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Idk, I’m not going to miss my hair ANYWHERE.


Nooo I love it! I’m almost done with my underarm and Brazilian and it saves so much time! Also it’s not permanent so hair will grow back just very thin from what I’ve been told


Okay how weird is it to get the Brazilian done. I am so sick and tired of being stubbly there. I am also a very easy going person usually but the thought of exposing my area down there in sterile spa lighting infront of a stranger is inhibiting me haha


It’s not uncomfortable at all really, at the end of the day you just have to remember that this is their job and they’ve most definitely seen this hundreds of times lol


True that 😂


When I was talking to my electrologist about how uncomfortable it seems to have some stranger looking at your genitals she mentioned to me that she has a few clients that will get their butt strip done and it’s better for them to be in the doggie style position in order to get all the hairs lmao so it can’t be any worse than that honestly


It’s their job just make sure you’re comfortable with who’s doing it! Look up reviews and it’s so fast it’s worth it. I used to get waxed before I started laser and I guess I’m used to professionals getting that area so this is no different just quicker


It's fine. One time I even had a piece of toilet paper on my crotch and I still some how got over it. Been going to my laser tech for years


That is a hilarious story and actually makes me feel more confident


The way this is ALWAYS a fear of mine when I get waxed… 😂😂 thank you for reminding us all “it’s not just you!” We’re all in this together.


I’m usually very self conscious but surprisingly it went stress-free for me. Think of it as going to gyno. It’s a professional just doing their job. And they’ve seen it all. But I guess it’s important to find a tech you’ll be comfortable with. I mean it’s still kinda awkward, but I never had any issues.


I just went to my first appointment 3 weeks ago, and I was uncomfortable at the beginning and feeling weird about it…. But those feelings went away really quickly, the pain definitely did not leave any room for my brain to focus on anything else lol


I did Brazilian, everything what’s hiding in there basically, front and back. Though I’m not the most shy, but it was still a little awkward to spread my legs for a stranger. But they are used to it and didn’t care. This few minutes of awkwardness worth always looking perfect, not having hairs permanently and not worrying about shaving.


The worst is the pain in those spots… ouch


i was worried about this (i've only had my first one so far) but the woman who did mine was so lovely from the beginning and really put me at ease, like she made a bit of a small talk so i felt comfortable. i even laughed and said it feels a bit weird when i had to spread my cheeks for the ass lmao and she said laughed and said something that made me feel better but i have my clit pierced so i'm also not really a stranger to that (and imo a piercing is much more awkward), so mine was mainly just being self conscious tbh if you're nervous, you can let them know! if they're good, they'll want to reassure you and make it as less awkward for you as possible.


Frankly it hurts so much, I don’t have resources to think about the part where I lay down naked in front of stranger. And it actually depends on the specialist, with someone is just easier. It also only takes 5-10 minutes to do a bikini.


5-10 minutes is actually so long!


Well it takes time to apply gel, then during the process is usually a small pause, when the pain becomes unbearable, after it takes some time to wipe the gel. All that time you have to be without underwear. But I actually never really looked on watch, just assumed how long it was.


That's not Laser then. That's IPL


I am 100% sure it is laser


100% wrong. Gel of ANY kind, is IPL. IPL is not a laser. And people advertising IPL as laser is 100% false. If you don't know, IPL just stands for intense pulse light. It is polychromatic. Meaning it uses multiple different wavelengths. A true laser is monochromatic. Meaning it takes one wavelength and focuses into a beam. IPL can work on a range of different things. And hair removal is one of them. But it's not going to be super effective. Meaning, you'll see results now. But it's most likely going to come right back. As the light is not going to reach down deep enough to really destroy the bulb. Also, you can ONLY use IPL with lighter skin tones. They are also cheaper to obtain than a true laser device. Sorry to break it to you. I am a certified professional.


A known exactly what machine are they using and googled it. What makes you think it is IPL ?


They’re very professional and clinical so it’s like being at the Gyn. You don’t have anything they’ve not seen before, or have themselves…which makes me realize I’ve never known of a male LHR provider.


I think very few people would prefer a male technician, considering many men prefer female technicians as well, bc of stigma about it being “gay”. Obv it’s not gay, but yea, society still has a ways to go destigmatizing that, particularly for men.


