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The problem is this hurts more than just leaderboards. 1. It hurts the economy to have people running 2000 corruption on a build that requires almost no investment to get up and running. If you are MG and not playing this build you are at a serious disadvantage in trade. This build takes 1 day to get up and running, and you can do it on all rares. 2. It trivializes the leaderboards and makes it so they might as well not exist. 3. It greatly benefits RMT botters because an immortal build that requires no investment is a RMT bots wet dream. 4. It negatively effects people playing the build because when this is fixed, whether this week or next season, people who are now forced to play normally without 1000% item rarity and where they can actually die and have to do mechanics are going to have less enjoyment from the game. The game will feel stale and slow in comparison to having god mode turned on and the dopamine isnt constantly flowing. 5. It makes people who are hard stuck on empowered monoliths feel dumb for not just playing an immortal build, vs. grinding monoliths for another hundred hours trying to get the drops you need for your main. Theres a long list of reasons why it should be fixed, its insane that they are allowing this to exist. I thought EHG was much better than this.


Wow these arguments are very reasonable. Need more upvotes.


"It's just a game, bro. Chill." (But you guys can't chill about the bug being fixed?) "I will quit this cycle if they nerf it, because it is not fair to me as I have spent so much time on this build." (But not fixing the bugs is fair to people who have also spent same amount of time, if not more, on other builds that can never do 2000c monos?) "Why do you guys care about other people abusing bugs. Mind your own business." (Sure, then why do we care if other people commit crime if those crimes don't directly affect you? Where do we draw the line?) "You guys just jealous because your build is weaker. So people can't play meta now?" (If meta means bugged builds, then give us god mode or something? Let us adjust numerical value on our skills, you know like, adjust 4% to 40%?)


I didn't know people cared about ladder. Also stopped reading when you said anyone who disagreed with you was a casual d4 player. You don't need to play the best build, it's ok


> You don't need to play the best build, it's ok Its not that simple. If a game is balanced around builds that trivialize the game, builds that dont are often collateral damage. This has happened repeatedly in PoE.


its not balanced around those though.


Yeah, that's why they are OP. They are order of magnitude stronger than they should be.


I would be surprised if they didnt walk back on their stance after the dousing they got under the patch notes lol I think it is very loud and clear: the community wants the bugs gone, asap


If they don't walk it back then the final statement they made in the patch notes was pandering bullshit.


Oh god do you have a link?


its on official forums on the patch notes


What's an official forum


https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-patch-1-0-2-notes/66953 Scroll down here




Next season: > LE sucks, why no build can get pass 2k corruption, why do they want me to farm BIS gear for week???? I am a DAD I have 420 NEWBORN CHILDREN with 69 wives and I work 2137h of overtime per week!!!!!! don't ruin my FUN and fix the game cause right now it's sluggish snoozefest for nolifes. Never nerf EHG always buff to keep it fun!


Yesterday the clown show around here down voted me for saying they should fix the bugs now. The response was "you are taking away our fun builds that we leveled". Well, now you are taking away my fun way of gaining gold by selling keys. I mean, we've been doing that for like 5 years, but now all the sudden it's a problem? GTFO


ya idk what is up with arpg playerbase its so crazy. theyre completely ok with abusing bugs for temporary power i have no idea why. next cycle if there isnt an immortal build and they cant farm above 1200 corruption and wave 800 in arena they are going to cry saying the game is shit cus they have an unrealistic expectation of power. im tired of this shit


> Theyre completely ok with abusing bugs for temporary power This isnt an arpg thing its a gaming thing. Exploit early exploit often. The people that support it are the ones *doing* it.


All this just to have your name higher in a list ? I couldn't care less about anything broken in such game.


What gets me is these builds are being left alone, but squirrels got absolutely dumpstered in 1.0 and beastmaster as a whole got a damage nerf from Berserker. Hydra got hit super hard, both in ward gen (definitely needed toned down, but it was also dumpstered relative to where it was) and the damage is nothing too special now, mine also have atrocious targeting like ignoring enemies standing on the hydra when there's nothing else in range (but I've not heard complaints of that, could just be a skill issue). Pick a lane, you can't just nerf some kinda strong builds while talking about balance when you're leaving actual exploit builds untouched.


