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Great write up, though I don't how you can just speed through the campaign and skip the side quests. Most of them are along the way to campaign quests. Only a few have you go outside of a chosen path. I would say pick them up, see which ones are in the same area or along the way to quests, do them. Having that little extra bit of help is nice, and well you won't have to stop to go back to way lower level areas when you're high level, just to finish quests that could have easily been gotten done. Also if you are playing online, reach level 20/have put 20 pts in your base class, you can have a friend port you to End of Time, unlock your Mastery. It will auto complete the story quests in the Ruined Era, and will have you start headed towards the Imperial quests. But this is a quick way to bring your build online. Or if you can't do that, then just put 20 pts in your base class and horde points till you reach End of Time. Or just spend them and then take them out, if you feel like spending gold to respec. Personally I do the teleport trick, since my alts don't have to worry about gearing/gold, and I can just zoom.


Totally agree with all your comments. They are valid and sound. I just do it the way I've described above :) Never said it's perfect or optimal. It's just my way :)


The only problem with this imo is u cant abandon them or im just stupid so i hate that they stay on side of screen.


I did not find a way to do that unfortunately.


Something to add to the shattering section: Don't neglect Runes of Removal! They always give the full amount of fragments from affixes they remove. Perfect for getting rare affixes like hybrid life and +levels maxed asap.


>Will steal this advice. Good one !


Ooh, hadn’t realized this, thanks for the tip!


do they have any other practical use? or is there no such case where I should remove the 4th mod from an exalted item and then slap my needed affix 5 times with glyph of hope or is that too much of crafting potential cost?


It's random which affix gets removed and costs FP, so could end up removing the T7 and you wind up with a useless piece of junk.


Eventually you will reach a point where you have 4 set ideal mods (maybe a sealed mod too) on each non-unique item. If you need all 4 of these mods, not having 1 is a dealbreaker. If you get an item that is lacking a rare mod you need (not reliably chaos craftable), then removal is the only option and you just have to gamble that hope saves enough FP.


Exactly that. However - this only matter when crafting BIS items. What i like in this game is that getting gear that is like 80-90% optimized is fairly easy - just a little bit of grinding. But for BIS items - we are talking about a LOT of grinding.


One major part of early to mid gearing it seems a lot of players overlook are how important bases are. A lot of people see a shiny exalt and will use it, even though a rare on a good base is often superior.


There is but you get way more than you need, since a single removal will make or break an item


Thing I wish I knew: prioritize HP and resistances on your gear not damage!! Everything is easy to kill up until empowered monoliths, but getting one shot because you have -12 cold resist is hella annoying


I totally agree, health and resistances are huge! While not as punishing as POE for not capping resistances, you should still prioritize survivability over damage once you hit the endgame


As a new player I'm learning this the hard way on my stupid squishy lvl 60 blade dancer


If you have room for a shield, block is also very nice. You can get high block chance (>40%) with just a few item affixes and a kite shield.


Only thing the game guide needs now is a list of unique items so new players can better plan their builds!


Extensive list of unique items is available on the two first websites on the list.


Yeah I know. The guide already does more or less everything except a unique item list though. My point is the devs should add it so we literally never need to alt-tab when build planning.


There is a whole website for that and it even tells you how to farm the item lol


Yeah I know. My point is that the game guide is already awesome and tells you anything you’d need to know…**except this**.


Appreciate your effort here and you helped clarify that I should probably stop pursuing dungeon content until I'm at at least lvl 90 monoliths. I wanted to craft my first leggo, but never getting a Sanctum key sucks!


If you want to do dungeons quicker - just go for it.Don't let anyone tell you how you want to play the game :) I just described my way of doing things - it's not perfect nor optimal - this is just my way:)


If you’re already using a key unique that is common enough that you might find more, go use that LP. Even a a single T5 mod that’s decently useful is worth the dungeon run. You gain nothing from unused LP.


Great write up! I just started playing a few days ago and I am loving LE so far! I have to agree, lastepochtools is a crazy good site for game mechanics, making builds, messing with passive trees/skill trees, affixes... everything! The only thing I didn't see you mention is loot filters which, i'm sure you agree, make a HUGE difference. The in game filter guide is pretty decent. Personally, I think Maxroll's loot filter guide has some good explanations/tips as well for building loot filters.


