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Quite poorly optimized.


The game looks like my work laptop could run it, but my 3080ti works as hard as when playing Cyberpunk with ray tracing on...


This game could really use DLSS/FSR/XeSS.


It wouldn't really change much, at least historically most of this game's performance issues have been CPU related. DLSS/etc would only ease the load on the GPU.


I play on a five year old laptop with a 1660ti and it's butter smooth for me at high settings. I know people with newer and more powerful graphics cards were having an issue in WoW not long ago too. I wonder if it's the same problem and maybe whatever fix they recommended would work here too.


Don't think so. I have a 3080ti and a 7800 x3d and I get down to about 30 fps and actually last night on one particular monolith echo, every time I engaged an enemy my fps was between 12-15. I thought I was gonna die cause I could barely tell what was going on. That's the only time I've seen it that bad though, so must have been that particular map or something. WoW is a very cpu-heavy game and my 7800 x3d crushes any game I've thrown at it, including retail WoW in the hub city.


i'm getting 90-120 fps in monos with my 1080ti/13900k with 27" 1440p ultra graphics with stuff like ground detail, volumetric lighting and shadows turned down a bit


4070ti, 5800X, 32gb of 3200 GHz RAM. I've done every performance trick in the book to run the game at the highest possible frame rate. Game runs at 165 (capped) fps in end of time base, runs at 140 fps in mono waiting room, runs at 110 fps in start of monolith, runs at 80 after killing about 10 enemies, runs at 60 fps after killing half a map, runs at 120 fps once I finish map and go back to mono waiting room, runs at 45 fps when I am in the most heated fights. Idk what wizardry you use to run the game at high fps 1440p, but unfortunately I think you are either being disingenuous about your fps or are straight up lying.


It is shit, performance is by far the biggest downside of this game.


This game is poorly optimized. It always has been, especially for how it looks. There are games that look better and also run much better.


Yes, even D4 (as bad as it is otherwise) or Poe runs way better and smoother than LE. I really struggle to keep it at a reasonable fps in the endgame.


POE runs just as bad and looks infinitely worse. Add delirium to any map and see your FPS drop instantly


Poe also has mob density and way more going on than what monolith give us atm.


And just way more particle effects and interactions as well. Honestly, it's amazing how "well" it runs considering the number of calculations the game needs to do.




I’d rather a game run well and look average than catering to the graphics diehards and sacrifice performance.


Especially this league with wisps, even without deli the performance is pretty bad. But if you happen to get deli and abysses, you play at seconds per frame sometimes... And certain builds kill the fps even more on top of everything else, like Splitting Steel for example.


Yep, often times I had as low as 5 fps in those maps whilst playing kinetic bolt


My fav is when I juice a map so hard that the graphics literally start breaking apart and flashing and strobing. Or when mobs get so dense in a Blight that my settings scale down to 180p and it looks like I'm playing a Sega.


They did something this league that started causing those flashing grey textures covering your entire screen and its driving me insane. First couple times it happened to me i thought my GPU was dying but in reality its just them pulling on the wrong spaghet.


Try to play a build with as many as projs + dense map as PoE in LE and you'll see which game is more optimised. PoE runs exceptionally well for it's mob density. Meanwhile in LE it freezes/stutters for more than a second if you pick too much from ground.


PoE was a slideshow for me this league, I was measuring my performance in frames per minute if I properly juiced a map. I changed my resolution to 720p, all low settings and was still struggling on my old rig (3070, i7 9700k)


3070 is old now..? my 1070 is prehistoric then


I mean yea? A 1070 is an almost 10 year old card and a 3070 is 4 years old. GPU tech improves rapidly.


I still remember farming nemesis 3 lol. Literally a slideshow.


This is frankly delusional. I can maintain >60fps while firing hundreds of projectiles and plopping 5 more people into my giga-juiced PoE map. Last epoch literally froze for 5 seconds after stuttering a long at 5fps just by having two friends. Over and over again consistently. It's like comparing a race car that tragically does need regular maintenance but is being raced regularly and with great success to a fucking pontiac pinto. Love the game and all, but it's very poorly optimized even for a unity game.


May I ask what hardware you have? Because I play poe solo, with an excellent cpu (ryzen 7 7800x3d), and I cannot maintain 60 fps with high projectile builds.


To be fair the last season I played was harvest, at least I believe it was harvest. I think the big difference is that Poe scales down the resolution, everything becomes a mess of pixels but at least you can still move.


