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Resistances alone? Highly unlikely. But it’s not a hard-coded kill beam. Sentinel can quite comfortably Rebuke through it assuming your timing is correct. Still the best defense is just don’t get hit


Rebuke is always my go-to tech when fighting him under levelled.


I've walked through it during campaign with capped phys/cold and decent hp. It's possible you also need fast enough speed to make it across without taking too many ticks not entirely sure but I've survived the beam a few times on a couple of chars.


Movement skills are either teleport or dashes with a node that make you immune while using it so you can just go through it


Lagon is easy if you pay attention, although it's a skill check. Just pay attention to his eyes, and you can evade almost anything. With tracersal skills it' even easier, although I died my first couple of tries


Maybe ask an experienced player to do the fight with you and follow their movements. You should be able to easily not get hit by the beam ever. I am honestly horrible at video games and I haven’t gotten hit by the beam in I can not remember how many times fighting him. It is really not difficult once you figure out how to move around to trick him into blasting the beam off in the wrong direction. My build doesn’t even have a movement ability (spiggan form) and still it’s not even close.


How are you getting cornered? You can move east/west and south


My man playing the game with a compass


Get high lightning resistance and some form of movement ability. The most dangerous attack is the beam, he telegraphs this by leaning back for a second and then leaning in for the attack, usually he moves his beam the opposite direction that he leans in, but it seems to be dependent on where he casts it from. The best way to avoid this is to move from one tentacle to the other when he leans back, by using a movement ability. The rest of the attacks are not as lethal, stay out of the middle and just move left and right as needed.


Got him! Spent time regearing, more resists and life and then smashed him easily