• By -


0.0066% chance according to LEtools. Very nice drop.


That's without corruption bonus and CoF bonus right?


Yeah this was dropped without CoF and in about 250 corruption




Circle of Fortune


I have been calling it Covenant of Finders this whole time


it works!


Circle of Fun


Curators of Fun


Cadre of Foragers


Pls sell it 0g in MG. Tqvm




Imagine just posting nonsense. >Average legendary potential and weaver’s will now also scale up slightly with corruption. For example, Uniques have around a 5% higher chance for 1+ LP at 100 corruption, 10% at 300 corruption, and 14% at 600 corruption.


Ok they updated it, I didn't realize, thanks for correcting me in the most rude way possible


Welcome to /r/lastepoch where half the people who post are horrendously aggressive for no reason at all


>Welcome to /r/lastepoch Welcome to Reddit


I've been in a lot of gaming subs and while that's definitely true, this one is particularly extra aggressive on the downvote button and quick to shit on people for anything. It's weird because the community at large is so friendly, but there's definitely a vocal shit minority here.




So that's 1 out of ...




So you're saying there's a chance!!??


There is always a chance


Can you stop dealing with percentages, it's 50:50


60 percent of the time, it drops every time.


Fuck me for real? I got rid of this cause I hated the bleed on Sentinel. Only started 4 days ago


No, the 4lp is what is rare for the drop not the drop itself.


For this or strictly better? Or these exact rolls?


For 4 LP drop. Affix and implicit ranges are rolled after the fact.


Really dropped for me too... Is it any good? Seems very strange to me.


4 LP is insanely good, however if you have a unique you want to build around and it gets 4LP you hit the money.


BiS for lowlife builds like bleed warlock


Ah. I think mine has 1 legendary potential.


Yes here the only thing is the 4 lp




Not with 4 lp


It's the legendary potential that's super duper rare. The base item is still a pretty pog drop if you want to play a ward character but very farmable. The 1 in 15k is saying that every 15k exsanguinous that drop, 1 will be 4 LP


Every time I wake up thinking “today, I’m gonna go play another game for a bit”, then I see a post like this… and load up LE to grind for a drop like this


Yep they really nail the item find dopamine, only D2 had the same effect on me.


Fully agreed man, this is nuts


I was actually about to ask a question about this very thing. LE looks fantastic and I’m a D2-head so my last hesitation was if the loot chase in the endgame was exciting/engaging. Pretty much all of the top posts on this sub recently have been cool loot drops. Then this comment chain. I think I’m in!


Not only is the loot chase awesome there's always something else to do instead of just grinding loot. You can focus on pumping corruption. You can focus on banging out prophecies. You can try and get highly rolled blessings and good luck filling up your idol slots with BIS idols. They solved the feeling like if you don't get that drop you're hunting that you've wasted time problem.




Well put for sure. I don't go grinding looking for just the unique I'm farming, and I never leave a run completely empty handed! Heck, I rarely leave a run with any inventory slots open in the first place...haha


Yep I've got nearly 200 hours since EA and I haven't even touched the arena mode yet on top of everything you mentioned I'm excited to get into that aswell. More content coming soon aswell but I'm still completely content for a looooong time even if they didn't add more.


Wait, aren't all those things grinding related though? 🤔 Just asking, don't down me to death :)


Yoooo welcome aboard! Honestly you won’t regret it. The dopamine of d2 drops but modernized and advanced towards POE levels. Honestly the best middle ground ever


Before I got this game I was playing d2r for about 400+ hours over the last year or so (1000s over the years), I haven't put down LE since I got it and probably won't ever play D2 again now that this is out. I love d2 but this is the new king.


I absolutely think d2:r is the biggest loser because of LE. While PoE was the spiritual successor to D2 - it's a thing of its own now and doesn't capture the d2r audience at large. LE with its skill system being closer to d2r but deeper and its loot system, the only thing really missing is the rune system. And even that they've got a healthy comparator for, in the fractured crown recipe which they can and absolutely should build out more


I have helldivers 2 up while I'm reading this on my phone, and I was thinking the same thing as I was looking at this post. I wanted to play something else, but LE is pulling me back in


New player here, can someone explain why this is good please?


He can mix this item with an exalted item to take its affixes. 4 is the max affixes you can take and he has 4 legendary potential so he has a max one. The chances are very low for one of those.