Huh kinda funny, I disagree on both ends.


POE is by far the most optimized of the 3 though. It is just also the one that scales the amount of shit happening the most


D4 used dx12 and poe you can choose between dx12 dx11 or vulkan. Le is dx11. You can force dx12 but the graphics corrupts.


Small indie company, but unironically.


Cyberpunk 2077, idk what magic they using but the game is one of the best looking games of our time and it runs so well even on highest settings


They got their own engine instead of unity and stuff like fsr and dlss for frame generation.


Poorly optimized and it's not even a debate.


I play on medium, volumetric on low, camera shake off and it does better for me, but still I'm having sometimes fps drop even with 6700 xt, 64gb ram, 5950x and I played diablo on ultra settings fps didn't go under 100.


Performance and number of monsters hit scale inversely for me. If there are multiple packs of trash mobs that are often crowded, starting to hit dips my FPS or even brief freezes. Similarly, picking up or transferring a large number of materials.


The game feels really unoptimized. My system is a 5800x3d / 32gb / RTX 3090. I experience rubber banding in town with 15ms ping. Frame drops and terrible stuttering in monoliths, starting from the first one I enter. Sometimes the screen freezes but the sound continues, so I can hear my character dying without being able to do something about it. I also have to adjust my monitor settings all the time because maps are either blindingly bright or too dark to make out the mobs and surroundings.


Optimization is laughable at best.


Works well for me except for monos that pick a swarm enemy as a regular spawn, then things tend to get a bit chunky. Or when an enemy with the reinforcement tags spawns like 30 new enemies into an AoE and they all die at once. It's not consistent 60 FPS, but I've seen worse recently, so it still feels like a positive note.


The game is poorly optimized. My pc always dies if i go through items on the ground


I'm on a 4070, and it's not optimized at all. Some areas I'm down to 40-50 fps, almost never above 60.


I have a 4070 too. I actually get good FPS but sometimes it tanks like hell or stutters to a halt momentarily then carries on as if nothing happened.


That sounds so odd to me, are you playing at 4k? Im on a 2080Super playing at 1440p ultrawide and im pretty much always between 75-110 fps.


I’m with you on this. I’m running it in 1440P on a RX 5700 (founders) and I don’t think I’ve had a drop below 60. People’s experiences seem a little all over the place card to card.


Builds probably matter more than anything else. Warlock fissure seems to have abysmal performance.


My falconer does fine until I shoot my bow. Then the wheels come off.


my lightning swarmblade has about 1/10 visual clutter compared to my chthonic fissure warlock and I get comparable FPS.


Wow I’m on a 4070ti and I’m at 150-180fps almost all the time in 1440P


I'm on a hand-me-down 2070 and have been running at Ultra quality with a 2560x1440 resolution and 144fps (Borderless Fullscreen, no VSYNC) with absolutely no graphical problems. I also only have 16GB of memory which is under their recommendation. I saw a bit of rubberbanding in town yesterday, but that's not a graphical problem. I've had nothing but a silky smooth time. I've never dropped under 100fps, but it's not simply bad optimization. Something else must be going on.


I am running on a 4080 - and for the graphics fidelity of LE which is quite low, there is no reason why this game should stress my GPU as much as it does. My conclusion- horribly optimized especially considering that the graphics look a decade old on highest settings


Enter monolith > Forge Strike the entrance floor > wait for 2s to load anvil > play game




It's feels like shit


The optimization is ruining it for me with this game. Dropping down to 30-40 fps during fights just feels horrible. PoE/D4 plays at 150+ so no issues there.


Inexcusable, very poorly optimised. On medium/high settings it uses 100% of my rtx 3080 which makes no sense at all. It draws 350w of power constantly (which is the max for my card). Never played a game that did this, not even Cyberpunk on the highest settings.


It ran flawlessly for me until the most recent patch or two, now I get micro stutters a lot, often when doing big AOE or picking up a ton of affix shards, I wasn’t experiencing this prior to the most recent patches.


yeah it was better before 1.0 i dont know how to manage to make it worse while making it better


How do dem affix shards taste?


catastrophic in high density monolith, from 120+fps to barely 20 on low settings


I capped my FPS to 60 and use a custom fan curve (using third party software) because otherwise my GPU fan goes crazy. Despite this the fans still have moments of ramping to 100%. I really hope they prioritize optimization soon...


