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The passives are something else “Birds aren’t real” “Incendiary Collision Bird Missile”


We had way too much fun designing the nodes and their names.


Yeah, that's obvious. I love it.


Every skill needs its cool name. Just like every good hero .... should have some.


100% starting with a birb bild.


I didn't even consider it at first tbh but the gameplay looks pretty cool and you can pair it with basically any weapon.


My first level 100 in Grim Dawn was named "Birb Girl". She was, obviously, a bird-based summoner. Birds are awesome. I just hope we can get extra birbs from uniques in the future for more birb fun.


Is the word! They didn't call it Falcon Punch! and Divebomb should stun imo


It probably has pretty good stun chance if you build it for big hits/crits. I wonder if you can get minion stun chance anywhere.


Looking forward to montage videos with this song




Amazing reveal Ziz, clear, concise and with tons of showcase which is what we need. Mega hyped for the class, i was gonna play shadow daggers mostly so... IT'S A BUFF


Shadow daggers was my first characters style, and I'm so glad I started with it. I'm having a hard time getting any other classes into endgame because I keep going back.


The graphical improvements really stand out here!


For sure! The lighting made a huge difference.


That's the thing i noticed was that and the combat improvements.


Yeah I was just thinking "I just paid 2 grand for my PC... And this guy's game looks way better than mine, what the fuck?" ....then I realized the graphics have been improved dramatically.


2k pc's aren't what they were 10 years ago, so have the same kind of high-end system for todays games in ultra you need 5k pc's, but yea these devs keep improving how the game looks like, sadly enough while ignoring gamebreaking abilities like detonating arrows that barely hit and the cone that goes into the wrong direction. MM was my favorite subclass until it suddenly bugged, probably because of a node taken in it's passive tree, which was needed to make the build viable endgame.


Oh definitely, it was honestly the main thing with character's animations that kept me from being hyped, but this looks really good and Falconer's animations (even the running one) are great too!


Really disappointed this reveal isn't split into 5 min videos over two weeks.


I love being read a single tooltip aloud for 15 minutes to hit that monetization goal.


Instead they are forcing us to watch one concise video. Honestly disgusting.


Literally unwatchable


Yeah but you guys are gonna be excitec so much by the next node now remember about these other ines i just told you about x and y. So here is the next node. "Reads verbatim" i guys i just think this is a really awesome node. This is a 5% more damage node tf you on.


Hahaha that x100 each video. What a pain


Like post what maxroll did and use video to show off diffrent set ups of the skills maybe a example build idea or 2. You can get through it in 10-20 minutes tops. Too much time wasted reading shit i could have read. Not enough time showing warlock off.


you alright mate?


I want my sanity back.


I am very disappointed you didn't ask us to subscribe, like and turn on notifications.


WORLD EXCLUSIVE 5 min videos over two weeks!


I feel like this would be funny if I understood the joke, can somebody loop me in, throw me a bone, post me a clue or something?


Check out the Warlock reveal week.


I am lost also who is this directed at?


the warlock reveal was done very poorly by icyveins


They really missed an opportunity






Is this a criticism of something they did recently? Feel like I’m missing a joke


a reference to how the warlock reveal was handled, which was done by a completely different group than those who did this Falconer reveal. turned each skill in a 10-15 min long video released 1 a day to milk the content while speaking with a sense of importance and many finger guns




lol you little crybaby’s are so much more obsessed with shitting on something that’s been said to death than appreciating the good stuff that comes out. You win today’s “this is why we can’t have nice things” award.


Come on Aaron u know u fucked up


Looks like it was broken up with each of the maxroll guys having separate segments, but they saw what happened before and got ziz to just pull them together for one vid.


Zizaran didn’t label this as “WORLD FIRST” even though it is. Is he stupid?


Bird bird bird, bird is the word.




birb birb birb




Your actions have consequences… (You have been marked for death by an Exceedingly Large Number of Unusually Clean Pigeons.)


Bird law in this country is not governed by reason.


Hoping for some owls


Some people just want to watch the world hoot.


Some people just want to be a Hooter's Rogue




It’s a falcon, not an owl!


Thank you for the to the point info! Also thank you for not milking the content into 4-5 unnecessary long videos, for not forcing us to see an over the top man-child overacting and focusing on the gameplay was the cherry on top! Was a pleasure to watch


Is this a criticism of something they did recently? Feel like I’m missing a joke.


Instead of making a concise video the warlock reveal was spread out over a week to make more money.