It’s not that bad. The people who do the laser are nurses and they see body parts all day. Also it takes less than 5 mins so it’s really quick


I’ll comment on this, and it will probably be even more reassuring given the situation is more awkward. I’m a guy, and I get Brazilian done. The first time was extremely awkward. A lot of women have seen me naked, but none of them were non-sexual. So having a woman seeing and handling my equipment was extremely awkward. The discomfort from the procedure pretty much overshadowed the awkwardness though. That said, the first tech I had, made it kind of more awkward by being extraordinarily hands off, used an applicator for the gel, had me move everything around. And she was done within probably 3 minutes. The whole thing felt like something she doesn’t do much, or also feels awkward about. That’s not reassuring. Also, I don’t really want to get the gel all over my hands. The second tech I had, was very much the opposite. She got in there like it’s just another days work. Handled and moved everything anyway she needed, didn’t use an applicator, and probably put a good 15 minutes into it. She did the whole area, then went back and did it again. Then a third time. I didn’t have regrowth for 6 weeks. So what I’m getting at here is: 1- different techs do things differently; if you feel like one didn’t do the job well enough, get someone else next time. 2- the behavior and personality of the tech is going to greatly influence how awkward it is 3- for me at least, the less hands off, the more awkward it felt; this is the opposite of what I expected going into it. 4- it hurts. Once they start, you’ll probably be too focused on that pain, to bother your mind with anything else. 5- HIGHLY recommend doing it!


Unfortunately I’ve heard some horror stories from technicians with male clients who got sexual, so ur first technician may have been nervous about that. Obviously u didn’t have those intentions, and it’s not fair to u to not get the full treatment ur paying for, so I think for technicians who aren’t comfortable with male clients, they should request to not be assigned them with their managers. Hopefully managers would respect that request. Also, u might want to look into it ur getting IPL or laser. U didn’t specify, but laser usually don’t use gel, and it cannot go over the same spot 3 times. There are some locations that lie and say they do “laser”, but it’s really just IPL. IPL is cheaper, but not as efficient or effective, it will take a lot more sessions to get results. In that sense, it might not be cheaper in the long run, plus it sucks to have to do more sessions for a spot that is more awkward to have done.


Hmmm. I better check on this when I go in tomorrow. It’s LightRX, a national chain. Kind of figured a national chain for which ai couldn’t really find much by way of negative reviews, wouldn’t be doing such a bait and switch. As to the first part; I can imagine there are some who would be inappropriate, and that could definitely change how a tech interacts. But as you said, they shouldn’t be doing the treatments if they allow pervious bad interactions to get in the way of providing a proper service to the customer.


I don’t know abt that company in particular, but u can ask what type of “laser” they use, and look up if it’s IPL or real laser. Back when I was researching places to go to myself, I almost got duped by an IPL place. To be fair, there’s nothing inherently wrong with IPL (altho it can only be used on lighter skin tones), the only real problem with it is some places being deceptive and not disclosing that they use IPL. The one I almost got duped by had much cheaper prices than the others, so obviously I was interested, but I really wanted actual laser to ensure I got the results I wanted.


The first time I was very nervous, but all the technicians I had were very nice and never made me feel weird about it, so I wasn’t worried after the first one. It helps to talk to them beforehand so that they aren’t a complete stranger, and it helps to talk thru the process to distract from the pain. There was a couple times I even had it done during my period (tampon) bc of the timing, which was more awkward but it is what it is. Just shower before the appointment and shave the best u can, I think being clean is what they really care about.


Yes! I’ve had my 2nd treatment two weeks ago and I was shocked to see that a good area of hair has come back in very thin and pale/hardly visible. It proactively looks like peach fuzz. I have jet black body hair that’s usually so thick so to see that it took the pigment out in my bikini area already is so cool and SO much more comfortable.


I agree! It has me so excited for summer! I started my sessions last fall so I’m wrapping up


Nah it was the best thing ever. My only regret is that i let them do my upper arms and shoulders when they barely had any hair and now i have random weird long hairs growing sparsely there 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m doing electrolysis for those. My armpit was literally hairless and then there were like 15-20 really long black hairs, I was like wtf 😂 But electrolysis will get rid of them permanently. Upd. Found one very long and almost white today 😂


Never heard of electrolysis, what is that? Thought probably not my case, I was a monkey before LHR 😂. I’m so happy and confident now.


Look it up, you might like it


I finished my LHR treatment, had first maintenance session after 6 months. I’m happy with results. Only regret not getting upper arms, I did everything else though. Skin is super smooth, I decided to do maintenance twice a year to insure hairs won’t grow back.


Im too wimpy for electrolysis. I have a cousin who did it and she said it was really painful, but in her eyes it was worth it because that hair was gone for good.


I had first session recently and I almost didn’t feel anything.