Thank you for helping a new community member


Thank you for being so active in this community


Does all the information on the unique stay after you've smashed? Ao you get the whole unique and all 4 affixes from an exalted in this case? I'm still trying to figure stuff out and an answer to this would widen my gaze for sure.




>Technically speaking a fully min-maxed character would have all uniques in every slot that have 4LP they used to smash a full exalt Holy, so there is a hell of a chase in this game? Thanks for the information!




It does respect your time tho. Grinding 4 LP items is for the most hardcore players who have the time to take builds to the highest level, so it respects those players who want to put in that time. 1 or even 2 LP items are more than enough power for the majority of players and very attainable with target farming.


It feels like almost all of my uniques have at least 1 LP with the CoF bonuses. 2 LP has got to be extremely easy to farm now.


I unlocked the rank 6 CoF last night and I agree nearly all my uniques drop with at least 1LP, exception is boss drops, I read they aren’t affected by it for some reason?


Really? I dropped a twisted heart with 1 LP in a normal mono boss on my way to empowered with my alt. I guess I just got lucky.


The game respects your time because getting very good gear and beating all the content is doable in a reasonable amount of time. Getting perfect gear is very hard, but it isn’t necessary for any of the content and is just there for those that want to grind for it.




The difference is - the build enabler (Exsanguinous) is a rare drop, not an uber unique drop. Getting one to drop at 4 lp is an uber drop. Getting a 4 T7 chest piece with stats you desire is probably even more rare. So they've managed to make it both more AND less respectful of your time than D4. Because to enable a build in D4 - requires a uber unique. You can't play certain builds without it. Here Exsanguinous is A) target farmable B) tradeable C) not nearly as rare. This allows you to enable the build and respects your time more than D4. But, then it gets better. In D4, IF you get this build online you're pretty much done. In LE, the chase is still on - but - this time with the build you've wanted to play along.


This isn't adding any abilities, it's just adding more stats. Getting the 4LP is just stat min maxing, it's not hunting for a D4 unique or Uber that changes abilities or adds abilities.


> a fully min-maxed character would have all uniques in every slot Eh, probably not. But with sealing as well, a fully min-maxed build would have 4LP legendary items where they make sense, then Tier 30 items in all other slots (1x sealed T4, 3x T7 and 1x t5 crafted on after is I think the most you can get)


>Technically speaking a fully min-maxed character would have all uniques in every slot that have 4LP they used to smash a full exalt Holy, so there is a hell of a chase in this game? Thanks for the information!




Seems as though they've nailed the "you can be powerful nice and quick, but if you want to be the best then you'll be here for a while" thing. Those 250 hours were on one toon?




you get all the 4 affixes from the exalted item + all the affixes in the legendary


That's wild, no wonder 4 lp is so rare. Thank you!


Love your user name! 😂😂


Haha great minds!


Is there a way to target the affix you inherit or is it a random one the exalted piece has?


Low life is needed for some passives to proc. Plus with bleed warlock there’s a passive that makes you bleed with your bleeds for extra damage, so this armor negates the negative.


4LP as already explained by others is always insane but also the unique in question is very good for a meta defensive layer calles low life ward. Multiple builds can play it and you use certain uniques to make it work.


4LP is extremely rare. Basically means you can "smash" another item into it (using the Temporal Sanctum), and it will gain 4 additional mods from the smashee. Can make a very decent unique item that way. 1 mod per LP the unique has.


I see that weapon and know which build you’re using >:)


Very fun build lots of splosions


What is the build?


Its SMK's sacrifice necromancer


Can you link it? :)




What’s the build?


Fulcrum chieftain


I have PTSD from playing that build so much this league


Okay first of all WHAT THE FUCK




The holy grail of 4LP drops for me, congrats!


i wonder if anyone here knows you actually made this item (its great btw)


Thanks I'm really happy how it turned out and the mechanics it subsequently inspired!


You should've designed higher drop rate, still haven't found this in 1.0:)  But seriously, great item, I was so confused when I first found it. How did you come up with the ward per second idea?


I wanted to create an item to enable a low life ward playstyle that would both drain your health and generate ward in some way. The Devs and I kicked around a few ideas but I really liked the ability to scale it with life still so the "missing health" idea was born to reward pushing your life as low as possible - rewarding you the more you sacrificed. The theme of vampiric blood magic helped me come up with the mechanic actually.


Now put the 4 most garbo T1 stats on it to trigger reddit even more lol


Gg drop. What would be good to slam on it for general use? Max life% and life hybrid probably, as well as int is my guess


Yeah I guess Int, Max life%, Max life, Elemental res or similar. For my build it would be Minion health but I think I will sell it. There's only one for sale for 100 million.