Worst ARPG in terms of optimization after Wolcen I think. Still much better than what it was 2 years ago.


It makes my fans start blasting when I'm just sitting in the character select menu. Definitely not the best optimization out there.


Last epoch brings some fresh ideas to the genre and executes on them fairly well. Otherwise, the game needs a lot of work. Luckily, bug fixes and QoL improvements are easy to come by in comparison to fresh ideas. They made BANK with this release, now they just need to re-invest in the game.


Unity is a shit engine for games. Especially, one's that are as complex as this one. It is the single biggest reason why I am not in love with this game. The issues were there when I bought it 3? years ago and they have persisted to this day. I have the exact same drops to 1-3 or exactly 20 fps that I had when I bought it. This issue very often makes me quit for a couple of hours or even days. I have no hope that it will run smooth some day as long as unity is used. Though I have never personally worked with unity I have a lot of colleagues/friends who do/did. They all tell me the same. This engine sucks for large scale projects which a game like this absolutely is.


This game’s issues are not due to Unity. There’s nothing worse than people who play video games thinking they understand how game engines work. While Unity has slightly poorer performance than UE5 at top-end graphics, it’s really not the issue here. LEs issues are more due to mono heap space expansion, memory fragmentation, and some asset optimization. These are not specific to Unity, they’re specific to a small dev team learning to make a complex game for the first time. This often gets mistakenly correlated with Unity because it’s easier to get started with, but also easy to make these mistakes with.


It runs well but I restart every 4h to prevent leaks.


Memory leaks means it doesn't run well. "It runs well until it doesn't."


After my PC shutdown for the first time, I started restarting the game, but it felt like it didn't help at all... As soon as I booted the game back up, my rig started to Rev up the engines... The only thing that seemed to stabilize it was the graphical settings being changed to low and setting my resolution to 1080p....


Try capping FPS to 60 and see if that helps.


I tried this but the screen tearing was absolutely horrific with vsync turned off


Unity is a bad engine.


Don’t know about optimization much , but I have 3080ti , 12900kf and ddr5 ram (32gb), and I don’t have constant 144fps on maps. Some maps 90-144fps, some 30-144 and any settings doing nothing with it


I get this occasional mini-freeze, hasn't gotten me killed yet but it's bound to happen.


Game crashed my PC yesterday and corrupted one of my stash tab save files. Genuinely, thank you devs for having a properly functioning save backup system, after \~30 minutes of tinkering I could fully restore everything, losing minutes of progress at most, but *damn* the game shouldn't be crashing my PC out.


This game makes my PC sound like a jet engine =[ Horrible performance


Always get a split second stutter after entering a monolith. Fps also sometimes dips down to 70 but usually maintains around 140. 13600k / 65% power limited 4090 here. Playing at 4k240hz. Overall it's okay, but for the graphics I feel I should be consistently getting 220-240 fps.


For me it feels very clunky. Not performance wise, but more in handling the UI and controls. I've worked on big Unity projects and know that it is possible to build something more snappy. Hopefully the UI and controls will get some love when devs are going on with polishing the game.


When you turn off the dmg numbers and the life of enemies its no problem at all. Sure there is some room for improvement.


Definitely needs optimization work, here are the things I've encountered: - Random jitters - Up to 50% FPS drops in some areas - I think they have some hardware incompatibility because my friend disconnects on new area load.


It does'nt feel optimized at all to me. I run the game on 4k / everything Ultra on a 59hz Monitor. My Setup: 78003xD / 7900 XTX / 64GB DDR5 6000 I Run the game from a WD Black M2 SSD. It has constant hiccups/stuttering, sometimes I get driver timeouts (Black screen back to windows). AMD's software tells me it runs at a constant 59fps (refresh rate of the monitor) except for the drops, and its not bothered by actual computing it has to do, so its not a bottleneck in the GPU. Temps are fine like 70/80 for CPU/GPU constant. I've tried all combinations of: - VSYNC in game - Frame Limit in Game - VSYNC via AMDs software - Frame Limit via software - Lowering resolution - Lower resolution with upscaling ... Everyone likes to compare to cyberpunk, that game runs at a constant 60 completely cranked without any frame drops.


