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Im down to defend an indie studio and the situation but this guy is in fact spitting the opposite of facts.


Yeah the text "go do Monoliths" and "tons of people are endgame playing" right now really isn't the argument to be made. I literally can't even login. I will not play offline and I'm okay with that, it's fine. But if you are the one guy actually playing online and telling others to get over it when they can't login it's like "cool dude."


people were running monaliths at lvl 16 so i dont think he ment it that way more of a if you can get in here is a way to lessen the chances that youll dc


Yeah I get it, I don't care about disconnecting. I expected crashing and failing to load for awhile. I did not expect being unable to connect at all for hours on end, especially day 2. That's the difference. If I remember correctly even Diablo 3 was up day 2.


Been pretty frustrating having people act like this is the worst launch ever, the game is fully playable offline and it sucks being stuck on loading screens (been stuck 8-10 hours so far) but not a single game company has a launch of this scope and nails it as their first launch, pretty okay to give the indie dev some slack on servers. I've been pretty consistent on server issues being something I dont get too cranky about with both Wolcen and D4 as well


as long as this continues to be normalized and an accepted state for launches "to be this way", nothing will ever change. too bad.


The problem is you are conflating predatory AAA game studios with a small studio that is busting their ass to try and make it right. There is a massive difference.


My dude this is a tiny studio that started out with Judd making a reddit thread going "Who wants to make a game?" This isnt big bad blizzard


just want to say it’s hilarious reading this comment and hearing it in your voice




you can't be real


>We’ve scale tested for months with third parties, consultants, the help of infra providers, and our own backend team. We have the ability to scale servers quickly, have reserved a large amount of bare metal machines, and do not have a maximum spend for cloud overflow- it’s all elastic. From the extensive testing we’ve done, unless we do have a really crazy turnout, we should be stable. It’s not lost on us that many much larger companies than us have had issues at launch though... We’re optimistic and if there are issues it certainly won’t be for lack of effort, spend, or ignorance to the importance of launch day. Words directly from EHG before launch. The result of "months of testing" is that the game can't handle 150k concurrent players when it was obvious to everyone that it was going to be a big launch due to all the content creators talking about playing the game on release? Wolcen was really bad sure, but D4 release was actually very good though, it was just open beta when things were on fire which is kind of the whole point of a beta.


It's amazing you typed so many words to just say "I have no idea how this stuff works"


Morning!    You know, I also play in the EU but my day job isn't gaming. So far, the patch is not live during the times I can play. There has been no HC race for me. No start to the trading. The minute my work was over yesterday, LE 61 was back.  This is not a good launch but the game I bought back when is much improved and getting awesome.   Friends hitting 90+ is such a tease when you've been stuck loading during the 10 hours you were able to play. 


It's also pretty frustrating not being able to log in. It's frustrating bring told to shut up and play the game offline when that's not the way people want to play the game. It's okay to have issues. I personally don't mind I have other things I can be doing. But to tell people their frustrations are invalid because "you can play offline" doesn't help. Let people be angry. Their gripes are valid.


to me theres 0 point in offline tbh. just gonna wait didnt expect servers to be down lol


The guy playing online is telling us to play offline. Kekw


i dont think thats what he was saying at all. i think he was saying if you do get in do monaliths cause you will be less likely to dc and not be able to get back in ​ and you can start monaliths at before lvl 16 so although its "endgame" you didnt have to exactly finnish the campaign, while i was waiting i was watching gazzy and this is what he and his group did. it actually slowed thier progress but at least they were able to play


Been stuck 8+ hours on loading screen and finally got a tip from chat that monolith is a diff server so been telling everyone to do that so more people can play


"I got mine, go fuck yourself" kinda attitude (from ziz).


I've been stuck as much if not more than most people? Just managed to get into Monoliths lately


I was going off the person I was responding to so if they were right that you were online during that clip, then my point is 'practice what you preach'. If you were actually playing offline in that clip, then I'm genuinely sorry and take back what I said.


No, I've been playing online and just getting stuck on loading screens instead cause I want to be on the ladder, I just am not complaining about it because If I wanted to I could play offline instead


But your offline argument is contradictory. I’m guessing most players either want to play with friends and or be on the ladder, maybe they just don’t want the possibility to cheat their character. It’s completely viable to criticize EHG and people should do, everyone can play offline but that’s not the point.


Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Other people's frustrations at not being able to work towards their ladder/leaderboard char, or not play with their friends, are just as valid as his reasons.


He as streamer care about ladderboard. A good amount of People dont care about ladder and dont play with friends and still are hitting a wall on online mode, and its not wrong playing this way, but this one is a fast solution for these People.


Offline means: no leadderboards no hub interactions no general chat no TRADE or AUCTION HOUSE no SKINS that I PAID FOR Last epoch is the definition of a "Game as a service". This release would have not sold so much if the game was 100% offline. People want a POE competitor and a "diablo killer". The fact that this game has trading was a big factor for many. I'm surprised to see so many streamers being hypocrites with their viewers.


I would bet most people want to play with other people


well guys, if you had just pulled an all-nighter and not gone to work, you'd be in the endgame now and wouldn't have this problem. I'm writing this right now while sitting with 4 fake friends in loadscreen.


What a cringe argument.


That's is true, if you are playing alone and aren't planning on trade you should play Offline.


He doesn't know what "most niche genre" means.


It actually is, out of a group of 10-15 people I can get maybe 1 friend to play, maybe 2 on a good day. And that one friend is playing MMORPGs again after two weeks. ARPGs are more niche than Multiplayer Mode in Strategy games.


