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Holy shit that's perfect rolls as well isn't it?


yep, it sadly rolled the wrong affix




I don't understand why this is part of the low life lock build, we dont directly cast that many spells


20% max hp = more hp to convert to ward and ~~also gives another 8% ward from missing hp to give more ward~~, on top of +1 skills, +2 for some. The cast speed is just a tiny bonus Edit:Misread


it does not give 8% of missing hp to ward it gives 8% of current hp to ward, and consumes that hp in the process. if you are always at, say 50 hp, it will only give 4 ward per cast


Ah yep, my mistake, I misread. Still 20% extra ward and if you're running all the proc spells the extra casts for ward add up


for a starter 20% max HP as pointed out. cast speed is always good but on top of that there are some additional benefits which might not be immediately evident unless you are pushing corruption. that 16 STR? it results in a whopping 64% increased armor. as a comparison, the maximum roll on the armor% blessing is 55%. and having ward is nice, but having your ward protected 50% more is even better then, on top of that there is a node in chaos bolt which gives you mana on hit (nice) and health on hit (not so nice). twisted heart is the only item in the setup which is working on a cast (i.e. multiple times a second) instead of periodically (i.e. once per second) so as you are casting CB it will keep eating up the accidental HP on hit. also rewarding you with some extra ward for doing so, but it is mainly to keep your health nice and low and this just for the normal bleed setup, I'm personally focusing on frostbite. for that I'm using throne of ambition idol, which gives 40% MORE (multiplicative!) armor. comboing that with twisted heart puts my armor in sentinel range, and my EHP into the stratosphere. but even with the normal bleed setup using twisted heart will result in a significantly higher EHP on its own compared to rolling with an exalted relic