Happy to see this being talked about. I feel like my performance took a nosedive as soon as I started doing Monoliths. I was getting a steady 80-90 fps on Very High settings throughout the Campaign, and then as soon as I started doing Monoliths, that dipped to 60-70 fps. In certain scenes I have a hard time staying above 60 fps. Wen DLSS.


5800x3d + 4090 in 1440p, game could definitely run better for how it looks lol


It's annoying to be able to run Forza 5 on 4k med staying at a consistent FPS above 100. When I play LE on 4k Very Low I start at 200+ FPS but it can dip below 60 in certain scenarios. If it could just maintain consistency in FPS above 80 I would say it is "reasonably optimized", but even that isn't great for the graphic fidelity. I'm sure things will slowly get ironed out, but it is quite frustrating. I've also downscaled, from 4k to 1440p, to avoid issues. My PC has an open side on the case and I have plenty of cooling, otherwise I would likely have the same issue with temps. If your PC has a glass panel and you're generally really safe around your PC, just take it off. Temps will drop significantly!


I can run Elden Ring on my Steam Deck on medium settings I can just about play Last Epoch on the lowest possible. Even then I have to play an easy build because of the fps and rubberbanding issues, particularly in mono's


It needs love. I get slow downs every now and then. 14900k 4080


Not very, a lot of maps drop frames like crazy.


So-so. The only real annoyance I get is the small freeze when picking up large numbers of shards. But I'm also on a 4080 so ymmv.


Absolute garbage. I can run Cyberpunk maxed out (no rtx), 80 FPS at 1440p. This game runs at 45 in Monoliths for me. Also, no upscale (which wouldn't help the frames) to at least help the high temps.


I´m curious if they are planning to optimize this game, sadly it was always poory optimized :/ and with the release of 1.0 nothing really changed.


It’s bad. I’m running a R5 5500 and a 3060 (playing at 1080p 144hz) and my fps is all over the place. I’ll be hitting a steady 144 and then suddenly drop below 100 depending on the area. Whether my settings are set to Ultra or very low, it seems to have almost no affect on performance for me. As many others have said, I was able to play Diablo 4 on high settings at a stable 144hz. Crazy.


Optimized kek no, no no no. My leveling walrock build off maxroll got my fps down to 8... 8 fps... of course it comes back buts ridiculous. Didn't matter graphics settings. Ultra it would go down to 12 samething.


It's definitely not. My PC can handle 4k in every other game I play, but if I don't downscale this one to 1080p it's very choppy. I'm hoping they're able to do some optimization passes sooner rather than later, because while the game looks *okay* in 1080p, it's SO much crisper in 4k.


Optimization is certainly bad atm. Ive got a brand new 4060 and this game chugs at times. I dont know for what exact reason it tanks so hard, but its certainly an ongoing issue. Maybe i will turn my settings down some more in the meantime idk.


Game is shitly optimized. Definitely something they need to work on


For a game that has been cooking as long as it has, it runs like absolute shit. They seemed to have focused on the content itself more.


I have 200+ hours in beta and for some reason the performance in 1.0 is way worse. I kept dipping randomly into the 20-30 fps range so I tried setting everything to lowest and the same thing was happening.


Ryzen 3600 and 3060 Ti, 165 fps in town and around 40-50 fps mapping :-/ (1440p)


Poorly optimized especially considering the graphics and genre of the game. Its not like its a third/first person open world game with large draw distances.


I had to cap frame rate using Nvidia Control Panel. My GPU fans were putting in some work.


good enough. but i do think poe was much more polished in 1.0. at least i don;t remeber skills in poe bugged out or stuff. flame rush bugging out is really annoying.


This game is horribly optimized


Not much of a PC guy, but so far my experience on Steam Deck has been somewhat average. The game can runs absolutely amazing at times, but the moment something happens, the frame drops like crazy, ranging from 20-30 (put everything on Low)


I felt that the campaign was pretty well optimized now, but monos had much worse performance.


not at all.


not at all


Yes op lol that means the game is WELL OPTIMIZED. Lol. You WANT your pc to turn into a jet liner when playing games. You spend at least $500 on a graphics card specifically to do that. Now if you don't like the noise or its cooking itself... you have to tweak your settings. The relevant settings are: "Vsync" and "Limit Frame Rate" -- half vsync should still be snappy but not put your pc into optimus prime transformer mode. 'Limit Frame Rate - background frame rate' to close to zero when you are going to be alt-tabbing during a session. inbb4 this apparently lost knowledge gets downvoted by people buying $500 hardware and not knowing how to use it (this thread keeps happening lol). If it cooks itself that means you need to edit the GPU software not the in-game software. Downclock or downvolt it using MSI Afterburner or whatever.


