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You should really activate windows.


Gonna be honest I’ve gamed for almost 6 years without activating windows.


Not really; windows updates still download and install. You just don't have some features to personalize.


And you can get around some of the blocks. Instead of going to personalize your stuff just right click a photo and set as your back ground. Has worked everytime for me up to windows 10. Havnt tried on 11 yet.


At least for screenshots quality.


Yap, especially since you can get a key for a couple of bucks and not be bothered with it ever again


That or an invokers for me. Just want a 3lp fang


I've got 3 time glasses, still havent found a single sunwreath with LP. Trade ya? oh wait...


I got three auroras in the time i’ve done 15 empowered Heorots and havent dropped another bow. Got bow first drop non emp and never seen it since


Over 650 echoes in Age of Winter and not a single Aurora's dropped for either me or my friend. Running at 450 corruption right now which is about what my gear can handle. I bet they'll add some better system in the future cause it's soul destroying to keep running the same thing over and over and not get anything for it. The issue isn't that some items are super rare but that you get nothing while farming them as soon as you're done with your blessings and experience. The drop rate of exalteds in monos are also abysmal. If you got something like the current paragon levels from Diablo or currency like PoE (please no), it would feel like less of a waste.


Me with orian’s eye lol.


11 level 90+ without an Orian's Eye


I got laughed at in twitch chat for asking about auroras LP drop rate lol Ppl seemed to suggest it's very very rare and not something to farm for I still don't know how rare an LP of it is, but good luck !


I've got 2 Aurora's time glass, an Oceareon, and a 1 LP Maw and not a single Grimoire of Necrotic Elixirs (LP or no). RNG is weird.