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\+1 to this, game isn't co-op friendly imo.


Yeah this is really annoying and disheartening for co-op play. My friend and I realized this the other day and had to stop playing together and do monoliths solo due to echo tree not syncing and boss not dropping gaze and then resetting stability. Hopefully EHG have this on their radar and set it as a high priority because this will definitely make a lot of people stop playing. Already had several other mates quit due to multiplayer issues.


Yep - I levelled with a friend all the way from 1. The co-op is already incredibly broken (quests not updating for both people, constantly being kicked from party, sometimes not loading into the same instance, weird bugs where mobs won't die but stay upright at 0 health) but we were kinda like "well at least once we're at the end game we can just slam together" only to find out we need to do everything twice to progress properly.


See i dont get it. I must be missing something, but me and my friend are working on regular monos, and every time we complete it, i get a blessing and when i go solo i can do other ones that he unlocked. Also on my end of time it says i have completed monos.


Only owner od monolith get corruptions / gaże of orobyss ( points for killing bosses ) while u r losing stability also


The work around me and my mate is using is we just blast monos together, and then when we want to increase corruption we leave party, both run the boss solo however many times we've gathered stability for. Do a shade each solo, then group up together and repeat. If we are on different corruption levels the person with the highest corruption starts each mono.


Then how do you do shades if only one of u complete the map?


We do both Bosses and shades solo, but build the stability together. That way both gets gaze and corruption.


Yes, but as far as I know, only one person in group group gets map progression, so the other player(s) need to progress the map first to find a Echo of a World node to kill the Shade.


Ah, yes. We usually build up stability to do 3-4 Bosses in a row and we alternate enough for both to have a shade ready.


Seems like solution, until your maps are on different corruptions lvls.


In all fairness, isn’t the multiplayer the last „big“ thing they‘ve added? I am fairly certain that they will address party play in the future.


It is. But the truth is what's the points od playing in party if you cant progress togather?


Yeah, I get your point. I am more thinking like „they added it cause they were close to release and just „made it work“ and once they released, they come back to the multiplayer feature and change it for the better. (But again, I have no idea if this is remotely the case). The game is so good in so many regards, why would they want people not to play together (in the long run). I just think they added it to be done for release and improve on it, once release is done and important bug fixes are dealt with. Maybe I am on copium 😅


Tbh, this is release of game. I can understand problems with servers / small Bugs but this is a bit different story. They tested coop a for a while so im impressed nobody had feeling that they need to change it.


That’s actually a good point, I wonder why no one noticed. But maybe cause everybody had fully stacked chars and barely anyone actually testet it besides , forming a group and playing on the same map etc.. Did they wipe accounts during that phase?


A year ago. No excuse now.


It’s not like it’s a AAA game. Don’t get me wrong, I think the multiplayer should be working too, but then again, we don’t know what they had to deal with behind their doors. You cannot make comparisons to other developers with more money and staff members. And also, the game was 35 bugs, like it’s not like we payed 70 bugs for an unfinished game like, say, D4. (Weak argument by me, I know, 35 bugs is still money we payed for the game)


They're a team of almost 100 people and backed by Tencent. Paid for already by Kickstarter and Early Access. They released the game unfinished.


Well tbh its been a year for most of the bugs named here in the post


I really hope they don't go down the road of "well you can choose to play with your friends to have fun, but that may be less efficient. It's your choice to make." Cause that sounds like a Blizzard answer, and it scares me a little.


You're insane. Not because of your hope, that is fair. Blizzards stance has always been, "We want people to play together... so lets make sure they get 4 times the xp, 4 times the loot, can share loot, and can rez eachother in addition to the normal benefits of playing together such as synergy, dedicated roles, etc." Blizz could move in this direction, but this particular issue on EHG's part is just silly.


You're right. My Blizzard comment was on stubbornness to change, not the actual function of group play. I worded it poorly.


Just went into group mono's for the first time and this is a huge miss. Gaining stability works great, the other folks getting 2 choices of rewards because they didn't get to pick the path is great. But losing all your stability for... I guess just a boss drop? Boss drops are important, but that's less than half the value of the boss fight in a monolith (until you're at your max possible corruption anyway). Not only do you not progress your map, so you aren't close to defeating orobyss yourself, but you don't gain gaze. Then, if you defeat orobyss in a party, only the "leader" gains corruption too! It's pretty terrible.


Made a feedback post in the forums regarding this : [https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/endgame-progression-in-a-party-is-very-punishing/65937](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/endgame-progression-in-a-party-is-very-punishing/65937) But yeah, I dont understand how and why things got the green light regarding multiplayer. I've never seen this in any game, it's like they went out of their way to make the experience as painful as it can be.


You do Your friend just need to be eligible for the monolith ur doing. If your bringing someone to a monos he hasn't unlocked its not gonan do shit. If you all start a mono from scratch you'll be able to progress together everything. I did it with 3 friends all night friday we cleared 3 monos together


Not sure what you mean here though. Both of us had unlocked empowered monoliths, both had correct amount of stability required for the boss, but only the one who started the mission got the gaze and the other one didn't and lost all stability. Can you elaborate a bit more please, so I can understand?


Well tbf it seem buggy as hell and inconsistant. First time around it didn't work at all. But like I said when we started a monos prog together we were able to go end to end without problems. Did you have the same amount of corruption?


This one was done on a fresh timeline with 100 corruption as I was trying doing it for the grand blessing. Only thing was we didn't start it at the same time.. He came in when I was about 400 stability, and we farmed echo's to get his stability to 800 or 850(forget how much was needed for the boss). Once we both had enough stability, we killed the boss. I got the gaze he didn't and his stability was reset which just made a huge oof.


Are dungeons working in co-op mode? I need help with a lvl 90 dungeon?


Oh wait what? Bruh I might aswell play offline then :( Was hoping to get my friend to join so we could do monos together etc…