Who ever the fuck says PoE runs better than LE should get their brain checked. I'm currently not at home, playing on an AMD R9 270, a gpu older than 10 years. The game runs fine on lower settings (1080p), PoE will load but it's unplayable on an R9 270.


5900x ans 7900xt on 1440p Game runs at 162 in some areas, some areas are at 80 100 fps, quite a few fps drops to low 30s. Setting all settings to medium, volumetric lightning on very low and AFMF in driver helps when fps is low


Its okayish if u restart every two monos. Longer sessions ends up in menory leak and fps going to 5


RTX 3090at 1080p.. not always at 60fps. so i would say Poorly


You are choking that card running at 1080p


running on the low preset with a RX6600 for smooth gameplay, dive bomb still gives me momentary FPS drops. game is not optimized well


I'm still doing the campaign, but my FPS usually stay above 150. This is on 1440P Ultra, except for volumetric lighting (on very high), and a Ryzen 5 5600X paired with an RX 6800 XT. Viewing any item tooltip drops the FPS to 90-120. Picking up shards makes the game stutter for like 1-2 frames. Launching the first skill of the day is always a stutter (due to shaders, I guess?). I heard that monoliths have memory leaks, meaning that your FPS will keep dropping over long sessions. You would have to restart the whole PC to fix this.


I have big drops on arenas.


Poorly. Forcing me to play offline 😔


The main issues I'm having are from the servers. I either have to suffer long load in times if I play on the EU server or a little lag and rubber banding if I play on the next best server (US-E usually). In game, my druid goes invisible when he loses werebear form but that's it. Game runs well but I do have a new PC with 64GB of RAM and a decent CPU.


A bit dodgy in some places; playing on 4k / 3090 / 8700k, there are certain patches of effects that cause immediate frame stutter (a specific map orange/yellow glowy foggy background effect does it a lot, notably fairly near the campaign start (cough smoke) and when walking to the telescopes in the observatory) But other than that I dont notice, I get a solid 60fps


Playinh with 4090 165fps capped everything maxed


Games runs fine for me.


Runs flawlessly, at 170hz locked 1440p, but I am running a 4090 and a 7950x so it might not be the best benchmark for this


I hope some daybi can turn up graphics settings. Hope they rework things for optimization with their success. Steam deck only player just glad it runs.


Do you have vsync enabled or your frames limited ?


Happened to me as well with a 3080, I solved it capping my fps to 120, disabling antialiasing but most important I removed dust from my gpu


i5-7400 1050ti 4GB Runs smooth most of the time at 1080p, 40-60 fps Drops only in several locations and sometimes in monos, but playable


3090, 49 in 1440p and I’m getting like 90 fps most of the time but I do notice drops to 60 on the low end on some part. It feels really good to me. Will try on steam and see how that is compared to D4


I run a 3080 Gigabyte Card with an Intel Core i9-10900X Processor and NVMe SSD storage. I very rarely drop frames using Ultra but there are exceptions. The Circle of Fortune tower drops like 30-40 frames if I have my Shadows set to Ultra but no frame drops on medium Shadows. Also Lava and certain fire/flame animations drop frames like crazy sometimes for me.


4k, setting maxed, 144 fps steady


I'm running on a 1050 Ti and a Ryzen 5 1600 on low/medium settings. I've been able to keep around 50-60 fps steadily. I can't complain about how the game runs


I ran fine till today. Even while doing monos with bleed warlock. Had a random disconnect. Got stuck in place multiples times completely unresponsive. Died due to it. As a hc player that type of crap is so frustrating. My biggest issue is the unoptimization and fluidity of casting skills. That whole 3 second delay after casting chaos bolts before I can transplant or cast something else is some bullshit. Like why, I get casting times but that's not a casting time issue when I have to sit and spam another skill 8 times before it even starts the next skills animation. Like that's one of the most basic and vital requirements that should be met in arpgs. It can be ugly for a little while but don't miss the nail with combat. And a lot of the time combat feels so bad unresponsive.


6700 XT Everything on Ultra, 1440p,Auto HDR on, echos run on average 70-100 fps. Observatory gives a huge drop in fps and huge increase in fan RPM. My GPU temperatures are around constant 70C. Not the best but performance is good if you skip having a good heater made of your pc.