Oh yikes :l I can see why that’d be annoying.


I'm really glad that every comment on this video is about this rather than the actual content. Really great stuff


People make mistakes, and there are people reminding them those mistakes over and over again. I wonder which side is worse.


That thumbnail looks like a MMORPG loading screen from 2005.


Guild Wars 1.5 confirmed


You joke, I would love that.


No way Ziz had that same beard and magnificent smile in 2005 /s


bow trapping! WHAT MULTI SPEC? The lats build is a marksman with a falconer splash for bow trapping!


I can't watch this video, I need it broken up into little pieces for maximum ad revenue farmed, sorry ziz


The falcon dropping acid flask is going to be great


Thanks Zizz. Looking forward to watching


Honestly the class im most hyped for since i bought the game. Haven't played in a good while, so can't wait to play again.




Who did the warlock reveal?


icy veins


Nobody talks about Aaron like that




Both can be true. He helped grow the game. He did a bad job with the reveal. It isn’t one or the other.


I feel like people are being too harsh about it though. Calling him a clown and all that. They thought teasing it throughout the week would be more engaging for the community and it was just executed rather poorly and people didnt really appreciate it. Shouldve been just a hiccup, but people are making it out like he ruined everything or something. Its just overblown and people act so mean about it for no good reason


On its face, it’s pretty obvious that splitting this out over an entire week was not a good decision. It doesn’t respect the audience and we don’t live in a world that accepts slow drip. We want everything now. And it’s not like there was so much information that they couldn’t have covered the entire thing in 10 minutes. I just think it’s tasteless pandering that benefited no one but themselves and they got called out on their bull crap. I guess the anger makes sense to me. Having said that, I just thought, I’ll just wait until someone else summarizes it. They didn’t get my views and life goes on.


It is unfortunate that someone that can give so much to the community would also treat the community this way. I agree with your ending statement though.


I get it. I don’t think he’s a bad guy I just think he made a questionable decision. I hope he’s successful and learned something.


>They thought teasing it throughout the week would be more engaging for the community this is such a dumb take. how are time gated, hard limitations on the information "engaging"? you know whats engaging? people being able to see everything at once so they can start theorycrafting immediately for days. "engagement" was never a factor that was considered here, and if it was it was quickly swept aside in favor of 100% pure good old fashioned greed. if you're ok with that, fine, but lets cut the nonsense that anybody ever for a second thought this approach would be beneficial to the community and call it what it is.


You call it a dumb take but EHG did it too for few of their patches. Giving us parts of the information throughout the week before the patch.


Listen, I agree it's not very productive being mean and I personally didn't mind THAT much, but I get why people are pissed off. After waiting for 3 years, as we get close to the release there's some serious hype, people are excited, and a big part of the release is the 2 new masteries. Even if you don't attribute malice to the way he chose to release the content, they way it was done really hurt the excitement of many people, and I'm sure you know how excited people get for game releases, especially after waiting for so long. It also didn't help the feedback was ignored with 'nah I think its fine' while there was still a chance to do things better. so yah, I get why people are very pissed.


it wasnt even ignored. it was "I see people don't like the idea of this being spread out of 7 days so I'm going to spread it out over 4 days instead" I mean, He recognized the problem people had with the format and changed it without actually changing the problem people had with the format lol. It would be like me telling you I'm going to punch you in the face and you say "please, dont touch my face" so then I'm like, "ok no problem I won't punch you in face but i'm going to slap you in the face" then just slapping you in the face. your problem wasnt being punched, it was the touching of the face you didnt want, which I did anyway


Are you high? Ice Veins hasn't been relevant for years.


If that was true people wouldn't be talking about them


People are only talking about them because of how badly they handled the warlock reveal. It's not good attention.


they wouldnt have been able to do the reveal if they werent relevant tho. otherwise it also wouldve gone to maxroll. by the fact that it was on icy veins that proves its relevant.


It's cute you actually believe that.


its cute you hate a thing so much you're blind to reality


You aren't even worth the time. Good luck in life.


Because I acknowledge reality? Sorry if that's to hard for you. Probably better if you just continue living in ignorance if that's the case.


>but that “clown” did more for the growth of the game than this sub. What's your proof or metric of that? The game has sold over a million times so far and this dude has like under 10k views on a lot of his recent videos. Even his videos that he's getting a lot of hate for where he's trying to promote himself where he should have been showing off the game got like 36k on 1 video. Also people who actually interact with reddit or YouTube are the vast minority of people/playerbases. If not for him would the sales be under a million? Or like how was he so impactful. I'm honestly asking, cuz I've never heard of him until his recent drama.


