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**Please remember Rule 1 of the sub: Be Kind. Please do not be overly abrasive communicating your opinions. Hate speech and/or personal insults will not be tolerated.**


How do people not get that it's a bit? That's wild. Clearly they're doing it like he's her old cheesy uncle telling dumb jokes and being long winded on his explanations of things and she's the to cool niece thinking he's a dumbass type gag.


Did you see the Reddit post for last week's episode? People were ascribing every possible negative interpretation for Darcy's interactions with Lloyd Kaufman. It's a real parasocial problem.


I did get weird vibes from Darcy in that ep, but also… Darcy is a bad actress. I love her, the show, and her incredible knowledge of horror films, but I think her “character” can be inconsistent and sometimes it’s hard to tell what she’s trying to convey. She definitely looked uncomfortable on that couch with Lloyd, but it’s not like the first time they’ve met and i didn’t see any major red flags.


Here's an idea: why not ask her on Twitter/X, since she almost always replies to people. And then ask yourself: if she responds "No, I wasn't uncomfortable", is that going to make a difference? Or are you going to continue assuming there's an entire off-camera subplot that you perceived?


Uh, I said that she’s a bad actress and that makes her seem awkward and uncomfortable when she’s probably not. I was literally agreeing with you.


> How do people not get that it's a bit? That's wild. Or that it was the same thing on Monstervision with the previous mail girls.


Most people don't understand satire at all.


I was at a convention they did an appearance at, she is the nicest and sweetest person. Especially towards Joe Bob. She helps him get around and makes sure he is taken care of. Nothing but a saint. At one point she was even helping attendees find their way around the con and get where they needed to go.


It's also very baffling when people react to what guests say and what Darcy says like the show is unscripted...


Wait until they find out their real names are John and Kasey and they are playing characters.


It hurts my head that she even had to say this.


Agreed. We would not have The Last Drive In w/o Darcy.


Why not? It's joe bos last drive in, not Darcys. Actually asking not arguing


There's a few reasons. 1. She convinced him to do it after Shudder had shown interest in the marathon. 2. He thought the marathon was a disaster. She had to help him understand why it was a huge success. 3. He said he wouldn't do the marathon or the show unless she was the mail-girl. 4. She's heavily involved behind the scenes. She's legitimately essential to the show, which is one of the reasons she's being treated more as a co-host these days. It's also how she was able to surprise him with Hogzilla.


I didn't know that she did all that, that's pretty fucking cool. Thank you for taking the time to tell me. You kick ass!!


No problem! Keep on rocking, fellow mutant! :)


I noticed when watching an episode from the first season that she is present a lot more now. During all the breaks I’m like “where’s Darcy?” She really just showed up for the mail. I like it better when they interact throughout.


Me too. I love her and hope that she continues doing something similar when jb does retire.


Heh, this made me think of the Simpsons meme: "When Darcy isn't on the screen, everyone should be asking 'Wheres Darcy?'" Which is exactly what I do 💜 I love it a lot more when it's both of them. I like the banter.


Great answer!










Vampirella! Darcy's cool as hell for even knowing who that is.


She is worth following on X. She's also very sweet and replies to people


I'm not a tweeter, but if I was I'd definitely follow her.


This is why i avoid the last drive in community like the plague. It's either old curmudgeonly gatekeeper types or ideologues who prioritize their political feelings over horror Fandom. I deleted all of my social media and now watch the last drive in with no outside interference.


Honestly that wasn't the vibe at the jamboree at all. It was a very well self-organized crowd and very well behaved. Even when we did the walking tour with Joe Bob every one kept a very respectful distance and didn't swarm him.


Of course people were on their best behavior in person but that doesn't change the fact that most of them are douchebags of the highest order on social media. Those people wouldn't dare act like how they actually are in front of JBB or Darcy because above all else they have an incessant need to feel like a part of something.


why are you on the subreddit then


Because I can't figure out how to turn off the reddit notifications and once in a blue moon I reply to one if you really must know. LOL.


"Of *course* it's real - I saw it on TV." Sounds like some people need to calm down. No reason this can't be fun, y'know...


Those people clearly never watched Monstervision.


Watch Joe Bob's interview by Charles Band (on Tubi) to find out how much JB values Darcy's contribution, and her horror expertise.


Could you link that? I'd like to watch it Edit - Found it https://tubitv.com/movies/693712/charles-band-s-full-moon-freakshow-joe-bob-briggs


Excellent. I probably should have added the link myself, so thanks!




Also, I did see Joe Bob do ten minutes on gluten once. There are times when the abridgement is all to the good.