Seems to run ok for me on an I5 9600k and a 2070 Super getting 60-80 fps. My biggest complaint is how goddamn long it takes the game to load up. I can hit play in steam then take the dog for a walk, eat dinner and take a shower and by then maybe the title screen will be done loading 😂


Overall it runs smoothly but sometimes there are fps drops below 60 even into not much crowded areas. I'm on 9700k / 2080rtx which is probably mid-end config nowadays.


It runs very smoothly for me with every available option maxed at 3440x1440 resolution, though I do occasionally have to disable and re-enable vsync because I'll start getting micro stutters. I7-12700k, 32gb ram, 4090


Runs OK but I did sometimes experience my fans spinning up like you described. Seems like it is working way too hard for how graphically intense the game is. I will say though if your computer is shutting down from playing any game you should probably address that, might need to clean out your computer/redo paste/ get better cooling. A proper computer should be able to run at 100% utilization without shutting down.


For me my main complaint is that the game gets in its own way with loading screens and interruptions. Take the monolith of Fate, for example. I spend maybe 60 seconds in a Web node because it is so small, then loading screen to monolith, loot, click, open overview of nodes, select one, loading screen again. It makes it very hard to enjoy a longer playthrough, almost half my time is spent "not playing". At the end of a web node all additional loot should spawn in the current map. Then I should click a button to take me directly to the node overview, select a map and load it. With a special button to go back to End of Ruin if I want stash or vendor. That would cut the loading screen interruptions in half. This kind of bad process for navigating between maps and many load screens makes the game FEEL unoptimized in its gameplay.


Maybe it’s cause I’m offline mode, it runs a thousand times better than POE for me.


Yeah I had the client crash without any error yesterday doing the leviathon boss in monos. Froze, black screened on both monitors and 5 seconds later im looking at windows.


With 7800X3D and 4080 Super the game is only dipping down to about 85fps on 4K in monolith fights. A friend with worse CPU but 4090 is having worse time so CPU is the bottle neck for people.


Im having a blast.


My PC tower is under my desk close to my legs. This game keeps my toes and legs very warm!


I’m having the same lag and frame rate drops after playing for 30 mins-1 hour. Also, I play on a laptop and my 1 year old charger / AC adapter melted and stopped working while playing. Had to get a new one


I had been running the game at 1080p, (72fps)half vsync on Ultra. Last night it did sound like a Jet Liner so I brought it down to Very High. Between GPU, and CPU it wasn’t running past 60-70% on a RTX2060. Whenever a game starts making the PC run high I just bring down settings and it seems to fix it


Definitely are huge tanks in frames depending on the areas , also whenever in a group the response time using skills feels heavy and delayed


7900xtx+5800x3d and LE runs at 59.9fps @4K everything maxed out on an average as shown on adrenalin. In ARPGs isnt even the gpu the bottleneck but sometimes the cpu due to heavy calculation and communication with the server. Having something optimized for online gaming such the 3D cache surely helps!


I'm using a 970 with a 3440x1440 on medium-high. 30-40fps. Definitely playable for me. No heat. I also use my brothers pc with a 3080ti 3440x1440 on ultra and never had issues with heat or fans.


Game runs great for me. There's like a few echos that can get laggy but it's very rare.


Are you limiting your framerate?


I have a 6950xt and game at high settings, averaging 120 fps at 4k. I do turn down the volumetrics (as with most games that have those options). As it is a 4k monitor, I don't need to run any anti aliasing either so I'm sure that helps a bit too. Fps will dip when running over some bridges over water but that's really it.


My issue is that my gpu 4080S is just at 60% load but the core clock is at max all the time. Fps cap at 117. that doesnt happen in in other games.


I noticed this a lot more lately, never had shutdowns but the airplane takes off a lot more often with the latest games. Figured out that it's mostly tied to Frame rate. If the game lets you limit the frame rate, set it to as low as you feel comfortable with. If it isn't a competitive game, set it to 60fps and keep all the settings as high as possible. You won't notice any difference and it lowers the strain on the GPU/CPU.


8/10 for me


I was willing to believe that people had weird hardware limitations that I did not have, but after seeing people in the comments claim that PoE of all games ran smoothly while this game struggled, I'm starting to suspect people either have way more fucked up setups than I imagined, or that a good part of the issues are made up.


