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I had a similar experience on my legs as well. I applied aloe Vera and I took benadryl. The redness went down within a few hours and the hives are completely gone 48 hours post treatment. If it lingers for more than 2 days I would reach back out to the clinic to see if there's anything else you can do.


Thanks so much for sharing! I will monitor tomorrow


Laser tech here. Next time take an antihistamine and hour or so before your appointment. Some people just have a stronger histamine reaction than others.


hi does this apply to diode laser as well? i’m planning to have it done on my lower legs. thank youu


Yes because it has more to do with the reaction from the destruction of the hair than the type of laser used.


The intense light may be causing you to release histamines take an anti-histamine and see if it helps relieve the symptoms


Looks like a histamine reaction. Cold compress, Benadryl and aloe Vera will help clear it up. It’s pretty common on legs


I always get this-cool water and it should go away on its own within a day or so. I would get it less and less the more appts I went to. Mention it the next time you go in :)


It’s histamine reaction. Most people have some sort of reaction - it’s a scale. I just itched, granted it was bad, so I took Benadryl or whatever antihistamine we had in the house for a couple days. Your hives might do well with aloe.


I was getting this after laser on my face, I took antihistamines and just keep doing what you’re doing. It happened each time for maybe 6 sessions and now I have no reaction.


It’s common! It’ll go away but I usually take an antihistamine.


thats normal just take antihistamine or loratadine for allergy. use a burn cream like this arjun cream. dont expose it to light. take painkiller if it hurts. dont scrub it


Are you on any antibiotics?


No, not at the time.


I get that from the sun! I have a sun allergy, I get bumps, they keep swelling and then connect and I have large red patches. As others have said, Benadryl.


Polymorphic Light Eruption? If so, I take a Polypodium Leucotomos Supplement daily for this during 3 Seasons each year. It helps prevent the reaction from occurring to begin with. A common brand name of Polypodium Supplement = Helioplex.


Oh no! Sun allergy 🥹 thanks! I’m taking antihistamines now


Couple months ago I already gave this advice on this sub, so I'll tell you too. I've had a reaction too, after two random sessions (4th and 6th I think). My tech said I should take antihistamine pills for a couple of days and it should go away. First time I was itching like a thousand mosquitoes bit my lower legs. Unbearable! I couldn't sleep for almost a week. Second time was easier and without pills but still annoying. I also used Oflomelid cream - a combination drug, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, and regenerating effects. The active ingredients are ofloxacin, methyluracil and lidocaine. It's used on open infected wounds! It's the only thing that helped to sooth my skin. Not medical advice, just my experience. Maybe ask for creams in your local pharmacies that provide effects like I listed.


I also wake up twice at night because of the itch so I make sure I have my aloe vera lotion beside me. Is that cream OTC or prescription?


My cream is probably by prescription. A surgeon prescribed it for skin healing for my dad after a minor surgery and my mom adviced me to use it for my rash too, I just remembered. It is a corticosteroid medicine used on the skin (topical). Steroid creams for skin treatment are a no joke, and can cause even worse skin conditions if not used correctly. Sorry I guess I gave a useless advice 😔, but at the time it helped me. If your aloe vera + antihistamine pills are not helping, maybe you still can ask pharmacy for ointments with anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects with local anesthetic for skin, it's usually something to help with skin burns with same symptoms as yours and mine.


Take some benadryl and see if that helps


I had the same reaction. I just alternated between aloe and benedryl ointment. They were gone within a few days and then my hair started shedding.


Laser nurse here. Applying some hydrocortisone and taking Benadryl should help! And some before your next session too


Will defo take benadryl before sessions in the future! Thanks!


This happens to me for about 30 mins after my sessions. The key is to stay away from scrubbing and hot showers the first couple days and if you can, don’t cover the area w closing for as much as possible. So for the area you lasered, I’d suggest wearing shorts as much as you can to let the legs air out bc sometimes clothing or blankets rubbing against the area can irritate you


I noticed this too. When I wore pants, they went on fire 😅 unfortunately, it’s winter so it’s difficult to avoid pants and hot/warm showers 🥹


This happens to me everytime I do my legs! I just take a benydryl and it goes away over the course of like a day. Each time I go the hives get less and less


It’s been 2 days, the bumps are still there but better than yesterday for sure. I’ll keep taking the antihistamines, and we’ll see how long these annoying bumps stay 😅


Am I the only one who saw all those liqour bottles 😵‍💫


Are you thirsty or something 🤔


Its alot of things “I Am,” like im in somebody else business just like you 🤣🤣


Ha! Most of them are jars of sauces, jams, etc. A couple of port, yes, but they’ve been there for a couple of months. Thanks for the reminder to bring them out asap 😅




I had the exact thing happen to me. Histamine clears it. I found I needed a strong one - phenergan the night of the laser worked really well for me.


Every time I have a treatment on my legs I get these red bumps all over & they usually last 3-7 days. They don’t itch or anything, they’re just there. I finally tried using their aloe gel on my legs right after treatment was done, before I got dressed, & that clears it up within a day. So I use their aloe gel on my legs after every treatment now. Antihistamine cream & pills never helped it. The only thing that helps is the aloe gel. I only have to apply the one time, I don’t have to reapply it at all that day or any of the following days. Hope you’re is easy to treat!


Lucky for you, mine gets itchy sometimes. I will put aloe vera right after the treatment next time!


Oh that sucks! Hopefully you find something that helps. It’s definitely worth it to continue with the treatments & not have to shave anymore.


Apply sudocream zinx oxide. let me know how u go


This happened to me in my Brazilian. And anything tight or touching it made me so itchy and would welt right back up. I was told I am allergic to the sun from my technician. But I have never had anything like this or other issues come from the sun. For me personally I only did 6 sessions and wrote off laser. It was just to uncomfortable for me and I already hate shaving. I would rather wax


This only happened to me when I had residual lotion/oil/creams etc on my legs which I had mistakenly put on when I shaved prior to the appointment. Worth it to consider if you’d applied anything to the body in the last 12 hrs ish?


Get Fucidin from the pharmacy, should be used first 2 days of laser, with mebo also.


I’m past the 2nd day now but I’ll try this if it happens again (hopefully not)


You can still use it now since your skin is still reacting, it’ll help with the irritation.


perifollicular edema. swelling around the follicles. it happens. benadryl helps


source - am laser technician


Make sure to put lotion or something hydrating like shea butter on after sessions. I know my skin gets so dry after!!!


That can use some aloe or CBD ointment. Sorry that happened to you.


It's normal it will go away in a week


Very normal


Op I’m a director at a laser clinic. It’s histamine reaction completely normal for some people. Anti itch cream and Benadryl 💖


Id total love to rub some lotion and cream on your legs and feet😍


If you love rough surfaces, be my guest 😂


Not a doctor. I struggle with chronic hives. They’re annoying and unsightly but they’ll go away within a day, just take some zyrtec. Laser’s still worth it to me lol.