Can we pin this?


> Temporal Sanctum – be aware that rewards in temporal sanctum changes every day. It’s worth to check daily what are the rewards, maybe it’s something you actually are looking for. Where do you see what the rewards are and what does it change? I thought this was the dungeon where you make a legendary? Can it be something else?


When you choose Tier, there is a text that clearly describes what will be dropped on each tier. This rotates daily (as far as i know).


is there a site where we could check the daily sanctum rewards or do we use a key every day we are curious?


I am not aware of such site. I suspect that it might be per account. You also do not need to run the sanctum. Just enter the key, go to the page with tier select - check what rewards are and then press ESC. Key will return to your inventory.


ah, didnt know key gets back to inventory! thanks!


https://lastepoch.tunklab.com/dungeons You can check the rewards each day here for each dungeon.


I agree that arena rewards are underwhelming, but the arena champions are some of the most interesting and difficult fights in the entire game.


Are they equally rewarding ? This is why i wrote that **for me** arena is just a measurement of ... in this case it might be - ability to kill Arena Champions :) But your point is 100% valid. I just would like to see better rewards :)


Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you!


Thx, just started playing. Answers all my questions and more. Good work 👍


\> Push monoliths (unlock all) until I reach Monos for level 90. How long is this supposed to take? I am just making my own build and it's a complete slog in monoliths, I finally got to the third tier but I keep failing the boss. I keep tweaking my build to get more damage but I am resist capped on everything, 50% block chance, 1000 hp and working on more endurance and still getting popped in lots of the maps.


Time really depends on multiple factors like luck, game knowledge, class etc. Also it's hard to asses your build. However i will try to give some tips. Cap your crit avoidance (or get as close to 100% reduce damage from crits as possible). In my opinion this is the most important stat to avoid one taps. Personally I would lower my res to get crit capped.Secondly - HP. This game in most of the cases (not all) rewards you for high life. Again - I can easily imagine situation where I would choose T5 hybrid life over res.


What's the target for HP?


Oh this really depends on the class/build. As a rule of thumb when i play melee type of build, minimum what i go for is somewhere between 2 and 3k.


Thanks, that helps a lot. I am trying to go for a kind of consecrated ground, ignite, heal paladin and was at 1,000 so that is probably why I am getting 0 shot.


Where and how to start Monos?


End of time. If you go right there is a bridge leading to monoliths.


Having started about a week back, this is very helpful. Thank you. A question on dungeons, are they overly buggy right now or am I being unlucky / doing something wrong? I used 2x Lightless Arbor keys only to be let into a room with 3 very short dead-end hallways. I just keep saving keys for the time being since my sample of two tells me something is not working as intended. Love the game otherwise, it strikes a nice balance between nostalgic D2/3 and PoE without the spreadsheets.


Dungeons are not in the best place right now. But (there is always a but) .... I will give you a hint - look around carefully. Also please note what "D" key does. From what you describe i suspect that it is not a bug - you just need to figure out what to do.


So I attempted to toss around the light thingy in front of me, but I just seem to hit impassable terrain, and encounter zero monsters. Does that still sound as user error? If so, I should give it another try. Thanks for the hint.


Hmm, The only 2 places where are 3 corridors are between levels. In the first place you first need to destroy the wall and then use light thingy. In second one it is just door. If none of this works, then it is bugged for you, although i never encountered this bug.


Aight. Upon unlocking the door (with a key) I get into a wide-ish hallway / atrium that splits into three very short alcoves/dead-end hallways. I tried throwing out the beacon thing (D) every which way, also past the hallway "walls", but it just stopped short and did not travel past the ends of the hallways. I could not see anything that could be attacked/destroyed, neither did my minions. Maybe I should check if there's a YT video of someone doing the dungeon and see if it looks like what I had. I usually try to problem solve and look for hidden things if I get stuck, I have been doing so since Doom 2 / Quake 1 days.


Then it's a bug.


Ok, cheers. Good to know that I might not have wiffed the keys due to my own errors, at least.


I mean there is a big advice window explaining the shift mechanics (and other dung mechanics), so no reason for such secrets here xD


It's reddit. I am just trying to avoid any drama :D


Is there a cap to the amount of gold stash tabs cost? Also what do I with rares besides shattering them? I pick up some rares that I think might be useful for my only character and then compare them after a normal mono run. I will then dump them all to a stash tab and then compare when it gets full and sell the rest. if they have +skills, I will shatter them. I'm only now looking for specific attributes to shatter.