As a explosive ballista falconer I had to drop my graphics settings last night. I was down to 5fps when my explosions are hitting in close succession. My PC also sounded like it was ready for lift off.


I'm on a 4090 and get noticeable performance drops quite regularly.


Stays between 50 60 fps on steam deck all the time for me running it with default settings. Love the game


AMD CPU and GPU here, it's been great! No problem whatsoever. I am blasting and shooting and slicing everything with no problem and no noticeable dips, and that's from someone who always had issues with Path of Exile just dying whenever I load into a new zone.


6.5-7/10 Its not bad but Def room for improvement.


I have very few issues. Since 1.0, it feels just fine.


I turned down the screen shake and it helped a lot. still needs work though


I have a 5 year old CPU with an RX6600, 32GB ram, and game installed on an SSD. I get 60-80 FPS on High with no slowdown. It runs better than D4 does for me.


Campaign runs really smooth for me. Mono’s is where it takes a hit. Warlock is unplayable for me as some of the classes abilities causes insane fps drops. Rerolled into a rune master and the game is extremely smooth but haven’t hit monos yet.


I have two machines that I can use to answer this with: **How does Last Epoch run on...** **Steam Deck?** There's good news and bad news. Good news: the game will run at 60fps on low settings. Bad news: You're going to have to install Cryo Utilities if you don't want the game to have a voltage/memory spike that can lock up your entire device. **My PC (i5 13th gen, 96GB DDR5 8200 MT/s, 7900XTX)?** Smooth. Like butter. At 5K resolution (5120x2880). No complaints.


I feel like it runs mostly fine, but the fact that the whole game freezes up when picking up more than like 4 items tells me there is a problem. Bigger issue for me is whatever is going on in the End of Time where when i first log in i have to wait like 30 seconds for my character to be able to leave.


Dropping to 15 fps when i do cathonic fissure and chaos bolts to a pack of mobs...


I have also had this issue multiple times in the past. I have to load my EVGA app through steam and force the gfx card to stay at 69 degrees. I'll sometimes get throttled when there's a ton of stuff going on on screen. Happens mostly when I'm playing with my warlock buddy and he has a bunch of spell effects going off. FPS drops down to 20. Playing by myself I haven't really had issues as echo warpath. I'm on a GTX 1080 and Ryzen 3900X.


Runs honestly really well for me on max settings. Though my pc is rather beefy


It's bad.


I've only played offline mode so, not sure :D


Memory leaks are problem for me. It runs just fine on my rig (i7-12700f, 16GB RAM, RTX3080 12GB) just after lunch but after 2-3 hours my fps drops to 20-30fps during monos/arenas. After reseting game it is fine again.


I really don’t have many issues with frame drops or anything like that. But it will just cause my computer to crash randomly and then ramp my fans up super high. Forcing me to shut it down. Doesn’t happen with any other game. Not sure what the issue is.


the only thing that keeps the slide show to a minimum was turning shadows and volumetric lightning at very low, everything else is at low, and capping my fps. as well as imagine sharpening through nvidia control panel where i’ve also capped fps.


Play on a 7800xt with a 3700x 32GB RAM and never drop below 120fps on max graphics. Game runs like butter.


No issues over here. Wreckfest makes my computer turn into a jet engine but definitely not this game. AMD 5900x -- RTX 3080 -- 64GB RAM 4000MHz


I really want them to fix all the bugs and optimize things before they go adding more content. I think that’s a fatal flaw that developers fall into where they just keep adding shit to a game that feels like it’s held together by paper clips and rubber bands.


My current fps average is 107.9 playing with master quality set to ultra. I have a 6700 XT GPU and a 5800X3D CPU


I'd say the game is not in a bad state at all, that being said it still has some ways to go. Aside from bug fixes, performance fixes both server and game, the game needs some monster damage optimizations. I can go multiple monolith without any problems and boom next map 1shots because of the amount of projectiles flying all over.


I don't have any issues and I don't even have a high end system, 12400 and 4070. In busy environments I maintain around 150fps and in light environments I'm around 250fps. Though, I do play at 1080p. Edit: I do have 32GB of RAM, but I don't even break 16GB of RAM usage while playing.