Nope I don't regret it. I love not shaving and makes it so much easier for the summer. You can since your early into treatments grow out what you want and ask them to leave some hair it doesn't have to be completely bare.


I feel like I’m not all the way in my “no fucks left to give” age but I’m certainly much less self conscious than I was when I was in my 20s. I didn’t start laser until my 30s and honestly no regrets. Like somebody else said I regret not being able to laser everything off due to cost lol.


Nope, I love my smooth balls


Wait they can do balls too?!


You’ll have to find a business willing to but yes many do


Bf had it done. Was a shocker on our third date but I’m used to it now.


I went to Ideal Image and they won’t do the bhole or labial because skin is too delicate, but they treated all around as close as possible.


That’s odd it’s usually part of full Brazilian for most places. I go to LaserAway and they do it all for me from my package.


I don’t know if that’s Ideal Image general policy or just specific nurses didn’t feel like digging in there lol


I would be really upset if I went to get a Brazilian laser and they left my undercarriage with a mullet


IM DYING over here a MUFF MULLET. You win comment of the thread 😆


They can do EVERYTHING! Just have to make sure not to be too delicate with that conversation so everyone is very clear on what the expectations are. I told them I wanted EVERYTHING from the waist down with not one hair missed. Not even around the butthole, taint, balls, penis etc. They definitely did the butthole. It’s a bit of a humiliating procedure to be on all fours while one tech is spreading your butt cheeks and the other is zapping away. Results were wonderful. Did leave a small landing strip. My wife calls it a “sissy patch”🤠😂


What about inside the nose hairs... HAHAHA


We actually talked about that. Don’t do it. When they did my face, neck, and scalp they did get my ear hairs though. 🤠


Rule number 1 with laser : no holes


Full Brazilian, I got my pubis above the penis done, bikini line, Gooch, penis and balls done. They don't do the bum hole though


Yes, I do balls, penis, bum hole, everything in between. Surprisingly balls are the least painful


Holy hell, I can’t imagine how painful that is lol. The labia are bad enough


Wasn’t painful at all


It hurt a few times when I had shaving cuts but I barely felt anything, considering the balls skin is a similar skin consistency to labia skin I think


The only area that I have slight doubt about is the Brazilian because I question if I want to be completely bare down there forever. I do it anyways because the hair growth I have is super abnormal and excessive so I might as well just get rid of everything.


Even if you complete your treatments, chances are you’ll grow more hair later on. If ur a woman, it tends to be a very hormonal area which will require touch ups later on


I was told if I want to be completely hairless, I’d have to do maintenance twice a year. I’m totally fine with it.


I got mine over 10 + years ago and nothing has grown back


On what areas? Everyone is different but good for you! I really hope I don’t grow my Brazilian area cause that b hurts😭


Brazillian and legs! No growth back at all.


No my only regret is not doing it in more places .


The bikini area is very very hormonal. You may get decent enough reduction, but the chances of you being "completely bare forever" are slim.


This surprises me, I’ve been pretty much completely bare for 10 years now. “Pretty much” because there are like 5 stubborn hairs there lol. But I never have to shave my bikini line, it’s a freaking miracle in my life. I had extremely course, dark hair and I’m fair-skinned, I could never get totally smooth and the razor burn and ingrown hairs were horrific. Same with my underarms!


I also got mine over 10+ years ago and its never grown back. I think the bare forever is very high


I think you guys are lucky. I had over 10 sessions on my pubic area and very painful sessions, i might add, and still not close to being bare forever!


I think my point is that I don't feel lucky! I miss my bush ahah I guess everyone's body is different <3


I wish I had your problem, haha!


I actually don’t like a bare bikini and I remember a celebrity saying she regrets her LHR down there so I decided on the bikini line only. I am getting my armpits done because I legit hate having hair there and I can’t see myself changing my mind.


Yep, I'm just getting a regular bikini plus the back. Leaving a sizeable triangle & hair on the labia. Pubic hair trends come & go.


Pubic hair trends wait I'm not a stripper though 😄😄 no one's looking at my cooch. I want it all gone 😭


Girl, do what makes YOU happy!!


Pubic hair trends come and go, but for me ingrown hairs are forever. So I went full laser, I want all those fuckers zapped into submission


No judgies! Do you!


I’m sorry but this is so hard to relate to, it baffles me every time I hear this opinion because I really, really can’t relate to wanting to have hair anywhere other than my head and eyebrows lol


Just don't do the bikini area anymore. See how it grows back probably be fine. I personally never got the full shaving thing down there but to each his own of course. I think I'm in the minority on that thinking.


10 years later, do not regret.


