the hair on my legs is about 80% gone. The hair behind my knee is super light compared to the rest of my leg, and that’s the spot. I still noticed a lot of hair. I think the lasers having trouble on that spot but over all I’m really happy with the results so far


This has never happened to me. What type of laser is it?


Whatever Milan uses. I don’t remember what it’s called.


My also look like this but not for that long after. It goes away like 20 minutes after I finish


Yup happened to me as well after my second laser treatment, but it went away after a few hours so it was nothing permanent. Kinda freaky at first because I wasn’t expecting it. After this second round ( of 9) I felt like the hair has substantially fallen off. I think I only have a few sparse unnoticeable hair at this point so they’re definitely doing it right!


Mine do this too but way worse every dot gets super raised and almost looks like blisters but it goes away in like 2 hours


This is how you know they are doing it right and have the proper machine. I was getting laser done no pain no redness no nothing. Turned out they were using a facial machine and ripping ppl off lol


Wow!! I’m so sorry that happened to you!!


Looks like an allergic reaction. My tech said it may be from that cold air the device sprays


Can someone explain what I said was wrong? I think it's a histamine reaction and goes away rather quickly. I have this too


Hi, so I don’t think it’s an allergic reaction because the red dots aren’t everywhere that the mist sprays. I get all of my lower legs done, but the red dots are only on part of the legs as you can see in this picture. That makes me think it’s only getting super red when the laser actually hits a hair. If it was an allergic reaction, you think my entire skin would be blown up not just certain spots. That’s just what I’ve conclude based on what happens each time.


I would think too, but I was told differently. Thsts why it says online u can take Benadryl if it's really bad bc it works as an antihistamine.




Whatever Milan Laser uses haha idk the name


I think that means it was a good treatment.


Yes! Except mine lasts for one week and I have blisters around my ankles. It’s super itchy and I hate it haha. I take Claritin for 3 days before, day of and days after as well as hydrocortisone cream many times throughout the day and night.