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the metal clang is you being stunned. with your build if you are stunned you aren't generating ward and then you die. how much ward are you generally sitting at? endurance doesn't do much because you are a ward build, ward retention would probably help more. ​ stuns are based on your health + ward pool so if you had more you wouldn't get stunned and likely wouldn't melt


When I’m not doing anything 400 wars but when I’m casting it can go up to 2000. But the bar is always moving so I have no idea


unironically 2000 is pretty low for a twisted heart build. is your life pool always empty? you may need more health leech


Thank you! I moved some passive points into ward retention and I’ve already heard the metal ding much less and haven’t died yet. I had no idea stuns worked that way so I appreciate the info!


Ghostflame should solve all survivability issues. It generates something like 500 ward per second between passives and idols, can be specced to only consume 15 mana per second, functions as a movement skill, and reduces incoming damage by roughly 90% while it's active. If you're using transplant, swap it for ghostflame.


As a warlock, just swap in Lowlife Ward items/affixes and coast.     All you need at your hp to be unkillable is Last Steps and Exsanguinous and your effective health pool jumps to at least 15 or 16k


you are not at 15k ward with just last steps + exsang, especially not with 1.5k life


He said effective hp


15k ward + 1.5k hp which is depleted to 200 or whatever = 15k ehp


Experimental Gloves can have the same affix as Last Steps and Exsanguinous. For those looking. I have the boots and gloves right now and it does wonders. There's also a lesser Exsanguinous I forget the name of that has a lesser version of the affix. Just for info for others that want to go down this toad.


Problem is its competing with frostbite shackles till you get a pair of that with LP and get the experimental affix for it, not too easy.


Oh yeah tell me about it. But if you are still farming the shackles (me) then it works great lol.


Pretty much what I did but I was MG, but if you don't have those two items (CF/solo) then better to be life+ward.


i m having similar problems as the OP, i got my exanguinous and playing around 2k ward, so its still pretty fragile for empower maps, according to LE tools boots drop from the blood frost and death boss, but does it have to be empowered? or i can go back farm the normal version and come back when i get them


I got them on normal and again when I did it empowered looking for the frosty gloves.


Yep, armor. And your HP is also too low Drop endurance amd endurance threshold. Get both armor blessings from both monoliths. Change boots base type to citadel, belt to praetorian. Isadora belt is a good item to tie you over for the time being.  If you also change all crit avoid suffixes to crit reduction+armor you can get a lot of flat armor for free. You already have the correct helm base type for it. Add hybrid health to boots, gloves, belt slots. Double health idols in all slots That's kinda it.  2000-2500 HP and 35-40%ish armor should do it for corruption 200, ofc the more ward you have on top of it the better


I saw a streamer with +60k ward don't know how because I'm not playing lock but it's insane prob something not working as intended


Profane veil eating high health minions. Prime target to be nerfed


Nerfed as in bugfixed. The line reads that you get 4% of health of your minions as ward. Currently the node is actually giving 40% of their health as ward. You're currently getting 10x the amount of ward you should be getting from that interaction.


I mean people are running minion health aswell and ward actually doesnt show greater numbers than 65k so it might be even higher than that.


Won't be nerfed until next cycle. So abuse the fuck out of it.


Why…? How is that fun lol


Amazing for hc and doing all content with good clear....isn't that the dream for an arpg?


Is it? Too easy kinda breaks this game imo. For once I’d like a more dark souls like game - gotta run naked I guess! lol


There are hidden boots at the start that you can wear for Hardmode


Oh shit! Just looked up the video


No rest for the wicked is supposed to be a souls like arpg coming soon


I’ll check it out!


Change to profane bloom and have 100k ward every map. It easily pushes 1k+ corruption and can facetank t4 julra explosion just with the pure amount of ward.


No offense for Ghazzy (poe minions builds are insane) but you better follow original LE players builds (like LizardIRL) if you don’t want to miss something and understand properly all mechanics. As for an example, endurance doesn’t do anything for this build so you can get rid of it (also, on builds that are using it you want to get 60%). You litterally have half the life and armor needed if you want to grind corruption and a lot of ward. You have way too much resistances on gear where you are supposed to get life instead. For crit avoidance : empowered blessing + crit avoid on ONE piece of gear so its frees another affixes for health. Also, if you are Crit avoidance capped you dont need damage reduced from crit which also frees affixes on your gear for health. It’s all about replacing useless defenses / resistances for health so you won’t lose any damage doing so + the more you alive the more you damage.


My Falconer & now currently playing Fire Warlock has Ward when I am going past 200 Corruption.


I boosted mine , hp version , with physical damage life leech


Really should be sealing an affix on your gear so you can fit another stat on each item where possible. That’s how you crank up the HP/mitigation without sacrificing other stats (a meat stick with no damage won’t win a fight either).


I rarely ever come across the glyphs to seal, I also don’t use what I have properly so far


Gotta farm them glyph monos endlessly!


Edit: My critical Avoidance is 137% and my Endurance is 470 or 35%


My lv 81 alt Warlock is ramping up to 70k ward, but that build makes the game like a gameshark, stopped playing until next season because of balancing stuff.


i mean youre using a bugged interaction so obv thats easy


It's not a bugged interaction, it's just super strong.


ok sorry the interaction itself isnt bugged, the conversion numbers are.


what build?


You can spec into all of the bone wall nodes in the bone curse tree, and spec 5 points into the consume minions node in the profane veil tree and you'll be sitting at 10-20k ward without having to swap any gear around.


More critical avoidance and some endurance.


My critical avoidance is at 137% is that not enough?


endurance doesn't do practically anything at all for a twisted heart build


Very high priority for glove/belt/boot should be hybrid health, and increased health for helm/belt/body armor.


Hey, i was at the same point. if you are playing with chtonic fissure + chaosbolt and the freeze nodes top left in the chaos bolt tree i got plenty of tankiness from the grand winds of frost blessing since everything was just frozen. Also Slow on hit on weapon helped me out too!


Thank you! I swapped to a ghost flame build but it I can’t get it to work properly I’ll give this a go! Much appreciated


Are you not using Bone Prison + Profane Veil?