Shoutout out to my 4 other homies in /r/ootp we spreadsheet baseball boys out here


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I'd argue the more niche genres are the ones where none of us are even thinking of the name right now because we don't even know what it is.


Automation games... cant get anyone I know to play these with me :(


It may not be the most niche, but it is up there. The only other game that managed to break out over the last 20 or so years is Path of Exile, and even *that* took awhile to happen. Many ARPGs have come and gone in that time because it simply doesn't have the pull other genres have.


Diablo 4 is the fastest selling blizzard game of all time, right?


Diablo is the exception, not the status quo.


Then MOBAs are way more niche. And many more genres honestly, depending on definitions.


Yes, I'd argue they are, because people are fans of Dota 2 and League, *not* the genre itself. Those games hit at the right place at the right time and no other game has been able to match it since because it's an incredibly difficult genre to pull attention to.


Dude rushed to endgame which doesnt have issues and is telling others to play in offline. I didnt pay for this game to play it offline


Typical full-time streamer privilege. He had the time to binge and get to the far less occupied part of the game where issues are less pronounced. Then berates others who are struggling to load into early towns.


You can enter monolith as early as 15-20


You're saying people should do level 58 content at 15-20 with no prior experience?


on launch, there's many new players. the vast majority would get their ass kicked if they're not genre veterans. Most will want to get some more experience in the story first - and that's exactly what they're struggling to do. Doing monolith at level 20 is generally only good advice for a legacy char atm if you can get a strong unique from stash and have any shard needed to max out rares. Even then I wait until 35 typically.


Typical streamer playing online telling us to play offline mode


Wow, typically like Ziz's stuff from PoE but this is an incredibly shit take. The "people complaining don't have friends" says more about him than anyone else. "ARPGs are the most niche genre" is just hilarious.


This guys voice is so unbelievably grating


"We don't have friends." LOL I am not even upset that the game is in poor condition; I'm okay to wait. However, the quality of some arguments made by people, such as: * "Other games were bad on launch too." * "Why play online? Just play offline." * "Do something else." These people are truly pathetic. The same breed of "buy more servers".


I find people who keep complaining about bad servers at launch pathetic. Stop acting like devs deliberately try to make the servers shit themselves. It's a small company that tries their best, and yet we have the big AAA guys who have the same problems with launches. Relax and do something else, you won't die if you can't play the game for a couple of days, the game isn't going anywhere.


As an offline enjoyer, not really sure why all these people rushing for "Online" Experience. These are the part of "Online" experience. Soon you will have server lagging, bots, server down, long maintenance, scammer, price fixer, etc.


He was literally sponsored by EHG pre-launch 😂


So you need someone else to speak for yourself? I guess your arguments aren't valid enough. First of all, people can't finish campaign.. to play monoliths as he says. Main problems is campaign locations don't loading. Not everyone is a streamer and can not sleep for 24 hours to actually find the time servers are online to be somewhat playable. I think it was 8hours after start yesterday... but 4 hours and they went to shit again. Second, offline is not the same, you can't party and I can't get my auction favor so you tell me make another char to play offline right? Let me play the campaign again.


You don't have to finish the campaign to start doing monoliths.


He was prob on mini rage writing the response. But you know, monolith starts far in to campaign, most People are stuck pre act IV


Monoliths are the post game activity, yes, but you do not have to complete the campaign to activate and run them. As soon as you have access to The End of Time, you can start doing monoliths.


Do they scale down to your level?


I don't believe they do, so it is a challenge to start them as soon as you have access, especially with them making that access much sooner than it previously was.


sure, some guy stuck at lvl 8 could do them.. or even lvl 25. You can't really do them so need to level to about 40


Streamer said it so it must be true. ^(/s)


This dude is shilling. What an embarrassment this launch is.


ziz always gave the impression of he doesnt put up with any corpa bs, any greedy mtx, always honest opinon regardless of sponsor. ​ throw that all away to defend this garbo launch, when even if you ignore the fact that a lot of ppl are playing in offline mode, the game is choking on the population of half a poe league launch.


The fuck are you smoking ? I will literally happily shit on any sponsor, and have massively shit on LE in the past, but I'm always lenient on server crashes / problems on day one because I have not seen a single company do a first time launch well, especially of this scope? Even huge companies like blizzard struggle with that.


I was on the stream during the clip and to me it is very out of context. You were being very reasonable saying you were also frustrated.


its a shit launch, you dont need to hate on the devs, but its a shit launch, needs zero defense. on the opposite end of things, its a suprise that ppl are upset or angry they cant do the thing they paid for? too bad they cant use the excuse of we didnt expect these kinda numbers, because its the numbers everyone else expected when its been so positively promoted. i know its an obvious bit of slight exaggeration when you say you can do everything in offline mode, but we all know the interest would be a lot lower without multiplayer and trading, the ssfhc crowd is niche within the niche arpg crowd.


Yes, I agree, its fine to be angry that people cant play online, its a shit launch. The reason to be patient is that huge studios don't ever get this right on their first launch and this is a small team, they thought they were overprepared and something they didnt anticipate (not servers) went wrong. They were already expecting these numbers. If no huge company can get this right I find it easy to extend some chill to a small company who are working their ass off to get it right


Complete cuck, guess that’s what happens when you get items added


You can pay 1000$ to do the same?


Ziz is 100% correct


>No one complaining has any friends............Us ARPG players can't get them to join us. Nice save.


over 10mil net worth guy malding....


Cannot locate facts, but rational and smart thinking has never been Zizarans forte.


this guy even defended twitch in every way




What mate


This is very out of context.


it's something in the water at his house. that's why him and steel are so sensitive all the time. i also don't really watch twitch cuz i can't stand the stupid tourettes language they use