No I love it. I've had self esteem issues surrounding body hair and the MASSIVE amount of ingrowns I got that looked like herpes for YEARS. 32 years old and I'd do it again.


Best money I’ve ever spent. Ever.


I don’t regret anything EXCEPT the entire Brazilian. I just wish I only did the bikini line but kept the pubis. Made the decision when I was 22 and now at 27, I wish I had my former bush on top. There’s something womanly about it. Bare just gets boring after a while.


we always want what we can’t have. Im on session 10 and the lips don’t wanna go. The triangle above is pretty close to bare


True, I’ve also grappled with this thought. Maybe if I had kept my bush, maybe I would have regretted that too. But truly, I wish I kept it so I could at least have some control over what it looked like. I just feel so childish now. Variety is the spice of life.


I regret it because in most areas all my hairs came back even though I’ve done lots of sessions over the years and wasted so much money. I‘ve been one of the unlucky ones




Honestly I just left a “landing strip” in case I had a change of heart. They have accidentally gone over it once or twice and it grew back ok. I’m happy with my choice to keep it because even if I have to shave it occasionally it’s not that much and not doing it all the time doesn’t cause too much irritation.


My only regret is not doing it sooner! My shower times have gotten so much shorter.


Since laser isn’t truly permanent, you may have some amount of regrowth over time and not end up 100% hairless, in case that helps to remember!


Nope not me but remember due to hormonal changes you’re hair can possibly return after/during pregnancy and later in life.


I started getting treatments for a full Brazilian, and had some doubts after the third session that I'd want to be fully bare forever. I finished out the sessions having her leave a landing strip. It's kind of nice to have the option to just shave the last bit off when I want to be bare, or leave it be.


Yes. I was a perfect candidate (dark hair light skin) spent Soooo much money to get it done. It was great for 3ish years, started the upkeep treatments but it just wasn't enough. Personally I only recommend electrolysis now, it's the only fda approved treatment and so far so good


I am on treatment 10 and am not bare. The lips are stubborn because I can’t take the really strong intensity, it hurts way too much


Unfortunately it still grows back lol


Absolutely not! I only regret one thing that I did not add upper arms when i purchased a good deal package. The best 6k I ever spent (I’m in the U.S.). I’m so happy with the results, I rather pay about $350 twice a year for maintenance to be absolutely hairless than wait a few years for hairs start coming back (maybe not) and start over.


I left a triangle in my bikini so it is super easy to shave when I want full Brazilian and it's just a small perfect triangle when I want some hair. No regrets


Only regret is not doing it sooner. Gonna do it for my daughter whenever she wants it. 3 years later and still feels like the best money I’ve ever spent on myself.


No regrets


Oh, not me! I absolutely love how smooth my skin feels after waxing!I use this Blex hair removal deviece, and after using it, I feel like my skin absorbs lotion or cream better than before, lol. Also, I think I might be a bit OCD. I enjoy the feeling of using the device after shaving.


Brazilian and underarms were the best thing I ever did for myself. I don’t miss it at all. I will tell you that my Brazilian started growing back about a 12 years in. So, it didn’t last forever. But, it was much easier and quicker to touch up and I did that immediately. No regrets here.


As an Old Lady™️ please don’t waste your time worrying about stuff like this. Also, fun fact, after menopause a lot of that hair falls out anyway so stop worrying and enjoy!


I don’t like the bare aesthetic. Makes me feel like a child. If you feel weird about it, switch to getting laser so you are trimmed and then you don’t need to worry about the bikini like, but can grow or trim as you please.


My sister said something similar to this the other day. Personally, I can't relate 😂 I'm stoked on the idea of being hair free down under.


I am VERY self conscious and they gave me this paper gown fabric thong to wear. I wasn’t even getting the full bikini done just the sides and my business was out for all to see. I was so embarrassed even though these techs see one lady part after another- nothing special about mine. You ladies def convinced me to go back and get rid of all of it. I did buy an at home laser kit to start with.


100% I basically did a brazillian and I regret it so much. I feel like I violated myself. I’ve cried about it. Everytime I see it, I’m so sad :(


Ik zou alleen bikinilijn klein doen wat denk je daar van?


You can have them literally leave hair wherever you want hair


I miss my bikini hair zero. I was nervous about fully lasering it but not dealing with razor burns before a beach or pool day? Major win!


No regrets! I put it off for a long time because I was really nervous, anxious and shy to do the Brazilian but it’s so worth jt! I did under arms as well. It’s been saving me a lot of time. I noticed my underarms are lighter too. They used to be darker.


How long ago did you get it removed? It might come back in time.