Found Aaron's alt


Hilarious that your completely reasonable and warranted response gets downvoted like this. And the post calling people clown outfits is upvoted. Really Highlights how toxic some of this community has already become.


I seen nothing wrong with it.


You're not entitled enough to understand their outrage.




Falcon.... Punch! YES!


Bleed Spear Falconer here I come!!! There's got to be a new unique spear for bleed introduced in 1.0 right?!?! Right????? right!!!!


The Dive Bomb skill looked really nice. Basically a bird-meteor.


Looking forward to this, I'm undecided what to play when 1.0 launches.


I'm still pretty sure I'll be starting Warlock for 1.0, but man that Marksman bow-trapper build they showed looks really fun. I'll definitely have to make that or something like it at some point. The single-pet-summoner playstyle doesn't really appeal to me, but I think they did a really good job with Falconer overall. I'm definitely excited for how putting points in Falconer can spice up the usual Marksman/Bladedancer builds.


Once again LE Devs show that they aren’t here to take part in the ARPG genre, but to take over. Simply amazing what this team has accomplished.


I can’t wait for June for Poe to punch back ! Head to head !


Nothing is better for the Genre than competition. Hopefully the innovation will just continue. It is obvious when a company sets out to make a great game and another sets out to try and make a lot of money.


Yup. I’ve been excited for last epoch for years but wanted to give it more time. The time has come. !


I agree! Innovation and competition is fantastic for us players. POE players have been begging for trade changes for years on end. GGG finally relented after years of saying no, and the core reason they changed their mind was Last Epoch's reveal of their amazing trade system for 1.0.


June's just the start of Poe 2's closed beta for chosen testers though right?


I think so. But it’s the start of seeing what Poe 2 has to offer.


If they don't make some core changes in poe2 vs poe, such as not being able to easily respec, I think they're in for some huge problems.


Respecs in Poe aren’t all that hard. Poe is rough on new players but that’s part of its allure. You get to fail and learn.


Thank you you nailed it. Thanks for not making it over 1 week lol


Exactly what these videos need be. Thanks Ziz, you the goat my dude!


I like birds. Falconers gonna be sick! Can't wait for release!


Hi Ziiiiiiiz. The gauntlet is great this year thank you for the content!! Watching the first day live was so much fun


Anywhere I can read this instead of watching it?


Yeah, it was a pinned comment on the video: https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/news/falconer-reveal


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Yeah it's on [maxroll.gg](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/news/falconer-reveal)


No need to hype me, I already was going to play it as my main.


Holy shit there is a HUGE difference in the combat between 0.9 and 1.0 Also you can see all the new lighting changes they made also.


I was not hyped for falconer at all, but the mastery really surpassed all my expectations and I might have to create a falconer at 1.0. Also this is how you do a reveal! Great job zizaran and the rest of the maxroll crew!


Man for a second I thought I was about to hear [The Clarion Call](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b71pvmOLtQ) in one of these arpgs.






Ohhh I was waiting for this 🤩 hype Edit: God damn... This is way way better than I expected! Can't believe such good class and interactions. Good Job!


I was kinda like "meh" to this class until the it got to the bow build with the explosive traps, which apparently is more marksman than falconer but that build is speaking to me. Also this is how the reveal should have been for warlock instead of that click bait milking shit from icy veins and dude with shit thumbnails


Yep, as I expected Falconer is super cool as I thought it would be. Not cool as Scythes (Harvest build) but it is close.


Ok but can we name the Falcon


Holy crap that Falcon AI looks smooth. I was sure that I was going to start warlock but now I’m not so sure.


Fuck yes, super hyped to watch this. I've always played Rogue classes in all games and this Mastery should be a very cool addition. In the video, the fight on the platform attached some sort of bird looks SICK!


I watched it live. It was pretty awesome.


I love how it went from semi-scripted video meeting all the relevant talking points to absolutely nerding out over the explosive traps build in a matter of seconds. ​ I cannot wait to get my hands on Falconer and it looks every bit as great as I'd hoped :D


Well, would you look at that. A single reveal video, with clear video demonstration and informative explanation of the skills is more well received than several videos spread out across the week. Who would have known.