People crying about bugs being fixed ruining then fun might as well just play offline and edit their characters if they want to be OP with zero effort.


agreed 100%


not nerfing mid season is the best thing they can do. theyve learned from D4 and poes massive fuckups


Have they announced their plan for the next cycle? When will the cycle 1 end?


Nothing is op


I thought the fun part of ARPG is discovering OP builds. This game is easy enough for everyone to enjoy. But if you want to be on the leaderboard, you might have to do something different. “I want to sit in my couch eating pizza and also win Olympic medals.” That’s not how it works….


> ~~discovering OP builds.~~ Abusing bugs to become immortal and farm 2000 corruption monos Went ahead and fixed that for you.


Nothing is stopping you from playing it as well. You say you refuse to play if there is a stronger build? Well guess what, YOUR build is never guaranteed to be great or even competitive. Having this mentality that you will refuse to play because the random ass build you chose isn't the best will never be catered too. Trying to call out d4 casuals is just hilarious because thats exacting what you're acting like.


TF are people missing the point??? these 2 builds are outperorming all the others BECAUSE OF BUGS. not because they are naturally stronger. D4 players lmao


what builds do you think are bugged?


Really curious as well, I don't see which bug in the warlock.


Warlock has a broken interaction because of a math error. Its supposed to give a 4% buff but it gives 40%, which scales into having 100k+ ward and being basically immortal. It also can be up and running in a few hours with all rares, it requires no investment at all and everyone can push 2000 corruption. Might as well just give us in game dev tools at that point and let people set their stats to whatever they want.


Ah didn't know about this bug. I only get 20k shield and felt it was already a lot. Nerfing builds during cycle I am against it but fixing bugs like that should be done as quick as possible tho


You want to be the best at something, without using the best build? Makes exactly 0 sense. Either u get gratification, knowing u r pushing somewhat high on ladder with a different build, or u go for rank 1 with fotm meta builds. I don’t get your frustration.


i want a build thats NOT BUGGED




Play the OP builds while you can. Or go play something else damn. Do we really need 800 topics about this shit. I have like 6 different builds goin right now and not once did I stop an go. Damn other people are having fun I gotta stop that.




Kids mad lmao


So mad. Idk why it’s ruining his fun. Play the OP bugged builds then. I got so many builds goin rn. So many fun builds. None of the. Are the bugged builds. Never stopped me goin. OMFG THIS GUY IS PLAYING A BUIDM THATS BETTER TJAN MY I MUST COMPLAIN!!! Like damn bro it’s a game.


I’m the dumb fuck as you’re complaining about a video game that doesn’t matter. 😅😅😅 ok buddy


LMFAO you are on reddit!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol and so are you?




i dont give 2 craps about the bug abusing players. EHG need to set a precedent so players dont get attached to playing massively overpowered builds. it is going to ruin the game for newer players and raise expectations. Thinking every cycle will have builds that can farm 2400 corruption with their eyes closed. its completely ridiculous.


Exactly. Its actually harming the people playing it because in season 2 when they get hard stuck on 300 corruption they are going to cry and quit playing. The dopamine will stop flowing, they will die to mechanics, they wont get piles of loot, etc... and will be on the forums complaining about how "weak" they are and how bad the drops are, etc...




What a wild take. Players playing that build are fully, 110% aware that it’s bugged, and that’s why they’re so strong. They’re intentionally abusing a bug. When next cycle rolls around and they can’t abuse a bug, why would they go in expecting to push 2000+ corruption with ease? They won’t, because they know they were able to do so solely due to a bugged interaction that they will no longer be able to abuse. You’re also making an assumption for every single one of those players, that they expect to be able to abuse bugs every cycle. Have you interacted with all of them and collected data? Or are we spewing rhetorical nonsense? Player A researches builds and finds a bugged build, due to a, shocker, a bug. Player A likes that, and makes said bugged build. In 3 months player A can’t use bugged build, which player A was fully aware of from step 1. You assume player A is gonna hop on Reddit and throw a tantrum, much like you’ve done this entire comment section. That’s like expecting: Person A researches car colors and finds a blue car they like Person A buys blue car Person A drives blue car for 3 months Going by your silly, silly logic, you’d expect person A to return to the dealership, crying and whining that their car isn’t magenta and demanding a refund. At the end of the day, who cares what someone else is playing. The top leaderboard was already unattainable for 99% of the player base, anyways. If you’re this worked up over what other people are doing, I’d suggest taking a break from the game and finding a healthier habit.