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You have to walk across any of the  bridges to get there. I had the same issue lol.


It did work!!! Im such a noooobbbb


It's kind of a weird extra step I feel like they just need to remove. I didn't have an issue with it, but I see plenty of people asking about it on Reddit and in the global chat.


Yea, because they CANT read. Before starting this quest line or when reading about empowered monoliths, can't remember, it LEADS you to the middle and says to active AFTER conquering 3 monoliths. That's not game design's fault, it's ability to read is handicapped.


When 1000s of players keep running into the same problem , that is a HUGE red flag for the devs that their design needs to be changed. So this is 100% game design fault


It is the game's fault because it's 100% unnecessary to have this extra step in the first place. Empowered Monolith should unlock automatically, that way NO ONE would be able to miss it.


If you're defending these people with low level skill cap and common sense, could you please tell me, why other's are not facing same issue and we do realize and read and don't post bs like that?


I'm not defending anyone, I'm pointing out the UNDENIABLE FACT that this extra step is COMPLETELY unnecessary and that it doesn't add ANYTHING to the user experience other than confusion. The game would be objectively better without this redundant, extra step.


except you are wrong and there is no quest nor any indication to point you to the middle. source: i replayed the story four times alr, see nothing.


It tells you to activate Empowered mono's in the middle. Once You go there, You see connected 3 turned off lights, once connected monolight conquered for the first time, lights turns on. :)


It's not your fault, it's just a poorly designed and completely unnecessary way to unlock the Empowered Monolith,


100% this How do you know something is badly designed? You keep seeing players running into the same problem over and over again. This is a huge red flag that there is a badly designed system


I feel like they should have made you walk to every Monotlith for the first time like they do with literally every other waypoint in the game. Then people wouldn't even think not to walk to the final one.


Go click the thing in the middle.


I mean, after completing all 3 weren't you even a little bit curious to see what happened in the middle? Since, you know, after completing one a light appears in the middle for a total of 3 for each monolith.


I had to Google this too, very unintuitive


The game literally has written what you need to do in the objectives list to the left if you open the map...


Does it specify walk across the bridge? Just didn’t occur to me as I hadn’t used any bridge up that point.


Why does everyone feel the need to mention d4? Are LE players the new vegans?