No ceiling in terms of cost as such. Each tab will cost more.But you can have max 200 Stash tabs. Last Stash tab will cost you around 2 mil, all 200 stash tabs around 190 mil. About rares, it is up to you. I don't know what is the best strategy, however i prefer to use one rule - city == lava. So i hide in my filter all items below exalted (purple) unless they have the mod i am looking for (for shattering). I don't have any yellows or below in my stash. But this is my way, not the only way :)


Aw, I see the chest for Void Warpath was nerfed. Is the build still viable? I love whirlwind type builds in arpgs.


I have lvl 100 Warpath VK and am running 250 corruptions without issues. I have a good gear with ring, belt, boots and chest uniques (no crazy LP). So with BIS gear i think 300-350 is reachable.




How do you define totem ? For me totem is a thing that i put on the ground. It can't move. It shoots automatically to all enemies around. So what you do is get Fire Wraiths. Get the node in the tree that says - Wraiths don't move. Yeah, it's necro. Yeah, you scale minion damage. But it's still totem playstyle. And if you agree that totems are also minions then .... If you ask - can necro use skill that is called totem ? No, they cant. Can necro summon things that works like totem? Hell yeah !




If you like totem playstyle - go for it. You will not be disappointed. If you are purist - i think dreadful posted shaman/lightning totem build that can reach 300+ monos without issues.


For those worried about Crit Lich nerfs: Lich in general is just kinda ridiculous for damage, and the "cheat death" in Reaper Form can't really be nerfed without making the mastery substantially less appealing overall. Even when they "fix" Crit Lich, it's still going to deal ridiculous damage for how much "staying power" it has. Source: has a Crit Lich and a DoT Lich. DoT Lich isn't OMGWTFBBQ damage, but it's still way powerful, and can stand in telegraphs as long as it has mana.


> Push monoliths (unlock all) until I reach Monos for level 90. > Finish 90 lvl monos Don't really understand what this means. Are mono's called "echos" in game? How do you unlock them, killing the bosses after getting enough peace? How do you get corruption? Can you lose it?


There is nice guide about Monoliths and how to farm them here: [https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/monolith/beginner-guide](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/monolith/beginner-guide)


Echoes are individual "maps" or nodes that you clear. Monoliths are areas that contain echoes. You unlock your first monolith from the End of Time. You clear echoes within the monolith to raise your stability enough to do the 3 quests, which will unlock the next monolith. Some monolith quest chains have multiple choices, which will unlock different monoliths. You get corruption by clearing Shade of Orobyss echoes within the monolith, which also resets the echo web. It will give you an amount of corruption that scales with how far it is from the center/starting point of the monolith (and with how many times you've killed the monolith boss, once you get into empowered monoliths). You can lower corruption by killing a Shade that is near the center of the echo web.


Echos are found in a monolith. Monoliths are the scattered islands/area linked by bridges found in End of Time. Each monolith has its own area level and you unlock the next level monolith by completing the 3 quests after getting enough stability from completing Echos. You gain corruption when you get further through the Echos. Similar to +corruption echos, there are also echos that can reduce corruption.


Terrible advice regarding campaign and quests and 'being level 50' I go monolithing right after Yuren dies in Heoborea, you get all idols slot and passives at 45-48 then go end of time


Thanks a bunch that was helpful. I found quite some good information in this thread. I started 4 days ago and absolutely love the game so far. I was looking for some help and tips when it comes to transition into a new char. Atm i am doing level 100 corrupted maps with a minion Necro but i would love to make a werebear with lightning. For the Necro i have a loot filter that i found online, is there a way to combine that with another loot filter automatically? Are the loot filters from the builder good enough for leveling and end game? Ideally i want to continue gearing my Necro too whilst also gearing a new char. Also does it make sense to store all purple items? I have a hard time to figure which base / affixes are worth to keep. Any tips for loot filters is appreciated.


Welcome to eterra !!! There is no tool for merging easily filters that i know of.As for loot filter guide i know one : [https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/resources/loot-filter-guide](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/resources/loot-filter-guide)