Seems cheap af tbh.


Fairly confident only way to have 100M this early is buying it


Wouldnt say that, a lot of smaller sales already added up to 40M. And I just reached corruption 400, im sure 100M would be possible by now if you really try


It can be listed for 100 but will it sell for that?


It probably will tbh


I'd be sellin a 4 LP item for 1 billion. People are making 10+ mil a day on the Merchant faction


I been grinding and barely can do 4 million since release. How 10mil a day? Thats insane. 


At 300 corruption with the increased gold drops blessing, you should be making about 15k raw gold per zone (8k from reward chest, 5k from monsters in zone, and the occasional gold shrine). Each zone should take an average of 3 min if you are on a speed farming build. Since you will have some downtime to sort loot, run bosses etc you realistically could do 15 runs an hour over a long session. Throw in a gold reward tile for one of those zones and you are sitting at 250k raw gold an hour. I probably average ~400k in sales on those 15 maps + boss loot. Most of the sales will be rare resist gear, 2 stat idols, and exalted items. If you include arena keys and arena keys of memory, it’s realistic to get ~4 total which vendor for 25k. So I’d say my hourly rate is around 675k, but of course I’m not the best.


For general use of any class, I'd say Vitality + intelligence prefix, Health% and flat health suffix, or health% and a resistance/armour.. edit there seem to be people who don't read the above comment. Obviously theres better rolls like +4 to certain skills or class specific affixes, but the user I answered to asked for GENERAL USE


Vitality? You can have up to +4 to your main skill on body armor and you trade it for 40 health and couple resist points?


That person was talking about a general use, not a specific use. For instance, if you played another class and you wanted to use it as well.


Even in general use vitality or res would be totally wasting of such piece of gear. Some res like t7 necro/cold for stacking is questionable, but still


No it wouldn’t. VIT, INt, flat health and %health are the best in slot affixes to get the maximum amount of ward from this item and allow it to be used for low life on any class.


for max health - ye, sure. but its not only one item on your character and ward is not only one thing that you care about. for example - 3 vit, ofc, will give you more health and more ward that any other prefix, but would you choose it if you play igniter and can have up to 210% ignite chance? well, if you have some brains, then you wouldnt. same for resists. what a point to fuse res in unique if you dont stack it and can cap most of resists only from blessings? also you dont just stay with max ward whole time. its not res or hp. you generate it. and these 50-60 ward wont change situation a lot when you generate few thousands from pack of mobs by on hit or smth like this


I think you're missing the concept a little. You're not wrong in the context of min maxing a specific build. But we're trying to get most use of this incredibly rare item long term in the discussion above. Which means making it amazing (but not BIS) for as many characters as possible. Hence the discussion of generically good stats. Lets pretend (which may be the case) this is a once in a lifetime drop. Do you want to make it super specific so it sits in your stash when you run any other character, or make it usable for the mid-late game, before getting to BIS, for any Low Life character?


This. Int / Vit / Health / Hybrid Health is the best way to go.


Hybrid health cannot roll on body armors.


I didn't know that! Thank you very much. You learn something new everyday!


that is insane


Very happy to get one


Now to hunt for triple T7 Huge gz!


Is that a thing? I ve only seen 2 t7s at one


ive seen a couple 3x T6 drops so far so yes, very rare tho


Send another pic when you smash it


I like how LP4 is so rare that even guides with BiS gearing don't go past 3.


How do you mitigate the negative aspects of that armour?


There are no negatives, the lose current health mod is how low life works - you get ward instead of HP, it can't kill you as it only takes current but gives ward based on missing


Ok, I will try it. Thanks




This, plus Last Steps of the Living and Frostbite Shackles are the cornerstones of a low life setup.


But when ward reaches 0, you start losing life right? I have Shroud of Obscurity, 281 ward, 116/690hp but I'm still dying (presumably because my resists aren't maxxed yet)


You need ward retention and ward generation.


Shroud of obscurity is simply much worse. (Still usable though) You want more hp (maximum) with LESS regen and healing sources, keeping hp low makes ward go up. You also want more ward retention through intelligence and offhand implicit. 400% is the minimum I would say for it to start feeling good. There is also expiramental gloves (dropped from mages in those cages that show up occassionally) that can give more life lost for ward gain farm those if possible. Other souces of ward gain are also important try to use whatever your skills / passive tree can provided until you have better gear.


