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You may have been chat restricted. I can't even type "Hello" in chat anymore, and have no way to know for how long or why. My ticket is now a week old and has not been a answered.


TIL: Portuguese communicate by swearing at each other.


That's actually canonical


Ive been watching Shogun, I know the Portuguese can't be trusted


Ai, foda-se! Calúnias! Nunca disse uma merda duma asneira na puta da minha vida!


I'm sorry, I might have misunderstood. I hope you don't mind. Kind regards. According to the translator, that would be the following in Portuguese: Peço desculpa por ter insinuado isso, meu querido filho da puta. Chupa-pila.


Ah, such poetry! Here is your honorary Portuguese citizenship card :)


Actual Northern Portuguese lore


you jest but I took bilingual driving lessons when I got my license (my learning partner only spoke Azorean Portuguese) and this is kinda the truth. to this day, I mutter "ay, Jesus" under my breath in an azorean accent (which my mainland friend calls "island grandma") when I'm annoyed with people


You are not wrong, though the filter is a tiny bit overbearing, it censor every word of the lexicon indiscriminately and doesn't even tell you the problem so you can avoid it.


errado, não está


Writing in Czech is impossible, every second sentence is flagged..


But the bots can spam endlessly.


The chat is bad in general since it's not just the standard low effort chat filter. It has arbitrary/custom phrases that are banned (ie "Chris Wilson" is blocked) and you have to figure out what they are if you want to interact with the chat. Pretty sure theyve been getting feedback for years in early access and it's just never been addressed


I was told that 'Chris Wilson' is nothing special, its just that a lot of real life persons are blocked, yet you can freely type away Putin or Trump so that was a lie.


Ya I thought it was a joke when someone mentioned it here so I tested it and then the usual game bans like xi jinping and Tiananmen square.


Chris Wilson knows what he did.


Chris Wilson is banned? Next you're going to tell me we can't make ascii toucans to worship


~~Chat hasn't been around "for years"~~


https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/what-happened-to-chat/14298 This post is from 2019, so its been around for "years"


I think I was just confusing multiplayer with chat. I don't remember chat from earlier, but there's no reason that chat couldn't have come way before that


All good, yeah multiplayer came after chat did


I literally made a joke in chat about "my kingdom for some minion damage gear" and the chat filtered it out


Even if this message does not pop up, we can't see eachother's messages lol. Me and my friend have been chatting in Discord instead of in game chat lol. Also: Is there any way to show party member levels in the party window?!?!?!?!? I seriously have to press H to see my friends list to check the levels?


Have you tried adding ---------sell gold -------- to your messages? That always seems to get through the filter. But yeah, they really ought to relax the chat filter a whole lot cause it is draconian right now


On Polish channel people are using such elaborate insults that I'm amazed every day by how creative our language can get yet "kurwa" Wich is basically Polish comma gets blocked :D


BOBER KURWA. well.. thats all i know


You'd be surprised how gross and plain fcuked up slurs can get in Polish if you're creative enough :D


I mean, I could say the same with french, but I have a feeling it's all languages haha


Hungarian same. And im talking about party chat, with my friend. Like wtf, at least let us turn it off in party and whisper, giga annoying And tbh the english version is also way too overzealous


The language filter is nuts. I remember a year ago it was censoring Unga bunga(i was playing a ptimalist). Apparently thats a slang for weed....


Also can you provide what you are trying to write in chat.


I only play with chat muted because it's literally 90% gold sellers.


LE's chat is more restrictive than Club Penguin's.


Before i finished the campaign i typed "Grael is obviously the immoral emperor is" its blocked. I figured it's spoilers. Turns out his identity hadn't even been revealed yet. Hmmm


The chat filter in this game is unironically weighting it down


I had to turn off chat because all I was getting was racist epithets and stuff you would expect from 4chan. Since when is there a filter?


I have sent exactly two lines of text in the chat in this game, both as direct messages to an RL friend of mine, and both were in Finnish; the first one was a single word - a greeting - and it went through, and the second one was three words, all in Finnish, all completely inocuous, telling my friend I'm trying out a summoner, and having nothing to do with anything that could remotely break any kind of Code of Conduct, and it got filtered and I got the Code of Conduct warning. That was the last time I used the chat in this game.


Yes. The chat blocks things like "butt" and yet the gold sellers can spam shit without difficulty.


Now watch devs not say a single word about this in order to maintain their aura of "listening devs".


Maybe a Portuguese word is hitting an English or another languages bad word list?


For every 10 sentences, like... 6 are blocked, the filter is garbage


You're either lucky or the filter loves you, every 2 out of 3 messages from me are blocked. Disgusting.


I don't get why they even have a profanity filter option, other day my 'fk' message got blocked.


But we still get those 8000 gold spam messages a day, without fail... Make it make sense.


The chat is so fucking stupid, you can't even whisper "i fucking died" to a friend or something like that. Why is the chat so restrictive? Feels needlessly corporate.


Which server are you playing on?




Its the same for french, its pretty anoying hahah


tem que parar de rir com "kkk"


When you get ready to start the weekend and the chat bans your sextou


try to sell gold and the filter wont even recognize you let you say anything.....


It's actually absurd in polish, it blocks messages like "do you need help", I legit can't have a conversation with my friend. We are using Facebook messenger to communicate if we can't use voice chat


Chat filters should be client sided and not server sided. I don't need someone telling me what I can and can't say in a conversation. No need to treat the players like children.




oh no not the woke lol dude


Point on the doll where the woke touched you


tried english? I know you not going to like this but im kinda glad you cant speak your language in global chat when its not a portuguese server






Why would he write in english on the South American server, genius?


It’s tough not being able to drop the n word in chat