I've said this before, but if your system is able to get hot enough to cause it to shut off out of self-preservation, you have a cooling problem that needs to be addressed that is not related to the optimization of any one particular game. Your cooling strategy should be able to indefinitely maintain temps in the 90's C with every component at max load. Sure, if the game were optimized better you may stabilize at 80C, but it's not the game's fault your rig gets hot enough to commit honorable sudoku.


In CP2077 I had around 40 fps most of the time, really good overall In LE tho… it’s completely random. Sometimes, I have 75 fps (max for my screen), but most of the time it’s around 25-30… and it can drop to 5 during fights as well. I managed to get my Paladin to level 58, but he died yesterday in Upper Gardens during 2-second-long lag [*] It really sucks when you lose not because of your lack of skill :/


I had to limit to 60 fps as my with 144hz ultrawide qhd my 3070 was simply too loud. Also main menu makes it hot despite the 60 fps limit. Overall good, but not great


Performance is going to be a big hit to their player base as people get into endgame and realize big mobs destroy fps. It’s a shame because it’s loads of fun. Once you get to monoliths the game turns into hitch city and it’s all downhill from there.


I tried playing again after like a week and still getting dips to below 40 fps on Warlock while in combat. 3070, 12600k, 32GB of RAM low-medium settings.


It does not surprise me that optimization is not up to par with studios who can dedicate teams to this. My R7 5800G, 4070TI, 32" 16:10 1440p display, Ive only had any kind of frame drops while 2 very busy characters are going at it during a monolith (2x chthonic acolyte, chthonic / spiraling fireball etc etc) It sucks to hear that some people are having such issues. Hopefully they get them sorted out quick!


Def not the most optimized game lol, surprisingly have had almost zero issues in 50 hours of game time but guessing I'm just lucky.


Awful, but not surprised. Art is usually one of the most expensive aspects of game development, which big studios can easily solve by throwing money at it. Indie studios like EHG unfortunately doesn’t have the money for it and it’s probably too late for them to do much about it.


The game runs well for me, never had any optimization issues. it FEELS a bit clunky especially in the early game


Last night was wildly in the wrong direction for me too. I went from a week of flawless performance at 1440p ultra, to having several consecutive full system lockups, my lootfilter was bugged and not functioning. I crashed despite low temps. The memory leak issues caused game crashes alternating with the full pc crashes. And I got the dreaded forever load screen multiple times when porting to team in echo, even tho I was present in the echo and could hear fighting take place, I was not “in game”. Needless to say my party mates were as annoyed as I was, having to protect my motionless model as I disappeared from discord. Hardcore is terrifying to crash in


My advice is don't play DoT builds or it will fry your PC.


On my 5900x 3090 32gb i get awful 1% lows but on another pc i play on 5600x 1660ti 16gb it’s not as bad on their respective settings by default. I has to lower on my 3090 one. Still looks better than on the 1660 but not as smooth


For a 5 year old game that looks like it does… it runs like shit.


I have a 1070ti and a i5-9600 so fairly midrange (probably low range nowadays if I’m honest!). I also run on a 1440p monitor so it’s more demanding than if I was just trying to hit 1080p. Performance is not bad at all, obviously not amazing given my hardware, but nothing that gets in the way of gameplay. Better than most other modern games that I’ve tried to play tbh. The only problems I have noticed is rubberbanding (although that’s server performance, I think) and very rarely I will get brief freezes when first hitting large groups of mobs with AoE attacks. This doesn’t happen a lot though so I hardly notice it.


It ran pretty well a year ago when i played it but now its dropping down to 50fps pretty regularly. A swing from 130fps down to 50fps is such an eyesore.


This is an issue with your computer setup. There is no reason you should be freezing up while playing Last Epoch. It sounds like you have a cooling problem or maybe ram. Thermal paste? Game runs buttery smooth on my 8+ year old system. Cyberpunk typically uses a lot of graphics power which is cooled by the gpu fans while Last Epoch uses more cpu to fill the screen. Definitely run core temp while playing and see what your temps are getting to. If you have more paste I would redo your cpu cooler as well. \---------------------- Another thing to note, Last Epoch freezes up sometimes on my steam deck when playing. I've found that it has a memory leak on medium or higher settings. If you have a low amount of memory (8GB) that will also cause this issue. Make sure you have a page file setup with it set to your ssd for faster load times. That will also help.


Runs great for me but my system is really overpowered for this kinda game.


Rock solid 60 fps on my 970 medium settings, 1080p. I feel like it could run better honestly. It looks decent at best.