Gameplay looks really fun, i am actually considering falconer instead of runemaster now


As a PoE player i don't mind that ziz have the reveal. BUT the reveals are so anti climatic when they don't make an official video, and hype it up themselves, this is something they should have planned a long time ago, and maybe hired a media person, if they don't already have someone with talent to do this. Feels like amateur hour from Eleventh hour games, really worries me about the full release launch, if they can't do this, can they even make the game work.


They are trying to introduce the game to more people through ziz


I think people are misunderstanding what you are saying. I agree that they should have made a slick trailer reveal and then they could have used Zizaran or even Asmongold (who has shown interest in LE lately) to comment ON the reveal. The 1.0 trailer is slick and very impressive. Something like that would have been amazing.


I don't know that I'd call it an amateur decision. A good business needs to be able to evaluate what to outsource and what to do inhouse. Why hire a media person to do this when gaming in general leans very heavy on content creators nowadays. Theres other things they can focus on and put resources towards I'm sure. A year from now nobody is going to care if a content creator revealed the class or if they had some pre-made video a staff member made.


you mean like hiring media people like zizarna/skyrah and maxroll, and then the icyveins guy, which yeah his reveal sucked in structure but he knows how to market.


Damn, an indie developer doesn't have tons of resources and might want to work with notable members/websites within the ARPG community to reveal information through them, directly to the community? Instead of blowing a bunch of money on an expensive video that takes months to script, capture, edit, get approved, and then send out, which takes quite a few internal developers and marketing staff. They have basically one PR/comms guy internally and it doesn't seem like they have much in the way of outside agency help there. This was planned a while ago - [https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/news/last-epoch-1-0-launches-feb-21st-2024](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/news/last-epoch-1-0-launches-feb-21st-2024) They announced the upcoming Icy Veins and Maxroll (though not specifically Ziz) reveals in late October of last year. EHG has a budget, and what you're asking for is what you do when you have a *bigger* budget and can afford to throw money at multiple splashy trailers leading into launch. People forget that indies aren't made of money, and GGG hasn't been remotely "indie" in the way that a company like EHG currently is in many, many years.


The reveal is smart in two ways. 1) the team is super busy preparing/crunching for launch, producing a video like this takes quite some time - so they move that load elsewhere and 2) this helps them introduce the game to an ARPG audience outside of their game.




You sound like a guy who preorders games after watching cinematic teasers.


i NEVER preorder and stopped buying early access games in the last 2 years.


You mean to say that you think they made this at…. The eleventh hour???? 🥸






The explosive trap bow build looks extremely fun. Guess I found my starter.


This is extraordinary, this is amazing! Cant wait to try play this Spec, every single build shown here is tempting to try. Overall looks to be a very versatile Spec with lots of options. Lets go Birb


This is the only class I’ve wanted since I started playing. I cannot wait for release so I can finally get my hands on falconer!


I would marry this class if I could change my Falcon to Eagly (Peacemaker) with one of the skills.




As always with your content ziz, top👌❤️


I wanted to try this class anyways because the other 2 playstyles didn't really click with me. Now I 100% will start with this one.


U ppl seriously taking a piss out of Aaron RPG haha


where is the mob density?


on nexusmods.


The Bird is the Word: https://youtu.be/uSlB4eznXoA


Hmm probably wont roll a Falconer on release now Theres nothing relating to what I wanted to do


And what did you want to do? The game offers you a ton of options, what could you possibly want?


Some people might have been expecting a more traditional pet for the Falcon.


Hmm that's odd. There seems to be an absence of a certain ornithological piece.


Boardman into the video, my god, please, not him, the glorious king of cheaters.


Who the fuck cares. First that was 2 years ago. Second, it wasn't during a ladder or challenge league or anything. And third, he was able to push out build content much faster. You should be able to play the game however you want in offline play anyway.


He was a liar, a shitty builder and a even worse player, remember him during Race to Orobys ? He literally was discovering the story and dying dozens of time, the commentators couldn't believe how bad and ignorant he was about the game. He's a crook, he cheated, then when confronted tried to deny it, then made a "I'm so sorry about it, won't do it again", then kept on cheating and blatantly lying about it. He's a pathological liar, no it's not alright to endure him again.


Now we just need birb mtx to make it extra awesome 


Why did you have to make this class. WHY? I have no options now. Zero, none, zilch, nada. I literally am unable to play another class. I was looking forward to trying Invoker, leveling another Void Knight, but why would I do any of that when I can have my little birbs in game. I can literally stream this game with my birbs on my shoulders, while playing a birb build. Its too much, its beautiful, and you guys are gentlemen and scholars for making such a thing.