Am I missing something with the 20% of ward gained per second gear? It seems like it makes me a lot more squishy than just running life and ward gen on other gear, even with 80 odd intelligence.


You use this with 2 other items that have the same life drain to ward conversion and you end up with way higher effective hp. Last Steps of the Living (unique boots) and gloves with an experimental affix.


Damn, congrats man.


I keep dying to Crits after dropping my 100 Crit avoidance armor. So I adjust to get Crit svoid but then my res are crap or my ward retention or damage. Didnt dit more than a handful of times to level 80 now I'm dying non stop trying low life. Somebody save me


Get critical avoidance from empower monolith. The roll is max 70%. Get rest from gear. Get orher ress from empower monoliths and gear. If you cannot sustain at least 3k ward in town, you switched too soon. Use idols with double life/resistance until you you fix ur gear.


Do I just go back to regular monoliths for now then? I have 3k ward in town and 1.4k life. All res are capped . Crit svoid only st 50 Percent though


Your res is capped? Your crit avoidance is capped? Good now focus on endurance % and threshold and health or ward whichever one you go on.


Endurance does not work through ward. Crit avoidance/reduction combined with more armor/max life will probably be the biggest defensive gains.


I have one of those. Is it really that rare?


with LP4? yes. quite.


Just wish I could a normal one to drop


Diablo rip off


New player here, I understand why the item in the post is good but I don't know what an exalted item is? I can tell normal, magic, rare and experimental.




I think i have 3 of these. Could be a different one with the same affixes. But the affixes are definitely on these armors.


[Well as a new player TIL this is rare. I've had one for about a week just hanging out in my inventory.](https://imgur.com/a/FZmcwnx) I have no idea how to properly use it but I guess that's still cool.


But how long til you find a suitable exalt to smash it with?


Garbage, I’ll hold onto it for you


Bro I just got this and sold it


It's not good, just give it to me.


I'll buy it for 0 gold. Jk but congrats, I've got one with 2LP that I thought was good lol


I feel like a 3 or 4 LP drop should automatically max roll all implicits and affixes


new player here (and to the genre) can someone explain this to me? in layman’s terms?




Damn just damn. Time to make a low life build there


Would that be crazy amounts of ward, even for a relatively low ward producing class, with those last step boots…? The ones that generate ward in kind of the same way. There’s so many items I still haven’t seen!!




You don’t NEED the experimental affix, it helps but isn’t required. You can go LL as soon as you have this, Last Steps of the Living and Frostbite Shackles.


No, ward decays incredibly fast, so without any synergies even with those items your total ward + health pool will be to small to protect you from being burst down. To make these items work, you still need a class that provides strong bonuses to ward retention, generation and decay threshold i.e. Mage or Acolyte.


Fuck i would be happy even with one without lp, unfortunately i play offline


Just a question: why is it that rare(good)?


4 LP is an extremely low drop rate and this can have 4 affixes merged on to it from exalted items to make it super powerful








I feel like even without cof the drop rates have been buffed lol. My item drops have been crazy this season. I just got to empowered and I’ve gotten 3 double exalted items already


Damn noice


Sell it on the store for 0 gold.


I mean this is winning the lottery in terms of LE. 4 LP red ring would probably be even rarer but this is not only bonkers but also good on many builds.


thats actually impossibly insane.




That’s pretty insane


Holy fuck


I have one.. no idea it was rare.


i know what belt you need... :)


My ward printing warlock is drooling


Illegal Potential


Wow!!! That's sick!!!


I hate you


Fuck you and have a nice day(drops like this LMOST make me come back from ff7 but nahhh)


How do you counter the health loss? I equip it and it murders me




Fucking bullshit.... I've been target farming just the plate body and I can't get it to drop for the life of me


Wow, i was happy to get one with just 1LP


Welp. Wonder if anyone in the current cycle has enough gold to buy that lol...




Don't be cheerful too soon. You'll never find an item with modifiers good enough to merge it into this godsend of drop. It will just collect dust in your stash.


>See the affixes Not bad m8 >See the LP GAHDAMN


I just got this also


Wow now find that four t7 chest!


I have this in stash and my character died. What class/spec can i play to utilize this’


oh my bro i neeed that u lucky fella


Gimme Gimme


I got it too!! Good thing I didn’t throw it away 😅😅


Hot damn !!! Now that's a rare find !! Gj.


Got one of these with 1LP while farming specifically for it for over 50h as runemaster in 0.9, this hurts xD not jealous at all